Invite Players to a Cultivation World

18: Warn of the worlds most horrible Villain – Lily

Lily Calla has heard some extremely worrying news. 

Recently, agents of the Desolate Sect have been caught trying to enter the tainted forest.

That means there are probably some who managed to enter unnoticed.

She cannot let them meet with Rean Stone before her.

The worst outcome would be if they made an agreement to work together. She's not too worried about that though, as Rean did not seem like he would be willing to work with those kinds of people. 

But there is a very large chance that Rean will be offended by the Desolate Sect, and consider them to be emblematic of what the rest of the world is like. 

Perhaps that's exactly what the Desolate Sect is after. Their sect leader, Knot Weed, has always been very cunning. 

Like the time he had managed to infiltrate her niece's birthday party. What has originally been intended as a celebration for a toddler had turned into a nightmare as several of Knot's agents were made to sacrifice themselves to spread impurities to the participants.

Worse still, her niece had been contracted to the last known Nature Fae, yet despite this, Knot had still managed to capture the Fae.

This is why she's gone to meet with Rean so early. There is still a lot she can do to increase her soul protections, but there isn't enough time for that. She can't let the Desolate Sect meet him first.

In a way, this is all her fault. She is the one who decided they should publicly share the technique Rean gave her, and as such is the reason the Desolate Sect has the confidence to enter the tainted forest.

Fortunately she's already made some good progress on her soul defences. The centre of the tainted forest is now equivalent to what the edges used to be like for her. 

Approaching the spot she met Rean, she notices a building in the distance. That must be where he lives now.

There is however, someone a short distance away, examining some flowers. 

Could she be too late? Or perhaps just barely on time to stop the Desolate Sect? Perhaps this is something else entirely, as the man seems too weak to have made it this deep.

She quietly descends behind the man and asks. "Who are you?"

"I..." He seems confused and frightened, though that's expected given the difference in strength. "My name is PCliver, but I am called Cliver."

"Then... Cliver, how did you find yourself this deep in the tainted forest, despite only being in the Qi-Refining realm?" She asks.

"I was summoned here by Master Stone!" He desperately explains.

Hearing this, she retracts her intimidating aura. If he's telling the truth then there should be little need to worry.

"If you know Rean Stone then please take me to him." She requests. "I have some things to discuss with him."

"I can take you to the sect, but Master Stone doesn't appear when we request him." PCliver says.

"I believe he will make an exception for me." Lily says.

So she follows him to the sect building. She could get there much faster on her own, but she'd rather not let PCliver out of her sight. 

"Have there been any other visitors to your sect?" She asks.

"You're the first." He replies. "Right now it's just me, the other two disciples, and Master Stone. How do you know him anyway?"

"I was the first person to greet him when he arrived on this world." She says. "We made a deal where he would gain ownership of this forest in return for a technique, and now I hope to meet him again so I can warn him about a recent issue."

"What issue?" He asks.

"That is not something I should tell you." She says. "At least not without you master present."

They arrive at the sect building, and Rean is there waiting for her, along with who she assumes to be his other disciples.

"Lily Calla! So good to see you again. You're a bit earlier than I expected though, and your soul defences reflect that." Rean greets her.

"I had something important to tell you, and it couldn't wait." She explains. "A Dark Sect has recently been sending agents into this forest, and I was worried they may try to deceive or offend you."

"I'll admit I'm not immune to being deceived, so the warning is appreciated. Is this Dark Sect a particular problem?" Rean asks.

"For us, very much so." Lily says. "Their founder, Knot Weed, has seriously harmed all three sects of the Blossom Alliance at least once, and has even reached the Peak of the Nascent Soul realm."

"I understand." Rean nods.

"May I ask, how you gained these disciples?" Lily says. "I thought you arrived here alone, and there haven't been any more Qi disturbances."

"Remember how I told you I have a trait that lets me cleanse impurities?" Rean says. "Well my contracted magical race discovered a world full of people with that trait, and even gave me a way to summon part of their souls here. I then gave the soul fragments a vessel to use, and now they can experience the joys this world has to offer."

"You removed part of their souls?!" Lily is enraged, despite knowing how futile any threats will be on Rean.

"It's actually very safe." Rean explains. "The only danger is that it increases vulnerability to impurities, and they're completely immune anyway, so no downsides."

"That..." Lily's mind is shaken by the implications. If not for the fact they're so weak, these disciples would be a very dangerous force.

"I recall saying I'd give you another technique when we next met, but you haven't yet adequately improved your soul defences." Rean considers for a moment. "How about you make up for it by teaching my disciples about this world for a while? They have many questions, some of which I don't have the answers, and some I can't be bothered."

"I accept." Lily agrees. This does line up with Master Kauri's instructions after all. And will make negotiations that much easier.

"Very well. Introductions!" Rean orders his disciples.

"CoDestiny. Combat specialist." CoDestiny introduces himself.

"JadeBea. I mostly prefer to do harvesting and refining." JadeBea says.

"You already know me, but I'm PCliver. I'm interested in diplomacy and trade." PCliver says.

"My name is Lily Calla. I am the top Elder of the Petal Sect, and a proud member of the Blossom Alliance." She properly introduces herself. 

"That's quite the flower theme you have." JadeBea comments.

"I suppose I never realised it would be different for you, but this world holds great respect for plant life." Lily explains. "We do our best to live alongside nature, and choosing names based on plants is very common, both for people and sects. This world is even called the Budding Plant World. That reminds me, what is the name of your sect?"

The disciples look among each other, as if waiting for someone else to answer. 

"How could I be so stupid." Rean is literally facepalming. "I completely forgot to give it a name. Out of respect for your customs, our official name will be the Oppositifolia Sect. Though I expect we will usually just call it the Player Sect."

"I will be sure to inform my alliance of your decision. I'm sure they will be pleased." Lily says.

"How strong are you?" CoDestiny asks.

"I am at the second stage of the Nascent Soul realm." Lily says 

"And what does that mean?" CoDestiny asks. "Master Stone hasn't told us what all the realms are."

"How can you not know the first few?" Lily questions. "Surely you must have some experts who have revealed it to you."

"Our world doesn't have enough Qi to cultivate." PCliver reveals. "We only learnt about cultivation a couple days ago."

Rean nods to his disciple's words, a big smile on his face. 

"Only a couple days ago..." Lily checks the disciples cultivation again.

Those she previously considered mild disappointments have now revealed themselves to be outstanding talents.

And if she understands right, they can never truly be killed. Not if they're continuously provided vessels.

Ensuring they don't act as a danger to the world suddenly became even more important.

"The cultivation realms are, starting from the bottom: Qi-Refining, Foundation Building, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Dao Warrior, Dao King, Dao Emperor, Earth Realm, Heaven Realm, Origin Realm." She tells them. "I should make it clear though, that the strongest people of this world are all Nascent Soul realm. The realms beyond we have only recently learnt of."

"Doesn't that mean this Knot person is one of the strongest?" PCliver asks.

"Technically he was the strongest until your master arrived on this world, but he used a forbidden technique to increase his cultivation, making it much more difficult for him to gain further strength in the future." Lily explains. "I must advise you that with your talent, resorting to such techniques would only harm you in the future, along with making you many enemies."

"Including me." Rean speaks up.

"I was wondering, what did Knot even do?" PCliver asks. "Is it to do with the forbidden technique you mentioned."

"Essentially." Lily sigh. This is one of the biggest secrets of her alliance, but hiding it make her seem untrustworthy. "How much do you know of the Fae?"

"Master Stone mentioned he has a contract with the Void Fae, but we've never had a chance to meet any." PCliver recalls.

"You what?!" Lily turns to Rean. "You have a contract with a Fae?!"

"More a general contract with the all Void Fae rather than one specifically." Rean admits. "I'm surprised you know of Fae though. Does this world have some?"

"We used to." Lily says, making Rean scowl.

"What do you mean, used to." He asks.

"The Nature Fae had a large part in this worlds growth. They taught us to respect the land, and helped us grow many resourses." Lily explains. "For their own safety, they mostly stayed at the Leaf Sect, where great efforts were taken to protecting them. But one of the men looking after them grew ill intentions."

"Knot Weed." JadeBea guesses.

"Exactly." Lily nods. "He developed a forbidden technique, then one day used it to capture as many Nature Fae as he could, then used them to increase his cultivation. Very few Fae escaped, and those that did were captured in later years."

Rean's face has turned deadly serious.

"One of the escaped Fae tried making a contract with my niece in the hopes it would prevent Knot's technique from working." Lily explains. "But on her third birthday Knot attacked, somehow severing their connection and capturing the last Fae. My niece was cursed with a large amount of impurities as a result. Most of the guests also suffered, as one of Knot's favourite tactics is to have his subordinates sacrifice their lives to force impurities on his enemies."

For a moment, Rean's serious face seems almost... scared? But that quickly disappears.

"Disciples!" He yells. "I must announce, we now have a World Quest!"

Lily doesn't immediately notice anything special happen, but based on the expressions of his disciples, it seems they have.

She gets the feeling something significant has just occurred. Like this 'World Quest' has a larger backing than just Rean's words.

"You really are contracted to my Void Sisters." A tiny girl with green hair and wings appears in the middle of the group.

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