Invite Players to a Cultivation World

29: Offline Events

New technology released by Sect Tech supports bold claim of uploading consciousness

In our previous article we had criticised 'Rean Stone' for making absurd claims of having uploaded his consciousness into the game, however with advanced technology now being released on the OWC (Other World Cultivation) website we now must admit that his claims are slightly more credible.

Sect Tech has now released dozens of documents detailing the technology they have developed over they years, and how it can be recreated. We have decided to list the three most notable ones.

First is the VR technology used to create the VR Headsets used for their game. The designs and research notes have been released allowing anyone to recreate this technology. After some discussions with scientist that could actually understand the research notes they told us that it should all work in theory, but the only issue would be you need to connect to a simulation advanced enough for it to be of any value. The technology needed to create such a simulation has not been released, meaning Sect Tech's game is the only one available.

We were able to get in contact with the group that creates the VR Headsets and Earpieces used for the game, but they admitted that all they did is build the appliances as detailed in the instructions they were given. The designs they have do closely match the ones released on the website though, so we can at least verify that this technology really does work.

Unfortunately creating extra VR Headsets does not allow you to play the game without first having your account selected. It appears the server the game plays on is responsible for deciding which Headsets become activated.

The second piece of technology shared is greatly improved processors. Unlike the new generation processors usually released, these are using a fundamentally different design, allowing for a thousand times the speed.

Most impressive is that the design can be improved similar to normal processors, but the theoretical rate at which they will improve is greater that what we currently experience.

For those of you who don't understand what this means, just know that more powerful computers will be available in the near future.

The final piece of technology we wish discuss is the Dense Fibre Battery.

This battery can contain an immense amount of energy, is relatively light, and is completely non-volatile. Many groups have already recreated the battery and verified it's capabilities.

We understand that most of our readers probably won't understand the ramification of this, but you can expect your energy bill to go down drastically and the possibility of space travel has just become much more feasible.

Admittedly, none of this technology directly proves Rean Stone was able to upload his consciousness, but it does at least show that his research centre is/was capable of things that previously would have been considered the realm of sci-fi.

For real evidence we would need to see what is inside the 'Sect Tech' bunker to check if Rean's claims are true, however since its location was revealed, government officials have guarded the bunker and surrounding area citing potential dangers. They have assured us that they will release a report available to the public soon.

Report available for the public: Regarding the bunker and Rean Stone's claims

We have now searched the location specified on the Other World Cultivation website as where the research centre was.

At the location is an old abandoned factory, but behind a false wall is a large bunker entrance.

Attempts to break the lock with conventional methods failed, so industrial tools had to be used to break in.

Inside is a research centre with various experiments left abandoned.

Most notable is the fact that there were indeed many dead bodies left inside the bunker. Some placed in a makeshift cemetery while others seem to be left untouched since the moment they passed away.

After autopsy, we can confirm that these were respected members of the scientific community who went missing over a month ago.

One of these scientists, called Allen Smith, had an elaborate device attached to his head, now heavily rusted after being left alone for so long.

After checking the scattered documents left in the area, we have have confirmed that this was an attempt to upload his consciousness into a simulation.

Unfortunately, most of the research done in this bunker was stored electronically, and set to automatically delete itself if left alone for too long. As a result we were unable to gain any new scientific discoveries.

The location of the simulations server is still unknow, as it seems to have been hosted at a different location.

Pete Miller is a private investigator for the local government, and he now has to hide a major secret.

He's one of the people who investigated the bunker, and the one made to write up that shoddy report.

Normally his reports are much more detailed, but given how he was ordered to lie in this one, he purposely made it brief and to the point so as to leave less places for contradictions.

The truth is that there is no simulation, and some of the data in the bunker survived.

The main focus of that bunker was exploring the possibility of travel to other universes, and apparently they were partially successful. That's what the 'game' really is, and his superiors have ordered him to never reveal this to anyone.

Not as if anyone would believe him if he said anything, and even if they did no one would be able to change anything.

Rean Stone, original name Allen Smith, has placed himself in a position where no one can afford to stop him. The 'game' offers too many benefit, with the ability to easily learn any language, a way to study twice at the same time, and potential more.

If they ban people from playing his 'game' then other countries will make use of it and hoard those advantages for their citizens.

That's what he was told at least, but he suspects his superiors have a different reason for wanting to keep the truth hidden.

"And tonight we have a very special guest. Please welcome... CoDestiny!" The talk show host gestures his guest in.

CoDestiny enters and takes a seat. "Thanks for having me."

"So... is it true that you're playing the game right at this moment?" The host asks.

"Sure am." CoDestiny points to the earpieces around his ears. "It's not an easy situation to describe, but I am now two people. One of whom is my avatar."

"Doesn't that get confusing?" The host asks. "Do you ever answer in game questions with your real mouth, or vice versa?"

"Not at all. It's surprising how easy it is to manage having two lives." CoDestiny answers. "Sorta like... if you go to write something you never accidently try to do so with your non-dominant hand. That kind of mistake just doesn't happen."

"I honestly can't wait until I get a chance to play, and it all feels completely natural?" The host asks.

"At first, but then if feels better than natural." CoDestiny explains. "Increasing your level really does feel like an all around improvement, so at the point I'm at I feel like so sorta superhero. Makes me really excited for when I break through to the next realm."

"As amazing as that is, the most unbelievable part is the backstory behind the game. Do you believe it?" The host asks.

"I have to at this point. I'm sure you've already read the report, and plenty of government officials have confirmed it." CoDestiny says. "Honestly I think Sect Master Stone is still hiding something, but everything he's claimed so far is apparently true."

"Shouldn't we be calling him Allen Smith? That is his real name." The host points out.

"I've thought about this for a bit, and realised that from his perspective he's lived longer as Rean Stone than as Allen Smith." CoDestiny says. "I think he might also want to differentiate himself from his past self that... ya know... died."

"Good point." The host admits. "You mentioned that you had something you wanted to reveal in this talk. Care to share now."

"Sure." CoDestiny nods. "So my friend TaunTan has recently managed to make his second unassigned vessel, with JadeBea's help, so we've got a headset that can potentially invite anyone. Since we don't have anyone in mind, we've decided to auction it off."

"Is that allowed?" The host asks.

"Sect Master Stone confirmed it with me through some emails." CoDestiny assured him. "However I do have to auction it through his website, this should prevent any scammers from selling fake helmets, but I think his real motivation is that he gets a ten percent cut."

"What does he even need money for? He exists in a simulation." The host says.

CoDestiny shrugs. "Probably just to pay the people making headsets for him. He's definitely gonna need to hire a few more people with the way things are going."

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