Iris and Me

Chapter 16 : The longest day of my life (Nice to meet you)

New chapter !

In which we learn that first impressions are extremely important *nod nod*

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 16 The longest day of my life (Nice to meet you)


The Astral plane, unknown place, unknown date, unknown time.


I slowly come back to myself, eyes blinking.


As I belatedly realize that my headache has disappeared, I take notice of my surroundings.


I’m laying on the edge of an upside-down green river, flying tea bags occasionally jumping in and out of it amid lazy sugar cubes that swim like a school of little fishes. The bank is made of golden sandalwood, smooth beneath my hands.


Just nearby, in the middle of orange stalks of grass, I can see rabbit sized ants with little military caps wagging a trench war against what I assume to be grasshoppers of a close enough height armed with muskets.


In the distance, I see a dark cyclopean city whose taller building reaches the pink clouds under the blue sun shining above us.


I blink anew, eyes frowned.


The mind-link is silent.


My eyes slide downwards.


I spot a tether, linking what definitely looks like my old body to somewhere else in the distance.


“Fuck.” I swear aloud.


I’m back in the Astral plane.


I hear the characteristic sounds of wings fluttering on my left, and my eyes look for the origin of the sound as I rise up.


I immediately pale.


A bird of fire, a raptor of life, is piercing me with his gaze of embers atop a burning tree.


I straighten, fashioning myself with my mind an evening gown of midnight blue to preserve my modesty in front of one of the most powerful entities of this universe, and promptly fall in an artistic curtsy.


I never knew that I would need a skill developed in jest to make Marie smile that badly in this life.


“This one greet the Phoenix, holder of the flames of Life and Destruction.”


A beat passes in silence, but I do not dare to raise myself without his consent.


-YOU ARE NOT HER.- He finally says.


I drop my pose and raise once again to look him into his eyes, hands clasped in front of me in an universal gesture, or so I hope, of deference.


This is painful because they are so bright, but I endure it.


“I am indeed not Jean.” I answer, tense.


His gaze narrows a tad, ember eyes smoldering.




I’d better be frank with the all-powerful incarnation of the origin of this universe.


“That would be because I made a deal with her, oh Phoenix.” I start.




“A drop of her blood for the knowledge of her destiny with you, oh Phoenix.” I answer.


That actually makes the entity pause, his head tilting to almost ninety degrees.


-HOW DO YOU KNOW OF IT ?- He asks, sounding more perplexed than anything else.


“Knowledge gathered from my previous mortal incarnation, oh Phoenix.” I explain.


I’ve barely finished my answer that I feel the full weight of his gaze and mental presence hammer me.


My mind aches as he starts speed reading a life-time worth of memories in a few misly Astral seconds.


When his presence left the confines of my mind, I’m left panting, sweat beading my Astral form’s forehead when it shouldn’t be possible and I falter for a second.


I straighten myself and look back at him, respectful and deferent yet undaunted.


Why should I be afraid ? If he doesn’t like what he saw I’m dust faster than I can imagine it either way.


-AN OUTSIDER. INTRIGUING.- He starts, head tilting toward the opposite side. -AND YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF HOW YOU CAME TO BE HERE ?-


The prick knows that’s the case, but I have to answer anyway because it’s him.


“I do not, oh Phoenix.” I confirm.




My smile widden, becoming a bit manic in front of the avatar of Life and Destruction.


“Why, kick the anthill of course, oh Phoenix.” I answer, smirking wildly.


His smoldering gaze of embers widden, then the bird of fire, the raptor of life, makes something that I didn’t expect in the least.


He chuckles.


I’m all kinds of dumbfounded at that, but I try not to let it show.


When his laughter subsides, his gaze narrows onto me again.




I mull over my thoughts while trying very hard not to tear up from fixing two suns with my own phantasmal yet very watery eyes.


“I have no beef with her if it is your question, oh Phoenix.” I answer.


-WILL YOU TEACH HER IF SHE COMES ASKING ?- He elaborates, head tilting anew.


That actually makes me pause.


I mean, if she asks nicely, why the hell not ? But she’ll have to track me down first and I don’t really see how she could succeed as long as she keeps only commuting between Bayville High and the Institute. It also relies on Xavier still shirking his duty to one of his students, and I am not so sure that after yesterday he’ll keep denying her his help.


All in all, a rather empty promise that I can actually give because it wouldn’t bother me if the stars ever aligned.


“As long as she is polite and does not intend to misuse my teachings, I will, oh Phoenix.” I answer finally.


The Phoenix’s eyes seem to dance with pleasure as I give him my answer.


-VERY GOOD.- The entity of cosmic fire manage to give me the impression of a smile with his beak, -I WILL GIVE YOU A BOON TO HELP YOU IN THIS ENDEAVOR, LITTLE OUTSIDER.-


Before I can react, I bear witness to three feathers of golden fire coalescing between us as his own flames artfully draw them.


I open my mouth, trying to find a polite way to tell him that I do not need nor want anything from him, but I keep coming up short.


Then the feathers rush towards me, and all I know is pain.


Pain, the most searing pain I’ve ever known, like molten lava and eternal ice being poured, etched onto my skin, artfully drawing a motif on my lower belly, like the mother of hell of all tattoos.


It comes and goes, never ending, ever present, as I fall on the sandalwood bank.


It stays for an eternity or just a beat and I cannot tell because soon enough yet years later I’m once more cognizant of what happens around me.


The skin of my Astral form is now matte gold and a white lock of hair is sticking to my sweat-soaked cheek in my field of view.


My eyes go downward, landing on my midriff.


My tether is now more solid than ever, of a golden shine, the same as my skin.


It looks unbreakable.


Under the tether, I see the beginning of a motif and my eyes widen.


Before I can properly see, the Phoenix speaks again, seemingly very pleased with himself.




The bird of fire, the raptor of life then beats his wings, and I’m shunted through the Astral back to my body.



Unspecified skyscraper’s rooftop, neighborhood of the Oscorp Tower, Manhattan, New York, 25th of January, 09:47, in Iris’ mind


Atop our thighs, I feel Possible-friend-ally-Cindy’s head starting to stir.


I mock-sigh, like Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria do in the situations she doesn’t really want to be in.


I move our hand to the upper torso of Possible-friend-ally-Cindy to prevent her from escaping.


Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria had told me that I needed to keep her here at all cost until she-host returned and that is what I intend to do.


Possible-friend-ally-Cindy’s eyes start to flutter, before narrowing as they land on me.


She suddenly goes very still.


I want to mock-frown because it seems appropriate, but everybody I met so far had reacted in a similar way, except Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria, of course.


So I mock-sigh instead.


“Greetings,” I start and Possible-friend-ally-Cindy’s eyes widen, “My name is Iris. How are you feeling, Cindy ?”


Her mouth flaps open, then she shakes her head atop our thighs.


“Fine, I guess,” She answers, “What happened to the Oscorp guys ?”


I mock-smile softly.


She still didn’t relax and I find the fact quite vexing.


“When my blood-sister and I learned of your predicament, we rushed to your rescue.” I start, and her mouth flaps between different motions, as if her brain was thinking faster than her body and couldn’t decide for an answer, an interjection or a question.


I want to mock-frown again because Cute-and-amusing-possibly-lover-Gwendolyn handles it better and it is a little unbecoming to look like a fish-that-swim.


“We found you while still in transit. The members of the PMC “Shadow Blade” are unharmed, but they don’t remember you ever existing.” I end, letting Possible-friend-ally-Cindy the time to register the information and compute a proper answer.


“That is good,” she answers slowly despite her brain running at multiple times my own, “Where are we exactly ?”


“On the rooftop of a skyscraper near the Oscorp Tower proper.” I tell her, and her eyes flicker through a slew of emotions, negative in their majority, “My blood-sister had to wipe out every trace you’ve left in their systems and minds. She decided that you needed to stay nearby just in case they were tempted to kidnap you again while she was otherwise busy.”


I want to mock-frown when she takes multiple seconds to talk again, but I abstain myself.


“You talk a lot about this blood-sister but I don’t see anyone else nearby. Release me !” She retorts angrily, struggling to move under our touch-TK infused strength.


I inch our face closer to her, half of our battleform mask coming apart as I do.


Her struggle ceases as her eyes widen anew, the reflection of the matte golden skin and white locks of Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria showing in them.


With steel in my voice, I hammer a few important truths in her mind.


“Aria, my blood-sister, went at great length to rescue you from being observed and vivisected like a lab rat, her terms, not mine.” I pause for extra emphasis like Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria sometimes does, “She passed out from exhaustion and is currently recuperating. Don’t worry, I can feel her mind stirring, she’ll be up soon enough. You’ll be able to be adversarial and ungrateful with her when she’s the one in charge again.”


Her arms, who were struggling to find purchase on my touch-TK coating, fall limply to her side, her expression now awkward.


“I’m sorry,” she starts lamely, “Is she hurt ? Did it happen because of me ? Is she, are you, like me ?”


There are tears in her eyes now and I want to mock-groan at that.


“She’s fine, just exhausted.” I start soothingly, resolving myself to be the better Klyntar and let bygone be bygone, “But yes, she went that far because of you. And in a way, yes, we are like you.”


“Do you know what is happening to me ?” She asks, a tear streaming down her cheek.


I kind of understand now why Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria found that annoying and awkward earlier today.


“I do.” I answer decisively, channeling my best she-host impression, “I can tell you more about it while we wait for Aria to wake up, if you want.”


Loved-cherished-blood-sister-Aria had told me that it would keep her busy.


“Please, tell me.” She pleads.


I mock-cough-into-my-hand while our battleform comes together again.


“So, it all started…” I begin, but she interrupts me.


“Can you let me sit first, please ?” She asks, expression embarrassed.


I mock-blink.


“I could, yes ?” I answer as I tilt our heads.


“Great, because I don’t know why you’re giving me a lap pillow but this is fucking awkward.”



Unspecified skyscraper’s rooftop, neighborhood of the Oscorp Tower, Manhattan, New York, the same day, 10:13


My eyes barely flutter open under my sister’s skin that she’s already wailing on our shared-mind.


“[Relief, happiness, joy, exasperation] : Aria, you’re back.” Iris cries happily.


“I am. Did anything of note happen ?” I asks.


“[Happiness, joy, exasperation] : Not really. There’s a lot of very loud sirens that had been ringing at ground level for a few minutes and Cindy woke up when you were asleep.”


I strain our ears and effectively, it looks like a few police cars are waiting in the Oscorp tower's proximity.


“Cellphone, please.” I ask gently.


My phone oozes from my hand as [Agreement] teinted with an ever-present note of [Exasperation] ring on our shared-mind.


10:14, uh. I thought I was gone longer.


“How did it go with Cindy ?” I ask absentmindedly.


“[Exasperation, upset] : She was lame, and mean, and ungrateful at first, and now she’s just lame.” My sister rambles.


I actually arch an eyebrow at that.


“Something happened ?” I asks, already amused.


“[Exasperation] : She said that me giving her a lap pillow was awkward !” She answer upsetly.


I have to laugh out loud at that, which obviously startles Cindy who is seated next to me and has been giving me a googly eyed look since I started moving and talking in my mind.


“Mask off, please ?” I ask gently as I ripple amusement on our shared-mind.


My mask falls as Iris starts [Pouting].


I belatedly realize that I’m in all my golden glory right now, but decide that I cannot care less.


I gave her a winning and gentle smile, the poor thing must still be in shock.


“Nice to meet you Cindy, I’m Aria.” I tell her.


Then my brain halts as I remember something.


“One moment,” I interrupt her, raising myself, “I have to check something first.”


Without waiting for her answer, I mentally wave Iris on our shared-mind.


“Iris, this is important. Can you let me see my lower belly?” I ask with steel in my voice.


Surprised by my tone breaking absolutely no arguments, she does so immediately.


I see the beginning of a familiar motif.


“All the way down, please.” I ask aloud, voice deadpan.


She complies, and I can see them now.


Three artfully drawn feathers, gently burning and rippling with golden flames that somehow can still be seen on my skin, the one in the middle a little bit hidden amid my own very private white body hair, run all the way down to my privates, one of each sides of my labias and the last one stopping just shy of my pearl.


My mind goes blank.


“[Wonder, interrogation] : I didn't even see them appear, how is this possible ?”


I’m slowly starting to reboot, taking in the fact that my mind-eye is clearer than ever and that I’m not suffering from the father of all headaches.


My shoulder sag.


“That’s it.” I declare aloud in a monotone, “I have a new goal in life.”


“[Worry, interrogation] : What is it ?” Iris asks


“I don’t care if I have to spend my whole life working for it, but I’m going to become strong enough to tear that cosmic prick of Life and Destruction a new one.” I answer, voice emotionless.


“[Amusement, wonder] : The Phoenix gave this to you ? Sister, what does it mean ?” Iris asks, badly hiding her muffled laughter.


“I don’t fucking care !” I yell my frustration, “That asshole marked me with a crotch tattoo !”


“[Amusement, schadenfreude] : I mean, it’s definitely a place of life, that's for sure.”


“You’re not helping !” I grouse.


That’s when the third person with us chose to interrupt our bickering.


“Euh, excuse me ?” Awkwardly asks Cindy and I about-face toward her, my sister rippling along my skin to hide my shame, “But why are you talking aloud about a crotch tattoo ?”


I don’t have to see them to know that my cheeks are now looking like the shiniest rose gold they ever had.


In our shared-mind, Iris’ laughter doubles.


That whole situation is a way for the Phoenix to both give Aria a boon, more on that later, keep a close eye on her in case she tries to mess with his host and remind her of her place, that is one of a young upstart that may be smart, yes, but remains an ant to a bunch of power, including him.

You may have noticed, but my Phoenix is a bit of a prick. He would've probably killed her if she didn't blatantly admit to him that she will release some chaos in the future. Him hating stagnation with a passion, he choses to let her live instead.

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