Iris and Me

Chapter 40 : It always starts with a training montage (I want to learn magic!)

Heya, I'm back !

So, I've managed to survive and I bring you a new chapter !

I've assassinated my backlog, so I don't really know for sure if the publishing hour will be respected in the coming days, but I'll try to make it work.

Happy reading, and happy to be back !

With love, Sh'.


PSS : I would like to thank all of you for your kind words in my previous entry, the support you gave me was very touching, you're the best, all of you.

PSSS : In the throes of my illness, I've stumbled upon a great fanfic that I would like to recommend for all the HP fan before all the JKR drama : Harry Potter and the Prince of Slythering. It's big, it's meaty, it has no plotholes and it is amazing.


Chapter 40 : It always starts with a training montage (I want to learn magic!)


The Thompsons’ house living room, The Thompsons’ house, Forest Hills, Queens, New York, 26th of January, 17:42, in Jessie Thompson’s mind


Jessie was still vainly trying to distract herself with the TV when the sound of multiple people ascending the basement’s staircase pulled her out of her daydream.


Instantly, she perked up, her eyes landing on Aria’s golden figure and company.


She beamed at the teenagers.


“Welcome back !” Jessie greeted them cheerfully with a little wave.


“Heya munchkin,” Aria quipped back instantly, beelining toward her on the couch, “Didn’t get too bored ?”


Acknowledging, albeit barely, the chorus of greetings the others gave her, Jessie tried really hard not to be a brat with her new favorite sister.


She failed.


“I was tots !” Jessie answered with a pout as Aria plopped herself next to her, the others taking seats around the low table, “You were all having fun behind the portal thingy, and there was nothing on the TV!”


Aria chuckled, Iris blossoming out of her back to coo at her.


The next thing Jessie knew, two pairs of arms were plopping her in Aria’s lap.


The younger girl squirmed half-heartedly because it wouldn’t do to let Aria womanhandle her like that in front of strangers, but she was beaming internally under the attention.


Rosie had never been this free in her public display of attention and Aria was so warm and totally gave the best hugs.


Leaning against her new sister the best she can, four arms sneaking around her to make her comfortable, Jessie discreetly let a little happy sigh escape her lips.


Eyes roaming over the others, Jessie finally took in their look.


Cindy seemed to have a permanent grin etched onto her face, like she had just discovered the best thing ever in the world, and was literally vibrating on her seat in anticipation.


Meanwhile, Gwendolyn looked pensive, clenching and unclenching her hand distractedly when the shadow of a scowl wasn’t curling her lips when her eyes landed on Jessie’s sister and her.


I wonder why ?


I thought she liked sis ?


Did I misunderstand ?


Chalking the problem for later with a light shake of her head, Jessie’s attention turned toward Jessica.


The poor girl looked positively exhausted, admittedly way more than any of the others, and had ditched her semi-permanent resting bitch face for something more focused and driven. She also looked like she was still catching her breath.


Lastly, Flash was frowning, and was actually dressed in the same kind of clothes that the nice sorceress was wearing when she swung by earlier.


Jessie blinked.


“Are you training to become a sorcerer, Flash ?” Jessie asked, a little bit puzzled.


Behind her back, Jessie felt Aria and Iris snicker’s rumble through her body.


Flash’s scowl doubled while the other girls’ expressions grew awkward immediately.


“What brought up that idea ?” Flash asked, teeth a little more clenched than usual.


“The robe-dress thingy ?” Jessie answered, gesturing in his direction.


Her brother’s expression fell while her sister(s)’ chuckles intensified.


“I am not.” He deadpanned, “There was… an accident…”


Jessie grew anxious at his admission.


“Are you hurt ?” She asked, wide-eyed.


Flash blinked, his eyes darting atop her head, presumably in Aria’s direction.


“No, I’m not.” He sighed, adding with a grumble, “Not that I think I can get hurt anymore in any case.”


“I don’t understand ?” Jessie answered, a bit lost.


“What he doesn’t want to say,” Jessica explained, getting two warning looks from Gwen and Cindy, “Is that he had a wardrobe accident.”


The scathing look Flash directed in the dark haired girl’s direction flew right by her.


“That’s my fault, really,” Aria started amid two chuckles, “We had a spar, more like an exhibition match, really, and his clothes got damaged.”


Flash’s killing eyes shifted toward Aria, but she paid it no heed.


“When we were in the Mirror Dimension, it wasn’t important, he fashioned himself something to get by, but,” Aria whispered in her ear, “He wasn’t aware that you couldn’t bring things you found inside that dimension in ours.”


“And ?” Jessie asked aloud, and Flash immediately groaned, facepalming.


“When we ended our little training and we got out, he found himself nearly butt-nacked in the Sanctum.” Aria admitted with a snicker.


“I hate you.” Flash deadpanned across the living room, his arms folding on his chest.


“So he had to borrow some of Mr. Drumm apparel.” The golden girl ended in a cheerful tone.


Jessie hmed at that, considering.


“Well, that’s good, because that doesn’t suit him at all.” The younger girl declared mercilessly.


A declaration that got promptly rewarded with five different laughs and an even deeper scowl on her brother’s face.


“Traitors, all of you.” The boy ended up sulkily.



The Thompsons’ house kitchen, The Thompsons’ house, Forest Hills, Queens, New York, the same day, 19:04


Iris and I gently pull Jessie next to me as we make our way to the kitchen.


The others had hung out for a bit after our first meeting, discussing what went well and what went wrong, how many times we could meet during the week, that kind of thing.


We absolutely did not mention the Declothing Incident again, though.


Flash is still a little bit mad at me for it, apparently it cost him his favorite pair of jeans, but I’d wager that in a few weeks he’d laugh about it.


When it had been time to say goodbye, Gwendolyn had managed to gather all the determination she had to sweep me in a hug despite our difference in height, and before I knew it she kissed me on the cheeks.


Even with all the spider-strength of the world, she was still a blushing mess when she let me go afterward, which apparently made Iris’ day because the next thing I knew she was bombarding me with [Mirth], [Cute] and [Cooing] in repeat.


I may have or may have not blushed as hard as her, but I invoke the right not to testify against myself.


I blame that damn corset.


No matter, I had more important things to deal with right now than worrying about teenage love.


“Rosie, may we talk for a moment ?” I softly ask the mother of the house.


She had just come back not even fifteen minutes earlier and is now busy preparing dinner.


“Yes, Aria.” Rosie answers, giving us a look over her shoulder.


Giving Jessie a soft smile, I gently push her forward.


The younger girl looks at me hesitantly for a bit but I give her a reassuring nod and she puts herself together.


Jessie closes her eyes, taking a deep breath.


“Mum, I want to learn magic.” She declares to her mother without a shred of hesitation.


Rosie does a little double take, putting her knife on the counter top as she turns herself fully toward us both.


It is not yet my time to speak and so I say nothing.


“What ?” Rosie asks, a little bit lost.


“I want to learn magic, Mum,” Jessie explains, gathering a little bit of steam, “Aria’s friend is a sorceress, the Sorceress Supreme of earth. She came by earlier today and I asked her if she could train me and she said yes.”


Not really what happened, but eh, close enough.


Rosie pulls a chair for herself at the table, eyes unfocused.


A gentle push in Jessie’s back later and the both of us are doing the same.


“Aria, can you explain ?” Rosie asks, her eyes on me, still puzzling things out.


I exhale slowly, psyching myself up.


“Do you remember when I mentioned the Ancient One yesterday ?” I ask, which prompts a nod from Jessie’s mother, “Well, she came by earlier to give us an inconspicuous means of travel between the house and New York’s Sanctum Sanctorum, for training purposes.”


Poor Rosie doesn’t really need to know that it was also a low-key power play.


My hand doing little circling motions in Jessie’s back to reassure her that she has all my support, I carry on.


“Jessie was here when she came, and the two got introduced.” I continue with a fond smile, the image of the younger girl asking the Ancient One to teach her with her best puppy-eye flashing through my mind.


“I wasn’t really expecting it, truth to be told, but she gave her a tentative maybe.” I explain, but Rosie is still puzzled.


“But… Magic ?” Rosie hesitates.


I kind of understand, mutants have a logical explanation.


Glowy sigils floating in mid-air channeling the power of magical entities, less so.


“She casted spells!” Jessie blurts out, eyes sparkling, and her mother tenses, “There were so many red-orange symbols thingies! And it told her exactly what was going on with Cindy and Gwen!”


I cannot help myself but chuckle lightly as Iris is cooing internally at the girl.


“I can assure you that she’s not a fraud.” I continue lightly as Rosie starts to speak, “We now officially have a semi-permanent portal in the basement to commute between here and the Sanctum, one that will also serve well in case of emergency.”


Rosie’s mouth shut.


“So, the thing is, Jessie wants to learn magic, and I’m not totally opposed to it.” I continue, raising a hand to halt Rosie’s outburst, “Please, let me explain, Rosie.”


I scrunch my brows for a second, mulling over my thoughts.


“As much as I like the munchkin, she has… a little bit of a hero complex about me, and Flash to a lesser extent.” I explain, and if Jessie throws me a betrayed look, I do not pay attention, “Since we decided that it was better for you all to know what happened, she has already pulled two and two together. It’s only a matter of time before she does something that could be qualified as extremely dangerous to catch up to us because, well, she’s young.”


And comic-tropes exist.


“So, instead of doing something stupid, why not let her learn something that will prepare her to be able to flee or defend herself when things go south?” I ask aloud and Rosie slowly nods despite herself, “Think of it like… A more cerebral brand of martial arts. She will need dedication, determination and focus to succeed, and she will have teachers to keep an eye on her and monitor her progress.”


“Of course,” And this time I look toward Jessie fully, “Jessie’s right to study magic with the Vishantis will depend on her grades in school. And she better not slack either in school or in sorcery, because I would be extremely cross with her if the Ancient One ends up being disappointed in her.”


I spear the eyes of the younger girl with my own and she starts squirming under the attention after a bit.


“I promise I’ll do my best in school and in magic.” Jessie answers with a little voice after a while.


Nodding to her once, I turn myself back toward her mother.


Rosie looks pensive, a hand scratching her chin absentmindedly.


“Are you sure it would be a good idea ?” She finally asks after a while.


“As long as she listens to the Masters who are going to teach her, it is.” I answer reassuringly, “When I said that it wasn’t dissimilar with a martial art, I meant it. And since she’s very enthusiastic about it, she will listen to her teacher like they were either her mum or myself, right ?” I add with a sing-song voice, looking toward Jessie once again.


Jessie gulps a little before nodding.


“If you want, Rosie, we can set up an appointment with Mr. Drumm, the one who will oversee her teaching.” I carry on smoothly, “The New York Master is a very nice and competent fellow, and he will be able to answer your questions better than I am.”


Rosie slowly nods once again, her eyes fixed on her daughter.


“But I would like to add that it would also be a viable career choice for Jessie once she’s old enough.” I explain thoughtfully, “She would be able to study at Kamar’Taj, and become a full fledged Vishanti sorceress if she really wants to. They do a lot of good around the world, even if not a lot of people know about it.”


Squeezing Jessie’s shoulder reassuringly, I carry on.


“If you accept, because the choice is ultimately yours, she would have a head start from all of her future fellow sorcerers, having benefited from the best education of their order while she was still young.” I continue easily, “And even if the fancy passes, I’d wager that she’ll be able to protect herself well enough in case of… Supernatural incidents.”


Rosie perks up a little, and I know that I have her.


It’s a little bit ugly to manipulate her with her own maternal instincts, but I’d rather have a little sister that can teleport out of danger.


Just in case.


“I think I’d like to meet that Mr. Drumm you spoke of,” Rosie starts slowly after a while, her eyes going back on her daughter, “But I think you made a pretty solid case.”


Jessie perks up, beaming.


Iris chuckles and [Coo] and our mind-link.


“That means it’s a yes ?” The younger girl asks excitedly, almost vibrating on her chair.


Rosie snorts, arms folding across her chest and shaking her head.


“We’ll see, young lady,” She chides her a little, “But I think so.”


The next thing I know, I have on my lap a bundle of eleven year olds squealing in happiness under the bemused look of her mother.


I chuckle awkwardly while I gently hug Jessie, her mother shaking her head once again in amusement.

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