Iris and Me

Chapter 51 : Tempus fugit (Hushed talk/Shopping?)

Heya, new chapter!

Where we cloture the most dreaded day of all!

I honestly didn't expect it to take this long, but I had to go over some plot points that were adjacent to it, so here we are!

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 51 : Tempus fugit (Hushed talk/Shopping?)


Midtown High’s hallway, Midtown High, Queens, New York, 14th of February, 13:12


After having been made to apologize for being late for class by our universally hated math’s teacher, I had been slightly grilled about what happened to Jessica by Gwen.


Being the paragon of discretion that I am, I folded after barely two minutes of her pestering me.


“Is he for real?” She hisses under her breath.


Needless to say, she isn’t taking Parker’s reaction toward Jessica’s confession extremely well.


Rubbing one of my temples as I’m starting to feel the beginning of a headache, a very unfunny thing when you run four thought streams plus one for your symbiote's mental health, I whisper back after creating a discreet TK one-way sound shield around the both of us.

We will still have to be discreet because it isn’t perfect but at least everyone else will hear unintelligible whispers if we have to speak about sensible subjects.


“Well, that’s what Jessica told me anyway.” I answer evenly.


Her eyes immediately snap in the guy’s direction with an angry glare.


“I’m going to chew him out like he’s never been before for that.” She promises aloud.


I sigh.


“No, you will not.” I whisper to her.


Gwen directs me a mildly offended look at that but I forestall her rebuttal before she can answer back.


“You’ll only reinforce his belief that all of us plus Liz’ are out to get him in the most convoluted way possible.” I explain under my breath as Ms. Prattson continues to drone monotonously, “He’s holding a grudge toward Flashy that apparently extends to all of his entourage, including us.”


I narrow my eyes a tad.


“From what I’ve gathered from a brief peek into his head, he’s especially mad at me because I, quote, ‘never left a finger to help him’, unquote.” I side-eye Gwen, “And he’s disappointed in you because you befriended me.”


The blond slowly blinks.


“What the fuck?” She mutters.


I wince.


She must be pretty pissed if we have reached swearing territory.


Iris chuckles lightly on our merged-mind.


“Honestly, I’m not even convinced that Flashy apologizing to him would help.” I say a little morosely, “I think it’s my fault.”


“Why?” She asks, but after a flash of understanding shows in her eyes she answers in my stead, “Because of the wide-range suggestion.”


I start to answer back when I see Ms. Prattson giving me the evil eye.


My mouth clamps and I start faking an interest in high school level math once more.


I only continue our discussion when I’m sure the danger has passed and Ms. Prattson drones once more.


“Yes, at least it’s my main theory,” I whisper to Gwen, “Placing everyone under it at large forced them to rewrite their perceptions of past events to include my presence in the most accommodating way. For everyone at school, I’ve always been there but didn’t talk much nor didn’t have many friends until Flashy got hurt during his match in October. So, to Peter, I’ve never done anything to help him despite being Flashy’s twin and he lumps me in the same bag as him.”


I see Gwen frown in the corner of my eye.


“So he would suddenly think that the school at large didn’t give a shit about him because the two of you got scot free with it?” She ponders under her breath.


“As absurd as it sounds, that’s pretty much it, yeah.” I acknowledge her reasoning, “I’m sorry… I didnt think that plan through well enough when I enacted it.”


She side-looks at me for a beat, expression stony.


When she stops to look back at the whiteboard, a little smile blossoms on her lips.


“It’s fine, Aria.” She whispers, “You’re not responsible for Flash’s actions before his incident. I can’t be mad at you for it. Plus, it’s actually comforting in a way.”


“Uh?” I blurt out, my eyes darting to hers.


“You’re still making mistakes, I was getting worried that you were perfect.” She answers back cheekily, “No consideration whatsoever for the pressure you put on everyone’s shoulders, really.”


She mock-sniffs haughtily and I bark a laugh.


Which obviously prompts Ms. Prattson’s attention on the two of us and our conversation quietens until she forgets about us.


Fortunately Flashy, who's slowly succumbing to sleep on accounts that he is literally wired to a computer in his brain that both records and does the calculations she asks him in his stead, has proven to be her newly favored target for trap questions since he came back to school.


As he unwillingly saves us once more from her attention, I answer Gwen’s previous comment.


“I’m far from perfect, Gwennie.” I whisper with as much discretion as possible.


She makes a little ‘hmm’ noise while distractingly scribbling on her notepad.


“Really, Gwen.” I insist.


“I know, I was just joking.” She answers lightly, a smile on her lips and a twinkle in her green eyes, before getting more serious, “So, what are you going to do about it?”


I sigh, suddenly feeling like hitting my head on the table in exasperation.


“I don’t know.” I answer back after a beat, “I could place him under another suggestion, but that seems rather crass. We could also just ignore him and do nothing? I think that Jessica would prefer it if we do it that way.”


Gwen slowly nods.


“Fine, no tongue lashing.” She finally sighs.


The silence stretches, only interrupted by whispered conversations in our back, the perpetual droning of Ms. Prattson and the scratching sounds of pencil on paper.


“And you? How are you holding up?” Gwen suddenly blurts out.


In the corner of my eyes, I see her wincing mightily.


“Sorry, I…” She starts to apologize, panicking a little.


“It’s fine Gwen.” I cut her with a little shake of my head, “You saw me come to school unusually down this morning and you’re worried. I’m not going to be mad at you for it.”


I watch her slowly exhale under her breath and I smirk a little.


“...I haven’t really paid attention to the calendar considering all that happened and I realized it was Valentine’s day only this morning while preparing breakfast.” I admit softly, “It brought back some things that I had managed to keep at bay.”


“I thought as much.” She mutters under her breath, “Forget I mentioned it.”


“As I said, it’s ok. It shows you care.” I answer back soothingly.


Her smile becomes radiant at my admission and my heart jumps a little.


I didn’t know she could smile like that.


As I’m busy mentally swatting at my [Cooing] sister on our mind-link, I barely catch what Gwen says next.


“I won’t force you, but…” She hesitates for a beat, “If you ever want to talk about it, just know that I’m here.”


I blink.


Her look is earnest and attentive.


I sigh a little.


“Not today, Gwennie.” I answer softly, “But one day I will.”


It would be an assholish move not to talk about it with her if she’s still pinning after me once she’s older, after all.


“Take your time, I’ll be there.” She answers with a little smile.


My own smile when I look back at her is so genuine that I don’t really notice that her own is a little strained.



Midtown High’s parking lot, Midtown High, Queens, New York, the same day, 16:07


Surprisingly enough, the one that had to be reeled in so she didn’t jump on Parker to tear his throat out was Cindy.


I don’t really know how or why, but she apparently struck an odd friendship with Jessica when I wasn’t paying attention and Flash had to clamp one of his hands on her shoulder and exert a certain amount of strength so she didn’t bolt on dear Pete’.


I am feeling conflicted, since I consider that situation to be in large part my fault, but when I confessed my doubt to Jessica herself when we were still in the bathroom she told me it didn’t matter to her.


“I don’t care about that. What I care about is how he treated me despite what he thought and what I did for him.”


Or so she said.


I sigh a little as I watch Cindy throw a venomous look in Parker’s direction as he goes by without acknowledging any of us.


I step next to her and pat her shoulder lightly.


“Forget it, Cindy.” I say to her, squeezing her shoulder with a little more strength than necessary, “It’s not worth it.”


She shrugs her shoulders so Flash and I release our grip as she exhales slowly.


“You’re right.” Cindy concedes after a beat, “All I’d do is validate his preposterous ideas.”


Hector steps lightly around Flash and I to side-hugs his girlfriend.


“That, and risk detention or even exclusion.” He points out while bumping his head into her, “So, let’s not?”


Cindy chuckles as her shoulders sag.


She hugs him back and poor Hector winces a bit, which amuses Iris and I.


Despite being a bit weaker than Gwen, she can probably crack his spine without really meaning to.


“I heard that a rather handsome man promised me a date today, ever heard about that?” Cindy asks her boyfriend with a sultry voice and the discretion of an elephant stepping into a glasswork store.


I turn myself away from the diabetes inducing discussion that starts to occur while mock-gagging.


Gwen snorts at my antics, Flash and Liz’ are exasperated, no wonder they got back together, and even Jessica smiles a little.


The poor thing is still a bit of a mess after what happened earlier, but that’s a given.


I step lightly next to her and snake my arm into hers.


She arches an eyebrow.


“You know what would make you feel better after today?” I ask her while arching an eyebrow of my own.


“I’m not into girls, you know.” Jessica drawls back.


I snort as Gwen sputters.


I club Jessica onto her head with a look of mock-indignation.


“Not that, silly.” I berate her as she smiles a little goofily, “Shopping!”


“Really?” She answers, nonplussed, “That’s the best you got? That’s, like, way too stereotypical for me.”


“Don’t be such a bore.” I chide her while rolling my eyes theatrically, “There’s a certain beauty to just lose yourself in a way too big mall while looking endlessly for the perfect outfit!”


“You don’t have to.” She points out, gesturing at my rather sober one piece black dress of the day, “Iris does it for you.”


“Yes, but she hasn’t always been there for me, right?” I answer back with enough emphasis on the ‘always’ to remind her of my previous life, “And where do you think she got such amazing tastes?” I boast to my audience’s benefit.


Jessica’s look isn’t really impressed.


“Ok, Iris’ clothing looks rad, I admit.” She answers, “But that’s totally not my style.”


“Don’t worry, we’ll find you something.” I quip back while nodding sagely to myself.


“I don’t have the money to spare.” She tries once more.


“I’m buying,” I answer while looking critically at her second-hand clothes, “Because, frankly, you need it and you’ll feel better afterward, I promise.”


“I’m not going to escape it, am I?” She deadpans.


I look at her with an expression of mock-outrage as multiple chuckles are heard around me.


“You’d refuse free clothes?” I say while sniffing like a snob, “Heresy!”


Jessica snorts at my antics.


“Alright, lead the way, oh great fashion mogul.” She monotones.


“Yessss!” I exclaim while hopping in place like an excited bunny, “Hey, girls, wanna come too?” I ask while looking at Liz’ and Gwen expectantly.


Let’s transform that lame day into something fun at last.


Liz’ hesitantly looks at Flash who catches her eyes.


He theatrically rolls his eyes.


“Go if you want.” He simply says while folding his arms over his chest with an amused smile, “I’ve heard all about how great Aria’s shoes are for days at this point, I know you want to ask her all about it.”


“Are you sure?” Liz’ asks, eyes shifting.


“Tots.” He answers, nonplussed, “We’ve got all the time in the world, I’m not hogging you for an afternoon if you want to share it with your friends.”


Liz’ mouth opens, closes, opens once more.


Iris and I chuckle mentally.


I don’t know if he realizes it, but that was smooth as hell from his part.


“You know you can come too, Flashy.” I say sweetly to him while batting my eyes.


“No thanks.” He deadpans, “You already trapped me like that with Jessie and mom, I’m not taking the bait again.”


“Your loss.” I sniff, provoking another wave of chuckles, “Gwennie?”


She steps next to me with an amused smile.


I arch an eyebrow at her.


She arches one back.


I wiggle my free arm a little in her direction.


Gwen blushes a little, before laughing and snaking her arm into mine.


“What did I get myself into?” Jessica bemoans on my right.


“Into a shopping trip!” I answer back immediately.


“Away from boring teenage problems.” Gwen adds helpfully as she tightens her grip on my arm.


“...And stupid boys.” Liz’ ends, throwing a mock-glare at Flash.


He snorts before sweeping her off her feet to kiss her goodbye.


A few moments later, a rather red faced Liz’ hooks arms with Jessica and we go on our shopping trip.


Just four friends killing time on Valentine’s day.

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