Iris and Me

Chapter 68 : Dawn of a new era (Cosmic Force and Avatar)

Heya, a new chapter!

Where we talk about Cosmic Forces and their Avatars!

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 68 : Dawn of a new era (Cosmic Force and Avatar)


“English Tea Time” Tea house, Manhattan Mall, Koreatown, Manhattan, New York, 5th of May, 15:17


“Asbolu…” Scott starts to yell as he steps forward from his leaning position.


Blessedly, the rant of Jean's self-appointed protector is interrupted by the strident beeping of the timer, which is so unexpected that it startles everyone.


Except me, actually. I have kept a strand of my cyberpath focused on it and I have to refrain myself from clapping at the little machine's excellent timing.

Which may have been quicker by a few seconds for dramatic purposes just because I could and it amuse me.


<“You did that, don’t you?”> Gwen asks amusedly, <“It was off by 4 seconds if my timing is right.”>


<“Clever girl.”> I tease and I feel her mind sputters, <“Yes I did.”>


Iris not-so-secretly enjoys our little byplay, [Mirth, cute] ringing on our shared-mind.


“Jean, I’d appreciate it if you could muzzle the bipedal barking guard dog that fancies himself as your boyfriend.” I comment offhandedly as I pull my tea ball out of my mug, “I was under the impression that you were the only one who came here for a talk, which, by natural extension, should exclude him.”


Iris snickers mentally while Gwen cannot help herself from chuckling out loud.


<“I would’ve said ‘braying ass’, but that works too I guess.”> She comments to my benefit.


Her bout of dry humor surprises me nearly enough to make me laugh openly.


Jean’s attention snaps back to Scott and a silent communication occurs.


Considering the fury in her eyes, I imagine that poor cyke is getting masterfully chewed on.


Iris politely opens a slit at the level of my mouth so I can take a sip of my tea while the ‘negotiation’ occurs.


My cherry blossom tea with a spoonful of honey is almost sickenly sweet, just the way I love it.


I cannot help the little sigh of contentment that escapes my lips.


In the corner of my eyes, I see that Gwen has stopped giving a shit about the situation too since she has pulled up the bottom of her mask to drink her own tea.


“As I was trying to say,” Jean starts while throwing one last wrathful glance towards Scott, “I’m interested.”


Scott definitely looks like he just swallowed the whole lemon tree but blessedly remains silent as he steps back to lean against the booth’s wall.


Kitty and Rogue are still mute despite the continuous glances and looks they trade with each other. I think the situation escaping Mr. Righteous’ grip amuses them to no end.


Two booths over, I can see Kurt’s head poking above the walls at regular intervals, the teleporter having apparently come back after his bout of stage fright but still keeping his distance.


“Alright.” I answer lightly, “No time like the present then, ask away.”


I throw a circular look around us, weighting the witnesses as I take another sip of my tea.


“Unless you want to do that in a more private setting?” I ask her mildly, “It’s up to you, really.”


The redhead ponders for a beat before shaking her head.


“Now is fine, I wouldn’t hide what I learn from my friends anyway.” Jean answers decisively.


“A commendable choice.” I comment lazily, “Your questions then?”


She closes her eyes for a beat as she exhales slowly, her hands clenching and unclenching on the table.


I’ve never seen anyone more obviously attempt to psych themselves up and I have to hide my smile now that my mouth is actually visible.


“Back in January, you said I was the Phoenix’s future avatar.” She starts as she opens her eyes once more, “What does that mean exactly?”


I take a sip as I mull over the proper answer to her question.


“An avatar of a Cosmic Force,” I slowly start, “Is a means to an end for them.”


I drop my mug back on the tray as I carry on.


“A Cosmic Force is sapient, yes, but in a totally alien way compared to mere mortals.” I explain, “They talk, make bargains, interact with each other and gods, but their intemporal existence and the portfolio they oversee remove them so much from humanity, or alienity if we factor the other mortal races in the universe, that they sometimes lose themselves.”


I gesture toward Jean with my hand palm up.


“The Phoenix, the sapience behind the Phoenix Force, governs over Life, Destruction and also Emotions, a fact that is nearly always swept under the rug.” I carry on, “But how much does a timeless being understand Life, how much does he understand Destruction and how much does he understand Emotions if he never experienced them in the first place?”


I drop my hand on the table as everyone around us listens with rapt attention.


“Through the act of giving themselves to an Avatar, those timeless beings, be they Gods, Cosmic Forces or Mystical Entities connect themselves to mortality and gain a new perspective or, sometimes, remember it.” I explain further, “Without it, they can grow complacent, lazy, disinterested or even suicidal. Eternity is a burden of its own, after all.”


Probably why Death nudged Thanos toward the annihilation of all life in Earth-616’s universe now that I think about it. If She suddenly found herself without a job, then She would have had no purpose and would invariably cease to exist.


Most dramatic way to cut your own life short ever.


“As He governs over things so closely tied to mortality itself, the Phoenix is extremely dependent on His Avatars.” I conclude, “He needs a nearly constant reminder of what Life is, what may justify Destruction and the power of Emotions.”


Jean digests that quietly for a beat.


“Without his Avatar,” I softly add, “The Phoenix is… Rather chaotic, I’m afraid. The Shi’ar, the people Xavier has been communicating with, have taken it upon themselves to slaughter every Avatar He spawns in their galaxy wide empire.”


Jean blanches as everyone else gulps around the table.


“Why?” She asks, almost pleadingly.


It’s obvious that an empath would find the perspective extremely distressing.


I actually can empathize. Getting killed for something you didn’t choose about yourself echoes deep within me.


“Because Life itself is Chaos.” I answer mildly, “And Order, like an empire, opposes it. The Shi’ar Empire has been stagnating for eons, stuck in their ways as they are. The Phoenix took an affront about it and the first Avatar he sired there brought back Chaos through the only means they had at their disposal, Destruction.”


“You mean…” Kitty slowly articulates.


“Yes.” I answer her train of thought, Jean getting noticeably paler than before as she suddenly realizes what being the Phoenix Avatar will entail on a galactic scale, “They went on a rampage to stir Life back in a stagnating environment. That’s why Xavier doesn’t want to even talk about it with you, he has been warned, repeatedly, not to ever trust the Phoenix’s Avatar because they can bring life as easily as ruin.”


“Wasn’t there any other way?” Jean asks, a tear slowly gliding down her cheek.


“Maybe? Probably? I honestly don’t know.” I answer honestly, “It remains a logical behavior, in a sort of messed up way. Darwin proved that life was the result of chaos, uncountable unpredictable changes and chances occurring just right to steer life in one particular and successful way, driven by conflict and strife, after all. The Destruction that Chaos brings forces Life to evolve.”


“But what about Emotions?” Rogue asks, pointing out the hole in my theory.


“Emotions only enter the equation once you reach sapience.” I answer, taking back my mug for another sip, “Emotions drive us to create Life or to Destroy it, after all. Take love, for example. It remains to this day a powerful motivation to create new lives and make them evolve. ‘Wanting the best for their children’ is after all the most common denominator for every parent around the globe.”


Jean is slowly regaining her colors as everyone seems thoughtful after my explanation.


“And if you take the negative ones, like wrath or hate, they bring Destruction, which brings strife, which forces us to evolve.” I conclude.


I lazily shrug one of my shoulders.


“I won't pretend that I'm fully cognizant of all the parameters the Phoenix uses to decide whether a civilization steps outside His portfolio enough to deserve His wrath like the Shi'ar did.” I add, “But we’re Earthers, not Shi’ar, and we still have plenty of ways to evolve, create and strive in front of us. The possibility that He suddenly takes umbrage at us in the near future is nearly null.”


A little smile curls the corner of my lips.


“Plus, I already told Him that I was going to kick the anthill down here, so I’m fairly confident He’ll let us be for a few centuries at least.” I explain mischievously, “And no, I’m not going to elaborate on that.”


Jean remains silent for a beat, which gives me ample time to taste my carrot cake.


I make a bit of a face while tasting it. It’s not as good as I expected.


“Well, that’s disappointing.” I mutter under my breath as I put it back on its plate.


“The icing is off.” Gwen confirms offhandedly.


The young mutants are kind of throwing us weird look, not really expecting us to have a light hearted conversation after the bombs I dropped on them and their telepath.


“How did you meet Him?” Jean finally asks, her thoughts apparently back in order.


She’s giving a proper emphasis on His station, which I approve of.


Never underestimate a Cosmic Force and always show them respect.


“An accident, I’m afraid.” I answer easily, “I overexerted myself when I got my new look,” I start while gesturing grandly at my figure, “And I ended up in the Astral Plane without meaning to. He came to meet me, thinking that I was you.”


Jean blinks.


“Why would He do that?” She asks, “I thought I was His destiny as much as He was mine.”


She’s actually quoting me from January there.


“Because our telepathic feedback is almost similar.” I answer, Iris winking at her in my stead, “For a lack of a better explanation, we feel/taste the same to Him.”


“But why?” The redhead asks, visibly confused.


I ponder for a beat.


Flicking a finger up, I levitate my plate with my half-eaten carrot cake part.


<“Because of that.”> I send her mentally, bypassing her shody shield with ease.


I’m rewarded for my efforts by four splendidly hanging jaws, the cowardly Kurt being too far to see my display.


“I’m not going to explain ‘how’ I did it.” I start before they can pester me with questions I don’t want to answer, “But I have, more or less, the same abilities as you have, Jean.”


“Bloody hell…” Scott mutters, visibly aghast.


“The blood.” Rogue realizes dazingly.


Gwen chuckles lightly at the mutants’ reaction.


“And the fact that we share some capacities is why He asked, well, more like strong-armed me into helping you if you and I ever met again.” I add with a little smile.


“But you didn’t have them in January!” Kitty blurts out, “How could you possibly help her?”


“Kitty, she just got through my shield like it wasn’t even there.” Jean explains drily, “I’m fairly confident that she knows more about my powers than I do.”


“Not necessarily.” I admit easily, “I think that the Phoenix never intended me to help you with your powers in particular.”


“Then how?” Jean asks, visibly confused.


“I think that He expects me to correct the unnatural fear that you have about them.” I explain, crossing my fingers in front of me while leveling my gaze into hers, “In barely four months, I reached heights you've yet to achieve, and it’s not due to a difference in potential because I’m almost certain mine is inferior to yours.”


Only for the telepathic side of the equation but she doesn’t need to know that.


“I know that for most of you,” I explain as my eyes rove on the four mutants currently in my field of view, “Your awakening has been traumatic to say the least.”


If the various long faces are anything to go by, I’ve downplayed it quite a bit.


“Mine wasn’t and happened in a carefully controlled environment.” I explain, “Which gave me quite an advantage but also didn’t make me scared of them.”


Or close enough. I still shy away from the most insidious side of telepathy but I’d be hard pressed to think that I’m in the wrong there.


“The Phoenix doesn’t need me to teach you anything, He needs me to push you to embrace your powers as a part of you, something Xavier apparently never succeeded at.” I explain softly, still carefully eyeing the redhead.


“You’re just getting by with the bare minimum because you’re scared of your full potential.” I slowly carry on, “You shouldn't. It’s only when you know your limits that you’ll be comfortable with them.”


“But…” She hesitates, a hint of fear in her eyes.


“And every second you deny those limits will push them even further.” I explain stonily, “Mutant abilities grow with time and use. If you wait too long, it’ll be even harder for you to control them in the future.”


“The same is true for all of you, of course, in case you weren’t aware.” I add to the other’s benefit.


Rogue looks at her hands with a bit of fear while Kitty seems thoughtful. Scott doesn’t care because his own ability is always on anyway.


“And you’ll have to learn to control your abilities.” I ascertain to Jean as I look back at her behind Iris’ mask, “Because if you don’t, like I warned you in January, when the Phoenix decides that He had waited enough, it won’t be pretty.”


Jean’s face is ashen as I end my sentence while taking my last sip of tea.

So, I'm diverging quite a bit from cannon by making the Avatars of various deities into their moral compass, but I find it less moronic than the rest.

What would be the benefit of tying yourself to a mortal when you can nuke a galaxy by sneezing too hard at it otherwise?

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