Iris and Me

Chapter 75 : Dawn of a new era (Toodles!)

Heya, a new chapter.

Where we say farewell!

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 75 : Dawn of a new era (Toodles!)


Unspecified location, unspecified time, the Astral Plane


I do not wait for Gwen’s reaction to stomp in the direction of the still discussing trio.


The twin suns that are the Phoenix’s eyes land on me as I near, prompting the discussion to stop as Jean and Scott turn to face me.


“Sorry to interrupt but there’s a situation.” I explain rather abruptly.


The Phoenix tilts His head counterclockwise and I feel His mind brushing mine.


I let down my psy-shield for an instant in silent acknowledgement.


His eyes narrow imperceptibly.


“What’s the emergency?” Calmly asks Scott.


I almost, almost, make a double-take at his tone of voice.


Calm, measured and collected.


I cannot see his eyes behind his shade but I have the feeling his gaze is unwavering.




“That.” I explain gruffly, not feeling like dwelling for hours on explanations as the Phoenix’s mind pulls back from mine and my psy-shield snaps up while Gwen steps next to me, “I need to alert my teammates before it gets ugly.”


Jean looks toward the Phoenix for an instant before her attention comes back to me.


“We could help.” She offers.


“There’s more.” I answer, shaking my head slightly, “New York isn’t the only american city that is going to be under attack. I’d rather you’d focus elsewhere since you have access to the jet and we don’t.”


Scott arches an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest.


“American city?” He asks.


Clever boy.


I’m honestly amazed at how his personality is almost a complete one-eighty from before.


…That would be extremely rude to point it out loud though.


“This is a worldwide event.” I admit, my foot tapping the soil under my feet in nervousness, “And potentially a shit-show of disturbing proportion, a lot of people are going to die because that prick was petty.”


Even if I’d Simurgh up immediately once we’re back, I wouldn’t be able to stop it all by myself. I cannot be everywhere at once.


I won’t be able to do anything about the situation in Europe, in the Middle-East and in Asia.


And it is nearly driving me crazy with rage because if I hadn’t opened my big mouth and asked the Phoenix to…


I’m jolted out of my self-admonishment when Gwen’s hand lands on my arm.


My attention snaps back to her.


Her eyes are full of worry as she looks at me.


I notice that I’m shaking.


I try to unwind a little, taking a deep breath.


The air comes in my lungs ; it is cold. I let it go through my nose ; it is warm.


I don’t have time to panic and wallow in remorse.


What’s done is done.


The air comes in my lungs ; it is cold. I let it go through my nose ; it is warm.


Come on Aria, focus.


“Thanks Gwennie.” I tell the blond with a grateful, yet a little shaky smile.


She wordlessly nods back at me as her hand falls.


“Sorry to cut the meeting short but we don’t have much time.” I reiterate as I look back to the Phoenix and the two mutants, “I’ll teach Jean how to come back by herself when it’s taken care of if she’s amenable.”


Jean, who was frowning mightily, visibly perks up.


“Of course.” The redhead answers immediately.




“Likewise, oh Phoenix.” I demure politely, biting my lip to better hide a wince.


Two encounters with Him has been enough for a lifetime in my opinion.


His eyes narrow as He looks at Gwen.


-YOU SHOULD VISIT THE WEAVER’S DEN, CHILD OF FATE.- The bird of fire says pointedly to her, making the blond jerks a little,  -I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE WILL BE INTRIGUED.-


Wide-eyed, Gwen can only give Him a tiny nod of acknowledgment.


His attention turns back to His avatar.


-I’LL BE WAITING, JEAN.- He declares.


Jean smiles shyly, probably not really knowing what to do with the full brunt of the raptor’s attention.


Without another word, the Phoenix spreads His wings, His flames flaring.


He flaps mightily and He is gone the next second, the only vestige of His presence the scraggy tree He perched Himself upon.


I release a shaky breath almost immediately.


“I know the feeling.” Gwen mutters next to me, her hand squeezing my arm lightly.


“Why Gwennie, and I thought meeting supernatural entities that can snap your life with a sneeze was your everyday’s joy.” I deadpan.


Jean and her throw me a look at my dryness.


“Don’t judge me, I’m stressed beyond relief.” I defend myself with a scowl.


“Right.” Gwen drawl, unimpressed but visibly sharing my anxiety, “We’d better get going.”


I wordlessly extend a hand in Jean’s direction, Gwen being already in contact with me.


Scott steps near Jean, raising his hand almost automatically before flinching, seemingly thinking better of it.


Jean’s attention turns to him, a silent exchange occurring through their eyes.


After a beat spent devisaging their respective vis-a-vis, Scott gingerly drops his hand on her shoulder.


I nod tersely.


“Alright, brace.” I warn them.


I pull.


And we’re back.



“English Tea Time” Tea house, Manhattan Mall, Koreatown, Manhattan, New York, 5th of May, 15:48, in Rogue’s mind.


Rogue had been too terrified to even count the seconds as time seemed to crawl.


She had been trapped into a state of near constant shiver as she remained trapped with someone who she had started to consider like a best-friend of sorts with someone, something that was undoubtedly a very dangerous and deadly predator.


It was therefore totally comprehensible that she nearly jumped out of her skin when Jean, Scott, the Weaver girl and the one who apparently wore a monster as a sort of second skin suddenly slumped forward, loudly gasping for air.


Blessedly, the wicked mouth full of very sharp and pointy teeth instantly vanished as soon as it happened, bringing an end to Kitty and her suffering.


Kurt, the cowardly prick that he was, was still at large, presumably still lurking at a distance after his massive blunder.


I swear I’m going to wrangle his skinny neck for that.




“Gods, what a headache.” The girl behind the monster’s skin, Prodigy, uttered slowly while starting to massage her temples.


Next to the southern girl, Jean mirrored her reaction while hiding a wince.


“Goes with the job, I’ve been told.” The redhead said between gritted teeth.


“Why are the both of us fine?” Asked puzzedly Scott, gesturing between Weaver and him.


Rogue’s eyebrows raised to prodigious heights.


He had been polite.


“Telepathic feedback I’d wager.” Prodigy provided, her voice still strained, “Since the both of you aren’t as sensible as Jean and I, you didn’t feel it.”


And the masked girl was polite with him too!


What the hell happened?


“Doesn’t really help that there’s a pungent smell of ammonia in the air, it’s driving needles into my sinuses.” Prodigy carried on.


In the corner of her eyes, Rogue saw Kitty go teary-eyed and redder than a tomato.


Oh, poor girl.


“We have to go.” Weaver said, slightly nudging her associate.


“Let me end my phone calls first, I could use a breather.” Prodigy said, tilting her head in the other girl’s direction, “Then I’ll drop you.”


“Alright.” The other girl easily accepted.


“You can give me the bags in the meantime.” The girl behind the monster’s skin said, lazily extending her hand across the booth, “She’ll keep them safe.”


Rogue tensed.


She knows.


Weaver knows.


The southern girl watched with morbid fascination as the girl with the strangely shaped white insectile mask dropped the two’s belongings into the outstretched hand.


She had to clamp her hands on the underside of the bench when a white and purple matter oozed out of it, seemingly consuming the various shopping bags.


“What is that?” Jean asked, going a little googly-eyed at the strange and alien display.


Oh no.


Please don’t ask.


Prodigy visibly perked up at the question, locking eyes with the redhead.


Please, don’t answer, I beg you.


“Pocket dimension,” Prodigy answered, her voice full of pride, “My sister’s work, really handy.”


“She must be a really gifted scientist.” Scott conceded, apparently impressed by the display.


Rogue was how so very happy he had ceased to antagonize the girl after ‘her’ earlier little demonstration.


“That she is, I like her lots.” Prodigy beamed.


Blessedly for Rogue’s heart, Weaver choose that moment to gently tap the suddenly bubbly girl on the arm.


“Are you finished?” She asked.


“Almost, I still have to tell Peggy about it but I can do that while we join with the other.” Prodigy answered as she started to rise.


Rogue made a double-take at that.


When did she made those phone calls exactly?


The masked girl suddenly paused, her attention snapping back to Scott.


“Pardon me for asking but you need the glasses due to a brain injury, correct?” She asked out of the blue.


Rogue watched Scott’s eyebrows raise minutely over his red-tinted shades.


“...Indeed.” He answered hesitantly.


The girl extended her hand once more, the white and purple ooze dripping between her fingers without ever falling on the table.


The southern girl couldn’t keep her eyes away from the slowly raising syringe that emerged.


It was disturbing to say the least, like seeing an animal regurgitate its meal.


Worst of all, the syringe was apparently filled with something that looked suspiciously like blood.


“Here.” Prodigy said, motioning for Scott to take it, “Take it. It should heal the damage if you inject it in your neck.”


“What’s this?” Scott asked, his tone wary and puzzled as he eyed the syringe cautiously.


“Think of it as Worthington’s future, if you will.” The girl answered mischievously.


Rogue’s eyes bulged, remembering a conversation she had with Warren.


“A giftable healing factor.” She blurted out in awe.


“Momentary, I’m afraid.” The girl brushed out her comment easily as the three other mutants around the table gawked, “But it should do the trick just fine. I managed to cure Alzheimer's with it.”


Scott gulped, clutching the syringe almost proctively.


“...Thank you.” He uttered slowly, his tone grateful, “And I’m sorry.”


“Think nothing of it, it wasn’t your fault.” Prodigy instantly answered as she straightened herself, offering a hand to Weaver in the motion who took it graciously, “It was… Unexpected to see you all again but we have to skedaddle.”


The two started to move in the tea house exit’s direction.


“A pleasure.” The girl with the insectile mask uttered with a polite nod as she stepped next to them.


“Toodles!” The girl behind the monster’s skin chirped with a little wave.


Silence dropped around the table as the sound of an ushered conversation between the two girls ringed.


“Thank god it’s over.” Rogue blurted out, slumping in the bench.


“What do you mean by that?” Jean asked, visibly puzzled.


“Don’t ask.” The southern girl answered, “At least not now.”


She whirled around in her seat, pinning Scott with a glare.


“And you!” She said, stabbing a finger in his direction, “Never antagonize her again!”


Scott blushed bright pink.


“I won’t.” He said simply, his hand still holding the syringe as if it was a lifeline, “It’s a promise.”


“Good.” Rogue exhaled, “Good.”


The southern girl straightened in her seat, her eyes roaming the tea house.


“Now where is Kurt because I’m going to murder the little shit.” She hissed under her breath.


“Guys, I don’t know what happened to make you two so visibly upset,” Jean said, raising her hands in a placating gesture, “But we have to go too, there’s a situation.”


“Please…” Kitty muttered softly, prompting the three to look at her, “Can I at least go to the bathroom before that?”


She reddened even further under the look of her friends, tears pearling at the corner of her eyes.


“I think I need a change of clothes.” The black haired girl muttered lamely.


Silence dropped as Jean and Scott looked at her befuddled.


That’s it, I’m going to skin the blue-skinned imp alive.

For those wondering how Aria is making her phone calls, she's using her multiple thought streams in parallel with her cyberpathy on her cellphone to call her friends, which, for obvious reasons, isn't evident to Rogue.

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