Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 113: Heartburn

"Do you think he will help us with some cards?"

"You know how these smiths are."

"Not all of them! Remember Zendril's cousin?"

"Bah, that was because he was her cousin!"

"I'm sure he'll ask for a ridiculously high payment."

"The explosions stopped! Crithann must be done!"

"Let's hope we aren't going to get into trouble-"

The chatter continued as a small group of Viridians stood before Numilli's small cabin. They had been standing there for hours now. A deep, melodious hum echoed through town, and a few of the older Viridians stood with their eyes closed and their hands up. Their cards were all glowing as if they were enjoying the sound.

Their conversations all stopped as the methodical and consistent thudding stopped.

"He finished," someone whispered.

The others remained quiet while the humm gradually died down.

"Let's go… I'm sure he will need to rest after this," one of the elder Viridans said. "If we want to ask him for help, it will go a long way if we don't bother him now."

There was a round of agreements, and the group of Viridians scattered. Some, however, remained not too far off, their eyes on the door.


"That was… weird," Irwin groaned as he slumped to the ground, closing his eyes.

He was bathing in sweat, and his body was shuddering, hands tingling. All of his cards felt spent and without energy, but thankfully his first card's hunger had vanished.

"Kid… shut up…" Ambraz croaked.

Irwin laughed and raised his head. The former heartcard was hovering above Ambraz's flat surface, a foggy thing with a disturbing image of a heart with blood dripping from it. He couldn't see the card's real form from this angle, and he was too weary to get up.

"So… what exactly did we just do?" Irwin asked as he lay back down, his neck so sore he couldn't keep his head up for another second. Ambraz had said just to hit it like a normal card, and he had. But as he did, he'd felt… weird things happening. He wanted to find another word, but he just couldn't think of one. It just didn't make sense, as if the card was being deconstructed, yet at the same time, repaired.

"We?" Ambraz snapped before sighing.

His voice sounded as if he'd swallowed gravel, but he didn't sound as tired as Irwin felt.

"Well, I guess it is we in this case. I don't think I could have done it without your absurd sense of timing. So… you know what a heartcard is, nothing more than a combined card of different things. It grows as it accumulates Soulforce, which it gets by absorbing cards of compatible types. This one was not completed, and without a living body, it was disintegrating. I took the energy that was expelled during this process and guided it back to becoming a regular card. It had-"

Ambraz grunted as if he recalled something annoying.

"It had way too many options to choose from because of how it was one of multiple cards, and I tried to guide it to those that would benefit you. But, well, there wasn't anything with movement or range—sorry kid.

Irwin frowned.

"Wait, so it's a normal card again? What rank is it?"

Ambraz hummed contentedly. "Why don't you look for yourself?"

Irwin hesitated for a moment, much rather stay on his back and letting his body rest. Then his curiosity got the better of him, and he propped himself up on his elbows. He still couldn't see the card, but that was fine. Eyes of Blaze felt incredibly drained, and he hoped it would work. Otherwise, he'd have to get up after all.

It did, though he could sense it wouldn't stay up very long. It was almost as if all of his cards were empty.

Card: Heart of Sweltering Heat

Type: Ruby, Reforged by Irwin Roddington

Owner: -

The wielder's heart turns into a source of heat that draws in ambient water, increasing the temperature and humidity in the area around the wielder.

Passive: Greatly increases fire resistance and endurance

Passive: Increases resistance to poisons and toxins

Irwin swallowed as he wondered if turning his heart into a heat source would offset the rest of his cold weakness. There wasn't anything about it in the passives, but still… Then he stared at the passives and realized something.

"It became ruby ranked, but didn't it have another passive and active before?" he asked, sounding slightly let down.

"That's what you notice?" Ambraz snapped. "Yes, yes, it lost some passive and active abilities. But there's something great about this card. Get it?"

Irwin paused as he recalled the wording of the passives.

"Something about greater fire resistance and endurance?"

"No, no! Greatly increases fire resistance and endurance," Ambraz said, slightly annoyed now. "Greatly! Do you know how rare that is?"

Irwin frowned, then shrugged.

"Nope. But… it's not a movement skill, and it's not ranged," he said as he imagined slotting it.

Although having a ruby card would be awesome, he only had two slots left, and this would do nothing for his weaknesses. The sweltering part had caused him to hope it would alleviate his water issues, but it didn't seem to have that either. Just something about ambient humidity.

Unless… his tired mind suddenly began spinning. Ambraz knew what he wanted and needed, and he seemed enthusiastic. So, what was he missing? Greatly increased endurance? What would that-

"Increased endurance helps me deal with my lack of water?" he asked.

"Finally," Ambraz said with a weary sigh. "Yes. It won't fix your problem, but it will make it so it will bother you no more than a regular person. You will still need to drink, but the way the card is described gives me the idea there should be a rare path we can reforge it in that should give you even more benefits."

Irwin nodded, staring at the card with more interest.

"What else does endurance do?" he asked. "I take it gives me the ability to run longer? And what's the difference with constitution?" he added as he recalled his Coperion Body.


Irwin looked up to see Ambraz's mouth open and close.


"These questions…. No, Ambraz, that's so great that you managed to think about what I needed while doing the near impossible and reforging a heartcard into a regular card. Nooo…. Whatever. Let me think for a moment," the Anvil muttered.

Irwin felt slightly bad, but he quietly waited until Ambraz spoke up. After a few minutes or two, Ambraz sighed.

"Stupid, difficult questions. I think- emphasis on think, that the difference between constitution and endurance is one between being something and using something. Your Coperion Body card increases your constitution by making your body's makeup tougher. Think bones, muscles, tendons, and skin. Endurance has more to do with how your body works, so heart, stomach, blood… that stuff. If you have higher endurance, you can run longer because your body recovers fast. If you have a higher constitution, you can run longer because your body doesn't get tired as fast."

Irwin nodded slowly, then cocked his head as he saw Ambraz lick his lips with his gray slate of tongue.

"How sure are you?"

"What? Don't trust me?" Ambraz snapped. "Go ask someone else then!"

Irwin grinned, shaking his head. He was pretty sure Ambraz was very unsure, but some of it did make sense, so he'd just leave it at that for now.

"So, if I take the card, I'll be able to run faster, have less of a water dependency, and be even more resistant to fire…" Irwin said. "That means I'll only have one card left to get a Diamond one… that feels a bit risky?"

"You should eventually be able to reforge it to diamond rank," Ambraz said.

"By reforging it while it's in my hand, which will make it near impossible-" Irwin stopped as Ambraz began laughing softly.


"Right… I might have forgotten to tell you something about endurance," Ambraz said with a grin.

Irwin frowned, then forced himself to stand upright, suddenly looking at the card with hungry eyes.

"Will it increase my pain tolerance?"

"Greatly," Ambraz said, drawing out the word.

Irwin triggered Eyes of Blaze again.

"It doesn't say so in the passive bonus," he said.

"You don't have to believe me," Ambraz said. "But all in all, I think you would be a fool to let this card slip. I know you want a movement card, but you still have a slot for that, and when you start merging your actives and passives, this card will mesh incredibly easily with Fire-sensitive body and Coperion body."

Irwin nodded, staring at the card, and slowly, a wide grin formed on his face.

"If I slot this, will it combine with something from my hammer card?"

"Yes, and seeing as you're now a proper smith, you can actively influence which one," Ambraz said.

"How?" Irwin asked, wide-eyed.

"When you socket the card, you will sense different aspects of the adjacent card. From what I know, you should be able to discern which is which," Ambraz said.

That's vague, Irwin thought, but after a few more questions, it became clear Ambraz had no more knowledge about it.

"Alright, suggestions?" he finally asked.

"Does that mean you're going to slot it?" Ambraz asked carefully.

Irwin thought about his options, but the only thing that kept returning was the pain of having to reforge cards that were in his hand. If he could reduce that?

"Yes," he said.

"Good. Great!"

Irwin looked at Ambraz and cocked his head. "Why are you so happy about that?"

Ambraz's mouth turned into a line before he smacked his lips. "Because it means you will be able to reforge far more cards when we reach the higher ranks, meaning I'll rank up faster."

The sudden honesty made Irwin blink in surprise. "Can you tell me a bit more about your rank up?" he asked. "Also… how come you ranked up back then?"

Ambraz licked his lips before sighing.

"Let's do that after you slot the card and the others return. "

As soon as Ambraz mentioned the others, Irwin jolted.

"Will Greldo be back to normal?"

"He should be fine now the heartcard is gone," Ambraz said.

Irwin nodded, then stared at the card. He suddenly thought of something.

"Say… isn't my first card ruby rank too? It is… different from the others, and back home, we call them special cards because they don't follow the same rules as the rest," he said, trying to remember what else he knew about special cards. "But that one has both growth and impersonate… this one doesn't have anything?"

Ambraz snorted. "Ruby cards have this annoying tendency to have hidden abilities. Your Fire-sensitive body cards allow you to summon and control fire, right? Well, does it say so on the card?"

Irwin's eyes widened as he forced his card atop his hand and examined it.

Name: Fire-sensitive body

Type: Ruby, Growth, impersonate

As a ruby card, it gains all of the effects of ruby cards. However, due to its fire-based nature, the wielder will heal faster when near a source of fire and heat while slower when in a cold environment.

Passive: Increased resistance to fire, decreased resistance to cold

Passive two: Night vision (Can see dimly in complete darkness)

Card combination focus: Regeneration, Store heat

"It doesn't say special anymore," Irwin muttered as he recalled the first time he'd read the card. Back then, it had said special.

"Yes, yes- more important, it doesn't say anything about an active. Does it?"

Irwin absently nodded in agreement. Something about the change in what it read bothered him. Why had it said special when he was back home, and did it say ruby now? Why had it said special in the first place?

"Irwin, stop getting distracted! Now, after you socket that card, you will find out what its active ability is fast enough. Just focus on the card. Also-"

"Do heartcards get hidden active abilities?" Irwin asked, interrupting Ambraz.

"What? I- No. When a card becomes Diamond or above, any hidden features are shown."

Irwin nodded, wondering what the details of his first cards' hidden active ability were.

"I wonder why they are hidden," he muttered before focusing on the card.

So, what ability should I combine it with, he thought. After a moment's hesitation, he brought up his hammer card to inspect it.

Card: Firesteel Hammer of Intent

Type: Topaz, Growth, Reforged by Irwin Roddington

Owner: Irwin Roddington

A multipurpose card that allows the wielder to summon a hammer made of firesteel. The hammer has multiple forms, all able to withstand great amounts of heat and punishment. Depending on the wielder's intent, the hammer that appears can be as small as a smith's forming hammer or as large as a battle hammer.

Passive: Increases the wielder's speed and ability to strike

Active: Summon a firesteel hammer. Lasts until dismissed or destroyed.

"Growth! If I get growth as a combination, it will definitely level! I mean, I'll be using it nonstop, won't I?"

Ambraz grunted, his mouth opening as if he was about to say something. Then he closed it and hummed.

"I was going to say take striking speed… but you are right! All you have to do is run around, practice, and train, and you will constantly use your heart! Kid, that's a great idea!"

Irwin grinned, surprised at Ambraz's sudden excitement. Taking a deep breath, he was about to pick up the card when he hesitated.

"It's fixed, right? No more hungry cards?"

"Yes, yes! Just grab it!"

Irwin carefully took the card, and when he felt nothing but the card's cool surface, he grinned as he gazed at the card. When he saw the blood-red borders and the hearth with what looked like blood oozing off, his grin turned ugly.

Oh well, the image isn't important! I wonder what Bronwyn would say if he knew I was hesitating to slot a ruby card!

Taking a deep breath, he put the card on the back of his hand, wondering if he was finally slotting his first eventual legendary -Diamond- card.

There was a shiver, then the card sank into his hand, seemingly melting away as it was absorbed. He sensed his hammer card begin to vibrate. A year ago, he wouldn't have noticed, but after having reforged hundred-plus cards and having purified so much metal, he noticed three oddities, almost like tendrils of energy waiting to grab onto something.

The new card next to it was stretching out a single tendril of its own, seemingly hesitating as if it was unsure.

Focusing on one of those on his Hammer card, Irwin immediately got a sense of what it did. It was meant to reshape and grow. He couldn't tell how he knew, but he knew it had something to do with it being his own card. Almost like the card was telling him. He was also pretty sure it was the one he needed, but to be sure, he looked at the others. One was foggy and odd, while the other was solely speed. Nodding to himself, he focused on the first one, and as soon as he did, it stretched out, grabbing onto the tendril of the second card.

A staggering pain in his chest made him stumble, and he tried to gasp. No air came as he felt himself turn limp and slump on the ground.

Heart… stopped… Irwin wanted to shout. But he couldn't.

Al he could do was lay on the ground and endure the stabbing pain.

"Kid? What's wrong?"

Ambraz whisked above him, and if Irwin hadn't been feeling an impending sense of dread, the worry in Ambraz's voice might have surprised him.

"Irwin! Come on! The card… I'm sure I didn't make a mistake… No, I'm positive! It's flawless, ninety-nine percent."

Ambraz's voice dulled while darkness filled his vision from the edges.

"Nothing was- wait… it's changing your heart! Kid! Don't worry, it will be fine! It's just-"

Irwin felt like someone had stabbed a superheated dagger into his heart. Then a deafening thud came sounded in his ears, and he felt streams of superheated blood shoot through his veins. The control over his body returned, and he spasmed. He was about to open his mouth to roar out his pain when the raging, boiling blood calmed. The heat remained, but it was as if his veins and body began getting used to it. The thundering thudding of his heart began to die down, and slowly he realized he was curved on the top of his head and his heels, his body taut like a bow.

Taking a deep breath, he relaxed, lowering himself back to the ground. Ambraz was hovering above him.

"Kid? Irwin? You alright?"

"Yes, I'm alright," he said, his voice sounding like he had a cold.

"Thank the elder anvils," Ambraz muttered before landing on Irwin's shoulder.

Irwin looked at him, not sure what to say, and happy when the door was shoved open.

"Seeing as that the moaning and grunting have stopped, I presume you are done?" Greldo snapped as he stomped inside.

His face was slightly bruised but back to his normal self, and the top of his armor was torn and ripped apart. He froze, one foot in the air, as he stared at Irwin.

"Are you alright? Why are you covered in blood?"

Irwin frowned and wiped his face, his hands coming back red and sticky with thick blood.

"I'm fine," he said.

So that's why Ambraz was so worried, he thought as he glanced at the Anvil.

"... That's good," Greldo grunted. "But you might wanna wipe that off before the girls get here."

Irwin nodded, looking around until he spotted what looked like an old rag. As he began wiping his face, he wondered if his new card had an ability and, if so, what it was. Deciding to check it out as soon as he had a moment alone, he looked at Greldo.

"So. Wanna tell me what happened after Scintilla brought you away?"

Greldo looked up from where he had been leafing through one of the books.

"My card tried to break free or something, not sure. It's hard to explain, but I couldn't resist it no matter what I tried. I don't remember much till Scintilla was smacking me around. Did you know she can smack people with the flat of her blade and send them flying?"

Irwin grinned as he gazed at the sides of his friend's face.

"That explains those nice markings you have."

"Yeah, yeah. What happened to that heartcard?" Greldo asked as he looked up, a slightly fearful look in his eyes.

Irwin looked around, then took a few steps toward Greldo. Somehow, even though he'd been talking about all kinds of stuff before, he suddenly felt a slight worry that someone might be listening in. He couldn't say what gave him the idea, but he leaned over to Greldo, whose eyes had narrowed.

"Ambraz changed it into a normal card," he whispered, raising his hand.

"Five… almost there," Greldo said as he shook his head. "What does it do?"

Irwin shrugged. "Might keep me warm during the cold days, not sure yet. For the rest, I can run longer."

Greldo raised an eyebrow. "Yeah… that sounds like a great card. Are you sure you should have taken it?"

"It also reduced how much things hurt me," Irwin said, suddenly wondering how that would actually work. Would it still hurt as much, but would he simply not mind? Or would it feel like it hurt less?

"How much?" Greldo asked, looking up, a nasty grin on his face. "Wanna try it out?"

Irwin grinned back as he saw his friend raise a fist.

"Only if I get to hit you back," he said, raising his own, much larger fist.

"Bah. Let's just wait and see then," Greldo said with a grimace.

They continued their banter for a while until Scintilla and Numilli entered the cabin.

"Where's the card?" Numilli said as she looked around. "I want to inspect it! I'm sure it has to be incredible, and-"

"You almost got us killed," Irwin said, interrupting her. "Twice!"

Numilli crossed her arms and harrumphed. "That's not all my fault! I didn't know those Fleshgorgers would come and attack us."

Irwin gritted his teeth while Greldo stepped forward.

"You led us into the body of some giant dead thing!"

Numilli pouted as she walked towards a table shoved in a corner. "We are alive, aren't we?"

"Numilli… apologize to them," Scintilla said.

Irwin saw she was looking at Numilli with a sad gaze.

"Why? I didn't do-"


"Fine… I'm sorry for not telling you about the Earth Titan," she said. "Where is the card?"

Irwin sighed as he shook his head. "I slotted it," he said, giving her a hard look. "You have a problem with that?"

Numilli pouted again, then sniffled. "I needed that for my research."

What research? Irwin thought, as he looked at her. Wait, was she going to cry?

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