Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 115: Uneasy compromise

Lamia quietly stared at Daubutim, noticing the massive warrior's eyes narrow.

Come on, come on. Please just say you will help, she thought, trying to will the other to say he would cooperate. If he wouldn't, she had no idea if that old bastard would ever let her go again. She shivered as she thought about what he'd done. If only Irwin had been able to get to her first!

I wonder if he will come back strong enough to stop Uxin'tar, she thought.

As she thought about the tall, powerfully built smith, she felt a sense of security. Irwin would definitely come back for her and save her. But what if he was too late? The world he'd gone to was far away, and Uxin'tar had said now that he was gone, he'd never be back in time to help. He had to be lying…

"What did Gelwin take?" Daubutim said in his dull voice.

Lamia was about to answer when she felt something painfully clasp around her cards while a voice resonated in her head.

"Tell him it's a powerful legendary card."

Lamia swallowed, then quickly repeated the words.

It's diamond, you old fogey, she thought as she watched the young noble frown.

"No single diamond card can stop what is happening," Daubutim stated. "However… I might be willing to find out where Gelwin is if I can if Uxin'tar does something for me."

Lamia wanted to scream for joy, but she couldn't. The way Uxin'tar had locked her cards down left her no room for it.

"What do you want?" she asked, relaying Uxin'tars question.

"Two things. I want him to release you, and I want his help to find my father and brothers," Daubutim said.

"I will agree, but only after he finds Gelwin," Uxin'tar said in her head.

Lamia could sense the hunger and barely concealed hate in the old man's voice, and she shuddered. She had no idea if he was lying, but it wouldn't surprise her if he was.

"He agrees," Lamia said quickly.

Daubutim stared at her. She could see the questions in his eyes, but he simply nodded. Something about the dull, almost idiotic glaze in his eyes and the deep voice made her wonder how he could even ask the questions he sometimes did. Was he always just acting?

"Very well. I take it he won't allow you to leave, so I wish you luck. I'll tell Indoutor to move into some alleyways every evening. If you need to tell me something, relay it through him. I'll do the same. However, I have been told I'm not allowed to leave a lot."

"Tell him to hurry," Uxin'tar hissed.

Lamia grimaced and relayed the message, getting nothing but a flat stare from Daubutim. Then she felt something wrap around her, and a moment later, she was yanked up into the alley back towards the large bird. As she was dropped atop the feathery back beside the wrinkled old sorcerer, she shivered.

"You did well. If you keep doing as I say, I'll make sure you will get out of this unharmed," Uxin'tar croaked. "Now, let's go. I've been noticing something odd with the other people in our world. They should have been moved away, but for some reason, they are all still here. Prepare to go inside the central registry and get some information."

Lamia nodded as the bird shot up and away. A thin layer of fog hung around it, and as she looked around, she wondered again how many cards the old man really had. He seemed to have two full hands, but she'd seen him use so many abilities…

Irwin, you've gotta come back soon! She thought, wondering if Irwin had even reached the planet yet.


"This should be what you wanted," Irwin said as he handed the card to Lavrona.

The burly Viridian woman who was in charge of the public building they were sleeping in now stared at it dumbly before looking up at him.

"I only gave it to you this morning," she said before staring back at the purple-bordered card. "I'll check with Crithann if it does what I asked."

Then she moved away, heading toward the largest central building. It was the only four-story building in the town and the highest point beside the wall.

Irwin shook his head in confusion, surprised by her cool reaction. It hadn't cost him a lot of effort to reforge the card to her wishes, but he'd expected more than this.

"She thinks you are lying," Scintilla said from the side. "Can you blame her? Cardsmiths don't usually come to small places like this, and if they do, they aren't interested in reforging but instead are looking for cards. On the off chance that they do help the people, they usually ask something ridiculous in return."

Irwin nodded, then stretched himself, enjoying the burning sun on his sore muscles.

"Did you get any missions?" he asked, knowing he was procrastinating what he should really be doing.

Scintilla grinned, nodding her head. "Yeah. Crithann has asked us to clear out any Wyrms that are within half a day from us."

"Of course he did," Irwin thought as he rubbed his arms. The muscles were tender, which was still a remarkable improvement over how they had felt earlier that morning.

"Anything else?"

"No, but I suspect you will be getting a few more reforging requests soon," Scintilla said. "Now… shouldn't you be heading back to Crithann?"

Irwin groaned, but he knew she was right. Ignoring Scintilla's laughter, he began walking to the central building.

I hope he won't ask me to attack him for another hour, he thought as he recalled the previous workout.


"Are your muscles no longer painful?" Crithann rumbled.

Irwin quickly shook his head, staring up at the towering tree man. Since he'd gotten his cards, he hadn't really been intimidated by someone's size or stature anymore, but standing before the two head taller, twice as massive Crithann made him feel like a child again.

"Good. Your regeneration is very good for a simian. Almost on par with the best of us. Now, summon the biggest hammer you can."

Irwin suppressed a groan as he did. The previous time he'd had to do that had preluded an hour of trying to hit the massive Crithann.

"You will again try to strike me while I dodge you. This time, I will show you another movement to use. You may not use any other."

This time Irwin couldn't help but groan, and he summoned the large hammer. It dragged down his hand, and he looked up.

"Coperion Body again?" he asked.

"Not yet. Use two hands and start like this," Crithann replied. Then he stretched out his hand, and a card flashed on the back while the sand below began shuddering. A long haft began extruding out, part plant, part stone. Crithann gripped it, and a moment later, he pulled out a hammer that dwarfed Irwin's.

"Pay close attention," he rumbled.

Irwin didn't respond, focusing fully on the Crithann. The Viridian only showed things once and had been more than a little agitated when he hadn't been able to copy him the first time he showed him something.

Crithann spread his feet, one a bit before the other then raised the hammer in both hands, holding it to the side.

"Hammers are slow, even if you are incredibly strong, you will never be as fast as someone with a sword," Crithann rumbled, staring intently at Irwin. "But you don't have to be. A sword is only lethal if it strikes certain body parts or if it pierces you in a weak spot. All other hits won't do more than scratch you."

Only because I have Coperion Body, Irwin thought.

"A hammer, however, can incapacitate someone with a single blow. With a long handle and your strength, you are able to create deceptive blows. Hold the handle closer to the hammerhead and strike horizontally. When you are almost at the target, let your hands slip slightly so the hammer moves forward, then grip it tight. If someone ducks below, kick them."

Irwin watched in awe as the massive hammer blurred through the air, suddenly seeming to elongate when it reached a point before Crithann. As the hammer was passed,, the massive Viridian stepped forward and kicked out, switched the hammer to his left hand, and made a grasping motion.

"Little ones with daggers and short pointy things usually try to close the distance. Use the momentum of the hammer to grab for them, or if need be, let yourself be drawn sideways by its force."

Crithann moved again, the same thing, but this time as the hammer swung away, he followed it to the side with a slight jump.

How can he move like that when he's this big, Irwin thought.

"Did you see?"

He quickly nodded, knowing he was now expected to do his best to copy the move.

"Show me."

Irwin took a deep breath and moved his feet as best as he could in the position Crithann had demonstrated.

"Your left foot more forward."

Irwin did as asked, then swung out. As he felt the hammer move, he waited for what he hoped was the right move, then released his grip slightly, allowing the hammer to slide forward. Then he clenched it nearly at the end. To his surprise, he managed to keep his grip, but before he could be happy, he lost his balance. Stumbling forward, he crashed.

"Never lose your balance. When wielding light weapons, losing your balance may get you killed. When wielding heavy weapons, losing your balance will definitely get you killed," Crithann said.

"Proceed until you can do it correctly. Then you will attempt striking me."

Irwin nodded, and he continued practicing.

It took a long time before he managed to do it without looking like a fool, and even then, he knew it would be dangerous to use during battle. Crithann didn't seem bothered, and for another few hours, he was mercilessly forced to chase after the far too nimble tree.

In the end, he never got close to hitting him, but Crithann complimented him even so.

Irwin continued until he could barely stand, the hammer in his now Coperion Body changed hands, slipping constantly. Still, he was surprised at how long he managed.

"Enough," Crithann said. "Rest for two hours, and don't forget to drink and eat. After that, you will practice the move on your own."

Irwin nodded, slumping on the ground and releasing the hammer. Crithann stomped off.

"Damn… he moves like someone half his height," Greldo muttered from the side. "I don't think I could hit him." He was rubbing Coal behind his ears, the massive Hound looking incredibly happy with their current location.

"Crithann has at least one or two soulcards," Scintilla said with a big smile. "If you were able to strike him, he'd have to be ashamed of himself."

"Soulcards?" Irwin asked, looking up from where he lay. He could already feel his weariness subside, though the dull sensation in his arms would probably last a lot longer. Still, he scrambled up, causing Greldo to scowl at him.

"Sure… get back up. Really reasonable after what you just did," his friend snorted. "Should have given me that card."

"Maybe we will find another one," Irwin said with a grin.

"But you said he has soulcards?" Irwin asked again.

"Yes. It's not commonly known, but Numilli told me.

"Right, and everything she says is the truth," Greldo said, sarcasm heavy.

"She isn't lying," Scintilla said. "Can't you sense the pressure from him sometimes?"

"That's a soulcard?" Irwin said, surprised, as he recalled the slightly stifling pressure Crithann had exuded. It hadn't been aggressive, but-

Wait… Didn't I sense that somewhere before? he thought, trying to recall when he'd sensed it.

"He has three," Ambraz said, flitting down and landing on his shoulder. The anvil had been hovering around, seeming bored with the training.

"Three?" Scintilla said, gaping at Ambraz. "Are you- No, never mind. By the Flames of Aghos. Three soulcards. I wonder why someone like him is here…"

"Perhaps he likes it here?" Irwin said, wondering how powerful soulcards were.

I'll find out someday, he decided, then began waving his arms around.

"This greater endurance is fantastic," he said as he felt the soreness slowly retreat already.

"Don't you mean great?" Greldo snorted.

"So, when do you want to clear out some of those Wyrms?" Scintilla asked.

"Tomorrow," Irwin said. "I was told to practice more in an hour, and I don't think it's smart to set out with my arms hurting like this. Tomorrow is better."

Greldo snorted.

They headed out together, eating and drinking something at the tiny open pavilion near the gate, which doubled as the local eatery. They weren't the only ones there, but the Viridians only looked at them occasionally, leaving them to their meal.

After they finished, Irwin rested for a while before practicing until he fell over. He pushed himself on, going as far as to continue until he saw stars before finally taking a break. By then, he was able to swing his hammer and grab it without stumbling too much.

Sleeping during the night came easy, easier than during the day, and when he woke to the early rays of the blistering sun, he felt no soreness. No pain. Nothing but the comfort of the leaf bed.

He met Scintilla and Greldo outside.

"Finally awake, sleepyhead?" Greldo snorted as he continued pating and petting Coal, who lay on his side, a lupine smile on his face.

"What? You in a hurry?"

"No, but you might. I think I saw Crithann search for you!"

Ugh, already? Irwin thought as he looked around.

A burst of laughter signaled that he'd been had, and he snorted at his friend.

"Whatever. So, you know where we need to go?" he asked Scintilla.

"Yes! There's a stretch of length south that was being prepared for a grove that keeps attracting more of them. There are only smaller ones, so we should be fine," Scintilla replied with a reassuring grin.

Irwin nodded before looking at Greldo. "Will Coal be alright?"

Greldo gave him a wicked grin while Coal struggled to his feet and glared at him.

"We just got caught unaware," he said. "Don't worry, we will be fine!"

Irwin nodded, not a hundred percent sure. Still, he'd seen Scintilla swing her sword about, and he was pretty sure that if she thought they would be fine, they would be.

"Alright, let's head out then!"

When they reached the gate, two tall Viridans were looking at them.

"Cardsmith," one of them grunted as he nodded to Irwin. "Will you be heading out?"

"Yes. Crithann asked us to clear out some more Wyrms from the southern fields," Irwin said.

"Good," the Viridian said as he pulled open the gate. "Be careful. It doesn't pay to underestimate those slithering annoyances."

"We'll be careful," Irwin said.

The Viridian just nodded, and they walked through the pale white wall.

It has to be ten feet thick, Irwin thought as he reached the other side, trying to recall how many steps it had been.

"Alright, let's head out!" Scintilla said as she set out in an easy jog.

"She isn't planning to run all the way, is she?" Greldo muttered.

"Sure am, pretty eyes!" Scintilla shouted, causing Irwin to grin.

He ran after her, quickly setting in a calm and steady pace. Within minutes he knew that when he had to make his heartcard, he definitely needed to somehow keep the greater endurance. He was breathing as easily as when he was walking, and as he increased his speed to match Scintilla, he looked over to see that, although she had no issue, her breathing was definitely faster.

"Should we decide on any tactics when fighting those Wyrms?" he asked.

Scintilla looked up, and he saw her eyes widen slightly.

"Sure! You change into your hotbody shape and kill what reaches you while I slice and dice!"

"And what about me?" Greldo asked as he effortlessly loped beside them, followed by an eerily quietly moving Coal.

Seeing how easy his friend was breathing, much easier even than Scintilla, Irwin sighed. If he hadn't gotten his new card, he'd never have been able to keep up with the others. Not if they ran, at least.

"I suggest you two stay close together, just in case the plan you have with Coal doesn't work out. Just unsummon and-" Scintilla began.

Coal growled a deep, dangerous sound that caused the hairs on Irwin's arms to rise.

"Uh…" Scintilla said as she turned to Coal. "Sorry, Coal. I'm sure you will be fine!"

Coal blew a cloud of glowing ash from his nose, something Irwin had never seen him do.

They continued on for a good while, bantering as they went.

As they crested another sandy dune, Scintilla stopped as she reached the top.

"We are here," she said, her breathing slightly laborious.

Irwin nodded, his breathing the same as when he'd started. As he slowed down, he saw Greldo turn before drawing a few deep breaths.

Heh. So, I might lose in a sprint, but neither of them can keep going this long, Irwin thought.

As they reached the top, he stopped and swallowed. Below was a large flat area, parts of dunes to the side seemingly having been dug away. The ground was darker than the surrounding desert, and holes dotted it. Bumps that he instantly recognized were moving slowly across it, seemingly aimlessly.

"So…" he said, staring down. "Now what?"

Scintilla grinned as she removed her sword and swung it a few times, causing a hissing sound.

"Simple. I'll call a few over, and then we get to play tag, you're dead!"

Irwin grimaced at the bad joke. Still, he summoned a hammer, not the largest one he could summon, but a long-handled one that he could swing in one hand or two. Moving it around in wide arcs, he hesitated, then triggered Coperion Body. Instantly the hammer felt lighter. He'd love to try and fight without it, to practice, but he'd rather do that against something else than Wyrms.

"Alright! Get ready, I'll get a few," Scintilla said. Her body disappeared in a red flash that moved down so fast that Irwin had a hard time even following it with his eyes. It was more like a red lightning bolt than anything else.

A split second later, Scintilla appeared above one of the bumps, stabbing down. A splurt of white goo shot up, but she was gone already, appearing beside another one. Another splurt of what had to be blood, and she was gone again.

"Does she even need our help?" Greldo muttered.

Irwin shook his head, not sure how to react. Three more bumps erupted before a dozen of them began closing in on Scintilla. They saw her look around before signaling to them and shooting back up. A split second later, she appeared in front of them, a wide grin on her face.

"As long as they stand still, it's easy to time my attack," she said. "It's a shame they figured it out before I could get a few more."

"This isn't the time," Irwin said as he took a few steps to the side so he could have room to swing. The first bumps were closing in.

"And Hotstuff?"

Irwin looked up, seeing Scintilla's raised eyebrows.

"No fire."

Irwin grinned, nodding his head. "No worries."

A bump rushed up the side of the dune, aiming for Scintilla, and Irwin grinned. Taking a deep breath, he raised a foot and stomped it down as hard as he could. With the full weight and power of his Coperion body behind it, a dull thud rang out, and the bump course corrected for him.

Let's try this first, Irwin thought as he drew his arm back before hurling his hammer at the bump. It streaked through the air before slamming into the bump. A dull scream came as a wyrm blasted out, half of its head caved in. It began flailing about while Irwin unsummoned his hammer and created a new one in his hand.

Jumping forward, he swung at the flailing Wyrm, smacking it on the side. It was pulled free of the ground, its nine-foot-long body skidding away across the sand to land a good distance away.

That's one, Irwin thought with a wide grin.

Rustling sand came from the side, and he stepped back while slapping his hammer to the side. He hit a Wyrm midair, causing it to fly past him.

A dull howl came, and Irwin spun around, suddenly afraid to see Coal being eaten alive.

The large Hound stood before the remains of two Wyrms, both ripped apart into two and three pieces. At that time, another bump appeared to the side. Irwin opened his mouth to scream a warning when a shadowy blur rushed from Coal's side, slicing at the Wyrm and causing it to slam into the ground. Coal was instantly upon it, grabbing it in his giant maw, and-

Irwin felt a thud against his back, then something akin to someone stabbing him with a fork.

Ugh… got distracted again, he thought, he was about to reach back and rip it out when he had another idea. With a wicked grin, he slung his own hammer across his shoulder. He slammed into something, and a splat came. At the same time, a hot wet liquid splattered across his back and neck.

The pungent scent that came with it made Irwin cringe.

Okay, perhaps not such a good idea, he thought.

Two bumps rushed him, another one behind, and he stopped thinking and began acting.

Time passed in a blur of swinging and dodging sprays of white goo.

When they finished the ones atop the dune, they continued down and, over the rest of the morning, quickly wiped out any Wyrm they came across. When it was afternoon, and Irwin knew he should have brought some food, all four of them were covered in pungent white goo.

"So…" Greldo said, staring at his arm in distaste. "I presume a shower isn't going to happen?"

Irwin hummed as he looked at Scintilla. "So. I know we can't use fire on these Wyrms… but what about hot water?"

Scintilla, just in the process of wiping her blood-covered face with her equally blood-covered sleeve, stopped and frowned.

"Depends on how hot?" she asked.

Irwin grinned, closing his eyes. Very gently, he prodded his new Heart of Sweltering Heat card. It had taken him hours of practice to realize how it worked, and as he very carefully activated it, he felt a pull surge out of him. A pale red light gleamed on his right hand, and as he looked up and around, he saw a thin fog begin to coalesce around them.

"Irwin?" Greldo asked, the discomfort in his voice obvious.

"Don't worry," Irwin said as they watched the fog ripple around them in a large area.

It covered most of the dune, and he saw it roiling down to cover a small area around it. The center around him became denser, and as he raised his arm, a thin film of water was forming. The water was warm but not hot. If he wanted to, he could pull it in faster, but that would increase the temperature while making it nearly impossible to breathe for the others.

As the minutes passed by, the fog became so dense it was hard to see through, but Irwin saw both Greldo and Scintilla showing no sense of discomfort.

"So… you can pull in water?" Greldo asked.

Irwin grinned as he began wiping at his leather armor. By now, he could only see vague outlines of his friends, and as he wiped his face, the warm water sliding off, he shrugged and took off the top half of his armor.

A content, happy hum came from Scintilla.

"This is great. Hotstuff, you need to come with me to my world! You could become rich!"

Irwin's grin widened as she began to sing softly.

"Okay. Fine. Your card rocks. Happy now?" Greldo said from the side.

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