Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 117: Rules and regulations

"Alright, now explain to me why a horde of Imps dared attack my town," Crithann said.

Irwin and the others were standing near the gate while a group of curious Viridians had come out to listen in. Crithann didn't seem to care, staring at Yogog.

"Whoa, easy there," Yogog said, raising his hands in defense. "This wasn't our fault!"

"I didn't say it was. Now answer my question," Crithann replied.

Yogog put his hands on his side and let out a weary sigh.

"About that. I take it none of you have had any news from Cinder Grove?"

"The last information we had was when Irwin and his friends came," Crithann said, his expression turning serious. "What happened."

"Portals appeared," Yogog said.

Irwin felt Ambraz move about on his shoulder, and he thought he heard a soft, whispered curse.

"Impossible," Crithann rumbled, his voice holding a tinge of anger. "This is-"

"A stable world, too far from the main branch, multiple soul-carded. Yes, I know. It shouldn't be possible. But the quartz rank portal on the border of Cinder Grove didn't seem to agree with us."

A worried murmur came from the surrounding Viridians, and a few of them ran off, like to get the others.

"Didn't? So they send someone in to close it?" Irwin asked.

"They did, but not before a large number of those things poured out," Yogog said, waving back behind the gate. "They immediately began spreading out, and the guards only managed to catch a small number of them."

There was a moment of quiet as people looked at Yogog, then whispered conversations began.

Irwin wanted to ask more questions, but with Crithann frowning and seeming lost in thought, he waited for a few moments. When the silence lasted, he shrugged.

"Are you here to warn us? When did you return anyway?" Irwin asked.

"Don't know exactly," Yogog said as he deflated. He rubbed his eyes, and he looked at Hotzli and Ignalia. Both were quietly talking with Scintilla.

"Hotzli, any idea how many days we were running?" he asked.

"Three," she replied without looking up from her conversation.

"Three, huh? It felt longer," Yogog said. "That means we returned four days ago."

"You said that portals appeared," Greldo suddenly said. "As in, more than one. Are they around Cinder Grove?"

"No. I have no idea where the others are, but I'm pretty sure there should be more. Details later, but me and the girls got ambushed when we were near the southern volcanic region. A few of those flying imps tried to catch me. We fought them off, but at some point, two massive flying ones came. We did what we could, but they seemed hellbent on grabbing me, and finally, Hotzli didn't have another choice. She triggered her ability, and the next thing we knew, we were as far north from Cinder Grove as we had been south before. Some tiny town called- .. called. Blazing balls, I don't recall. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we had to get back on foot, and when we returned, the whole city was in a frenzy. Balarn said the portal appeared a few days before we arrived, so there's no way those things could have found us that fast. "

"How's the situation in Cinder Grove?" Crithann rumbled. "Did Gebladir give a statement?"

"The big man? Not that I know of, but we were only there for a day, so who knows? All I know is that flying imps have been roaming the borders of Cinder Grove, and there've been a few cases of missing smiths. Balarn was worried about Irwin, so he told me to find you and make sure you stay safe," Yogog said. "It was a good thing that Scintilla had told him what mission center she went to, so I could find out where you guys were. Even then, something happened when we were teleported here. We arrived in the middle of a group of these things, and if Hotzli hadn't known the area, we would have been royally screwed."

Irwin frowned. If Balarn had been worried enough to send Yogog even after he'd only just returned, that meant there couldn't just be a few imps flying around. He hadn't had a lot of problem with them, and it was only the pale one that-


"Crithann, how could that pale imp with the daggers fight you for so long?" Irwin asked as he looked at the towering Viridian. He knew exactly how fast and strong Crithann was, and he could hardly believe what he'd seen if Ambraz was right and he had soul cards… Irwin felt a worrisome thought crop up.

"Because that thing had a soul skill," Ambraz said.

The whispers stopped as a deadly silence hung in the air.

Shit, Irwin thought as he heard his fears spoken out loud. That meant soulcarded imps were hunting smiths.

"What?" Yogog snapped. "You've gotta be-"

"The Anvil of the Gods is right," Crithann rumbled. "And not just any soul skill, but one meant solely for speed and combat. There was barely anything I could do besides keep it at bay."

Irwin swallowed as he thought back to the dagger slicing across his body. The thin cut didn't hurt, and a quick inspection showed it was closing.

"But you-" he began before holding back. Was it normal to mention someone had soul cards?

"My soul cards are based on strength and utility which are deemed useless," Crithann said. "It's one of the reasons my family banished me here."

There was silence as the group stared at him. Irwin saw no pain or even worry in Crithann's eyes.

"That is ridiculous," Scintilla said. "There are so few soulcarded! How can any family just-"

"This is not a conversation for now," Crithann rumbled as he turned to Yogog. "Is there anything else you know?"

Yogog shook his head. "Just that our temporary charter head has told me to stay with Irwin."

"You are welcome to stay," Crithann said as he turned and stomped towards the town's central building, which was also his home. "Everyone is to meet me in the central square in one hour," he ordered.

"So…" Yogog said as he turned to Irwin. "How about you show me where we are staying? I could do with some rest."

Thirty minutes later, Irwin was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Yogog was out with Greldo to find more beds for him and the girls, while Scintilla was still filling in Hotzli and Ignalia.


"What's up, kid? Don't tell me you are scared of being kidnapped?" the Anvil snorted from his position atop Irwin's chest.

"How come you can see if someone has a soulcard? Didn't you tell me you couldn't because soulcarded didn't leak Soulforce or something?"

"It's one of the benefits I took when I ranked up," Ambraz said.

"What else did you get?" Irwin asked, curious.

"Questions, questions… Fine! A way to better help correct tiny inconsistencies in your card reforging, some density increases, and a larger area to detect other beings! All great stuff, and something I'd have long since had if that dumb old beardy face hadn't locked me up."

"How long will it take for you to rank up again? And what will you get?" Irwin asked, not interested in hearing another rant about Gelwin.

Ambraz snorted. "You will likely rank up as a smith before I rank up again, but it should be before you become a ruby smith. As to what I'll get? It depends on what I pick."

"Like reforging a card?"

"Yes, something like that," Ambraz muttered. "The others are coming back."

Irwin nodded and got up to help them carry the new beds up.

Another thirty minutes passed before they headed to the central square. A large gathering of Viridians was there, many of which Irwin recognized.

With the sun burning down from above, the temperature was scorching, but none of those present were bothered.

"Everyone, I have some bad news," Crithann rumbled without any prelude or niceties. "A group of Imps came very close to the wall, and the scouts found that they didn't leave. More of them are gathering near the eastern mine prospect, and there is one that has a dangerous soul card."

A surprised outcry came, and many of the Viridians clustered closer together, rapidly talking amongst themselves. Only a handful remained quietly watching their leader.

"There's more," Crithann said, seemingly ignoring the others. In short, calm words, he told everyone what Yogog had said.

When he finished, one of the other older Viridians stepped forward.

"If portals are appearing here, Scour is going to slowly become unstable… we need to close them!"

"We don't know if there are more portals," Crithann said, seeming ready to continue when a cool voice interrupted him.

"So these imps are just here for the smiths?"

Irwin looked to the side to see a Viridian he hadn't seen before standing there, arms crossed and an icy look on his rugged face. His orange-leafed hair stood almost straight up, making him look taller than he was.

"Ah great, one of these people," Yogog snorted loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Snap all you want, smith, but before your friend came here, none of your kind ever graced us with your presence. Now you're here, bringing trouble, and we should what? Help?"

Yogog snorted, glaring back as he began walking forward. However, before he could take more than a few steps, Crithann's dull voice rumbled out.

"And what do you suggest, Rootiryn? That we hand them over?"

"Just send them out of the town. If they run away, one of those flying heat lovers should notice, and the rest will leave," the cold-looking Viridian said.

"Are you crazy?" another Viridian snapped, and his angry shout seemed to unleash the others. Within moments a cacophony of shouting and arguing began.

Irwin and the others backed up slightly, Yogog cursing nonstop.

Why don't we just kill them? Irwin thought as he thought back to the Imps. He'd dealt with many of them, and although the memory of the pale one still caused him to shudder, they should be able to handle it!

The worried shouting only increased, and he looked up to see Crithann look around, his bark-lid eyes narrowed. He finally seemed to have enough as he stepped forward.


Crithann's voice drowned out those of the others and caused everyone to stare at him in shock.

"We will not be sending anyone out of our town," he said, pinning Rootiryn with his eyes. The other seemed ready to argue when a dull pressure began emanating from Crithann. All whispered conversations ceased as the Viridians stared at him in awe.

"You completed your third soul card," one of the elderly Viridians said as he shambled forward. "Why are we even talking about this then? You can just take care of it."

Crithann shook his head, his angry scowl fading as he smiled at the old Viridian. "Elder, do you not remember when the Imp world shattered? It has been a long time, and those imps are getting dangerously close to turning Addled. As strong as I am, if they swarm me, it will be dangerous."

The old Viridian sighed, shaking his head.

Crithann turned to Irwin and the others, looking at him with his dark green eyes.

"I might not be able to do this alone, but with your help, it should be fine."

Irwin felt himself nodding before he even thought about it.

"Are you crazy? That pale one is way too fast! You said it yourself," Yogog snapped. "Even if Irwin could melt him to bits, which I still don't understand how that worked, how do you suppose we even catch him?"

"Err… I think I can get him to stop moving for a bit," Scintilla said.

Yogog looked at her, then turned to the other two Ignitzions. "Dammit, Hotzli! Tell her it's a bad idea! Let's just get that teleporting cousin of hers to take us all out of here?"

"Numilli can't teleport all of us out of here," Scintilla said.

"Just have her teleport those she can and tell the people in Cinder Grove to send other teleporters to help?" Greldo said, causing everyone to stare at him stupidly.

There was a stunned silence, then Scintilla turned in a red blur that zipped toward Numilli's house.

"Elder, get the others ready. You will leave first," Crithann rumbled.

"Good, that's a much better plan," Yogog said as he looked around. "Too bad we couldn't have thought of this sooner! It would have saved me dragging those stupid beds all the way back!"

Numilli and Scintilla came running a few minutes later, and it didn't take too much effort to get Numilli to understand what they wanted. However, when it came to teleporting them all away, she shook her head.

"No! You promised-"

"Numilli, enough! I'll help you when-"

"No! You keep saying that," Numilli snapped, stomping her foot. "I've been- I can't-" she shook her head and crossed her arms, glaring at everyone around her.

"Have you found one?" Irwin asked as he stepped forward, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Numilli pouted. "Not yet."

"If you help us, I promise that I'll help you with the next Earth Titan."

"Me too," Greldo said as he stepped forward.

Numilli frowned, and her gaze moved around.

"Fine, fine! I have no idea what this is about, but I'll help too! Now can we get out of here?" Yogog shouted.

“Numilli…” Scintilla asked.

"Fine!" the smaller Ignitzion said, sighing heavily. "Who do I teleport?"

Finally, Irwin thought as he moved back to let Crithann handle things.

A short while later, a cloud of ash teleported Numilli and six of the oldest Viridians to Cinder Grove.

The others waited, but as an hour passed, a worried look began spreading.

"Perhaps they can't find another teleporter?" Greldo whispered.

"In times of need, the Urdwellan family will help," Yogog muttered. "Viridians are known to help each other if they can."

"Then what?"

"How should I know?" Yogog snapped.

When another hour passed, a sense of foreboding and worry grew, and Crithann sighed.

"I don't know what is wrong, but they should have long since been here. Everyone, head back to your homes. Irwin, would you and your friends come with me, please?"

Irwin and the others followed Crithann to a quiet area while the Viridians spread out, many together and looking worried.

"So, I guess you want us to go with you?" Yogog said before the Viridian could start.

Crithann sighed and nodded before turning to Irwin. "How did you turn those Imps to ash?"

"It's one of my cards," Irwin said. "It drains the heat out of them."

A hiss came from the three Ignitzions, and Irwin noticed they all looked at him with a sudden fear.

"It only ever worked on Imps," Irwin said, trying to recall if that was entirely true.

"Well… keep it away from us until we know what it does," Hotzli said.

"Irwin would never hurt us," Scintilla snapped, turning to Ignalia. "Right, big sis?"

"Don't call me that. And no. I don't think he will," Ignalia said.

"I'll be careful," Irwin said, turning back to Crithann. "What do you propose?"

Crithann turned to Scintilla. "The only dangerous one we have seen so far is the pale Imp. If you can lock him down, even for only a second, I can bind him in place. Then Irwin can take care of him."

"Sure. I saw him move, and I'm sure I can intercept him and knock him down for a moment," Scintilla said.

"What if there's more than just one of them?" Greldo asked.

Crithann turned to Irwin, who saw a gleam in the Viridian's eyes.

"That final ability you used with the fog. What is it?"

"Fantastic!" Scintilla blurted, causing the others to look at her.

Irwin laughed, recalling how she had him summon the steaming air nearly every evening.

"I can create superheated steam," Irwin said.

"So, water and heat?" Crithann asked. "Can you do it right now?"


"Alright, summon a small area."

Irwin had no idea what Crithann wanted, but he decided it might take longer to ask and get an explanation than just summon some steam. With a tiny flex, he controlled his newest card to pull in the nearly non-existent drops of water. As a thin mist began circling their feet, Irwin raised an arm looking at the sheen that was appearing. Each time he did, he was surprised about how much moisture there still was in the air.

He let the steam grow for a minute, and by then, they were all standing in a patch of dense fog.

"So… this is new," Yogog said, his dark shape barely visible.

A soft moan came from next to him, causing Irwin to blink. It came again, and for the first time since getting his card of Sweltering Heat, he felt his lips go dry.

"Big sis! Stop making those noises!" Scintilla shouted from nearby. "I know it's nice, but-"

"Irwin, how hot and dense can you make this?"

Crithann's voice rumbled through the white world.

"Not sure, but hot enough to cause it to be unbreathable," Irwin said.

"Then… I think I have a backup plan in case there is more than one of those pale ones," Crithann rumbled.


"Daubutim, it is good that you returned as promptly as you did yesterday," Librarian Purntou said.

"Thank you, Master Purntou," Daubutim said.

They were walking away from the central area that was designated for Librarian Purntou's apprentices after they had been introduced to them.

"I will bring you to an area filled with books written by Librarians for Librarians now. Read through them before this afternoon because you will be meeting an important librarian."

Daubtim nodded, wondering who that would be. His mind was oddly fuzzy, part of it still preoccupied with the conversation with Lamia the day before.

Did I make a mistake asking for help finding my father? he thought. As soon as he did, he felt his mind begin to grow more fuzzy, and he quickly focused back on the area around them.

A short while later, they reached an alcove within the Library, empty as most of it seemed to be. A stack of thick books lay on a table, and Librarian Purntou tapped them.

"I've prepared these for you. Read them, so you will know the proper way of things for this afternoon."

Daubutim nodded, not showing any of the confusion he felt.

Purntou smiled at him, then turned and walked away.

What type of etiquette could possibly require this many books, Daubutim thought as he sat down and pulled some towards him.

Ten minutes later, he stared at the books in consternation. He was not new to rules and etiquette, but he'd never seen anything like the books before him.

Why would it matter if I stepped onto the wooden thresholds instead of over? And, don't look at the cover of books with eyes?

He took a deep breath and picked up the next book.

When Purntou finally returned to get him, Daubutim had a sense of trepidation as he looked at the Librarian.

"Ah yes, I remember that feeling," Librarian Purntou said wrily. "Don't worry. It will pass as you get used to it."

Daubutim sincerely hoped so because, from what he had read, there was something sincerely wrong with this Library.

"Now, follow me. We are going to see one of the master librarians and one of the oldest at that. He has heard of your accomplishments during the entry exam and is interested in meeting you."

Daubutim nodded, but he barely cared about some master librarian. Compared to the rules he'd just read, he couldn't imagine it being all that special anyway.

They continued through the Library, and after a while, the shelves lining the walls turned a dark burgundy, while the books seemed both ancient and ageless. A hallway lay between two of the bookcases, a door nestled on the other side.

Librarian Purntou moved towards it and took a single glance at Daubutim, who nodded. The door was pulled open, revealing a spacious office with pale walls decorated with some paintings. Many showed landscapes and towns.

"Ah, Librarian Purntou. How good of you to arrive on time. Please enter. I'd love to have a look at our newest apprentice!"

Daubutim looked up to see an ancient, bearded man staring at him from where he sat on a large wooden chair. His heart skipped a beat, and he barely managed to refrain from speaking as he stared at the familiar face. He'd seen it in books, on paintings, and there had even been statues of the man, though none had been able to capture the glitter he had in his eyes as he stared back.


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