Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 141: Request from a friend

Irwin hummed, focusing his energy before striking the metal with all the power he could muster. As the energy from his Hammer card flowed out, leaving three-fifths left, he stepped back with a nod. Ever since his first mistake of emptying the energy of two of his cards, he'd made sure not to do that again. Instead, he only used two strikes infused by his flame card and one by his hammer card.

Now, although he was feeling slightly groggy, he wasn't close to dropping a slumber again.

I wonder why it shrank so much faster at the start, he thought as he examined the metal.

Over the last few weeks, he'd managed to shrink the metal to the size of a hand, but it was becoming progressively harder to purify.

"So little progress," Ambraz grunted as Irwin removed the Purperion-riddled slab of metal from his surface.

"It's not going to happen in time for the auction," Irwin said, knowing it was an understatement. If the current trajectory held, it would take years instead of the months he'd hoped initially.

He inspected the metal. There was no more semblance to the hoop it had once been, but the purple metal streaks now were clear as day. It wasn't just that, he also had the feeling there was more of it, which Ambraz had said shouldn't be possible. He also had no clear idea how much his hammer and flame card had grown, but every time he woke, they were brimming with energy and definitely held more than they had the day before.

Well, I guess it might be better if it takes longer. Who knows, I might actually grow two cards to Ammolite like this, he thought.

"We have about three weeks left before it starts, so I need to focus on reforging a few more cards that I have lying around."

Ambraz let out a weary sigh before nodding. "Perhaps you can find another growth card! The best would be one that increases the energy capacity of the other cards."

"Those exist?" Irwin asked as he looked up in surprise. He'd never seen a card with a skill that did that.

"Of course they do," Ambraz snorted. "You remember those two cards you saw that let you use skills more often?"

Irwin cocked his head, then felt like hitting himself for not making the link.

"Of course… they have to increase a card's energy to be able to do that," he muttered.

"Exactly," Ambraz said. "Normally, I wouldn't suggest one of those. It's usually better to have an entirely new card with passive and actives, but with you closing in on a second diamond card while only needing one more card to become a heartcarded, it wouldn't matter too much."

Irwin nodded as he moved to his desk and sat down. He grabbed a thin stack of cards from atop a pile and put them to the side before grabbing two much thicker ones and rifling through them. It took him only a few moments to find the cards Ambraz had mentioned, and he placed them before him. Both were Amethyst, and he'd not actually meant to reforge them but use them to feed Ambraz.

Taking a quick look with his Eyes of Blaze, he saw that both did roughly the same thing. One allowed the wielder to use the abilities of cards in the same hand twice as many times, while the other added a flat two times to every card he had, even those in the other hand. As he read that, he wondered how that even worked. Still, his life would have been easier if he'd had one of these before. He could have used Smouldering Heart more when he needed it back during the Imp troubles.

"So, I assume they will both get stronger with reforging?" he asked.

"Definitely. I don't have a lot of knowledge about these types of cards, but what I do know is that the few that are deemed great enable someone with two-time use card skills to be used ten times. Which is the only reason people think about using them in the first place."

"There are card skills that can only be used one time per day?" Irwin asked, surprised he'd never heard about those.

"Yes, some soulcarded teleportation skills that work in the Portal Gallery drain the entire card per usage. There are also cards that create massive effects; for instance, there's a well-known soulcarded on a waterworld that can create a storm that covers a massive area for a day," Ambraz said. "You can probably find more stories about them if you search the library when we return."

Irwin nodded as he wondered about having a card like that.

"And these people use cards that expand their card's energy?" he asked.

"Yes, but not too much. The problem with cards that powerful is that they usually cause a lot of destruction," Ambraz said.

Irwin thought about it for a bit before he had another idea. As he did, he also realized how much there was still to learn about cards.

"So, are there any cards that regenerate the energy in cards faster?" he asked.

Ambraz snorted. "What do you take me for? A lexicon on all cards? I don't know… I guess there could be?"

Irwin grinned as he looked back at the cards before him.

Say I get a card that doubles or triples the number of times I can use my cards, he thought as he pictured each of his cards, trying to estimate the benefit.

Except for a few extreme cases, he'd been able to use his flame card as much as he wanted. Only when he had to deal with massive battles did it start running out. Coperion Body already lasted for two hours, and he could use it at least three times, perhaps more. Eyes of Blaze was his least used card by now, and he didn't really have many times he could use it as it was.

I need to test them out again, he thought with a frown.

That left his hammer card and Sweltering Heart. The first he could use seemingly indefinitely after summoned, and he'd yet to really note a limit on the amount of times he could transform the hammer. The one he really noticed a problem with was the steam of Sweltering Heart. If he could use that a lot more and bigger, it would have been very helpful…

He explained his findings to Ambraz, who quietly listened until he finished.

"Yeah, that's why most people don't really bother," Ambraz said.

"So… what do we do then?" Irwin asked as he stared at the two cards. "How about we just reforge them to Emerald and see what they become?" he asked.

"Ugh, more work? Still, I guess you are right. Although I don't know what special paths I can take with them, perhaps I can find one that gives you something more useful, although I doubt it."

Irwin nodded as he rose, took the top four cards from the pile he didn't need, and headed to the center of the smithy.

"Let's start with Topaz and see what changes," he said as Ambraz zipped to the empty area and changed into his working shape.

He tossed two largely useless cards in Ambraz's waiting mouth before pocketing all but the card that allowed all of his cards to be used a flat two more times. As he put it on Ambraz's surface, he waited for the anvil to finish chewing as he thought.

"Say, this one gives two more usages… wouldn't that mean that on a single-use card, it would triple the amount of energy a card holds?" he asked.

Ambraz chewed a few times before swallowing loudly, something Irwin still wondered about. Where did the card fragments even go?

"Yeah, a card you can use many times like your flame card wouldn't get as much benefit from this, while one that doubles its energy would help more," he said. "It's another of the reasons people don't use these things a lot. Most people have a few cards that would benefit from doubling and a few others from adding flat amounts."

Irwin nodded.

"So, what happens when I combine all of it in a heartcard?" he asked. "How do these cards fit in?"

"And there's the final problem," Ambraz said with a snort. "They take up one of the few passives you can have, and unlike, for instance, two fire abilities that might be blended together in a single, better, or more useful skill, they can only be merged with other similar cards."

Irwin felt a slight distaste as he stared at the cards. It was a good thing that these were only tests to see what he could expect, as neither had the growth attribute because he was starting to feel less optimistic about slotting one of these things as his final card.

"Isn't there one that only works on firecards so I can blend it with something else?" he asked.

Ambraz was quiet for a bit, then sniffed. "I don't know. There might be, and perhaps one of those could be combined with others."

Irwin nodded as he raised his hammer. "Well, whatever. Let's just see what these things have."

Reforging both cards, first to Topaz and finding out they didn't really change much, and then to Emerald with the same result, Irwin shook his head as he threw them on the table in distaste.

"A whole day and four cards wasted. Six if you count these two," he muttered.

"Yeah… well, they both only had one path! There was little I could do," Ambraz said.

"It's not your fault," Irwin muttered. "But unless we find something better, I don't think I'm going to get one of these as my last card. Even if it halves the time I need to work on the Purperion."

"Fine," Ambraz said, sounding less aggrieved than Irwin had imagined. "Let's just continue looking for a movement card then."

The days continued slowly as Irwin spent his time either reforging more cards, even attempting one Ruby reforge -which failed miserably- or hanging out with Scintilla. It hadn't taken the other Ignitzions long to figure out he and Scintilla were together, and they had proven very happy about it. Some even enquired if he was going to set up shop on Ignitz, their homeworld when he was done here. Preferably creating a steam sauna. Irwin had explained that he might visit, but he had other things to do.

The only interesting thing that occurred before the Card Auction happened late at night. Irwin and Scintilla were testing out the new fire-resistant table Irwin had forged for her.

Lying on his back, his hands roaming Scintilla's body, Irwin was startled when she suddenly placed two feet beside his hips and leaped across him.

"Numilli, what are you doing here?" Scintilla screamed as she placed her hands on her hips, seeming unconcerned that she was wearing zero clothing.

Irwin rolled from the table, stepping behind it, just in time to see the remnants of Numilli's dark teleportation cloud dissipate. The smaller Ignitzion looked up in surprise.

Numilli, her clothing ripped and tattered, mud and blood plastered on her face, looked from Scintilla to him and back. A wide grin came to her face as she clapped her hands.

"You got him!" she cried happily, causing Irwin to blink in surprise.

Scintilla took a step forward, waving her hands. "Cousin, what did I tell you about teleporting to my room in the middle of the night? You have your own room!"

Numilli ignored her as she moved forward, her eyes on Irwin, roaming across his body and making him incredibly uncomfortable.

"So? What did you think? Ignitzions are great, aren't they? Have you already-"

Scintilla's hand flicked across the back of her head, causing her words to stop in a yelp. Then, the much taller and stronger Ignitzion pulled her older cousin back like an unruly child.

"Numilli? Out! We can talk later, and-"

Numilli pulled free and turned to Scintilla, her eyes wide and happy. "I found one! I told you I did, and it's real, not just an assumption!"

Irwin frowned, but before he could say anything, he saw Scintilla's eyebrows lower as her eyes spat fire.

"Didn't you already say that before?" she asked dangerously low.

With the attention diverted from his naked self, Irwin suddenly felt it was all remarkably funny, and he watched quietly as the two Ignitzion cousins continued arguing.

"Yes, yes. And I was right!" Numilli shouted. "Let's go and get our stuff and-"

"It's the middle of the night," Scintilla said as she pulled her cousin to the door. "Besides, the Card Auction is next week, so we need to wait for that."

"But you promised," Numilli said, her voice rising as her eyes turned large and sad.

"Yes, but not to do it right away," Scintilla snapped as she pulled open the door and shoved Numilli out. "Now go back to your place, and I'll find you tomorrow!" she said as she slammed the door shut.

"But cousin," Numilli's cry came from outside.

Scintilla ignored it and turned around, staring at Irwin. When she saw he was grinning, she raised an eyebrow.


Irwin walked forward until he stood before her, towering over her and grinning down in her annoyed eyes.

"You're hot when you're angry," he said.

Scintilla's anger faded as she smiled up at him. "Really? Show me!"


Two more days passed, and Irwin had just finished another card when there was a knock on the door of his private smithing area.


The door opened, and one of Yogog's apprentices pushed it open, looking inside.

"Yogog asked me to come get you, Smith Irwin," the young man said, looking at Ambraz with wide eyes. "A teleporter arrived from Cinder Grove to come get you and Yogog!"

What? Irwin thought as he frowned. There were still four days till the auction, and he already had a teleporter ready to bring him and the others there.

"Alright, I'll be right there," he said.

The apprentice nodded and quickly left.

"Any idea?" Irwin asked as he pocketed the slightly overhand length piece of Purperion.

"What do I look like? A mind reader?" Ambraz asked as he turned to his travel form and flitted onto Irwin's shoulder.

"Somewhat," Irwin said with a grin as he walked towards the exit.

"Haha. Very funny," Ambraz muttered.

As they reached the outside, Irwin saw an elderly Viridian stand before the smithy, talking with Yogog. As he arrived, Yogog looked up and grinned.

"So, it seems we have to go early," he said.

"Smith Irwin, Lord Urdwellan has requested your presence for something important. If you could gather your things, I will bring you to him."

"Can you tell me what this is about?" Irwin asked.

"I am afraid I don't know, Smith Irwin," the teleporter said.

Irwin frowned, then turned to Yogog, who just shrugged. "I sent someone to get Greldo, Scintilla, and Hotzli," he said. "This guy is able to teleport a group of up to ten people, so I thought it might be fun to bring the kids along."

He jolted a thumb at the apprentice smiths who were making a show of trying to work while still paying attention to what was happening.

Irwin grinned and nodded. "Sure, why not."

"I'll get changed and grab my things," he said, turning to the quietly waiting teleporter.

The Viridian merely bowed his head.

A short while later, a group of Viridians, Ignitzions, together with Yogog and Irwin, stood on the square.

Crithann stood with them.

"The interesting part of the auction will last for at least a week, but outside of this, it will continue for a long time. There will likely be many opportunities to buy and sell cards, so don't focus solely on the main auction. Every one of the smaller mission centers will hold their own auctions. My advice is to keep an eye on those. It might even be worth it to pay some of the centers to look for you, though you would need to be sure you can trust them. It might mean the card you want is slightly more expensive than before, but at least you get it in the end," Crithann said.

Irwin nodded thankfully. He already knew many of the things Crithann just told him, as Scintilla had been telling him stories of the previous -albeit smaller- auction she had attended.

"We will return after selling all our cards and getting the cards we need to upgrade," Irwin said.

Crithann nodded, but something about the way he lingered told Irwin he had something more to say. Knowing his hammer teacher's way, he waited quietly.

"Irwin… can you do me a favor?" Crithann finally asked, beckoning him to walk with him.

Irwin followed him, curious about what Crithann would need his help with. Did he need a card reforged?

"I'm still working on my next heartcard and need a very specific card. Could you see if you can find it?"

"Sure," Irwin said, wondering why Crithann didn't just ask someone else or make it seem like it was an odd request.

"Don't say yes too quickly," Crithann muttered. "The card I need, if it appears, will be hard to get as many others will want it. Also… and most important. You can't let anyone find out it's me that asked you to get it."

Irwin's eyebrows rose as he stared at the massive Viridian leader. The green eyes stared back into his, and as he looked into them, he swallowed. Crithann already had soulcards, so that meant he was forming another heartcard? Irwin peeked at the other's massive hands, noting a similarity to him that he'd never paid attention to. Crithann had five cards, with one left to create a heartcard!

"Yes," Crithann said with glittering eyes. "Like you, I'm almost ready to form a heartcard. The fourth, in my case."

"Who is going to-" Irwin began, only to fall silent as Crithann stopped and looked him into his eyes, profound sadness and stubbornness in his eyes.

"My full name is Crithann Urdwellan, and Gebladir is my younger cousin," Crithann said before continuing slowly.

"Do you remember when I told you my family didn't want me because of my soulcards? Well, part of this is because when I was younger, I disobeyed the family laws and picked cards they didn't approve of. It's too complicated to talk about now, but the cards I chose are suited for what they call lower labor. They don't care that I managed to get a soulcard or even multiple. Gebladir never cared for what the others wanted, which is one of the reasons he accepted this station so far from our homeworld, which is on one of the main branches. He will help me create my Heartcard, but even he doesn't exactly know which cards I have assembled. If he finds out what I'm trying, he might try to change my mind. But he can't after I form my second full hand."

Irwin stared at the usually stoic Viridian, who was now talking animatedly.

"So. I need you to get the card on the paper I'll give you in a minute. That is, if you are still willing to help?"

Irwin didn't have to think about it and instantly nodded. He'd been training under Crithann for months and knew he was an honorable man who only wanted what was best for the people he was entrusted with. There was no way that he believed Crithann would be doing something bad.

"Yes, I'll help," he said.

Crithann didn't seem surprised, but a wide smile covered his face. He took a tiny piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Irwin.

"Memorize the card's specifics, then return it," he said.

Irwin nodded as he looked at the card on the paper.

> Dryadic seedling. No higher than Amethyst, and one that can be reforged into a minion card.

There was a list of specifics below, some more wanted than others, and Irwin scanned through them before handing the card back. He was confused. What was so bad about this card?

"I'll explain it after I have formed my heartcard," Crithann said as he took the card and frowned. The back of his hand flickered, and a tiny green flame covered his hand. Irwin's eyes widened as he saw it because he'd never seen Crithann use any fire-type card before. He'd also never seen a green flame.

"It's one of the cards that got me in trouble," Crithann said as he smiled at the flickering flame, which momentarily grew as it rippled across his hand. "Like you, my first card was flamebased."

Irwin watched the flame dissipate, then followed a quiet Crithann back.

The others looked curious, except for Greldo, who was making a show of patting Coal. Irwin was pretty sure his friend had heard every bit of the conversation.

"Alright, let's go! I can't wait to see what kind of massive fest they will have started," Yogog shouted as he moved beside the elderly teleporter. The Viridian nodded, and a green aura began hanging around him.

Irwin walked beside Scintilla and Greldo, nodding at both while tendrils of green vegetation began erupting out from the green aura. One moved to each of them, gently wrapping around their arm.

As the green glow began growing, engulfing them all, Irwin took a last look at his smithy. Then, the world turned green momentarily.

The next thing he saw was the massive lake that sat within Cinder Grove's borders, boats sailing across, and music filling the air. Looking around, he saw tents along the side, a sprawling market covering the entire area between the massive trees. Everything was illuminated by beautiful green, orange, and yellow lanterns while Viridians and dozens of other races and species were wandering about, smiling, and talking.

"Here we go," Yogog shouted as he raised his hands in joy.

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