Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 150: Dead Pact Mercenaries

Irwin grinned as he grabbed his plain white shirt and walked out of the room. Ambraz flitted to his shoulder, landing there lightly.

"About time! While we're there, we should get a bunch of new low-rank cards to experiment with!"

"I'm sure I can get some from Driseog," Irwin agreed as he thought about the small stack he had remaining.

Most were high quality or high rank, and although he enjoyed his many attempts at getting a hundred percent Emerald card, none of them had yet paid off like he wanted it to. Moving from Quartz through Amethyst and Topaz all the way there might help with what he was lacking.

Scintilla was standing below the stairs, looking up, her gaze trailing his chest with burning eyes.

"Are you coming?" Irwin asked, wrapping an arm around her for a moment.

"What do you think? I'm not going to miss out on a chance to get new ingredients and talk with anyone that came from back home!"

"Good," Irwin replied.

A few moments later, they were walking through what was now called the old part of town, something that made him laugh.

"It's that old teleporter again. He appeared in the central square, as grumpy as ever," Scintilla said as she looked at him. "Which card do you think Driseog found?"

Irwin shrugged, not sure. He had long since sent a message to Driseog that he didn't need the energy card anymore, so it could only be Greldo's. Though, he was curious to see what the details would be!

When they reached the new central square between the old first wall and the second still-in-progress wall, they saw a group of Viridians talking to an older, nicely dressed Viridian. Irwin instantly recognized him as the one who had teleported him to Cinder Grove the previous times.

"Smith Irwin. If you will, let us hurry," the man said immediately.

Irwin blinked and shared a surprised look with Scintilla before nodding.

I wonder what's going on, Irwin thought as he waited for the teleportation.


"Young friend Irwin," Driseog shouted, his voice happier than Irwin had ever heard it.

Walking through the quiet shop, ignoring the few customers who were watching him in curious surprise, Irwin raised his hand.

"Driseog, how are things?"

The shop owner smiled widely, his bark skin rippling oddly as he beckoned Irwin and Scintilla up to the private area. As they sat down, Irwin saw the wide smile had left Driseog's face to be replaced by a calm but slightly worried one.

"Smith Irwin, I am sorry to say I have asked you to come here not just because I managed to procure one of the cards you requested," the Viridian said. "Over the last few weeks, new people have been arriving, bringing news from the outside. Offworld, more smiths have been disappearing, and the smith's guild has called a state of emergency. All charters are to recall their smiths within the month."

Irwin frowned and leaned back. "Does that mean I have to leave?"

"No. From what I have heard, this is in Portal Gallery time, so you and many other smiths are allowed to stay where you are. Though, I presume Balarn will tell you more about this. He has requested that you stop by the temporary charter as soon as you can."

Irwin wanted to say something when he saw the other's set jaw and worried look. He had more to say.

"Now, there's been a high interest in your person. The large number of high-percentage cards that you have put out on the market has created quite the buzz. The people in the city have started calling you the Perfectionist, and many other Smith's charters are trying to locate you, most likely to try and have you join them. Now, if it were just smiths and enthusiasts asking questions, this would be fine. However, some less-than-savory figures have begun arriving together with the merchants. Doubling as guards for these merchants, some information I gained let me do some investigation," Driseog said, tapping a finger on his armrest.

"There is a group of Niox that have been asking many questions about the prominent smiths, especially those below the Ruby rank. After some digging, I found that they belong to Dead Pact, a notorious mercenary group that is known for their unscrupulous behavior."

Irwin frowned. "Niox?" he asked, trying to recall where he'd heard that name before.

"Kraniox Caorthanach, or horned demons as some call them," Driseog said.

Irwin suddenly recalled a race of beings that hid their faces behind bone-covered masks while walking around bare-chested. They were taller than him and heavily muscled. He'd seen them during their trip to Scour, which felt like years ago. Which it is, he suddenly thought with a startled realization. He'd been here for… over a year now? He really needed to start keeping a diary or something. Shoving those worries back for later, he focused on Driseog.

"Do you think they are here to try something?" he asked. "Isn't Lord Urdwellan handling this?"

"Lord Urdwellan is paying close attention, and I'm sure he will act if anything truly happens. However, I thought it wise to warn you. Now, as the other offworlders, Dead Pact will need to leave in a few months when this year ends."

Irwin looked at the table, wondering if those Dead Pact were like the imps, hired by some other party to find and capture smiths. Or could these be the ones behind it?

"Have smiths gone missing here again?" he asked.

"No," Driseog said. "But I suggest that you don't return to Cinder Grove until after the year ends. I had contemplated sending this card to you. However, I knew Balarn was going to request you to come here to share some information. Still-" Driseog looked at Scintilla. "I would suggest you are highly alert and don't stray from the lower levels."

Scintilla grunted, tapping her sword. "Let them try."

"We will be careful," Irwin quickly said. "Now, what card did you find?"

Driseog looked at them for a few moments before getting up and returning with a single card, handing it to him with a wide smile.

"It took a bit more soulshards than I would have liked, but I think this should cover everything you requested. It is a shadow-typed teleport card of Topaz rank, and I have to say there were a lot of interested parties. It cost twelve-thousand eight hundred soulshards, which I've deducted from the profits you've made. This leaves you with roughly six hundred and eighty thousand soulshards, though there are still a few cards left to sell."

Irwin looked at Driseog, stunned and in disbelief.

"Two of your cards ignited a nice bidding war, which managed to drive their prices up far beyond my wildest estimates," Driseog said, a wicked grin on his face.

Irwin couldn't help but mirror it as he thought about how many cards he could get with that many soulshards.

He gently accepted the card, his grin widening as he thought how happy Greldo would be. He focused his Eyes of Blaze, examining the card.

Card: Blurred Depths

Type: Topaz, Shadow

Owner: -

The wielder gains the ability to move through the shadowy depths, moving from one shadow to any shadow cast by an object they are familiar with.

Active: Move between two shadows within the same world.

"What do you think, Ambraz?" he asked, looking at the Anvil on his shoulder.

"It should mesh well with the furry kid's current cards, though I'll need more time to see if we can reforge it to allow him to teleport with multiple people. Right now, it seems largely restricted. Next time he returns, I'll need to investigate his current cards and see what can be done," Ambraz said, hovering before the card.

Irwin nodded, more than a little curious to see what Ambraz would come up with.

Driseog had been quietly observing, and he scraped his throat, making Irwin look up.

"I have a request," Driseog said quietly. "I have found a card for Yuulin, but it is currently only at Amethyst rank. It also lacks a certain feature. Would you be able to reforge it for me? I will make sure to pay you well for your time."

Irwin blinked, then nodded. "Of course. We can take care of that right away if you want?"

Driseog looked at him, then around. "I don't think we have the required apparatus for your craft here, neither a forge nor a hammer."

Irwin grinned as he rose to his feet and summoned his favorite-sized smithing hammer.

"No worries!"


Scintilla stood to the side, leaning against the wall, absently fondling the handle of her sword while she watched Irwin, bare-chested, striking the Anvil of the Gods as he had been for nearly half an hour. Each booming strike coincided with a lul in the humm that resonated throughout the building. Based on what she'd seen over the last year, she was pretty sure the hum would be audible all around the building and perhaps further.

She focused on Irwin's face, his light coppery skin gleaming and his eyes flashing with an internal light. He seemed to have lost any sense of time, something she'd seen many times when he worked. No matter how many times she saw him work, she still couldn't stop enjoying it.

I wonder how far he will come, she thought, as she recalled the smiths back on Igniz. Some had the same smile and obvious joy as they worked, and those were usually the ones that became the greatest.

As the hum deepened, she couldn't hold back a content smile. It had been a great decision to come here, even if she still hadn't found the card she needed.

Perhaps I'll truly share his heat before he heads back to the frozen lands, she thought, a wide grin on her face as she felt her core heat skyrocket as she watched him work.

He'd proven both kind and courageous, and between that, his smithing skills, and her own skills, any child she'd make with him would have to be more amazing than those of her sisters. What would her mother say if she came back with offspring? She was the only one that hadn't yet, and her mother had been complaining about it.

At least it would keep her busy while she raises the brat, she thought. Brat. She enjoyed the word Ambraz used. It would beat what her mother used to call her, that was for sure.

"Incredible. Is he always like this?"

Scintilla looked to the side, seeing Driseog watch in awe as the card on the Anvil began glowing and gleaming, the image hovering above it rapidly becoming clearer. Smudges were vanishing, and she could understand the other's questions.

"He's pretty fast, isn't he?" she said, feeling slightly proud in Irwin's place.

"Pretty fa- this is nearly at the level of a Ruby rank smith! I've never seen a smith that uses an Anvil of the Gods at work. Is this how they all are?"

"Dunno. We only have a few of those back on Igniz and none anywhere near where I'm from."

A clear ringing came from the Anvil, and they both saw Irwin keep his hammer raised, seemingly ready.

"Dammit, brat, that final strike was way too close," Ambraz snorted. "Still, from what I can see, it should be at ninety-seven percent or so."

"Is he joking?" Driseog hissed. "He can't possibly have…"

The Viridian fell quiet as she looked at him and nodded.

"So far as I've seen, Ambraz never makes mistakes in percentages," she said with a grin.

Irwin let out a content hum as he picked up the card and looked at the Emerald green borders before nodding as he turned to them.

"It's not a hundred percent, but it's not bad."

Scintilla suppressed the urge to laugh as she saw Driseog hesitantly accept the card. He'd already seen so much of Irwin's work. How come just seeing him make one made such a difference?

"Thank you, Smith Irwin," Driseog said, looking up. "We- we didn't discuss a price. If you want, I could offer you what I think it would fetch during an auction?"

Scintilla tuned out the discussion, walking to the window and staring out across the square. Dozens of people were walking around.


Half a day later, Irwin walked through the city away from Balarn's smithy. The other's words still echoed through his head.

"So, I guess we won't be back here anytime soon," he said. "Sorry, we don't have time to do the things you wanted to do."

"It's fine, we can have Driseog bring us things," Scintilla said. "Besides, you heard Balarn. We aren't to return here until the other offworlders are gone."

The mentioning of Driseog reminded Irwin of the stack of cards stuffed in his pocket. With those, he was sure he would be busy for the next half year, especially as Driseog had promised to send more. Scintilla had been curious why he had preferred lots of cheap cards, and he'd explained he needed them for practice.

Reaching the square that held the Greenbark Mission center, Irwin noticed a large gathering of people near one of the mission centers. He vaguely recalled having visited it when he first came here, and it was specialized in armor cards.

"I wonder what's going on there," he muttered.

The crowd roiled around, a conflict seeming to happen in the center.

"Let's get out of here," Scintilla suddenly muttered as she grabbed him. The world turned into a blur of fiery red, and a moment later, Irwin landed on smooth wood, looking at a surprised Driseog. Scintilla was standing beside him, breathing heavily.

"Scintilla, what-"

"There are Niox there," she croaked, taking more deep breaths and slowly seeming to regain her composure.

"What? Where?" Driseog asked as he walked around the desk.

"There's something happening outside," Irwin said.

Driseog hummed, then walked behind the desk. Irwin saw him move his hands. Then he heard a soft click. He was about to ask when a rustle came from behind, and he spun to see the older Viridian teleporter standing in the center of the mission center. He was holding a short-handled ax Irwin hadn't seen him carry before, looking around with cold, calculating eyes. When he didn't seem to find anything, he turned to Driseog.


"Get Smith Irwin and his friend out of here right away," Driseog said as he walked forward, holding out a packet. "Teleport from here. I'll clean up later. Then, return to Yuulin immediately after, give her this card, and get her offworld. It's about time she returned to the academy."

"Immediately," the Viridian said, turning to Irwin. "Prepare yourself."

Surprised and slightly worried, Irwin turned to Driseog. Something about Driseog's reaction felt extreme to him, but Driseog began talking before he could ask something.

"Smith Irwin, I'll have Gadorley bring all the cheap, low-rank cards I can find. Until then, I would suggest you keep an eye out," the Viridian said while heading to the door to his private area.

Irwin closed his mouth with a snap and nodded. Part of him remembered the name of the old teleporter for later.

"Thanks, Driseog. Stay safe."

"Don't worry about me, Smith Irwin. Worry about anyone who tries to mess with my Greenbark Mission Center. Now, please, leave."

Irwin frowned, then walked to Gadorley, who was surrounded by an area of green light. Tiny plants were shooting out of the wood, growing longer and wrapping around them as more came from shelves, walls, and the ceiling. Irwin had seen the effect a few times now but never inside a building, and as the cocoon of vegetation wrapped around him, he felt a bit of sympathy with Driseog for having to fix it all later. Then the world turned into a bright flash of green light, and he suddenly appeared on the ground before his smithy.

The heat from the sun washed over him, and he saw a few people walking around stop and stare at them curiously.

"Smith Irwin, I need to leave, but I'm sure we will meet again," Gadorley said.

Irwin nodded and watched as green vines ripped from the ground, wrapping the man up before the entire construct shivered, awash with green light. Then the plants slumped to the ground.

"That looks so strange," Irwin muttered, looking at Scintilla. "Is it just me, or does it feel like there's more going on than they are telling us?"

Scintilla shrugged, smiling up into the sun. "I'm pretty sure Balarn would have told you if something was up. It's just in your head! Come on, let's go and see if Greldo is back yet! I can't wait to see his face when you give him his final card!"

"He's still on a mission," Irwin shouted. "He shouldn't be back for another few weeks!"

"Who knows, he might have finished earlier!"

Irwin snorted as he watched her run toward the smithy. As she disappeared into the door, he glanced at the plants and frowned.

I'll talk with Crithann and see what he thinks, he thought before walking after Scintilla.


Nearly two weeks later, Irwin was walking beside Crithann as they headed back to town. His neck was sore, and he cracked it. Dozens of villagers were watching them from the walls, a few waving and shouting something. He ignored most of it, annoyed that Crithann had managed to get the better of him. Again.

"You managed to increase your skill once more," Crithann rumbled.

"If you say so," Irwin replied, thinking back to how Crithann had managed to lock him down with plants before hurling him into the air so high he'd been able to see across the wall.

"I do," Crithann grunted, elbowing him hard enough to cause him to stumble to the side.

Irwin looked up to see his mentor looking at him with deeply glowing eyes.

"For someone without even a heartcard, you are doing exceptionally well. I am not specialized in battle, but one doesn't become as old as me without learning a thing or two. You might not be able to beat the students of the warrior academies, but any random thug would stand no chance."

"Unless they have a soulcard," Irwin said.

"Of course," Crithann said. "Which you will get with time."

Irwin didn't respond, instead noticing a familiar figure on the wall, waving at him.

"I see your friend is back," Crithann said. "I am curious to see what his last card will become!"

"Something amazing, of course," Ambraz said from Irwin's shoulder. "Seeing as we will reforge it."

Irwin grinned but didn't correct Ambraz. Over the last few weeks, his smithing had improved a bit again, and he couldn't wait to figure out what to do with Greldo's card. Even if he couldn't reforge it up to Ruby yet, at least he could get it the next step up.

Greldo met them near the gate, his face weary but his eyes burning like tiny suns.

"Is it true?!" he shouted while Irwin was still a few dozen feet away.

Irwin kept his face smooth and didn't reply, walking forward slowly. When he reached the gate, Greldo was glaring at him.

"Come on, Irwin! Scintilla said that you've got my card?"

Irwin blinked, trying to contain his smile. "Perhaps."

"So it's true! That is awesome! Let me see it," Greldo shouted, showing he must have failed.

Deciding he'd had his fun, Irwin grinned widely.

"Talk to you soon, Crithann," he said as he dashed off towards the smithy.

Greldo easily caught up, and when they reached the smithy, they saw Scintilla waiting for them.

"You told him before I could," Irwin said, shaking his head.

"You should have seen his face!" Scintilla laughed, making a mock look of shock.

"It wasn't that bad," Greldo said, but Irwin saw his friend couldn't keep his face straight.

"Let's go! It's inside the smithy," Irwin said, walking inside.

A few minutes later, they were sitting around the stone table in the living room, Greldo staring at the card with glittering eyes.

"I almost just wanna slot it now," he said, seeming to have to hold himself from doing just that.

"Don't," Irwin said. "If you want a chance to take others along as you teleport, we are going to need to reforge it."

"Yes, yes. I know. When are you…"

"Ambraz said we need to inspect your other shadow card first. That way, we can find the best way to integrate it, so when you get your heartcard you don't lose out too much."

Greldo nodded vigorously, raising his left hand and closing his eyes. A moment later, a card hovered above it. It was little more than a shadow, and Irwin leaned forward, curious. He hadn't seen this card, as it was Greldo's third, but he quickly knew that it was, at best, a Topaz card.

"Where did you even manage to get a Topaz card back on Giard?" Irwin asked in surprise.

"I'm just that great," Greldo said with a grin. Then he looked at the card, and for a moment, a look of pain crossed his face. "It was the thing that dropped from a linchpin I killed inside a really nasty portal."

Irwin felt his joy fade slightly. Then he forced a smile on his face.

"Well, at least we can't reforge it anymore," he said.

Greldo shuddered. "Yeah. I'm glad I don't have to make that decision," his friend said with a grimace.

"It would have been better if you could have," Ambraz muttered from the side. "As it is now, you are going to have to wait till we can reforge the new card to Ruby."

"Serious? Can't you just… reforge it so it can do what I need at Emerald?" Greldo asked.

"No. Even though there is great synergy between this card and the teleport one, there isn't enough energy in this one. If we combine them, even if you could teleport with one or two others, you wouldn't have the energy to survive it," Ambraz said before letting out a snorted laugh. "Worse, you might all end up in chaos space beyond the portal barrier."

"Great… so, how long will that take?" Greldo asked, leaning back and staring wistfully at the card.

Irwin shrugged. "A year, maybe two?" he said, looking at Ambraz and feeling unsure.

He'd made a lot of progress over the last few months, but he still couldn't create truly flawless, let alone perfect Emerald rank cards. According to Ambraz, that would be the first step.

"Probably a year," Ambraz said thoughtfully. "Though, that's assuming you get to watch an established Ruby rank smith at work, creating a heartcard."

Thinking about that, Irwin felt excitement at the prospect.

"Well… I guess I'll leave this with you then," Greldo said, slowly pushing the card back. "It'd be horrible if I somehow lose it on a mission."

"Are you still continuing on the missions?" Irwin asked in surprise. "I mean… we have the card here. Right?"

The look of disbelief on Greldo's face made him confused.

"Listen, Irwin, I don't want to be completely dependent on you, alright?" Greldo finally said. "I've started collecting shadow cards, and will continue to do so for as long as I can."

Irwin nodded, feeling slightly stupid. Greldo had told him a few times that he was worried about that. Then he recalled the massive stack of cards he had now and hummed.

"Well, that's all good," he said, glaring at his friend. "But if I find any cards that will help you, you better accept them. Or you will make me feel sad!"

Greldo looked back, then rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine," he muttered.

"This is the weirdest conversation I've ever heard," Scintilla said from the side, and Irwin saw she was leaning on her elbows, head in her hands, shaking it in dismay.

Irwin leaned back, smiling at her, then at Greldo, who was grinning back.

"That's just because you haven't heard us talk enough," he said.

Scintilla groaned and got up. "I'll go and get some food. Don't run off."

Irwin laughed as he watched her run out of the door before turning to Greldo.

"I've got some news from Balarn," he said. "You're not going to like it."

"Of course I'm not," Greldo said, letting out a weary sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

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