Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 180: Cracking the wood

Irwin's heartbeat shot up as crackling lightning bolts appeared inside the monstrous maw before him. With a jerk, he brought his hammer up, enlarging it to as big as it would go. It barely covered his body in time to block a barrage of arm-length lightning bolts that slammed into it.

For a split second, he felt a tiny sense of relief. Then, the crackling red energy flowed through his metal hammer into his hand and through his entire body. His eyes widened in surprise as his muscles spasmed and cramped up while his kinetic energy surged out of his control.

"You have to kill it before it reaches the other side," Ambraz shouted, his voice muted from inside Irwin's pocket.

How, Irwin wanted to scream back.

But he couldn't because the energy running rampant through his body was causing it to jerk and cramp up and ignore his attempts to try something.


The panic in Ambraz's voice made Irwin try even harder to regain control over his body, but nothing was working. He couldn't even feel the handle of his hammer, and the only things he could see were the monster's clawed hands flailing around, luckily no closer to him than before.

Move! he screamed in his mind, trying to force his body to respond.

A throbbing pain was starting all throughout his body as his Kinetic energy built up, filling his entire body and making him feel like he was going to explode if it continued.


Irwin thought he heard Ambraz scream something at him, but the roaring of the monstrous thing was causing his ears to ring. Pain began rippling through his arms and legs, and he saw the skin on the back of his hand darken while red lightning jumped from his fingers to the hammer and back.

Something slammed into his ear, then Ambraz shouted into his ear.

"Sweltering heart! Diffuse it!"

Irwin had no idea what Ambraz meant or how using steam would do anything. He didn't even know if there even was water in the corridor between worlds. But he ignored all those worries and focussed on his Sweltering Skill, pumping every bit of Soulforce he had in it.

Almost instantly, he felt the electricity tearing into him weaken. Feeling a slight relief, he tried to create even more steam using every ounce of energy he had. Part of him was surprised at how much water there was in the air around him. Where was it coming from?

A searing pain came from a finger, and his eyes widened as he saw the skin of his left index finger blacken and bubble in the center. Holding back a scream, he squeezed in the handle.

I can move!

Without waiting, Irwin exploded every bit of the surging, out-of-control kinetic energy from his hands. His hammer exploded from his fingers, almost ripping his hands apart while the massive force shoved him back. He caught a glimpse of his hammer striking the chest of the flailing Addled that was flailing around within a cloud of steam and red lighting, and then all he saw was the walls spinning around him.

"Don't touch the sides!"

Ambraz's shout came just as he saw the sides of the corridor slowly close in every time he was facing it. He was going to hit it!

Irwin summoned another hammer and blasted it away with the little kinetic energy he had left after his previous action. The explosive boom was just enough to stop his out-of-control spinning, but it did little to stop his angle toward the wall.

He looked in horror as the wall of blue and green energy and the star-filled the void beyond that closed in.


Irwin looked up to see Ambraz was flitting beside him. He tried angling his body away from the wall, but it didn't do anything, the constant force propelling him through the corridor seeming intent on slamming him into the sides.

"Do it again! You can't touch the walls!"

Irwin summoned another hammer, but as he grasped for kinetic energy, he realized he had only a trickle left. It was by no means enough for what he'd need to change his course, and without ground to stomp on…

"I can't. I don't have any more kinetic energy!" he screamed, seeing the wall approach and knowing he only had seconds left.

Ambraz let out an angry snarl and shot away, down towards the exit. For one moment, Irwin feared that Ambraz was abandoning him, then the Anvil turned around in a tight arc and shot straight at him.

Irwin's eyes widened as Ambraz enlarged into his working shape, and before he could even shout in surprise, Ambraz slammed into his chest. His ribcage creaked, and he was flung back and to the side. Kinetic energy rippled through him, and he was about to use it when he realized it wasn't needed. The collision had changed his course, and he was roughly falling in the center of the tube, though much closer to the crackling sides than he'd wanted.

That was way too close, he thought, drawing in deep, ragged breaths. There was a dull pain in his chest, but his regeneration was already kicking in, and he slowly felt it dull.


"Here," a weary voice muttered, and Irwin looked down to see Ambraz partially stuck in his slightly charred and ripped tunic. His wings were flapping weakly, and his mouth was a tight line.

"You alright?" he asked as he gently grabbed Ambraz and, after a moment's hesitation, placed him in his collar, far enough so he wouldn't fall out.

"It's not over," Ambraz whispered.

Irwin blinked, then slowly turned his head around, staring up.

Far above him, a flailing shape was hurtling down, spinning slowly.

"It's not dead yet?" he whispered.

"Dead? Addled don't die. They need to be destroyed," Ambraz said, his voice even weaker than before. "I'm going to go unconscious in a moment. You cannot let that thing get... to the other side in one piece. Slam it through the side, crush it, rip it apart, I don't care… but…" Ambraz's voice faltered, and the next few words were barely audible.

“Get… rid… off….”

Ambraz fell quiet, and Irwin saw his steel lips and wings vanish, leaving nothing but a tiny gray metallic anvil.

Irwin swallowed as he looked back at the massive Addled while focusing on his Sweltering skill. Steam rapidly formed around him, ready for the attack he feared would come as soon as it turned back around in his direction. He still had no idea how the steam was even blocking that, but he wasn't taking any chances. Hopefully, the over a hundred feet separating them now would weaken the attack, but to be sure, he also summoned a new hammer, angling it so he could raise it at a moment's notice.

The Addled's constant flailing finally caused it to turn enough for it to face him, and Irwin hissed at the massive damage his hammer had inflicted. The Addled's chest was caved in, cracked bits of stone drifting away. The maw that was its mouth had been blasted apart, and what counted as a chin had been ripped away, leaving only a gaping hole. Tiny bolts of crackling red lightning tried to build up inside of it, only to dissipate harmlessly.

There was no roaring, and Irwin was pretty sure that was because it had no more throat to do it with.

The Addled continued flailing, though, showing no signs of having been weakened physically. Slowly, it began turning around again, its glaring eyes locked onto him for as long as it could.

"It can't shoot the lightning bolts anymore," Irwin muttered, feeling immense relief.

That meant all he had to do was get rid of it! He released his hold on his Sweltering skill and instead stoked his internal flame up as high as it could. As he did, he felt his kinetic energy grow steadily. It wasn't fast, but it would have to do.

How much time do I have left? he suddenly thought.

The trip here had taken a long time, and the battle so far had been short, so he should have plenty of time.

Irwin grinned nastily at the flailing monster as he summoned a new hammer. He was about to hurl it forward when he stopped midswing. If he exploded his kinetic energy, he might spin out of control again. Worse, if he tried to hurl it at an angle to knock the Addled into the wall, he would just go blasting off in the opposite direction!

Feeling his optimism lessen, Irwin looked around and back as he realized another problem. If he hurled his hammer at the Addled, the explosion would increase his own speed toward the exit, which would shorten the time he was in the portal.

He hesitated, then lowered his hand and began pondering. Although he had little time, if he ended up slamming into the sides or getting out of reach, that would just make matters worse. Besides, he didn't just have his hammer.

After a few moments, he thought of a trick he hadn't used in a very long time. Unsummoning his hammer, he raised his hand, focusing on what he wanted. A massive, tightly packed gout of flame erupted above his palm, and looking at the Addled that was slowly spinning around, Irwin pointed his hand forward. The fire erupted forward in a long line of flickering heat.

At first it felt effortless, but only halfway to his goal Irwin felt the drain on his energy increase while the flame's growth slowed.

Come on, it's not that far, he thought, trying to force the fire to continue towards the Addled.

The flame grew with a jump, but at the same time, Irwin hissed in anger as the energy drain grew exponentially. He kept it up for another few moments, then he stopped. He wouldn't reach his target.

With an annoyed grunt, Irwin stopped expanding the fire, glaring at the seventy to eighty-foot flaming spear. It was only a dozen feet from his target, but it felt far more. Knowing it wouldn't work, he released his hold on the flame, which dissipated with a woosh.

Fine, something else then, he thought.

Thinking about all the skills his heartcard gifted him, he wondered if he could use his steam to destroy it from the inside somehow. He raised his hand, and this time, he had no issue reaching the Addled as steam began forming around the rocky creature.

As the steam thickened, it began obscuring his regular vision, and Irwin switched to his Heat Vision. The Addled changed to a massive conflagration of heat that seemed to fill the entire area above him.

That was the thing on top of the tower, he thought, realizing how close he'd come to getting squished.

The Addled showed no reaction to the steam but just kept flailing without end, seemingly with infinite stamina.

After a few moments, it was wrapped in a steam cocoon, and Irwin started forcing the air into the cracks and the maw. He was surprised as he suddenly acquired the odd sensation of seeing inside the Addled, which consisted of narrow, hollowed passages that reminded him of a maze. As the steam poured deeper inside, he eventually detected a small central cavity where every passage seemed to lead.

Irwin tried to stuff more steam into the insides, but no matter how much he shoved inside, the Addled showed no reaction.

Starting to realize this probably wouldn't be the way, Irwin suddenly realized that the steam in the center had been dissipating. Curious, he forced steam closer to get a clearer view, but whatever was there began crackling so violently he could hear it inside the Addled while his connection to the steam inside the cavity was suddenly gone.

Is that the thing that lets it use lighting? Irwin thought before cocking his head and feeling a sudden wave of interest. Could it be a card? He hummed as he narrowed his eyes, staring at the Addled.

After a few moments, he looked at the exit they both were still hurtling towards, noticing that the distant exit point was still only a tiny dot. He had time.

So it can't shoot me and might have a card inside… Irwin thought as he glanced at his hammer. Could he break it by repeatedly hurling his hammer? It had risks... not in the least that he might not break it and get too far away to reach it. But what else could he do?

He did know that if he were going to attempt that, he'd need more kinetic energy, which was going to be slow to gain without something to strike.

As he looked at his hammer, he wondered if he should just start hitting his own hammer to get kinetic energy. That would work.

Wait, hitting!

His eyes widened as he stared at the Addled. It hadn't done anything but shoot lighting at the start, and although it was obviously fast, it couldn't use that in here. So... was the only thing it had going for it the red lightning? Its arms looked strong, but they were just some form of stone, while his were close to metal! What if he used the hammer to get closer to it and just broke it to pieces like that?

It took him only a few more moments to make up his mind, and as he did, he took Ambraz's still form and put it in the pocket that also held his books. Then he put his hammer behind his back, focusing most of his kinetic energy on it, and then he waited.

Looking at the Addled, he waited till its back started to turn towards him before letting go of the hammer and detonating all of the kinetic energy where it touched his back.

A dull boom rang through the energy corridor, and it felt like someone had kicked him in the back as he shot toward the flailing Addled, slamming into its large back and gaining a large amount of kinetic energy.

Grabbing for a hold, Irwin felt himself slip, and he jammed one hand inside a long crevice on the Addled's neck. Realizing what he could do, he poured his flame inside. The Addled became even more crazed, reaching behind to grab Irwin, but within moments, it became apparent just how inflexible it was.

Good, now let me pay you back for hitting me in my back, Irwin thought as he recalled the attack the Addled had shot at him as he jumped into the portal.

He summoned a small hammer, and using the kinetic energy from each strike to feed the next, he began hitting the Addled's back and neck. Within moments, splinters of stone began flying around while the Addled continued its useless effort to reach him. Within moments, an entire plate of rock broke away from the shoulder, and as it slid sideways, Irwin aimed at the shoulder joint. The fist-sized hammer hit the now exposed spot, and with a loud crack, the entire thing exploded, the arm that had been attached flying away.

Too bad for you that you can't reach me, Irwin thought as he continued mercilessly beating the Addled.

He continued striking until finally, the Addled was reduced to a shattered, armless, headless thing. It had long since stopped moving, but Irwin continued chipping away at the center of the back, striking it repeatedly to get to what he hoped was the card in its center.

After a few more strikes the center of the back cracked open, and a flicker of red lighting arced out, hitting Irwin's hammer.

"Shit!" he hissed as he released his hammer.

He wasn't fast enough as the lighting rippled through his hand. Feeling the stinging, painful sensation, Irwin was about to shove himself away from the Addled when he realized he could still move. Even the pain wasn't all that bad. Curious, he looked inside the cracked stone beast and saw the familiar angular edges of a card.

It is a card!

With a wide grin, he carefully stuck his hand inside what remained of his enemy, gently gripping the card. A jolt went through his body, and then the red lightning vanished, taking with it the soft crackling that had been echoing through the energy corridor ever since he'd exposed the card.

Irwin's grin widened as he saw the beautiful red borders indicating it was a Ruby rank card. From the energy he sensed in it, it was probably a natural one that was close to becoming a heartcard. In many ways, it reminded him of the Earth Titan from which he'd gotten his Sweltering Heart card back on Scour.

How did an Addled get this? he thought as he inspected it for a moment, but seeing no reason to assume it was anything but a regular card.

If he recalled correctly, Addled didn't have soulcards, nor did they drop them. Had it swallowed it? Was that why the red lightning had seemed to be cracking apart its own body? Pondering it for a few more moments, he put the card in his pocket.

He couldn't wait for Ambraz to tell him what it did, but first, he had to take care of the body.

Ambraz had told him he needed to crush or shatter it, but there was a better option. Feeling the mass of kinetic energy that had built up in his body, he summoned a massive hammer. Pressing it against the side of the Addled, he pushed himself slightly away and out of reach of what he was about to do before filling his hammer with Kinetic energy. As the hammer began humming and shaking, he let go of both his control over the kinetic energy and the hammer.

There was an explosive boom as stone shards blasted from where the hammer touched the remains of the Addled, shooting the hammer to one side and the Addled to another. Irwin quickly unsummoned his hammer before it could hit the energy barrier while staring at the Addled as it began flying toward the side of the energy tunnel.

It really isn't like falling, he thought.

As he kept his gaze on the Addled's remains that moved away from him, he realized that it felt more like they were being pushed or pulled, or perhaps both. Somehow, seeing something else in the tunnel made it easier to grasp, and-

Wait, how did it even come inside here?

Irwin blinked just as the Addled struck the sides of the barrier. He had expected many things, perhaps an explosion or for it to be ripped apart, but not for the barrier to shimmer slightly and for the Addled to pass through.

Irwin stared stupidly at the barrier as it returned to normal before focusing on the Addled's body as it continued on its trajectory, moving further and further from the tunnel.

Is that because it's an Addled, or… perhaps… …

Irwin stopped thinking as he saw something move in the darkness. Long and massive, it had somehow lain in plain sight amongst the stars without him noticing it, but now it moved, almost unwinding. Barely visible even now, Irwin could only make out its contours by where it now obscured stars that had been there only moments before. For a moment, he thought it was close and moving along the side of the barrier with him, then he realized it wasn't close… it was just very huge and moving towards the Addled remains.

As Irwin looked on in terrified awe, a barely visible, massive shape began blotting out all of the stars one at a time until all he saw was darkness. With it came a horrifying pressure, a sense of something pressing down and squeezing his mind.

I've seen this before, Irwin thought as the pressure increased rapidly.

Before he could remember when he'd felt this before, the pressure was so great that he wasn't even able to scream out the terrified fear he was feeling.

The darkness lit up as dozens of enormous eyes suddenly opened, staring at the Addled's body.

Irwin held his breath, not daring to move or make a sound, as he saw long tendrils stretch for the Addled's remains. It took only a few moments for them to cross the distance, and when they touched it, the body seemed to vanish as if it had never been there.

The pressure on Irwin's mind rapidly left, but he barely noticed as he tried to remain motionless while hoping the thing wouldn't see him. It was so much bigger than the corridor that it might just crush it. If it even had to do that! What if it could just move through? The Addled had, and-

One of the eyes turned to him, a pale white orb with a black muddled center that slowly shrunk as it focused.

The pressure on Irwin's mind began increasing, and he was about to panic when he sensed his Kinetic energy buildup so fast that the lightning attack from the Addled was nothing compared to it. Without thinking, Irwin ripped his gaze from the monstrous thing outside, summoned a hammer behind him, and blasted it with kinetic energy.

His body exploded forward, speeding up, and he summoned another hammer. A tiny part of him screamed at him to stop. What would happen if he hit the end too hard? Irwin didn't listen but filled the hammer with the overflowing kinetic energy, exploding it out in another boom that increased his speed even more. He didn't dare look to the side, far too afraid of what he'd see. All he wanted was to be out of the tunnel.

Each time he used the kinetic energy, the pressure on his mind seemed to lessen, only to return within moments. Then the sound of metal scratching glass pierced through the corridor, and he couldn't stop himself from looking up.

Tendrils were wound tightly around the corridor, constricting and causing the energy barrier to flare up in bright light that increased in intensity until it felt like he was staring into the sun.

Come on, where is that exit, he thought as his speed increased again from another Kinetic boom.

Dozens of expulsions of kinetic energy later, the painful creaking of the barrier suddenly stopped as the intense light weakened.

Irwin looked to the side, watching the tentacles unwrap and pull back while the pressure on his mind lessoned. At the same time, the constant overflow of kinetic energy stopped.

Is it over? Irwin thought as he watched as the massive entity pulled away. There were no eyes anywhere, and slowly, it seemed to retreat back into the distance as stars started reappearing around the edges.

After what felt like an eternity, the final noticeable bits of the thing vanished between the stars.

Irwin relaxed, and tension flooded out of him, to be replaced by a pounding headache and the realization that his heartcard was nearly drained. Perhaps a tenth of his normal energy remained.

If that had lasted any longer… he thought as he rubbed his eyes.

After a few moments, he focused on the end of the tunnel.


Greldo passed across the deck, glaring at the portal every time he passed it.

Come on already! You've been inside for hours!

"He said he was going to search for portals to shardworlds," Rindiri said from the side.

Daubutim stood with her while Zender and his sisters were hanging from the sail, making some token effort to clean them.

"That only takes what, an hour at most? He wasn't supposed to go roam around for them," Greldo replied as he continued glaring at the portal.

"Perhaps you need to take a-," Rindiri began.

The portal flashed, and Irwin's large physique flew out so fast it hit the deck like a collapsing house. Wood cracked, and splinters flew around while the ship was shoved down a dozen feet. Surprised and panicky screams came from the sail and from Ib and Bendi down below.

Greldo swallowed as he stared at his friend, lying in a dent of cracked and splintered wood. Irwin's tunic that had already been worn before was now charred and in tatters, as was the shirt below. Only his leather pants seemed to have largely survived what had happened.

"Irwin, you okay?"

Irwin moaned as he struggled to his feet while rubbing his head. He looked up, and Greldo hissed as he saw that his friend's silver eyes were so dull they almost looked gray.

"I'll live. Let's go down so I can tell you what happened," Irwin muttered. "Rindiri, get us a good distance away from this thing."

Greldo frowned as he followed Irwin, looking up at his weary, pale copper face.

"We got trouble coming?"

"Not anymore," Irwin said with a grin.

That didn't sound ominous at all, Greldo thought as he followed him into the cabin.

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