Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 24: Lose some, win some

Irwin stood in the burning light as it poked through two towering buildings. It was the only little bit between the shadows that surrounded them, though more areas would quickly appear as the light in the sunless sky rose. A few hounds loomed around, and he tried to ignore them as he let his body heal. There had been more appearing during the morning, but most had left again, only a few remaining around the portal.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. The heat was soothing, almost seeping into his bones, and after a second, he looked at his thin arm. The puffy skin had returned to its normal pale, and the lacerations left by the teeth were scabbing over noticeably.

High-rank cards are amazing, he thought.

He had been pondering the events that had happened, his mind surprisingly sharp and clear for someone who hadn't slept and was wounded. Lingering on the present for a few more moments, he finally focused on his future problems.

With people knowing about Ambraz, even if they thought he was the summon of his first card, he was bound to get into trouble. He could take up Daubutim's offer, but they would want him to enter all sorts of portals, hunting for those that Ambraz could harness for his so-called card upgrading.

No, he was in deep shit, and he knew it. Either people would figure it out, and some might try to kill him so his 'anvil' card would drop. Or they would force him into dangerous portals.

Irwin looked around at the few hounds on the edges of the shadow, most of which were still staring at him with hungry red eyes. Then he looked at the portal, hovering amidst the sea of hounds. He wondered what would happen if they all stormed through the portal. There had been large surges before, but this felt like it would be over the top.

I hope we can find the Linchpin before that happens, he thought.

With enough time to think, he realized how dangerous it would be to exit. Out of the portal, they would be back in the forest. Although he had never heard of plant monsters coming from portals, what if some vines had made it there? With the sun blocked by the canopy, nothing would hold them back from growing almost unstoppable.

Irwin sighed and looked at Ambraz, who was sitting on his shoulder. The Anvil had been quiet all morning. Irwin looked at him, gazing at the wings, when a sudden realization pushed his worries to the back of his mind.

He can fly, he thought, staring dumbly at Ambraz's wings.

Why hadn't he thought of that before? Ambraz could just fly up and search for the Linchpin.

He was about to ask Ambraz when a weary yawn sounded from a bit to the side.

He looked up to where Greldo stood a few steps away, just outside the direct light. He was taking small sips from his waterskin, and when he saw Irwin look over, he grinned.

"I was wondering... Your first card," Greldo whispered. It's not just a little higher rank, is it? Some weird flame, the ability to withstand ridiculous heat, faster growth than I have heard about, and the ability to heal in the sun—or is it the heat?"

Irwin held quiet as he saw Greldo look at his arm before looking around. It didn't pass him by that Greldo did not mention Ambraz. Had he figured out that the anvil wasn't part of his card? Quietly, he waited for his friend to continue.

Sweat dripped down Greldo's face, and his shirt was damp while his jacket was tied around his waist with the sleeves.

"I was thinking about what we heard back in Wignut… About cards up to rare rank having started appearing. This is one of those, isn't it?"

Irwin hesitated, not sure what to say. Instead, he looked at his arm, the wounds all nearly gone. Greldo wouldn't be the only one who would notice the oddities, and where he was only hesitating about how much he could trust him, he didn't trust any of the others with knowledge.

"It's fine," Greldo whispered. “I understand you don't want to talk about it, but I think we might have to if we get out of here alive, especially if we are going with Daubutim."

"You heard?" Irwin whispered as he gazed at the other in surprise.

"I woke early. Always was a light sleeper," Greldo said. "I didn't catch everything, but… I think it might be a good idea."

Irwin heard his uncertainty and frowned as he felt an itch from his arm. The scabs were peeling back, revealing a slight, dim scar below. He wiped them off, and even the scars faded until he could barely see more than a few dots with lines.

Irwni hesitated, then looked back at Greldo, who was staring at him.

"I'm not sure yet, but I don't want to stay with the sorcerers," he whispered. "I know they are right, and we can't leave these portals, but… there's something seriously wrong with how things are handled in those towers."

"Yes… also, if there really are more portals appearing, their efforts might not even be enough," Greldo said.


Irwin turned, summoned his flame, and dashed forward in a single move, running toward the building. He barely registered how energetic he felt as he watched Daubutim backing away from the entrance. Rachel stood next to him with her shield up. Twintin stood before them, partially in the opening, a glowing hand directed at something Irwin couldn't see.

"Where?" he said as he stopped next to Daubutim.

As if to answer him, a gray vine shot from the opening, aiming straight for his face. He sucked in his breath as he raised his flame. The vine flickered around it, then slammed into Rachel's shield, which she had put between him and the incoming thing. Irwin struck at it with his flame, and this time, the vine drew back, a black scorch mark on its side.

"Thanks," Irwin said as he backed up.

"I can't draw its water out," Twintin screamed from behind him.

"Back up, into the light!" Irwin shouted.

He stumbled back toward the tiny pocket of light. The vine hovered in the entrance for a moment before retreating inside slightly. Next to it, another one appeared, its tip splitting open and revealing a toothy maw.

As the group backpedaled toward the brighter areas, the ground rippled, and a massive quake caused sand to burst up and buildings to sway.

Irwin barely managed to remain on his feet, struggling to keep an eye on the vines in case they did come after them.

The vines in the entrance withdrew into the shaking and shuddering building, and a moment later, a section of the wall beside it crumbled. A swirling mass of vines sat in the room they had been in all night.

Irwin swallowed as a wave of nausea hit him. If those had come during the night...

"They came out of the hole," Rachel shouted over the constant rumbling and crashing. "If I hadn't been looking towards the stairs, I'd never have seen them."

"We can't stay here," Greldo snapped, and Irwin heard from his voice there were more problems. Looking around, he saw Greldo point at an area bathed in light slowly moving toward their tiny pocket of safety. The building that had provided its shadow had crashed into the one beside it and gradually slid down.

A dozen large canine shapes were prowling around in the light-covered area, shiny eyes glaring at them.

"They are leaving," Daubutim said.

Irwin looked up and saw hounds running away from the portal, leaving it hovering there.

They are afraid but aren't going in? he thought.

The mass of hounds was gone so fast he barely believed it. Those few that had been focused on them were still around but had begun backing up.

"Perhaps we should leave now?" Twintin shouted, the fear in her voice thick.

"And fight those things?" Irwin shouted, pointing at the hounds still there. "There's no way we can fight those! Let's go into another building and clear it of the green plants."

Keeping an eye on the hounds, he searched for a building. There were a few that bordered the shadowy area, and picking one at random, he walked towards it.

When he didn't hear any footsteps, he worriedly turned around. Rachel and Twintin were looking at the portal. Daubutim was moving towards them slowly, hands at his side.

"This might be the only chance we have to leave," Rachel shouted.

She looked around, focusing on Irwin. The panic in her eyes told him she wasn't thinking straight anymore, not by a long shot.

"If we stay here, we might not have another chance! They are far away. I'm sure we can reach the portal before they get us," she shouted.

"The world isn't evolving yet," Ambraz said from Irwin's shoulder.

He was the only one that sounded even remotely calm.

Rachel didn't pay any attention to the anvil. She nodded at Twintin, and both seemed ready to sprint to the black rip.

Irwin looked at them and shook his head in disbelief. "Don't you realize what will happen if you just leave?" he shouted, looking at Greldo for support. His friend had been staring at the two girls without saying anything.

Rachel looked at him over her shoulder but kept walking. "Yes, we won't die here."

"No, but you will die out there when the surge happens," Irwin snapped angrily. "You heard what Ambraz said."

He felt his anger rise as he glared back, wondering how she couldn't see. If she went outside and the surge happened, she could never flee in time! Even if those plants weren't there, those hounds would find them within moments!

"And why should we believe him?" Rachel spat. "He lied about hurting Twintin. He could be lying about this! Besides, how should a carded summon even know about this?"

"If Twintin leaves, we might not be able to find the Linchpin," Daubutim said dully. He stood a few feet from them, giving the feeling he might jump them if they tried to run.

Irwin cringed as he saw Rachel's eyes flare up while turning on the taller boy. "You stupid fool! How will we find anything if we die from those vines or those dogs?"

Daubutim stopped and took a step back, his eyes muddled and unfocused. He seemed to be struggling with a response.

"And how will you run if those vines or hounds reach the forest?" Irwin snapped.

Rachel stopped, frowned, then shook her head, her anger reappearing. "I don't believe there will be a surge," she snapped. "Look around you! Those hounds ran away instead of going through, and how is a vine even going through without losing its roots?"

As she glared at him, Irwin saw something silvery burst out of the ground in the shadows behind them.

"Look out!" he screamed as half a dozen silvery vines shot towards Rachel and Twintin.

Twintin screamed and raised her hand while Rachel's shield appeared before her, blocking two of the vines. Another darted past and bit her leg, causing a mist of blood to spray out.

Irwin was moving forward when something held him back. He turned in anger and saw it was Greldo.

"Look! We can't help them," Greldo shouted, and Irwin turned to see two of the vines wrap around Twintin, who was desperately struggling. The rest were biting Rachel but seemed to be having trouble.

"We can't leave them like that!" Irwin shouted, but he didn't move. He remembered what a single vine had done, and the only reason he had killed it was because it had swallowed his flame.


Daubutim's shout caused him to stare at the boy pointing at the building that had been sliding down. It was a foot or two from the edge, and it would drop down as soon as it reached it. The shadow the silvery vines were in would vanish, replaced by the scorching light from the sunless sky.

"We just have to hold them back for a short bit," Irwin muttered, then looked at Daubutim. The tall boy nodded, then rushed toward Twintin.

"We can't risk our lives like this," Greldo whispered as he stared at Irwin.

"Without Twintin, we can't get through those buildings to find the Linchpin," Irwin shouted as he ripped his arm free and stared at his friend. "Come on. We can do this!"

Greldo looked back as if he'd never seen him before, then nodded.

They ran forward, and Irwin felt his stomach turn. Rachel had fallen to the ground, still struggling slightly as the vines bit down into her. Blood was pooling around, and she was clawing at the ground, her shield gone.

Twintin hung in the air, wrapped up by two vines. Her face contorted in fear, her eyes closed. Her hand glowed brightly, and the two vines hung frozen in the air, shuddering occasionally as if struggling against something.

"She is holding them back," Irwin shouted.

"It's because they are touching her," Ambraz shouted in his ear. "It increases the effectiveness of her card!"

Irwin took one look at Rachel and knew her chance was over. She'd stopped struggling, her body now only shaking as the vines ripped portions of her flesh away. Daubutim stood a few steps from her, seeming frozen by the sight.

"Daubutim, help Twintin!" Irwin shouted.

He forced himself to look away from Rachel, focusing on the smaller girl.

As soon as he reached her, he slammed his flame into one of the two vines. It shuddered violently, its top splaying open slowly, and a low keen came from it.

The silvery skin rapidly blackened, bubbling, and with a pop, the skin ripped open like a blister. Irwin's flame, which had been licking around the sides, vanished inside, and the vine began bucking. Then, it dropped to the ground and slowly pulled back towards a hole next to the portal.

"Don't let it get away," Ambraz said beside his head.

Irwin ignored him, turning to see Greldo clenching the second one, trying in vain to rip it free.

"The creatures here have a chance to drop a card," Ambraz said calmly. "You need to kill them because we really need more cards."

He's right! Irwin thought.

Hoping Greldo could hold out, he rushed after the crawling vine, keeping his flame inside the now large and open wound. He knew it would probably be faster to attack the head, but getting through the skin might take too long.

Two steps from the hole, the vine finally shuddered and stopped moving. A large section of its body was black and bubbling while a steaming fluid leaked from the tip. Irwin held his breath, but nothing happened.

"The other one," Ambraz said, and Irwin turned, sprinting towards Greldo.

Daubutim had reached it, trying to help Greldo, who was pale-faced and struggling to hold the vine. Together, they seemed barely able to hold it from ripping them apart.

"You need to hurry," Ambraz hissed, causing Irwin to look at the gruesome sight of Rachel's remains.

The vines had almost finished with her, and only tattered clothes, blood, and chunks of meat remained.

Irwin quickly averted his gaze and looked at the building. It had already started sliding down, picking up speed. It would be mere moments till the burning light would reach this area.

"Get back," he shouted as he jabbed his flame against the side of the vine.

The silvery skin blackened, and as it spat open, a distant rumbling caused the ground to shake. A bright light illuminated their surroundings as if heralding it while the temperature rose instantly. A screech came from behind, and he looked to see the other vines jerk back, trying to pull out of the direct light. Their skins were darkening quickly, steam rising off them. The vine before him was almost vibrating, and then it went limp, dropping Twintin. She hit the ground like a sack, unmoving, the glow of her hand gone. The vine shuddered and tried pulling itself back towards the hole.

"Hold it!" Irwin screamed as he tried to keep up.

Greldo and Daubutim jumped forward, and they began struggling with the vine.

They barely made it, as it had already partially withdrawn when it finally died. As soon as it did, Daubutim sprinted to the unconscious Twintin, who was lying in the light. He picked her up and ran to Greldo, who was now in the shadows, panting and red-faced.

Irwin remained behind, staring at the vine, biting his lip, and hoping for a card.

Come on, come on, he thought. After a few seconds, he knew it was useless.

"Even in shardworlds it's a rare thing," Ambraz said, but he sounded annoyed.

Irwin turned and walked towards the others, feeling numb. He tried hard not to look at what remained of Rachel, but that didn't do much for the smell. The scent of cooking meat began emanating around as the burning light power roasted the slivers of meat the vines had left.

To his surprise, Daubutim suddenly ran out of the shadow towards the body, snatched something, and ran back.

What… Irwin stopped as Daubutim turned to him, eyes wide and a bloodied card in his hand.

"She dropped her card," he whispered.

"Now that's lucky," Ambraz said as he whizzed towards Daubutim, seeming excited.

Irwin wasn't.

Mother was right, he thought as he felt a shiver of fear.

He looked at his hand and then at the others as he joined them on the edge of the shadowy region. Before, it had only been hearsay, but now? Now he shivered as the true gravitas of his situation set in. If the wrong person found out what his card could do, they would kill him.

Greldo looked back at him, and smiled wearily. "Don't worry. You can trust me."

Daubutim looked up, seeming confused, before turning to the card. It showed an image of a shield resembling the one Rachel had summoned.

"Let's go inside a building," Greldo muttered. "Your flame will keep those normal vines away, and with some luck, those silvery ones will be licking their wounds for a while."

Irwin nodded as he looked at Twintin, then at Daubutim. Though he wasn't as weak as he had been, and Twintin was small, he knew he couldn't lift her.

"Daubutim, can you carry Twintin?"

"Yes," Daubutim said, slipping the card into his pocket and turning.

A minute later, they sat huddled near the entrance of another building. It was similar on the inside to the first one, with dozens of mushrooms giving it a gloomy illumination. Twintin lay against the wall, still unconscious, but Irwin hadn't found any dangerous wounds on her—just some scratches and a few superficial bites.

The three boys stood with their backs against the wall, facing the vegetation to prevent the silvery vines from jumping at them.

"So, what do we do with the card?" Irwin asked.

"I want it," Daubutim instantly said. "It will combine easily with my club, and if I can find an uncommon or rare armor card, I can merge them into a weaponry hand. Besides, I'm the only one with real training, and the shield will make me far more effective."

Irwin nodded, recalling their training sessions in the tower. Daubutim wasn't lying, though he was surprised at how little trouble he seemed to have with talking now.

"How long till this world evolves?" he asked Ambraz.

"A day, maybe two," the Anvil said, hungrily licking his lips.

Irwin could almost imagine him looking at the bloodied card, intending to eat it. Normally, he'd never even consider letting Ambraz eat a card, but with their current situation, he was hesitating. There was just one other issue.

I'd have to tell them Ambraz can consume cards to reforge others, he thought. He didn't want to, but with Twintin unconscious and Rachel-

He swallowed back rising bile, forcing the memory of the girl being eaten away, and focused on their current situation.

If they left the portal there would likely be a surge. If they were anywhere near it, they would die. If the surge happened, everyone in Wignut would be killed, and the forest would be overrun.

He glanced at Greldo and Daubutim. He had been friends with Greldo for years, and although some of that had been because neither had any other options, he still felt increasingly confident that he could trust him with more than just where he'd hidden his stash of raw meat. Besides, Greldo already knew or had guessed most of what was happening. That left, Daubutim...

"Maybe Ambraz can reforge that card after this shardworld evolves," he said slowly. "It might be better for you when it's an uncommon-"

"No," Daubutim said, placing the card in his hand in a single fluid motion. It shone brightly and sank into his hand, leaving Irwin to stare at him in dismay.

"If I have an uncommon card, I can't come with you to enter common portals," Daubutim said matter of factly.

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