Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 242: Proadon

Daubutim crossed his arms as he gazed out across the small city that was starting to take shape along the river Treb. He had started to get in the habit of taking the first of every ten-day to watch what was being built.

Tréanbá had been growing rapidly before, but things had sped up immensely in the last few ten-days. Two weeks ago, Portal Keep had been deemed finished and the stoneshapers redirected equally across the cities. Due to the lack of wood around Tréanbá, he and Bronwyn had decided to send most stoneshapers allotted to their cities to Tréanbá and all woodshapers to New Malorin.

Now, a massive stone harbor was being erected to the side of the city. It wasn't really needed yet, but he knew that if he didn't have it built now, it would become more difficult in decades to come. A soft plop came from beside him and a woman dressed as a guard appeared. She was the only other besides Greldo that had a shadowwalker card and she was both his bodyguard and messenger.

"Lisbeth?" he asked, focusing his eyes on her. He could feel the red lightning ripple across as he unconsciously wove around a moment of dullness that threatened to engulf him. Even now that he had mostly managed to work around his childhood issue, it still sometimes cropped up at the oddest of times.

"Lord Daubutim, the scouting ships returned tonight," she said, showing no reaction as she looked into what had to look like swirling balls of red lightning instead of eyes.

"Did they find the other end?" he asked.

He automatically held back his desire to rush back to the central hall of Tréanbá to get every bit of information he could. Besides, from the gleam in her eyes, he knew there was something else.

"Yes, my lord. Captain Jort's ship rounded the north coast, reaching the eastern shore already mapped. The mapmaker has already added everything to the central map. With Lord Bronwyn's last additions, we now have the entire coastline."

"A full coast?" Daubutim asked.

"Yes. Your assumption was correct. We are either on a very large island or a small continent," Lisbeth said.

"And what else?" Daubutim asked after a few moments.

"A large protrusion of land sits at the northeast corner, covered in a dense forest. It houses an enormous colony of Green Birds, and…"

Lisbeth hesitated, something Daubutim knew she didn't do unless worried.

"According to Jort's soulforce sensitive card, there is most likely a portal to an adjacent world there."

Daubutim felt his dullness threaten to wash over him as a mass of implications tried to connect. He used every bit of power from his card, causing a red hue to cover the surrounding, muddy land. Forcing his mind out of a potential bog, he hid a deep breath using the techniques his late father had taught him.

"You are implying it is open," he said, his voice cold and sharp.

Lisbeth barely reacted, having already been subject to his peculiarities before. He had explained it to her, as he needed her to work with him properly and not be either afraid of him or for him.

"Jort says they skirted the coast as close as they dared, and he sensed a faint oddity. So… if he can…”

Daubutim nodded as he uncrossed his arms and began walking towards Tréanbá.

"If Jort can sense it, that means there is no way the portal is only closed," he agreed. "Have you sent messages to the others?"

"Not yet, my lord," she said.

"Send word to everyone and convene a meeting of the council. Are you able to move me to New Degonda?"

"Yes, as long as we don't need to return the same day?"

"I don't know yet," Daubutim said. "Let's hurry."

He triggered his Blood Lightning dash, sprinting forward in a crackling burst of red lightning.


Irwin sighed contently as he put the empty mug on the table. The meal that Zarina had made had been outstanding, and he really enjoyed eating more Ignitzion food.

I need to see if I can get Boohm some cookbooks, he thought before rubbing his chin. Maybe Zarina could write down a few recipes?

Greldo burped as he chowed down the last of his almost raw meat, a preference he had gained from Coal.

They were sitting in the otherwise empty inn, Rindiri having taken Zender and Earila for a final exploration. Even Ambraz was gone, though Irwin sensed him and You'gyn in his soulscape. Over the last three days they had started using it as a place to talk, as it was the only place that was guaranteed to be safe from people finding out about Ambraz.

"I'm almost sad we will have to leave," Greldo said, leaning back and rubbing his bulging stomach. "I'm going to miss Zarina's cooking!"

"Don't let Boohm hear that," Irwin said with a grin.

"Bah, it would be good for him," Greldo said with a gleam in his eyes. "That guy thinks too highly of himself!"

"But…" Irwin asked leadingly.

"But you are right," Greldo said with a fake sigh. "He will be a good addition, especially if you can get him the cards he needs to finish that heartcard. Speaking of which, I need another twenty or twenty-five cards…"

"What do you think I have? Some bag with infinite cards? Besides…. that many?" Irwin asked, actually surprised. He'd expected Greldo to be done with another handful.

"What? It's your fault for getting me a Ruby rank heartcard," Greldo said. "Now, you need to take responsibility and get me the cards to fill this stupidly large soulforce lake!"

Irwin barked a laugh. "Fine! I'm sure we can get them before we reach Granvox."

"I'm really curious what that world is going to look like," Greldo said, tapping the table thoughtfully. "I mean, most of it is inhabited by flying anvils! Do they even have houses? And what food do they eat? I never saw… one of them eat."

"I've been wondering about that myself," Irwin said. "I know that the Portal Harbor and the Exit Portal City are mostly geared towards humanoids, so those should be pretty normal. But beyond that?"

"Maybe there are jackets and pants hanging everywhere," Greldo said with a grin. "For the Ganvils to rest in!"

Irwin laughed at the idea, and they continued chatting merrily.

A few hours later, after You'gyn had left to take care of the final things, they were walking towards the docks. In the distance, The Sonata stood, and Irwin immediately knew something was different.

"The sails aren't the same," he said, turning to Rindiri. She was staring at them, wide-eyed and curious.

"Those are much higher quality than what we had before," she said. "Definitely grade two."

'They are grade three! You'gyn still had them lying around in the vaults. They belonged to a group of smugglers they caught a decade or two ago.'

Irwin whistled, and as they closed in, he saw more differences. The damage on the hull, which they had repaired as best they could, was gone, and although some scratches and wear showed the hull's age, it still looked much better than before. A wider, sturdier gangplank seemed attached to a mechanism that allowed it to be automatically pulled in and then stashed to the side along the railing.

"I guess You'gyn went all out," he said.

"These are rank three sails," Rindiri hissed as she stared up at the larger sails.

They were still a dull black, but the edges were rune covered, and they were wider and with sharper angles. A quick look showed that the mainsail had been lengthened to accommodate it all.

A soft whirr came as You'gyn flew towards them.

"So, Captain Irwin," he said, grinning widely as he landed on the railing. "What do you think of the new modifications? It's not as good as upgrading this old piece of junk to a Hunter-type Escort vessel, but until you can do that, it should get us to our destination in almost half the time!"

"It's great," Irwin said, nodding appreciatively. So far, it looked like You'gyn wasn't going to stab them in the back, and Ambraz said it was very unlikely he would." Do we have enough supplies?"

"We've got enough for ten years," You'gyn said, his grin widening so far that his etched lips became lines. "The hull had to be reinforced with carded runes to hold that much. It means the ship won't last as long, but we need a better one soon anyway!"

We do? Irwin wondered as Greldo stepped beside him, prodding him in the sight. He was looking down the docks, and as Irwin looked up, he saw a group of ten guards approach.


Irwin suddenly had a gruesome thought that You'gyn had stolen everything, and they were going to have to now flee amidst a hail of beams or concussive blasts, which Boohm had told him about.

"Ah, Captain Bernwald," You'gyn shouted as he flew up. "Here to see me off?"

The lead guard, a grizzled old human, grimaced. "Yes, My Lord, and request again to allow me to come along! You need a proper guard. Although the central area is generally safe, bandits, smugglers, and pirates still manage to snatch the unaware!"

"Ah, don't worry! Captain Irwin has a powerful soulcard and should be strong enough to keep me safe. Besides, with the new sail, this ship is able to keep ahead of most pirates!"

Irwin was surprised when Bernwald cast him a look with nearly unhidden contempt and anger before focusing on You'gyn. "I see. Even then, perhaps you would allow me to-"

"Now, now, Captain Bernwald," You'gyn said, cutting him off. Although he was smiling, there was a sudden dangerous vibe in the air. "We can't just leave this outpost without a commander, can we? You will remain here as interim commander until I, or my replacement, return."

Captain Bernwald was quiet for a bit before bowing and turning around without another word. The guards with him followed him.

"The red-haired one was examining you way more than normal," Greldo whispered, stepping closer. "Either he liked what he saw, or he was scanning you."

Irwin frowned, following the group and noticing a red-haired human guard, slightly shorter than the others, smoothly following the others as they headed back to the central tower.

'I didn't sense anything scanning you,' Ambraz said. 'But there are cards that can do that in such a way that even I can't sense it. It's not impossible that there are spies for noble families or guilds here.'

"Great," Irwin muttered, shaking his head when Greldo looked at him curiously. "Later. Rindir, get us out of here!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Irwin, Greldo, and Zender quickly removed the chains binding The Sonata, and a moment later, the ship sailed up and away. Standing on the upper deck, Irwin immediately knew that the speed with which they ascended was higher than before. The turns also seemed smoother, and he was suddenly eager to be behind the helm. That would have to wait, however, till they were further away. If anything happened now, Rindiri would be their best bet.

When the outpost faded into the background, Irwin finally relaxed a bit, turning to Rindiri.

"I'm going to talk with Boohm and see what happened in the days we weren't here. Set a course to the nearest merchant world on our path to Granvox. It would be best to get Greldo his first soulcard and perhaps even some more, as getting those Zender and Earila need."

"Will do, captain!" Rindiri said, seeming very content with the changes to The Sonata.

Irwin grinned as he walked to the cabin, wondering what Boohm had been up to.


Captain Bernwald glared at the ship as it disappeared into the distant, central regions. He'd been left to rot in different shit positions for over a hundred years, ever since his minor transgression, and his best path out was now gone.

Well, at least I'll get some soulshards out of it, he thought as he turned to the red-haired man beside him.

"Take the Nail and head to Proadon Three. I'll bet another decade on this rotten outpost that they will head there first. That Irwin was way too interested in cards, probably for those disgusting Yuurindi brats. See your contact and make sure to get as much for the information as you can… Also, do I need to remind you of what will happen if you double-cross me?"

The red-haired man, whose real name Bernwald didn't know but who everyone called Scrim, showed zero reaction to his threat.

"I will return in three weeks," he said.

"You better," Bernwald snapped before turning to the door that led to his private chambers. "Now get out of here."

As he walked away, he didn't notice the cold stare of Scrim.

Hope it gets you into a ton of trouble, you thieving metal abomination, Bernwald thought as he recalled Irwin's face.


Three weeks after they left the outpost, The Sonata was slowing down as it approached a place Irwin could only describe as a city. With multiple docks and green parks across the dozens of levels of the massive city, houses hid any trunk from sight. Only some branches stuck out, seemingly spared by the hunger of the buildings.

"This is way bigger than Fiverio City!" Greldo stated.

Irwin nodded, looking at the enormous dock for merchant vessels. There was a constant coming and going of vessels of sizes that he knew would never be able to pass through some of the narrow corridors he had seen. What surprised him almost as much was that some looked old and close to the breaking part.

I guess not everyone is doing well here, he thought, somehow glad that it wasn't just their old world that had people who had it rough.

His eyes fell on tiny boats, some barely able to fit more than four or five people, flying across the city like a cloud of mosquitoes during summer.

Greldo whistled, pointing at a large building that covered three levels and seemed built out of a single piece of wood. "Either that was done by the most powerful woodshaper around or many of them. I guess it was worth it, passing that other city to head straight here!"

You'gyn flew down and landed on Coal, who was lying on the deck, enjoying the warmth radiating toward them.

"Still, adding a week to our trip feels bad," Irwin said.

"Don't worry!" You'gyn shouted happily. "Proadon Three is just a fringe world with barely any useful cards. I know you said you needed a lot and are in a hurry, but Proadon One is a different beast! You might be able to get everything you need here without having to stop by any other world on our trip. The Proadon Merchant Guild is known for having large numbers of nearly anything and being on the edge of the central region. They see more trade than any other young city!"

Irwin hummed, hoping You'gyn was right. They still had many things to do, and even if they weren't in nearly as much of a rush as earlier, it felt bad wasting too much time.

Then again, I'm sure they have Ignitzion cookbooks here!

The thought of getting Boohm some of those and more raw ingredients made him grin.

As if called by the thoughts of him, Boohm strode out on deck, slamming the cabin door shut behind him.

"Ahhh, a real city! It's been too long!"

He moved to stand beside Irwin and Greldo, hands on his hips and chest forward as he laughed uproariously, radiating joy.

"This place has grown since I last saw it! I think they added another stack of docks and merchants quarters on the east side," he said, pointing at a section that seemed made of warehouses and docks.

"Yes! The Greenbark Merchant's group has been expanding rapidly over the last few years. I've heard that one of the Matron's eldest sons is doing well for himself," You'gyn said. "Rumor has it that he had a windfall on one of the fringe worlds."

"Are they related to the Greenbark Mission Center?" Irwin asked, curious, thinking back to Driseog and his time at Scour and Cindergrove City.

"Yes! They have many ventures, and their Mission Centers are one of them. Nowadays, you can find them on many fringe branches," You'gyn said. "If they keep this up, they might eventually be allowed a location on Suderfuix."

'It seems that unassuming Driseog was more than he let on,' Ambraz said, sounding interested. 'When we head to Suderfuix, you should try to get in touch!'

"Yeah," Irwin said as Rindiri guided The Sonata to a distant dock with anchor places meant for small ships like theirs.

"You know this place well?" he asked, looking at Boohm.

"Definitely! You said you had more cards to trade, right?" Boohm said. "Well, if You'gyn comes along, I'm sure we can make even these know-it-all uppity punks cry!"

Irwin grimaced at the idea, wondering if there was any punishment for that.

Like the previous time, a dock manager came to see them, a middle-aged woman with hair in a tight bun and sleek, well-made clothes in a style Irwin hadn't seen before. A semi-armored skirt with a tight blouse with bare arms. Two tattoos ran across her arms, one of a serpent-like thing and another of something he could only describe as a howling demon face.

"Hi there! Your vessel is registered as the stolen Surtin. Please give me the name of your mercenary or merchant group."

As she spoke, the woman raised her green tablet, which glowed softly.

"We are the Giard's Rangers," Rindiri said as she stepped forward. "This vessel was reclaimed by us, and-"

Irwin quietly listened as she regaled what had happened and what they were up to. The tattooed dock manager nodded, her eyes moving to You'gyn a few times before staring at the tablet.

"Giard's Rangers currently has a pristine reputation with no known felonies," an emotionless voice rang out. "They were last known to head to the outer fringes beyond Sesnanser and were reported missing when a blockade was raised by a fringe group of Galubs. A message has been sent to The Casnar Merchant group. The Surtin was reclaimed under the Mercenary Rule, and the allotted time for return is eight months, two weeks, and four days, merchant timescale."

How come they know all that, Irwin thought.

He knew that Gelwin had registered them and pulled some strings, but who had added where they would go?

"Giard's Rangers are being led by Captain Irwin. No Yuurindi are registered to the group. Please advise…"

Irwin stepped forward, Rindiri having warned him about this forehand.

"I'm Captain Irwin," he said, staring intently at the green slab. "I want to register one temporary and three new members of Giard's Rangers."

"Soulresonance matches with Captain Irwin. All new members, please place your hand on the tablet and state your name and if you are willing to join Giard's Rangers."

Rindiri immediately stepped forward, placing her hand on the slab.

"Rindiri," she said.

So, no last name? Irwin thought. Somehow, he'd expected one.

Zender and Earila went after her.

"Will the temporary member please place their hand on the slab?"

Boohm stepped forward with a wide grin. "Only temporarily temporary," he said in his booming voice.

"Raboohmin Xindar!"

Greldo snorted, and Irwin had to hold himself back from joining.

Raboohmin? So it was his real name or at least part of it, he thought.

"New members added to your roster. The two Yuurindi females have been registered. Please do not attempt to enter any portal to a world. Transgressions are punishable by death. Have a nice day."

Irwin swallowed as he looked at the tablet, and a quick look showed the shock on Greldo's face. None of the three Yuurindi seemed even remotely surprised, however, with Earila going so far as to yawn.

In front of them, dockmanager nodded and smiled as a tension Irwin hadn't noticed before slowly left her.

"Very good! I've never heard of Sesnanser, but it has to be far on the outskirts! You must be so happy to have made it back safely. Docking fees will be twenty soulshards per day, and payment of two days is required in advance."

Irwin swallowed at the surprising amount, but Rindiri paid without blinking an eye, and he was glad he'd given her more soulshards.

"Thank you, and enjoy your stay on Proadon One!" the woman said as she walked away.

When she was out of earshot, You'gyn hummed as he landed on Boohms shoulder.

"She was powerful… at least two soulcards, and from their pressure, I'd say Ruby Rank."

'Three soulcards,' Ambraz said. 'But he is right. She was sent in case you caused trouble…'

Irwin frowned, looking up at You'gyn. "Would that have helped if we had multiple soulcarded?"

"No, but they checked that when we drew near," You'gyn said. "They probably sensed you, Boohm, and Rindiri but decided she would be enough."

"Ah…" Irwin said, not sure how to feel about that. "Well, you are sure we don't need to leave someone on the ship?"

"No, there are guards watching it as we speak," Rindiri said.

"You shouldn't be so worried about someone stealing that old thing," You'gyn said with a laugh. "If they do, we just buy something better!"

Sure, and who will pay for that? Irwin thought, shaking his head and smirking at Greldo.

They followed Boohm into the city, and unlike at Tulpil, they had to take one of the small, open boats they had seen when arriving.

Boohm took care of all the talking, and eventually, a silver-eyed youth with a wide smile was transporting them to the Eastern Trading hub.

Sitting in the back and watching the city below pass by, Irwin wondered if Eluathar would someday have cities like this. He could barely believe it.

"Pretty incredible, isn't it," Greldo said from beside him. "There have to be hundreds of thousands of people here."

"Nine million and a bit since last year's census, good sir!" the young man at the back shouted as he guided their small boat forward. Hundreds of others covered the sky, but the man dodged everything effortlessly.

So many people in one city, Irwin thought as he looked at the city below with renewed awe.

They were dropped off on the edge of a massive square, people milling about and a towering fountain in the center splurting out water into the basin around it.

"Alright! Let's go and make some merchants cry," Boohm said, causing some of the surrounding people to look up in confusion.

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