Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 38: Chicken scratches

Heavy, Irwin thought as he rolled on his shoulder, trying to find a better position. Something seemed to be weighing him down. A heavy blanket? His hand shivered, and he held it against his chest.

A shiver ran through him as he remembered the pain. He'd blacked out… so did that mean that the reforging had failed?

Rolling on his back, he felt his jacket and pants move oddly below him. There was a crunching sound that reminded him of caked hardened mud. He debated investigating it for a moment, then focused on something more important: his card.

Can I even feel if it worked?

He looked up at the ceiling while probing for the skill to see if it had changed. It took him surprisingly little effort to connect with the card. Solid, stable, and secure, the sensation no longer just covered his hands but hung like a heavy curtain over his entire being.

It worked, he thought as he released the skill. A body-improvement skill, the thing he'd dreamed about for so long. He was surprised at how calm he felt. He now had three cards. Shouldn't he be out of his mind with joy?

He moved his hand before his face, staring at the three thin tattoos. They only lacked the lines connecting to show he had combined them. Still, like when he got his first card, his first one should already be influencing the third one. He wondered what effect it would be. Would the Coperion Skin be stronger? Or hot?

The skin of his hand was stunningly darker than before. Tanned, as if he'd worked in the sun for weeks. There was also something else different. A dull gleam as if it was slightly wet?

Wait, why is the sleeve of my jacket black and burned? he looked down to find that the rest of his leather jacket was hard, dried, and blackened. The edges were curled up and cracked.

"So? Ready to head out? You slept enough now, right?"

Irwin jolted as Ambraz flew into his field of vision. Seeing the small fluttering Anvil made him shudder, and he wondered if he could ever look at one the same.

Wait, didn't he tell me that if I wanted to reforge the card higher than uncommon, I had to do something? Does that mean I need to strike my own hand?

Irwin felt nausea rise at the idea of hitting his own hand with a hammer. He could barely believe it, but it seemed even worse than having Ambraz doing it.

"What? Still tired?"

"No," he said with a sigh.

As he pushed himself up, he was surprised at how hard it was. It reminded him of all those mornings after helping his mother with cleaning the nobles' houses. Back then, it had been because he was weak. Looking at his lower arm, he saw the now clearly defined muscles. Small, yes, but he wasn't weak anymore… he was just slow? Tiny bits of the outer layer of his jacket, pants, and boots were flaking off and drifting to the ground.

"So, it wasn't a dream after all," he muttered as he patted himself. A cloud of black dust and bits billowed out, and he poked the jacket. It would still work, but he wondered what would happen if it got wet. The leather was blackened, parts charred, and the edges curled up. It wasn't supple either. Was that why he felt heavy? He took a step forward, waving his arm.

No, definitely heavy. This might be a problem, he thought as he waved his hand around. He did feel solid as if he could punch a hole through a door.

After a few moments, he looked around. Daubutim stood nearby, looking at him dully.

"Hey, what happened?"

Daubutim blinked, then nodded. He didn't say anything, just kept staring at him, gaze moving over his face.

"What's wrong?" Irwin asked as he worriedly raised his hands to his face. Had something else changed? He'd never been handsome, but perhaps the skill had changed his face to something hideous?

He felt nothing weird, no changes. Everything seemed the same. Confused, he looked up and saw Daubutim had summoned his morningstar and was staring at it. He was about to ask again when the noble shook his head with a frown.

"You move slow. We need to test what your final card did before we leave here. If we get jumped, I must be sure you can still fight. Try and familiarize yourself with the card."

Is it that obvious? Irwin thought worriedly.

He flexed his hands, sensing even more strength in his fingers than before the reforging. It also stretched out across his entire body now. Should he try hitting a wall to find out how his hand would hold up or see how strong he was?

Strength first, he decided.

He walked towards a nearby table with a hammer almost as large as Daubutim's morningstar. Gripping the handle with two hands, he raised it, and his eyes shot wide. It was heavy, too heavy to wield easily, but he could lift it! Barely believing what he did, he let go with one hand. The massive hammer lowered slightly but remained in the air. His arm was visibly shaking, but he didn't care.

A month ago, he wouldn't have been able to hold this hammer, perhaps barely able to move it around. Now? Now he was holding it in one hand! He gripped the hammer tighter and struck down. The heavy head slammed into the table, which shuddered, smaller items rattling.

A surprised cry came from the door, and he looked up. The Galubs were still there? Were they waiting for them to come out?

"Look at that! You can actually hold a hammer now!"

Irwin looked up as Ambraz flickered around him. The wide smile on the Anvil's face ignited his own joy. He grinned and momentarily forgot about the pain the thing had caused. Then he put the hammer down and walked to the nearest wall. It was a sturdy gray stone, and hesitantly he tapped it with his hand, then knocked his fist against the rough surface. He felt his skin prick a bit, but not a lot. Hoping he wasn't going to regret it, he hit the stone. Not hard, but enough that it should have left a bruise. A dull thud came, and though he felt it, it was more like hitting sandy ground than stone.

Feeling a stupid grin grow, he hit it harder. There was a bit of pain this time, and the stone cracked, narrow lines running away from his knuckles. A quick inspection showed no more than a scuff on his knuckles.

By Gelwin's beard! If this is uncommon, what will it be like at rare?

He could hardly wait to see it, though he had to actively push down fear at the hurt it would take to get there.

"Take this."

Irwin turned and saw Daubutim holding out the short sword. He had his armor, shield, and morningstar out, and Irwin immediately recognized the other's mood. They were going to practice.

More confident of himself now, even if he was slower, he walked towards Daubutim, noting the heavier thud as he walked. It also felt like he was being pulled to the ground. Wrapping his hand around the held-out sword handle, he was stunned at how much lighter it felt. Taking a step back, he swished it around in the familiar patterns Daubutim had taught him.

Ah... he thought.

The difference was evident. Though light, his arm seemed weighed down, and though he would probably hit harder, his movements were slow and sluggish.

"How often can you use that eye card?" Daubutim asked.

Irwin saw the other looking at him worriedly.

"Every few minutes," Irwin said as he kept swinging.

He wondered if the strength increase from his first and second cards would eventually offset the weight.

"And your flame? How much stronger did it become?"

Irwin blinked. He'd completely forget about that!

He held out his left hand, and an arm-length flame rippled to life over his hand. It was less stable, flickering and rippling as if agitated, but the heat from it was comforting.

It grew again, he thought, staring at it with a wide grin. So many gains!

Daubutim hissed and jumped back. "It's too hot!"

Irwin backed up a few steps, then ignored the other. He began waving the flame around, admiring how it seemed to move towards where he was moving, almost as if- As if it moves as I want it to?

Licking his lips, he tried to will the flame to move. There was a jitter, then the flame angled in the direction he wanted. It wasn't very fast, but as he willed it above his clenched fist, it remained there.

"This is fantastic," Irwin whispered as he tried to stabilize the flame. Within moments the jittery, wavy flame that had been moving as if there was wind rippling around it became calm, pointing straight forward from his fist.

As he looked up, he saw Daubutim's eyes gleam, and the other moved forward. "Try and use it as a sword."

Irwin blinked as his mouth hung open. He focused, and the flame moved until it hung above his hand. He swung it down, hoping to see it slash like a blade. Sadly, though it did move, the flame bent slightly, and as he waved it around, the top part had a hard time moving fast enough. Feeling a bit let down, Irwin was surprised when he saw Daubutim grinning.

"That will do. Now, unsummon it, and let's practice!"



Irwin nodded as he placed his hand on the teleporter anvil. He was holding Daubutim's old shortsword, though he felt less secure with it than he had previously.

The world swirled for a moment. Then he felt a cold wind pass over him as he reappeared inside a partially destroyed building. A large hole sat in the wall before him, and behind it, he saw the rest of the city. Pale light shone inside, highlighting heaps of debris, and rubble, while dust swirled in the air.

Irwin quickly scanned the area. No movement or sounds. Daubutim snuck out from behind him, his bulk greater with his new breastplate.

"Follow me," he whispered.

Irwin didn't respond, following Daubutim while trying to make as little noise as he could. He had a constant hold on his Eyes Of Blaze card, ready to use it if more than two Galubs appeared.

The outer part of the city showed almost as much destruction as the building they left, and he tried to determine where that meant it was. He couldn't recall seeing a heavily destroyed part of the inner city, so that had to mean they were nearer to the walls.

They continued further through the rubble-strewn area until they reached a square. The buildings on the other side were all in one piece, dark alleyways snaking away.

"Alright," Daubutim whispered, back against a wall. "That way should lead to the staircase down."

Irwin followed his pointed finger and nodded. There was still no sign of Galubs, and part of him hoped it would stay that way. Another part was hungry to test out his new cards. Though he was slower, what would happen if he did hit something?

It took almost thirty minutes to make their way through the district, sometimes having to backtrack when they found their paths blocked by deadends. When, by Daubutims estimate, they were a few minutes away, a loud boom shocked the entire city. Doors and shutters rattled all around them, and Irwin jumped away as a fissure ran through a nearby wall, stone splinters pelting the surrounding.


An ear-rattling roar came from a place ahead of them, and Irwin crouched down. Before either of them could speak, another roar came. Anger and annoyance were clearly audible in it.

"That monster got free," Irwin whispered, unable to keep the shiver from his voice.

"Bablibon," Daubutim whispered. "The shard monster Ambraz told us about."

"Yes, yes. And a pretty strong one from the looks of it," the Anvil piped from Irwin's pocket. "Better get out of here. If it starts rampaging?"

They continued forward, slowly and stealthily, stopping every time another roar came.

"It's from near the staircase," Daubutim whispered.

Irwin didn't respond but continued forward until he could see from the end of the alley. Ahead of them was the square with the staircase down. Behind it was the building the Galubs had partied in, but little of it remained. Only the central staircase and part of the back wall remained standing, the rest reduced to rubble. A cloud of dust hung in the air, swirling as something massive moved within.

"Over there," Daubutim whispered.

Irwin saw him point to the edge of the square. A group of figures stood beside one of the buildings, Doomblade and Big-Fat easily recognizable amongst the other one and two horns. Irwin wasn't a hundred percent sure, but he thought he saw blood and wounds on some of them. Doomblade was lugging around the almost door-sized sword.

A deafening roar, louder now they were this close came from the building.

Irwin watched as an oily gray and blue leg stretched out from the cloud. It seemed almost boneless in its movements, and a moment later, a head poked out above it. With a stubby beak and three blazing teal eyes, a black, ooze-like bird stepped onto the square, glaring around. Its beak opened, and a trickle of dark, blue-tinted fog leaked out.

That thing is as tall as a building, Irwin thought. He felt a strong desire to run.

There was a struggle from the Galubs, and he watched in disbelief as Doomblade grabbed a one-horn and threw him across the square. It slammed into the ground with a loud yelp, then scrambled up to get away. The giant Bablibon moved forward in an almost liquid way, snatching the Galub before it got more than two steps away. It tossed it up, its beak opening far too wide for any normal bird, and gulping the entire Galub down in a single chow.

"There. I've fed you! Please go back to sleep now," Doomblade shouted from the side.

The bird turned its eyes to Doomblade and cocked its head. Irwin could almost see the smirk on the beak, as it shook its head.

"What? I've fed you seven already, and you want more? If I keep feeding you there won't be enough of us left to handle the carded!" Doomblade roared.

The bird stepped forward, lowered its head, and roared oddly. It was almost as if there was a laughter within. The air rippled in front of its beak as a wave of the dark blue-tinted fog billowed outward.

The Galubs screeched, and a few of the one-horns panicked, running away.

Irwin shivered. They had to get out of here before that thing found them! He looked at the entrance. Making a run for it would be suicide. But if the Bablibon charged at the Galubs? That would be their chance.

What a time to become slower, he thought as he gritted his teeth and turned to Daubutim.

"Let's run as soon as it attacks them," he whispered.

Daubutim frowned, then shook his head.

"Wait. Something is wrong," the noble boy whispered, sounding confused.

Irwin quickly turned back to the bird, afraid it would be coming for them. But it hadn't moved. It was still staring at Doomblade, almost seeming to taunt him.

"Fine! One more," the three-horn snarled.

Irwin could hear the hate in his voice, but it didn't seem to stop him from jumping to the side and grabbing the nearest one-horn. The others backed up, but the two-horns moved to block their path.

With a grunt audible across the square, Doomblade flung the flailing Galub towards the bird. This time it snatched it out of the air, cracking the body. It bit the screaming Galub in two, silencing it before gulping the two halves down.

Doomblade stood on the other side, glaring at the Bablibon, seemingly expecting it to leave.

"It's toying with him," Daubutim whispered, sounding amazed." I've seen this before…"

What, a giant monstrous bird that eats demons? Irwin thought as he glanced at Daubutim, wondering what the boy meant.

"It's going to attack him," Daubutim whispered, looking around. "We need- we need to flee!"

As if in response to Daubutim's words, the Bablibon stalked toward Doomblade and his group. Its glittering eyes reminded Irwin of gems.

"What do you want? I gave you food, carded, cards!"

A booming laughter came from the bird as a voice seemed to emanate from all around them. "Yes, and now that I've replenished, I'll have to thank you for that!"

Irwin sat frozen against the wall. He'd felt pretty good and strong after gaining two uncommon cards, but as he watched the Bablibon slink forward, he felt smaller and weaker than he ever had before.

"No! Stop him!" Doomblade roared as he raised his sword toward the Bablibon.

Then an oddly pleasing, low song resonated from his throat. It was smooth and deep, and as Irwin heard it he felt the incredible urge to charge the Bablibon.

On second thought, it wasn't that big.

Perhaps only twice a horse!

He could burn it, and-

Something flew into his face, shocking him. He blinked in surprise as he swatted at it.

"Stop it, fool!" Ambraz hissed, rushing at his face again.

Irwin blinked again, staring dumbly at the Galubs charging across the square. He realized he wasn't crouched, but standing, and had taken a step forward. Ahead of him, Daubutim was striding forward, morningstar out, shield up, and with a determined look on his face as he stared at the Bablibon.

Irwin jumped after him, grabbing the other boy's shoulder and pulling him to a stop. He absently noticed how much easier it felt, then a morningstar rushed at his face, and he brought up his hand. A dull thud came, and he felt a sharp pain in his palm. Afraid, Irwin took two steps back.

Daubutim stood behind him, morningstar frozen midair. Then he shivered, shook his head, and looked around.

"What? Irwin?"

A high-pitched scream came from the other side of the square.

Ignoring the pain in his palm, Irwin quickly looked at the battle. The Bablibon was standing on two Galubs with a single-taloned foot, while pointing the other up and at the incoming two-horns. Metallic gray darts sprayed from its silvery black nails, speeding through the air like a cloud of angry bees. Big-fat, belying his massive bulk, managed to jump aside, but the others weren't as lucky. More screams came as hand-length thorns pierced eyes, faces, and chests. Two of the Galubs dropped like bricks. An odd purplish fog slithered through their mouths, ears, and nose before floating away.

Behind the battle, Doomblade had his sword raised and was still singing in his low deep voice. The entire length of the blade was shimmering, a purplish fog surrounding it, and the fog from the dead Galubs added to it.

"Either that's an artifact, or he is charging a rare skill," Ambraz hissed as he fluttered next to Irwin. "Whatever it is, we shouldn't be here when he finishes. We need to leave. Now."

Irwin nodded dumbly, looking at the staircase. It was twenty feet from the Bablibon, and he saw some of the two-horns follow Big-fat down. He didn't know why they weren't affected by Doomblade's skill, but he wasn't going to stay and ask.

"Run," he whispered as he headed towards the staircase.

They were halfway when the singing stopped, replaced by an angry shout.

"There, you blasted, infernal bird! Its those carded I told you were sneaking around! Go and eat those!"

Irwin felt his heart skip a beat as he reached the edge of the staircase. A quick glance almost made him stumble. The Bablibon was staring at him, a happy glitter in its eyes.

"Ah! More food! How nice! Go and wait down there. I'll find you when I'm done here!" A dull laughter followed as it swatted two more Galubs down as if they were flies.

Irwin felt himself being pulled down the stairs by Daubutim. There was no sight of Big-fat and the other two-horned Galubs, and he quickly shook off Daubutim's hand, running after the other.

"We need to get to the portal," he whispered.

"Follow me, and get ready to use your eyes," Daubutim hissed. "If we come across those Galubs, don't hesitate. Shoot, charge, and fight!"

Let's hope they are gone, Irwin thought as he followed Daubutim down the many steps and platforms toward the dark catacombs of the city.

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