Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 51: Crushed

When Irwin woke the next morning, Daubutim had already left. Staring at his friend's empty bed, Irwin fell back, staring at the rugged stone ceiling. He'd already lost Greldo. Was he going to lose Daubutim too?

Greldo isn't dead, he thought, angry at his own mind for implying it.

Forcing himself out of his warm bed, he rushed into his clothes before heading down to the mess. It was busy even this early, but after getting a plate of food, he found Jousithr in the back.

"So, it's only the two of us today," Jousithr said in greeting. "Are you ready to face Sebastian? He's been talking about nothing but putting you in your place, whatever that is supposed to mean."

Irwin started as he looked at the stale bread and lumps of undefinable vegetables. He'd totally forgotten about having to fight Sebastian again. As the image of the boy came to his mind, there was an odd high-pitched squeaking from the table. Looking down in surprise, he saw his hands had pinched indents into the table's edge.

"You… aren't going to kill him, are you?" Jousithr asked.

"What? Of course not!" Irwin snapped as he looked up to see the lordling watch him with clear trepidation. "I'm just angry that… Daubutim is out there alone," he finally ground out.

As he said it, he realized it was true. As little desire as he had to go out in the cold to fight Frozir, which was probably the worst matchup for him, he'd have preferred being with Daubutim. They had each other's back for months and knowing he was now out there was angering him.

Jousithr continued to look at him for a while before finally sighing and picking at his food.

"Don't worry about him. He is with the guard group that stays closest to Degonda. I'm more worried about that rare portal. There is only one group that can close those, and if they lose anyone…"

Irwin stuffed his mouth, trying not to get distracted by the softer bits. Absently he realized the food was getting worse by the week. If this continued, they were going to run out and starve before the demons got them.

If I can learn card reforging, he thought, ignoring the gagging noises Jousithr made. Then he could at least fix one of those problems.

"Do you know how the food situation is outside of the keep?" he asked.

Jousithr wiped his mouth, pushing his plate away. "Don't bother. It's no better than the slop we are given. Worse, from what I've heard, many people are close to starving. Be glad that we are here and training. The only people still getting enough food are the guards, rangers, and the crafters equipping them."

Irwin stared at his hands as he thought back to the previous winter in Malorin. During the worst period, there had been barely enough food, and he vividly remembered the hollow feeling in his stomach. It had turned to a painful gnawing as the days with little to no food chained on into weeks. He shivered and stuffed another partially mushed root in his mouth, chewing it and swallowing without thinking.

Ten minutes later, he and Jousithr walked into the training hall. The large group had slowly been whittled down, and by now, only twenty youths remained. As Irwin looked around, he realized something else. The next one to be taken into the guards or rangers would be Sebastian.

Unless I win?

The previous time they had fought had been close, even though Sebastian had stopped playing around like he had the first time. Only the other's longer range and faster movements had gained him victory, but Irwin had become stronger and faster in the meantime. More importantly, he had a plan. But... if he won, would he have to go outside? That meant no more smithing, but he could also go with Daubutim! With conflicting emotions, he wondered if he should let Sebastian win.

He inspected his soon-to-be adversary. The tall boy was chatting with two other youths, already wearing his wrestling gauntlets. He suddenly laughed and looked up, staring straight at Irwin.

Irwin barely stopped himself from looking away as the lordling's eyes drilled into his. A nasty gleam came to the lordling's pale purple eyes, and his lips curled into a grin.

Any thought about letting the lordling win vanished from Irwin's mind as he gritted his teeth. Besides that, he wanted to pound the boy. If someone had to be with Daubutim to have his back, it had better be him, not that stuck up little-.

"Right! You all have heard about the big shit we are in, so I won't bring it up again," Hutch shouted, drawing both their gazes.

The guard strode through the door with the carded-healer, Lilinethe, in tow. She had a sad look in her eyes as she looked around, and Irwin wondered what that was about.

"I don't have time for pleasantries. Sebastian, Orwin, you are up first. I expect great results, so don't let me down!" he said.

Irwin had the feeling the guard's gaze lingered a little longer on him, but he didn't care. With measured steps, he moved to the training weapons rack and took a few of the Grappling Gauntlets. As he turned, he saw Sebastian was already standing on the sparring floor, stretching his arms and legs.

Irwin moved to stand opposite him, putting on his gloves before jumping in a place a few times.

"Remember, no skills except for the passive you can't control," Hutch said as he raised a hand. "Ready? Go!"

Irwin raised his hands and elbows like Hutch and Daubutim had shown him, fingers relaxed enough to grab something if he could reach it. At the same time, he lowered his stance and rushed forward. He knew he'd get pounded for a bit, but that was fine. He could take it- he just needed to get in close.

And he had a plan for that. Something he'd practiced with Daubutim.

Sebastian held his hands higher and wider, making odd little jumps as he moved around.

Irwin moved closer, and a flicker was all he got when the taller boy's hand shot forward. He ignored it, biting his teeth harder and powering through a strike against his head. Before he could retaliate, Sebastian danced away and began pelting his head with soft blows.

Irwin simply ignored them, relying on his much higher toughness to carry him on.

They circled each other for half a minute, and by now, Sebastian's grin had long gone. Instead, he was dashing in and out with gritted teeth, glaring at Irwin.

Irwin knew he was going to act soon- he had to, or Irwin would wear him down.

As if reading his mind, Sebastian grunted and dashed forward, left hand forward as if telegraphing a massive hit. Irwin moved forward, faking a grin. He knew it was no more than a decoy, and instead of moving as the punch bit his cheek, he waited.

Sebastian's other hand came from behind his other, and Irwin's grin widened as he did something nobody else on the ground could have without sustaining heavy damage.

He headbutted the fist, ignoring the surprised and worried shouts.

Though the hit's damage was reduced because he intercepted it before it could fully wind out, it was still strong enough to cause his head to snap back, but it didn't stop him from stepping forward. In range now, he grabbed Sebastian's vest and arm and yanked him closer. There was some resistance, but compared to the heavy iron he was moving around it was no more than a slight inconvenience.

Sebastian yelped and lost his balance, and Irwin grabbed the lordling in a bear hug. Grinning at the wide-eyed fear in front of him, he squeezed just as Hutch shouted his name.

"Orwin, no-"

There was a pop, then a snap, and then a scream. Sebastian's eyes went round, then he snapped his jaw shut, biting the tip of his tongue, blood spraying on Irwin's face. He dropped the lordling as a sudden fear filled him. He'd only meant to show him he had won, not-

"Out of the way!" he was shoved away by Lilinethe, who dropped near the boy who was moaning and frothing at the mouth.

Irwin took a step back and saw two of her cards flash bright purple. A dull glow erupted around her, forming a shell that forcefully pushed him away as it nestled around the healer and the lordling.

"Damnit, Orwin! I told you to hold!" Hutch snapped, and Irwin didn't resist as the head guard spun him around. "Were you trying to kill him?" Hutch asked, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"What? No!" Irwin snapped as he shook his head. "I just… just…" he faltered as muted but pained howls came from the purple bubble. Seeing Sebastian writhe on the ground while Lilinethe's face was warped in pain, he took a step back and licked his lips. "I just wanted to show him I was stronger," he managed.

Hutch stared at him for a while, the angry scowl rapidly dissipating. Then he sighed, and for a moment, Irwin thought he saw a glimmer of humor in his eyes. Then it was gone.

"Well, you definitely showed him that. And the others too," Hutch said, shaking his head. "When Lord Bron told me to select the next two to go with the guards, I thought I'd chosen the two strongest. Perhaps I was wrong."

Hutch gazed at him for a while, then took a deep breath.

"Alright. Wait over there. I guess Lilinethe is going to object to another set of practice bouts… dammit. I should have let you go last after what happened the first time."

Hutch turned away, waving his hand at the other youths.

"Alright, Jousithr, Gregor, you are up! Wooden long swords, first to two clear hits, mark the victor. And... try not to hurt each other!"

Irwin backed up, but as he looked around, he saw surprise and awe on some faces while a slight fear in a few others. Swallowing back his annoyance, he focused on Sebastian.

It took almost ten minutes before the barrier faded, and by then, Lilinethe's face was drenched with sweat. Sebastian lay on the ground, breathing normally.

"Hutch, get someone to bring him to his bed. He isn't allowed to train for a few days," she said.

Irwin swallowed as she glared at Hutch, then the carded healer rounded on him.

"And you! First you break his arm, then you do this! I understand you don't like him after that beating, but we are all in this together! Without every able body, we won't survive through this winter! Figure out your strength so you don't keep hurting the people around you," she snapped.

With a final look of disgust at the other fighters, she stalked away, shoulders slumped and breathing raggedly.

Irwin stared after her, not sure what to say but feeling sad. He hadn't meant to hurt Sebastian, at least not this much, and he felt sorry for him. But he seemed alright now. What bothered him more was that it somehow had hurt Lilinethe. The healer had only helped others.

"Don't worry about what she said, boy. She's just angry and in pain."

Irwin looked up to see Hutch standing beside him. The anger had faded from his face.

"It's just that her healing is special. Though it's faster than most I know, it makes it so she and her patient both feel the full pain of the entire healing process in the span of minutes. I've had it done a few times, and let me tell you-" the guard shuddered. "It's worse than getting stabbed."

Irwin nodded, took a deep breath, and stared straight at the guard. "I didn't mean to harm him. If I'd known a squeeze would break him, I would not have done it."

Hutch grinned. "I know, boy. Don't worry! I was just a bit… startled at first. However, I am curious. How about you do the same thing to me so I can see how strong you've become!"

"Are you sure?" Irwin asked, staring at the guard. He was a head taller and almost as muscled as Trimdir.

"Don't worry about me," Hutch said as he cracked his neck. "Just gimme one of those hugs, but don't squeeze too hard until I tell you to."

Irwin felt slightly uncomfortable as he wrapped his arms around the massive, hairy man. Stinky too. He squeezed, using half the strength he'd used on Sebastian.

"You can squeeze harder," Hutch said.

Irwin did as answered, squeezing as hard as he had with Sebastian.


Irwin squeezed even harder, closing in on his maximum.

"Alright, that'll do," Hutch said, sounding strained.

Irwin quickly let go and stepped back, looking at the guard worriedly.

"Don't you give me that look! I'm fine!" Hutch snapped, raising and rolling his shoulders before wincing.

He seemed to hesitate, then cocked his head and looked around. "But I'm afraid it won't help to have you fight anyone else here. If you accidentally hit them, you might break their neck. Go back to Trimdir for some more forging and find me after you are done."

Irwin blinked, then nodded, wondering what the guard had in mind. He took one more look around, but the others were all fully engrossed in the current battle.

When he walked outside, he was buffeted by tumultuous wind that blasted snow into his face. Painful stings on his face made him take two steps back, and he stared outside in distaste. For a moment, he thought about just forging on. Then he shook his head. If he went in that blizzard, he had no idea if he would even get out alive.

Seeing nobody that could rat him out to Hutch, he headed back to his room. It was quiet, but tiny bits of snow had drifted in through the cracks and created a shape on the ground. He rushed to the cold hearth and summoned his flame, shoving it on top of the cold wood. Within moments, it burst aflame, filling the room with a cozy, ruddy light.

"Stupid cold weather," Irwin muttered as he pulled a chair before the fireplace and sat down.

Wondering what he should do, he looked around and saw the book the smith had given him lying on the small drawer beside his bed. He could read, but he didn't feel like it. He was worried about Daubutim, still confused about what had happened with Sebastian and wondering how long the blizzard would continue. If it didn't stop in a few hours, he'd have to either brave it or get scolded by Trimdir.

A rustle came from his inside pocket, and he opened the front to let Ambraz out.

"So? Skipping out today, are we?" the Anvil said as he flitted around.

"It's snowing outside," Irwin said as he leaned back, enjoying the warmth radiating from the crackling fire.

"Yeah, if I'd known you were living in a winter wonderland, I would have suggested focusing on another aspect of your card," Ambraz said, not sounding at all sorry.

"It's fine," Irwin said, not really paying attention. Something was nagging him, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Well, as long as you are here, let's continue your reading practice," Ambraz said as he flew to the book and landed on it.

"Reading," Irwin snapped as he looked up. That was it! He could try to use his Eyes of Blaze and read his own cards. That way, it would be easier to focus on it while smithing.

"Kid?" Ambraz asked as he fluttered before his face, startling him.

"Yes, we can practice reading later," Irwin said as he raised his hand and focused on his first card. It came easy, and as he pulled it out, it hovered atop the back of his hand.

Focusing on his Eyes of the Blaze while his Fire Sensitive Body was out proved difficult, and it took him a few tries before he succeeded. Then, a hovering scroll appeared beside the card, filled with text. He instantly saw he wouldn't be able to read all of it easily. Luckily, it was at least in the same language.

Trying to figure out all of the meanings took a long time as he slowly tried pronouncing the letters in order to figure out what they meant. When he finally finished, he reread it a few times to get the meaning across.

Card: Fire-sensitive body

Type: Epic, Growth, Impersonate

Owner: Irwin Roddington

Due to its fire-based nature, the holder will heal faster when near a source of fire and heat while slower when in a cold environment.

Passive: Increased resistance to and regeneration while in or near fire, decreased resistance to cold.

Passive two: Night vision (Can see dimly in complete darkness).

Card combination focus: Regeneration.

Growth, Irwin thought as he reread the card.

Hadn't Ambraz told him something about that? It took him a moment to recall, then he nodded. Right, if he practiced the card, it would become stronger up to a certain point. That was probably why his flame kept growing. But what did impersonate mean? He had an idea, but he wasn't sure. Turning to Ambraz, who was floating around the room, apparently bored, he sniffed.

"My card says it is of the type, impersonate. What does that mean?"

"Ah, that! Yes, well, didn't you ever wonder why your nice epic card looks like a mere common?" Ambraz said as he swung around and hovered before the card.

"So that's because of this? Aren't all epic cards like that?" Irwin asked, trying to remember where he had heard that.

"No, not all. Only those that have the hidden or impersonate type," Ambraz said. "Many epics have one of those, so it's not rare to see… Wait, not rare as in a rare card, I mean… Gah!. Damn you people, for not using the proper terms for cards! Now I'm all confused!"

Irwin grinned as he stared at the text a little longer, deciding to ask everything he wasn't sure about.

"What is the difference between hidden and impersonate?"

"Hidden just makes it look like a common or uncommon or something," Ambraz said, and he sniffed. "Impersonate means it truly acts like another rank of card. This is why you can enter common portals with it."

Irwin frowned. There was something he was missing... but he couldn't find it. Something about his card and entering portals. After a few more minutes trying to crack his head over it, he shrugged and looked back at the card.

"And what does card combination focus mean? It says regeneration."

"That's because when you slotted the other cards, that's what you focused on," Ambraz said with a snort.

Irwin ignored the others' annoyance and nodded slowly.

After a few more moments of inspecting it, he put his first card back and tried pulling up Eyes of Blaze. He quickly found that using a skill while removing the card was either impossible or far too difficult, as each time he pulled up the card, his Eyes of Blaze dissipated. Slightly annoyed, he pulled up his third card, Coperion Body.

It took him a long time to decipher it, and when he finally managed, he stared at the text stupidly.

Card: Coperrion Body

Type: Uncommon, Growth

Owner: Irwin Roddington

Body improvement card that increased the holder's entire body density, making their skin resistant to cutting and piercing. Decreases movement speed.

Passive: Increases the wielder's strength and constitution.

Active: Grants the ability to temporarily change the entire body to Coperion, making it near impervious to conventional weapons.

How did I forget about the active ability?

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