Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 55: One for many

Irwin sat in front of Daubutim, quietly waiting for the noble boy to continue.

"After we closed the second portal, we were down to four guards," Daubutim said, staring at his hand. "The rangers found another common portal, so we went there to get the common-handed group there safely. When we got to the place they called the Grinning Man's hilltop… we…"

Irwin watched as Daubutim's face turned slack, his eyes dull. Then a shiver ran through the boy as if he was slapped or shouted at. His back straightened, his eyes turned clear, and he looked through Irwin as if he didn't see him.

"There was a rare portal surrounded by the beginnings of a camp. Parts of the buildings were made of ice and snow, and I counted two thousand seventy-eight Frozir."

The way Daubutim spoke, clear as if he was handing out a report, made Irwin wonder who he was speaking to in his mind. Probably his father. Daubutims clear eyes stared straight at a spot behind him.

"The bodies of nine guards and three rangers were tied to the walls. Each was missing their hands. On the hillside below the top were four uncommon portals."

Irwin swallowed. Why would those demons tie them up and-

A rustling came from his pocket as Ambraz forced his way out. The Anvil flitted to the table and landed.

"One rare and four uncommon?" he snapped, his mouth-side turned to Daubutim. "Did you see any common portals?"

Daubutim closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, they were their regular dull as he looked at Ambraz.

"There were eight within three miles," he said.

"But none directly around the rare?"

Daubutim shook his head.

There was quiet in the room, and Irwin leaned back. So many portals! That couldn't be normal… could it? What was going on?

"Interesting," Ambraz finally said. "Well, as long as there weren't any common portals besides the rare or uncommon, it could be worse."

"Worse?" Irwin snapped, always choking on his saliva. "He just said there were over a dozen portals, with a rare one and a base, and-"

"Calm down," Ambraz said as he flitted at his face so fast he blinked and dodged back.

"Yes, it could be worse! If there had been common portals, that meant my initial conclusion was wrong. I'm not saying it's not bad, but this just means there's a hotspot over there. Probably some kind of metal deposit deep in that hill."

"Metal… deposit?" Irwin muttered, staring at the Anvil. "What does that have to do with it?"

"Ugh, instead of asking all these questions, shouldn't you be going to get a bath? You wouldn't want Lamia to wait for you, would you?"

Irwin looked back, shaking his head stupidly. He'd forgotten all about that.

"But, isn't this-" he began.

"More important? Hell no! I completely agree with Trimdir- you need to combine your cards and get stronger. If this continues, you might die, and that'd be a shame after I've finally found… err… Never mind! You need to combine those cards!"

"There is more," Daubutim said softly, interrupting them and causing Irwin to look at him.

"When we left here, a large surge of Frozir chased after us. We moved faster, but they were heading here. The rangers said they were somehow tracking us, and nothing they did could get them off our trail... They should be here within a few days to a week."

"Well, fantastic!" Ambraz snapped. "Orwin, go take a bath, eat with the pretty girl, then come back here! We need to practice quickly. We need to have you reforge at least one of those cards you have to a rare one!"

"But we don't have any more commons," Irwin muttered. Wait, we do! He looked up at Daubutim.

"Did you find any more common cards?" he asked.

The noble boy shook his head. "We only found two cards, and both of them were instantly taken by the lead guard. The common-handed found only one."

"So few…" Irwin muttered. "Do you still have that arrow card?"

Daubutim nodded. "Do you want it?" he asked as his hand moved to his pocket.

"No…" Irwin said as his mind spun. "Ambraz, can you reforge it to uncommon?" he asked. They weren't inside a portal, so that should be fine, right?

"Sure… you wanna use it to trade? Smart!" The Anvil rushed to the center of the room, changing to his large form.

Daubutim hesitated, then pulled out the card and put it atop the Anvil. "This won't make a lot of noise again, right?" he asked.

Ambraz's lips pursed. "No! Just a few strikes- it's just a common, and this time it's not slotted! Remember, I only have energy for one more."

Irwin nodded. "It's fine!"

"Of course it is!" Ambraz said, and a dull thud echoed through the room. A second later, there was a noise that sounded clearer, and the third almost sounded like a chime.

"There, all done!" Ambraz said, causing Irwin to stare at him dumbly.

Just three? He had to hit us so many times! For a moment, he felt anger growing. Had Ambraz hit them more than was necessary?

No, no. It has to be because they were in our hand, he thought, shoving his anger away.

He stepped forward to see the purple of an uncommon on the Anvil. The image on the card had changed from a fist with arrows to a raised hand with a dozen arrows hovering above it.

I wonder what it does now, Irwin thought. He wanted to try his Eyes of Blaze, then shook his head. What did it matter? They needed common cards! He turned to Daubutim, who was staring at the card with hungry eyes.

"Can you- Can you go to the merchants and try to trade it for as many common cards as you can? It doesn't matter if they are any good."

Daubutim just nodded as he grabbed the card before turning to the door.

Irwin saw him sway on his feet, and he was about to tell him he needed sleep when he stopped. They needed those cards- and they needed them fast. "Will you be alright?" he asked, feeling bad for not letting his friend get the rest he obviously needed.

"I'll be fine. I'll get some food and head out," Daubutim said.

Irwin watched him walk slowly to the door when he thought of something else.


The boy turned.

"We might not be able to reach your father's city… I'm thinking about telling Trimdir about Ambraz, the cards, all of it." Irwin saw Daubutim's dull look strengthen. "Do you think your father would find that a good idea?" he quickly added.

Daubutim stared at him, his eyes glassy, then he shook his head. "I don't know. I'm too tired to think straight, but I'll think about it. Don't do anything yet until we get a chance to talk."

"Alright. Be careful," Irwin said, getting another nod before Daubutim left the room.

Irwin stared at the table for a while, barely noticing when Ambraz returned to his pocket. Then he sighed, pushed himself up, and headed out. He wasn't really looking forward to going out with Lamia anymore, but with multiple suggestions that he should, he decided to make the best of it.

The baths were empty, but he was lucky that there was one of lord Bron's servants there to help him heat one of the tubs. Rinsed and back in his only set of clothes, which smelled worse than he remembered, he headed back to the tower's exit.

I need to find out if there's a carded cleaner somewhere, he thought. His mother had told him about one in Malorin that could clean someone's clothes while they were wearing them, removing dirt and stink alike.

As he shoved the door open, the cold air made him shiver. Still, he pushed on and saw Lamia was already waiting for him, shuffling her feet not too far away. She was wearing a long, thick, and soft-looking coat that stood out against the snow. As dark as it was, the little light remained refracted across the snow, making it easy enough to see even without his advantage, and he saw Lamia focus on him.

Irwin blinked in surprise as he stared at her. Her face was cleaned up, and her dark hair was tied in a long braid at the top of her head that hung down. He suddenly realized she was actually pretty- though more muscular than any girl he'd seen, and he wondered how old she really was.

Then a cold breeze whipped his overly long hair back, and he shivered.

I can't wait for the end of winter and more warmth, he thought as he jogged forward.

"You sure took your time," Lamia said as she scrutinized his clothes. "And you need a second set of clothes."

Not sure how to respond, Irwin just shrugged. "Where are we going?" His body was rapidly cooling down, and he shivered.

"Well, you probably haven't ever been there before, but it's the best inn in town!" Lamia said joyfully.

To Irwin's surprise, she grabbed his hand and pulled him after her. Within moments they were running,

"You can change into that metal form of yours," she said. "It's closer than Trimdir's!"

Irwin didn't hesitate and triggered his Coperion Skin as he ran with her.

In under five minutes, they were in a part of the town he'd never been to, crossing a bustling square. Even with the snow and the day coming to an end, people moved around, entering odd tents through flaps. Each tent seemed attached to a wagon, and they all had enough snow on and against them that Irwin knew they'd been here for a long while.

I wonder if this is where Daubutim is, he thought as Lamia pulled him through a wide opening between two of the largest tents. Behind it was a double door with lanterns to the side and a sign above it with a roasted leg of meat and a mug. In long, flowing letters, a name stood below it.

Greggor's great Inn, Irwin read.

Even with everything going on, he couldn't stop the grin creeping up his face.

Lamia let him go before the door and straightened her jacket.

"Right, better drop the skill before we go in," she said, grinning at him. "Though I have to say, I could get used to that sheen!"

Irwin waited for the blush to drop from his cheeks before he did. Lamia grinned.

"Good, let's go!"

She pulled open the door, and Irwin stepped in after her, feeling a stuffy warmth with numerous smells flowing around him.

A massive room with a low balcony curved from the back of the lightly lit room all around the left lay splayed before him. Halfway in, there was a short, three-step stair leading into a deeper area, and at the back was a long bar. The first area was dotted with low tables and chairs filled. People sat and stood everywhere, constantly chattering and talking, while men and women dressed in brown leather pants and white -albeit stained- shirts moved in between them with plates and mugs.

So many people, Irwin thought as he gaped around. He'd been to Jakoby Inn in Malorin once, and he'd thought that was grand, but this?

"Close your mouth and follow me," Lamia whispered as she pulled him along.

A few of the girls running around, handing out food and drinks, waved at her, smiling, and Lamia waved back.

"You come here a lot?" Irwin asked.

"Yes, my uncle is one of the owners. I help him with any metalwork or heavy lifting, and he lets me eat for free," she grinned as she headed towards a narrow staircase that led up the balcony.

Irwin followed her, and when he reached the top, he saw the top area was divided into beautiful wooden enclosed sitting areas. Some had futons and couches, but most had dining tables. The one directly ahead was full, but Lamia pulled him along to the back, where there were small ones, one empty with a card on the table. She tossed off her long coat, revealing a tight leather bodice that showed way more than he'd ever seen before.

Irwin gulped as he stared at her, realizing she'd done her hair and put on nice things. Lamia didn't seem to realize what was going on, plucking the card and staring at it before putting it away. Irwin quickly took off his own coat before sitting down opposite her.

"So, did you hear about the guards that came back?" she began, leaning forward and giving him an eyeful.

Irwin did his best to keep his eyes up, then had to think about the question before he could answer.

"Yes," he said. "Daubutim returned and told me about it."

"Oh! How is he? Did he see the…" Lamia looked around and lowered her voice. "Rare portal?"

"Yes," Irwin said. "He said there was a massive camp of Frozir, and-"

Irwin continued to relay what Daubutim had told him, and Lamia asked dozens of questions to which he didn't have the answers.

"By Yilda's giant…" Lamia began, then blinked and sniffed. "I mean. That means we will get another surge attack soon. I'd really hoped the winter would stop those, but I guess… Frozir and all…"

She sighed, and Irwin grimaced.

"Well, I'm sure we will be-" he began.

"Lamia! How are you, girl?"

A booming voice drowned out what he was going to say, and he looked up to see a small man, probably no bigger than him, with an enormous brown mustache next to them. It dominated his face so much that it took Irwin a few moments to realize two sparkling blue eyes while examining him.

"Uncle Burt! Why are you here?" Lamia said, her voice raised a pitch.

Irwin turned in surprise to find her face had turned red.

"What? Don't tell me I can't see who my favorite and most beautiful niece brought to my establishment for some food?" the man exclaimed, seeming offended.

Lamia's face turned even redder, staring at him angrily.

"Only if you bring me two portions of stew, fresh bread from auntie, and two pitchers of water!"

The man nodded with a grin as she spoke, then blinked at the last part. "Two pitchers?" he muttered. "What for?"

Lamia glanced at Irwin, who sighed.

"That would be for me," he said, trying his best to sound nice.

The man's eyes refocused on him, one immaculate eyebrow curving up.

"I drink a lot of water," Irwin added lamely.

"I see. Well, with all the snow, water isn't a problem," Burt said. "I'll have one of the girls bring it over in a minute!"

He glanced at Irwin again, who saw the blue eyes glided over him, stopping at his carded hand and widening. Then Burt left with a flourish.

"I'll be back later, Lamia! I have some more bread for your mother!"

Lamia sighed. "Of course he'd get her bread," she muttered.

Irwin wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean.

They continued talking about the potential surges, eventually getting to cards when the food was brought. A massive bowl of stew was placed before both with two fist-sized chunks of dark bread. Fresh, and the first Irwin had seen since arriving here.

As he took one bite, a hot spiciness burst in his mouth, and his eyes widened.

This tastes fantastic!

"Yeah, it takes some… getting…" Lamia began, tapering off at the end.

Irwin, mouth-watering, started stuffing the stew in his mouth. Not bothered by how hot it was or the spices, he cleaned out his bowl in under five minutes, using the bread to get clean out the final bits.

"You must have a mouth like a furnace," Lamia muttered.

Irwin looked up to see she had barely taken a bite but was staring at him.

"Is that why you've been growing so much since you got with us? Didn't they have enough food where you are from?"

Irwin sighed, then looked at his hand. Should he tell her about his card? It wasn't really a secret. He just had to add a bit of time from the moment he got it… After a few moments, he told her about how he had only gotten his first card a year ago and had been born weak. Lamia listened to him as she ate.

They remained in the booth for at least an hour, chatting about little things, like family and their first cards, when Burt returned. He had a cloth bag with him, which he put on the table next to Lamia.

"So, you youngsters! Did you have a good meal?"

"It was great," Irwin said, meaning it.

"Good, good," the man said, twitching his mustache. "Now, Lamia, are you going to tell me the name of your young suitor or?"

Irwin's eyes widened, and he felt his face heat up.

At the same time, Lamia burst out in a fit of coughing as she turned red, grabbing for a cup to drink. When she managed to regain herself, she growled at Burt.

"Uncle, I told you not to… that's not… why don't you just leave!"

"Now, now! No need to get so offended," Burt said with a snort. "You never brought anyone, can't blame your old uncle for being curious, can you?"

"But you're embarrassing me," Lamia said, looking at Burt, behind him, at the table, but not Irwin.

Suddenly Irwin couldn't hold back a soft laugh.

"Orwin, don't laugh!" Lamia shouted, and Irwin raised his hands in defense, trying to get a grip.

"Sorry, sorry! It's just nice to see you two like this," he finally managed. "It reminds me of my family, my brother."

Burt, who had been staring curiously, sighed. "Ah… are they… alright?" the short man finally asked.

Irwin stared at the table. "I hope so, but I don't know. I left with Daubutim weeks ago, before the surges…"

Burt nodded, and Irwin saw the look of sympathy deepen.

"Well, boy, I'm sure they are fine," he finally said. "If your brother looks anything like you, I'm sure he can defend himself well!"

Irwin nodded.

Burt left shortly after, seeming less happy than when he came and apologizing before leaving. Irwin barely noticed as he stared at the table.

What was he doing? The world was large, and so many problems were going on everywhere, from the surges, and the portals to the sorcerers. There was a chance that the world would be ending… and he might be the only one that really knew.

He looked around, noting that Lamia was staring at the wall, seeming lost in thoughts herself.

Even if I get two full hands of legendaries or one of those heart cards Ambraz talked about, I can't save everything… I haven't even closed portals yet… he thought. The plan to go to Daubutim's father was out, so that meant he needed to find more people, people to help find a way to save the world. Close the portals, think of a plan… something.

Staring at his fist, he sighed and got up.

"I think it's time to go," he said as he forced a smile on his face.

Lamia nodded. "I'm sorry about uncle Burt."

"Don't worry! It was fun, but there are things I need to do. I need to talk with Daubutim… and Trimdir," Irwin said as he pulled on his coat.

Lamia nodded, following him out of the booth and towards the exit. Some of the girls came to greet them, but Lamia waved them off, and Irwin saw a few glares at him then. Why were they angry with him? He'd not done anything!

It was dark and cold outside, and with Irwin back to full Coperion Body mode, they ran back to the tower.

When they reached the square, Lamia looked at him. He could see she wanted to say something, but with his skill running out soon, he smiled.

"Thank you for the great meal," he said. "See you tomorrow?"

Lamia nodded, and Irwin waved before turning away and sprinting towards the tower. He thought he heard something from behind, but when he looked back from the door, she was gone.

The tower was quiet, but as he ran to his and Daubutim's room, he heard chatter from the other rooms.

Pulling open their room's door, he saw Daubutim sitting there, arms over the table, head atop, snorting softly. As he closed the door, the noble boy snorted, and when he turned, he saw him look up blankly.

"Ir- Orwin?" Daubutim muttered.

"Did you get cards?" Irwin asked, unable to hold back his desire to practice.

Daubutim's eyes widened, and a wide smile came with a nod.

"They were… very interested and curious where I got it," he said. "They gave me nine… nine! Common cards. All of them are utility ones, but that was fine, right?"

Irwin's grin matched Daubutim's, and he yanked Ambraz from his pocket.

"Right, right! No need to get handsy!" the Anvil exclaimed, but Irwin could hear the joy in the Anvil's voice.

"So! Let's see what you've found!"

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