Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 66: Chains of ice

The loud crunching of booted feet on snow echoed down the slope of the hill. It was the only sound, as Basil had ordered them to remain quiet. Nobody seemed to dare ignore his order. There were some whispers now and again, but most of those were sightings that were being relayed across the line.

Irwin raised his head, trying to ignore the constant cold air. Becoming a full-hand had taken the edge off, and he didn't think he'd die if he kept moving, but it was far from fun. He was close to just triggering Coperion Body again, then shoved it away.

No. If we get jumped, I'll need it, he derided himself.

Trying to distract himself, he looked out across the four-man wide line of guards and soldiers that trodded ahead of him. A snow-covered forest sprawled across the valley below, the hardened path they were walking across leading directly to its edge. Not that he could really see the path, only the line of footsteps left by the scouts that had gone ahead.

Darkness hung below the trees, the thick snow covering the trees, not letting even a bit of the faint sunlight through.

On the other side of the valley was another hill, jagged and with a rocky pass like a black patch in the white lands. It was the final path that led to Grinning Man's hilltop and their current goal. Hutch had joined them just before they were moving out, explaining that they would wait in the pass for the scouts.

At least we will be out of the wind, Irwin thought as he gritted his teeth.

"You alright?"

Irwin looked to his side, seeing Daubutim stare at him.

"I'll be fine, just highly uncomfortable," Irwin said with a crooked grin.

His friend nodded and focused back ahead. Hutch, who was walking to Daubutim's left, looked at them before nodding and focusing back on scanning the hills.

A shiver from his pocket almost made Irwin let out a startled shout. Then he realized it was Ambraz, and he looked around in confusion. What was going on?

He didn't see anything, but the shivering came again, even stronger.

Confused, he looked at Daubutim, seeing his friend staring back at him. Unsure what to do, Irwin shrugged and padded his pocket gently.

Daubutim's eyes widened, then he nodded.


Daubutim took out his bottle and took a sip. Instantly he began coughing, causing the people around them to stare at him.

"Eyes of Blaze, forest."

The soft whisper was overridden by the coughing and hissing, but Irwin had heard it. Feeling his hair stand on end, he focused on his Eyes of Blaze, not even knowing why and gazed at the forest.

Beside him, Daubutim had stopped coughing and was getting a whispered reprimand, but Irwin ignored it. At first, he didn't see anything, but as they continued walking down and closed in on the dark, snow-covered forest, he began making out things in the shadows.

It started as faint orange lines but quickly turned into slightly ruddy surfaces and dark red outlines. They seemed to move slightly, and each time they did, they became clearer before dimming again when the slightly swaying stopped.

What are those? Irwin thought as he stared at them, the cold almost forgotten.

One of the ruddy outlines moved sharply, and as it did, the outlining turned crisp, and he instantly recognized the familiar shape.

"Frozir-frogs," he said with a gasp as he felt his skin crawl.

"What?" Hutch and Daubutim said as one, staring at him. There was a surprised mutter from Desmir and the others of his and Hutch's party who were walking behind and in front of them.

"There are Frozir in the forest," Irwin hissed. He was about to shout a warning to the head when Daubutim grabbed his arm.

"Wait," his friend said before turning to Hutch.

The bare-armed guard was staring at them. "How-"

"Orwin can see in the dark," Daubutim said. "I think… Orwin, did your ability improve when you became a full-hand?"

"I think so," Irwin said as he stared at one of the nearest outlines that was slowly dimming. A few moments later, it turned so pale he could barely notice it.

"It's the movement," he whispered before looking around. He didn't see any glow around the soldiers. "I don't know how it works…" As he said it, he wished he had the time to check what all of his improved abilities did. And why hadn't Ambraz told him if he knew what his new skill could do?

No, why didn't it show on the card?

"How many?" Hutch said, a cold glow in his eyes.

"Not sure. If they stop moving, I can't see them," Irwin replied as he scanned the treeline. He saw dozens of clustered groups of outlines nearby and fainter ones deeper in the forest. They had closed in even more, and he now clearly saw them fade away and reappear further away too. Trying to count, he quickly felt his blood chill.

"Hundreds," he whispered. "And that's only those I can see."

Hutch's face fell, then he gritted his teeth and moved forward.

"Alright. Stay here, and don't act unless you see them move," he snapped over his shoulder. Then he was jogging along the line, heading towards the head.

"How many tricks do you have," Lous hissed from behind Irwin.

Irwin ignored him, staring at the head of the column where Hutch had reached Basil and began talking fervently.

"Was it your special skill?" Daubutim whispered.

"Yes, the metal one," Irwin whispered back.

Daubutim nodded, and Irwin saw him glance at his pocket before looking up. "Alright, let's wait and see what Basil does, but I expect him to spread us out into a v-shape, then charge at the last moment."

"What? Why? We will run into their trap," Irwin whispered.

"We can't turn and go back. They will attack us while we are still in a line and crush the front before the back can react," Daubutim said slowly. "If we stop and regroup, they will most probably also attack. My father has told me many times that when in doubt, charge your enemy if you can catch them unaware. It is very likely they don't know about Basil's power, so if he takes the front, they won't know what hit them."

Irwin wanted to nod and agree, but as he stared at the dark forest, he wondered how anyone but him would even see their enemies. He tried to think of a better thing to do than blindly storm into the woods, but he couldn't come up with anything. Just shooting into the forest wouldn't work because he was the only one who could see them. At least, he expected he was. Otherwise, someone would have said something already.

"Look, Basil has sent orders," Daubutim said.

Irwin saw his friend was right, as the soldiers in the long line were turning around, saying something to those behind them and stepping sideways. Those behind them did the same, though even further, and within moments the line began fanning out.

They have to notice this, Irwin thought as he stared into the forest. For a few moments, nothing happened, then more and more outlines popped up, all of them moving to the front of the forest.

"Orwin, to the front! Now!"

Irwin looked up to see Hutch run back, waving at him.

"Be careful," Daubutim whispered.

Irwin was about to run when the line in front of them turned around. Yerich stood in front of Irwin, and his eyes were wide with fear as he stuttered the message he'd probably just heard from those ahead of him.

"New orders, the left two people move to the left of those in front. Those on the right to the right. Get ready for battle. Relay the order before acting."

Irwin nodded. "Be careful. I've gotta go," he said.

"You too," Yerich said.

Irwin nodded, then took a few steps around the others and began running ahead of the line. He saw more and more red outlines appear all over the forest's edge.

When he reached the front, he stopped with a gasp. Basil stood at the head of the army, a head taller than before, covered in full plate armor and wielding a massive, black two-handed sword. His hair was a gleaming golden, more like spikes of metal than hair.

"Orwin. How many," the guard captain snapped as soon as Irwin stopped beside him.

"Hundreds," Irwin said. "More are moving in from the center."

"Alright. Stay at my left, and keep at least some distance between us. Keep your eye on the forest and tell me if they try to move around us. If you see a small group in the distance, tell me that too," Basil said.

Irwin swallowed as he moved to the empty spot left of Basil. The half dozen warriors around him were all the elites of Degonda, each with at least one rare and all full-handed. They all looked calm and ready, staring at the forest.

They looked like soldiers from the old stories he had learned at school, and Irwin couldn't contain a shiver. He was the youngest and probably weakest here. Couldn't he just tell Basil where they were and move back a bit? He didn't mind fighting… but this?

He licked his lips as he looked at the massing Frozir that stood below the treeline.

"Keep your cool. They made a big mistake meeting us in the field like this," Basil said. The guard captain stared straight into Irwin's eyes, his own now golden-glowing eyes almost sparkling. "We have only guards and rangers, no city to defend. No fear of them trying to move around us."

Irwin nodded, taking a deep breath before blowing it out and trying to calm himself. It only worked slightly. Then he saw a movement near the treeline, and pale blue and white figures appeared.

"They are coming!"


Irwin spoke at the same time as a tall woman with a long brown ponytail who stood a few steps away. Her eyes glimmered oddly as she looked at Irwin before turning to Basil.

"Most are common Frozir, but there are more of those frogs and at least a few dozen uncommon."

"Alright," Basil said as he stepped forward and raised the massive sword above his head.

"Warriors of Degonda, a perfect chance has arrived! We can whittle down these demons before they reach our fair city! We shall show them our power!"

As he spoke, the sword began glowing brightly, and a pulse of golden light blasted out of it.

Irwin felt a burst of energy as the light engulfed him, and his cards hummed. At the same time, he felt his fear fade. Why was he even afraid? He had strong cards, and they were with so many! The Frozir stood no chance! He felt a rage quickly building before something in his mind resisted it. For a few moments, there was a battle between two things. Then his mind cleared slightly. The fearlessness remained, but the rage died down like a forge without fuel.

"Readyyyyyy!" Basil roared.

A deafening roar came from the line of warriors behind him.

Irwin wanted to look, but he had no time as Basil leaned forward and began running.


The line of soldiers surged forward, roaring loudly. Irwin hesitated for a split second before following them. As he ran, he saw a mass of white and blue familiar figures rush towards them from the treeline. Frozir, multiple waves, came first, but behind them, Irwin saw the demonic-frogs he had slain before. Behind them, staying below the trees, stood taller Frozir, their arms moving in rapid gestures. A loud shriek came from the forest, and the trees shook, snow billowing out. Three massive winged shapes burst out of the cloud.

"Archers, focus on the Frostwyrms," Basil boomed, his voice easily overcoming the roaring that came from everywhere.

Irwin felt fear bubble up, but he shoved it down. He focused and activated his Coperion Body, almost stumbling as he grew a hand-length in height and probably twice as heavy.

The roaring was muted by the thundering of the approaching Frozir feet, and Basil flung his sword to the side as if it weighed no more than a stick. Irwin saw a dozen Frozir ahead, cold eyes like crystals staring at him. He felt the freezing hate directed at him.

Two steps before they would reach each other, Basil slashed his sword forward, and a massive wave of golden light burst from the edge of his sword, expanding in a split second and slamming into a large section of the Frozir. A pained multi-voiced scream came as dozens were flung back while others tripped, sliding forward on their chest.

"Slaughter them," Basil roared just as Irwin reached the first of the Frozir.

As he saw the demons, ready to kill him and all others, Irwin felt the remains of his fear vanish. He'd done this before, first in the portals, then when the frog demons came. And that was before he had become a full-hand. He could do this!

Seeing the gleaming swords, longer than his reach, he summoned his flame, making it long and thin like a spear and jutting it at the nearest Frozir. The demon's eyes widened, and it was a fraction too late as it jumped to the side. The thin fiery tip burned through the crystal armor, and he instantly increased the flame's heat to the maximum. An ear-rattling screech mixed with the deafening battle sounds around him, then the Frozir's head exploded in a cloud of shards, bluish liquid, and white goo.

Irwin had no time to stare at what he'd done as two more Frozir were only a few steps away. One dropped with an arrow through the eye, but the other jumped him, sword forward. Irwin tried sidestepping, but his heavy body weighed him down. He barely managed to slap the sword away with his gauntlet before gripping the Frozir's arm. He changed the flame to wrap around his gauntlet, and the Frozir screamed as it tried to rip its arm free. Then there was a dull crunch, and the Frozir stumbled back, gripping the stub where its arm had been.

Irwin jumped forward, jutting his flame like a spear.

Time turned into a blur of jumping around, dodging, grabbing, and exploding Frozir. The longer duration of Coperion Body quickly showed to be one of the biggest boons he'd gotten as swords pierced through his armor, leaving no more than minor cuts on his skin. He lost sight of Basil. The last he'd seen of the massive warrior was when he'd charged into the forest, shouting something about the leaders. Daubutim was also gone, and Irwin worried greatly. Dead littered the ground, mostly Frozir, but there were plenty of guards and rangers amongst them.

The battle slowly spread out across the valley and even back into the forest, resulting in a chaotic set of melees. The Frostwyrms were hovering in the air, waiting for opportune moments to blur down and blast cones of freezing air all over the combatants.

"From above," one of the rangers roared.

Irwin jumped back, dodging two Frozir. Looking up, he saw a Frostwyrm head his way. Arrows flashed toward it, some glowing with skills, but he knew it wouldn't matter. The massive monsters dodged most of the hits, and the few that did strike weren't enough to even slow it down.

Ignoring the Frozir, he sprinted across the dozen feet that separated him from the forest, dodging behind a tree. Barely in time, as a wave of wintery cold and icy wind blew around him. Even his Coperion Body couldn't fully protect him from it, and he shivered uncontrollably while looking around for anything ready to jump him. Breathing raggedly, he looked around the forest. He could see as if it was clear as day, though he knew it was dark.

A blur of movement came from the side, and he looked up to see a familiar figure run through the forest, chased by two of the larger Frozir.

"Yerich, over here!" Irwin shouted as he ran to intercept his to-be teammate.

His body was still slow from the dash of cold air, but Coperion Body was still active. As long as the battle had felt, it couldn't have been longer than ten minutes. Probably less even.

Yerich heard him and began looking around frantically.

"Here!" Irwin shouted again, and this time Yerich ran towards him.

There was no sight of his bow, and he wielded two daggers and a terrified look. His armor had long gashes, and a trickle of blood ran from the side of his face. The Frozir rushed after him, and Irwin gritted his teeth. He'd yet to fight one of them and had no idea how strong they were.

Try to take one out before they reach me, he thought as he moved to get a clear view of them.

As the two towering Frozir approached, he focused on Eyes of Blaze. The skill responded differently from what he remembered. The energy he'd sensed before felt malleable as if he could change it. It wasn't like what he could do with his flame, but as he stared at the Frozir, he forced as much energy into it as he could. The card resonated, and his eyes became warm as an area appeared on the Frozir's chest and neck, exactly where he was focusing. The Frozir's eyes widened, and it raised its arms just as Irwin triggered his ability.

The area of forest flashed bright as two roaring columns of fire, each a fist thick, slammed into the Frozir. It was knocked back, stumbled, and raised its arms before tumbling back with a charred hole where its chest had been.

"May Yilda protect me. Which skill was that?" Yerich hissed as he reached Irwin.

Irwin ignored him as he saw the second Frozir slow down and wave its hands around. A blue glow appeared around it, and within seconds a thick white armor covered its torso.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on shooting you, Irwin thought as he rushed forward, readying his flame.

Two steps from the Frozir, it suddenly opened its mouth, and a gust of freezing air rippled out.

Irwin threw himself to the side, out of the path of the cone of snow and ice. He summoned his flame, elongated it, and struck forward. The Frozir grunted and stepped back, causing the flame to strike its icy shell. A hissing and screeching came from the material.

Before Irwin could make another move, a dagger bloomed from the Frozir's eye. Its remaining one closed while the gust of frost stopped. It slumped on its knees before falling to the side.

"Thanks," Irwin grunted as Yerich moved next to him.

"Yes, it's fine, I… we… I need a bow or something," the ranger said as he looked at Irwin and then around. "Do you think we are winning?"

Irwin had no idea how to answer that. "Did you see Daubutim? My friend?" he asked.

"He went with Hutch and the others after Basil," the ranger said as he grimaced. "I was there but… we got jumped! Those two, they chased me and-"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Irwin snapped as he glared at Yerich. "Where are they?"

The ranger flinched as if struck, then looked around quickly. "That way," he said as he pointed deeper into the forest.

Irwin focused, and red outlines appeared further away. There weren't many, perhaps a few dozen, but he did see another of the Frostwyrms hover above.

"Let's go," he snapped as he ran there.

He had no idea what to do, but he definitely wasn't going to leave Daubutim there alone. He heard Yerich mutter something, but he couldn't hear what. He dodged between the trees as fast as he could, noting a dim outlining of orange nearby. As he moved there, he found a heavily wounded Lous struggling to crawl forward.

"Lous," Irwin hissed as he ran to the ranger.

"What? Ah, you," the ranger croaked as he rolled on his back. "The others ran into a trap- Basil is being held down by some-" Lous grunted in pain before continuing. "Big, blue Frozir. Different… it's using multiple skills." The ranger's eyes blinked open and closed as Yerich reached him.

"I can't bloody see in the dark," he snapped. Then he saw Lous and cursed. "Lous? What happened?"

"What happened?" the other grunted angrily. "Stupid questions!"

Irwin gritted his teeth and got up. "Keep him alive!" he snapped at Yerich before he ran towards the multiple outlines in the distance.

As he closed in, he heard shouts, grunts, and clanging of blades. Dodging around a dark bush, he came to a sliding halt. A tall, bare-chested Frozir with a long mane of white hair stood in the center of a clearing with splintered branches and wood all around.. Both his arms were spread out, and chains of ice ran from them towards Basil, who was wrapped up by so many Irwin only recognized him by his spiky golden hair.

Great, that has to be the leader, he thought. Now what?

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