Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 8: The first practice room

Unlike during the teleportation moment, there were no odd tentacles or other scary things as Irwin whisked through the darkness for a split second. Then he stumbled out, and instantly, a soft, comforting heat washed over him.

Surprisedly, he looked up to see deep orange light come from cracks in the walls while a smell of sulfur filled the air. Distant chittering laughter made him jerk around to find its source, but all he saw was a square opening leading out of the small stone chamber they were in. Broken and rusted metal hinges were on one side, but there was no sign of a door. Dust wafted in the air, probably from him and the others moving around.

"There's something here," Greldo whispered a few steps to the side.

Before they had a chance to talk, Daubutim and Twintin appeared in the middle of the room. The big boy looked around with a frown, lips closed, but Twintin seemed absolutely terrified.

"Where-" she began, just as Greldo jumped forward and put a hand over her mouth.

The chittering laughter instantly stopped, and Irwin shivered as his hair stood on end.

Olban appeared behind the others, looking around, his eyes widening quickly. Before he could speak, Greldo moved next to him, holding a hand over his mouth and a finger to his own lips. Olban nodded quickly.

"Block the door and get ready for anything," Greldo whispered, surprising Irwin with his quick thinking.

Daubutim stepped into the doorless opening, which, although he was the tallest of them, still made him look small by comparison. Beyond it was a long corridor with uneven rocky walls with more glowing orange cracks and fissures. The ceiling was low with odd protrusions, easy to bump your head against.

Irwin scrutinized the tunnel, seeing shadowy side entrances at odd points in the wall. Some seemed too high to enter comfortably, and it all looked more like a giant version of the ant hills he investigated during the summer.

"What's going on?" Olban whispered.

"There's demons or something ahead, and they know we are here," Irwin replied as he swallowed back his rising fear of what was approaching them.

Olban's eyes narrowed, but he nodded and stepped up next to Daubutim, who made a little room for him.

Footsteps came from beyond the tunnel, and before Irwin could fully come to grips with what was happening, three figures, roughly the same size as him, leaped from one of the side paths. They had belts looped around their waist, with torn black leather dangling down, covering their legs up to their knees.

"What are those?," Twintin screeched, causing the figures to turn to them.

Irwin gasped as he saw the wrinkly, burning red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and large, jagged, pointy ears.

"Imps," Olban said, his voice rising in pitch to match Twintin's. "What do we do?"

He stepped back, the white of his eyes large as he looked back.

"Coldblooooooods," one of the Imps crooned, eyes widening hungrily. The three Imps rushed forward. Two drew daggers from their belt, while the middle one, slightly taller and with black hair falling down the side of its head, unwound something that looked like a chain.

We need to get out of here! Irwin turned around, but there was no other way out.

Greldo stood in the center of the room, mouth open as he gaped at the incoming demons.

"Get ready. We need to fight."

Daubutim's deep voice was calm and collected, pulling Irwin out of his increasing panic. As he looked up, he saw the Imps were halfway toward them.

"Dammit," Olban screamed, raising the club in one hand while his other began glowing. A thick layer of gray ooze covered his fist, enlarging it threefold before hardening into a dull, uneven mass.

Irwin scrambled forward, fumbling with the sling. He should have picked up some stones! Shivering, he dropped it, clutching his own club while raising his hand and focusing on his card. As afraid and fearful as he was, the flame erupted from his finger without fail.

"Ohhhh, yes, burn me," one of the Imps howled, laughing in a way that made Irwin sick in his stomach.

How the hell do I do this, Irwin thought as he tried to flick the tiny flame from his finger towards them. It wobbled slightly but didn't move, and before he could even try again, the Imps were on them. With only Daubutim blocking the entrance, one dashed past without issue while the two with daggers charged Daubutim with nasty smirks. This close, their pointy faces and wide, lipless mouths were horrifyingly clear, while their yellow-white teeth glistened in the light from Irwin's flame.

The one with the chain and the hair laughed as he struck at Olban.

"Nooo," the zit-covered youth screamed, stepping forward and striking out at the chain. The greyish metal wrapped around the wood, and the Imp laughed as he yanked the weapon out of Olban's hand.

Irwin felt his mind freeze as he watched Olban back up in panic.

In the door, the two dagger-wielding Imps used the distraction to attack Daubutim. The brawny youth raised his shield, the only thing he'd taken from the outside, deftly blocking one attack while stepping away from the other. His movements were fast and fluid, and he made an odd two-step toward the Imp while his hand began glowing. Before anything could happen, he struck at the nearest Imp, and a large wooden club appeared at the last moment.

Irwin watched in awe as the arm-length, dark, and smooth wooden club impacted the side of the surprised Imp's head. There was a dull crack, and the Imp spun a half circle, then crumpled to the ground a few steps from Irwin.

The second Imp hissed, moved like a blur, and slashed at Daubutim with the dagger faster than Daubutim could move the shield. A long red slash appeared on the youth's weapon arm, and Irwin could hear him suck in a breath as a black mist wafted up from the wound. The downed Imp was slowly stirring.

I need to help, Irwin thought, trying to stop his mind from drowning in panic from Olban's and Twintin's screams and the Imp's laughter.

Forcing his unwilling body to move, he suddenly saw something glint to the side.

The Imp's dagger!

He saw the Imp groggily stir, hands searching for the weapon.

If he could take that!

He moved before his fear could stop him, scrambling for the dagger. Before he got halfway, a red foot flashed toward his face, and he barely moved to the side, slamming into the wall next to the door, now cornered. The second Imp let out a happy giggle before refocusing on Daubutim while the other pushed himself up, glaring at Irwin. He had a lump on the side of his head and was blinking angrily.

"Mine," he hissed.

Daubutim was grunting, and Irwin saw him grabbing his arm, more of the dark fog leaking from between his fingers as he swayed on his feet. He was waving his club at the Imp, trying to keep it away.

Irwin licked his lips and pressed his back against the wall as the Imp closed in. He raised his club and his flame, but the Imp just smirked, raising the dagger it had picked back up. It slashed casually, and Irwin barely managed to raise his club. As the dagger struck the club, the wood instantly darkened, and smoke trickled up, almost seeming to climb along the wood toward Irwin's fingers.

Irwin cursed and dropped his club, which crumbled as it hit the ground.

"I'm going to enjoy tormenting you," the Imp crooned.

Irwin pressed his back against the wall, trying to find a way out. Was he going to die just like this? He'd only just arrived!

As his fear grew, a blur moved from the side and slammed into the Imp.

Irwin's eyes widened in disbelief as Greldo began grappling with the demon, holding its dagger arm in place. There was no sight of his weapon, but his hand was flashing brightly. Irwin had no idea what his card even did, but the Imp suddenly yelped in pain and dropped its dagger. Greldo kicked it away while the Imp howled, unsuccessfully trying to rip its arm free from Greldo's grasp.

"Grab the dagger," Greldo screamed, his voice filled with panic.

Irwin cursed, shoving his panic and fear away. He had to help Greldo!

He scrambled towards the dagger, only to get a kick in the ribs halfway to it. Clenching his teeth against the pain, he grabbed the dagger and rose just as the Imp bit Greldo in the shoulder.

"Let gooooo," his friend screamed, his voice rising another notch.

Irwin had never held a dagger this heavy, but he'd helped his mother in the kitchen many times and had mock-fought against shadows with her kitchen knife when she wasn't there. Not even thinking about it, he jumped in close and slashed at the Imp's back, splitting the skin and causing the Imp to scream in surprise and pain.

Irwin gasped as a thick, yellow liquid squirted over his hand. It was warm, and a thin trickle of smoke came from it, but he didn't stop. Instead, he slashed again while the Imp finally let go, howling with its head up. Seeing the thin neck and veins bulging visibly, Irwin struck, but the heavy, unwieldy dagger caused him to miss, instead slashing at the back of the Imp's head. The howl increased in intensity as the Imp bucked and heaved to get its hand free, jostling Greldo around. Still, although the Imp was stronger, they were roughly the same size, and Greldo somehow managed to hold on.

Irwin, in blind panic, rammed the dagger in the Imp's back with two hands, and the scream turned shrill before falling quiet. The Imp made some odd choking sounds before yellowish blood gurgled from its mouth. It coughed, and a spray of yellow blood spread forward all over the unfortunate Greldo.

Greldo's eyes widened, and his mouth went open in a surprised O as the spots the blood hit began bubbling, blisters appearing within moments. He muttered something, then his eyes rolled up, and he slumped down, his hands finally releasing the wrists of the Imp, who rolled over.


Irwin was sucking in the air, staring at his friend, not knowing what to do or why his friend was unconscious. Why did Greldo look like he'd been covered in acid?

"Irwin, help!" Olban screamed, and Irwin looked up.

The fat, zit-covered boy was standing against the wall, a chain wrapped around his oversized, gray hand. The taller Imp was pulling on it, causing the chain to screech across with an odd motion. It was staring around, glaring at Irwin, who swallowed when the venomous eyes focused on him.

"Irwin!" Olban screamed again, and Irwin cursed as he ran towards the Imp. He had no idea what to do, deciding to try and stab it with the dagger. Two steps away, the Imp moved and backhanded him so fast that he stumbled back while seeing stars. Feeling blood ooze from his lips, Irwin saw the Imp laugh, yanking at the chain. This time, it succeeded in freeing it, and as the Imp pulled back, it leaped an insane distance back, almost reaching the door. As it landed, it struck its chain, this time at Irwin.

Irwin raised the dagger as he stumbled back, and the chain wrapped around his arm. A joyful giggle came, and then his arm felt like it was being ripped apart as the chain was pulled back. There were tiny edges carved into it, and as it moved, it sliced through the skin of his forearm. Screaming in pain, he clutched the chain, trying to rip it free, only for him to slash open his palm.

"Die!" Olban screamed as he charged, hand held out like a lance.

The Imp laughed, released the chain, and dodged below the blow, slashing with its sharp-tipped nails.

Olban screamed as he clasped his hands across his waist.

Irwin felt his stomach heave as he saw Olban’s intestines spill out. Tears streaming down his face, he grabbed the chain, ignoring the pain, and pulled it back, out of reach of the Imp. He had no plan, but as pain filled his being, all he knew was that he wanted to kill the reason for it. That Imp! With a strangled cry, he tried to swing the chain at the Imp.

The Imp's eyes widened, and it jumped back, seemingly expecting him to succeed, but the chain was far too heavy, and it thudded on the ground a mere foot from Irwin.

"Weak," the Imp hissed before laughing as it jumped forward, stepping on the chain and causing it to grow taut.

Irwin felt more of his flesh rip apart, and crying and shouting, he ran forward, no longer caring but just wanting the pain to stop. The Imp laughed, lowering its stance. One step away, Irwin had a single moment of clarity, and as he lunged, he stabbed out a single finger at the Imp's face at the same time as the Imp slashed at his chest. His flame appeared as a burning hot pain ignited from his chest, and then his flame poked into the Imp's cheek.

Its eyes widened, and where Irwin's finger touched its skin, the redness turned black and crispy, flakes falling off.

"How-" the Imp croaked before it seemed to freeze while the blackened spot expanded, and its flesh rippled upon itself like burning paper wilting away.

Confused and in pain, Irwin watched his flame grow, and when the Imp was no more than dark flakes wafting down, it was twice the size it had been before, flickering as if agitated.

Irwin fell back, his arm a burning mass of fire, his chest torn and ripped, with tears and snot running over his face.

It took him a few moments to realize that the Imps were gone, and he looked around. He stopped as he reached the door. A dozen imps were coming from the far end of the corridor, laughing and giggling loudly.

"Please let this stop, please let this stop," a soft voice whimpered from the side. Irwin turned to see Twintin sit there, huddled in the corner, arms around herself, pale as a sheet, and shaking her head.

All he could do was agree with her as he heard the dozens of feet close in. He tried to get up, but he was spent, and although the flame flickered brightly, he couldn't even raise his hand. The only benefit was that he didn't see the daggers as they plunged into him.

The world turned into a swirling darkness, and a second later, he landed on his feet on cold gray tiles.

"So, you two held out the longest? Impressive!"

Irwin barely heard the voice as the clearness of his mind and the chaotic memories of mere moments clashed together.

What happened?

There was no pain, and raising his arm, he saw his old cloth shirt across his unharmed flesh. Touching his chest, he felt nothing, no pain, just the distant memory of it.

"Don't worry. I said you couldn't get injured here-"

"They killed us!" Twintin howled, huddled on the ground beside Irwin. She began crying, her sobbing cries so full of fear that Irwin felt sorry for her even though he knew she'd not helped them back inside the portal.

"Yes? Of course, they did," Jonathan said. "Like I said. What did you expect? You need to learn how to close these portals… do you not understand what will happen if things like those are allowed to roam free? Don't you know the stories about the months of the Long Pain?"

Jonathan sighed as he shook his head. "I know this is hard. But there is no use sugarcoating it. You are here to close portals even if it costs some of you your lives."

"Why us?" Greldo said, sounding tired as he sat nearby with his back against the wall.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan asked, sounding annoyed. "If not you, who else?"

"Guards? Rangers?" Greldo snapped. "Why-"

"Did you not pay attention at school?" Jonathan said, sounding annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" Olban shouted, hugging himself.

"Watch your mouth, boy," Jonathan said in a dangerous whisper. "I've done all you have and more for seven long years. Lost all my friends! I have no interest in your self-pity."

"Why not the trained guards or rangers?" Irwin asked softly. He already knew the answer, but he was sure that if he told them, the others might be angry with him.

Jonathan gave Olban another glare before turning to Irwin, letting out a weary sigh.

"There are not nearly enough of those. The cities and towns need the rangers to clear out the nearby portals, and most of the guards are near the wall to keep the surges from beyond at bay. That's why we train a portion of the youths at the sorcerer towers."

Irwin saw a small twinge in the sorcerer's eye, and something about the way he said it felt wrong, which made no sense because the answer was in line with what he knew.

Is there something else that I don't know about? Irwin thought.

He took a quick look at Greldo and Daubutim, but they both seemed to agree with Jonathan.

I must have imagined things, Irwin thought. Feeling incredibly weary, he looked at Jonathan hopefully. "So, can we go back and sleep now?" he asked softly.

"Sleep? You have seven hours left to go in there again and again," Jonathan said. "You may rest for five minutes. Then you will enter again."

"Because Mouldir wants to find the best of us?" Irwin asked, stifling a sigh.

"Stop asking questions if you already know the answer," Jonathan said angrily.

"Isn't it obvious none of us will be amongst those?" Irwin asked, feeling a tiny sliver of hope that they could just be exempt.

"Obvious? No," Jonathan said, shaking his head. "You already survived longer than I had expected without training. Besides, Mouldir gave his orders."

Irwin felt like crying, but even that seemed like too much of a hassle. Instead, he moved beside Greldo and slumped on the ground.

A minute or two later, sharp footsteps came from the route they had arrived from, and Irwin looked up, praying for a sorcerer to come and tell them there had been a mistake and they were actually too weak and pathetic to be there.

Two tall guards, each with brandished swords, were escorting the teal-haired, scar-faced girl forward. She glared at them every few steps, but they just prodded her with their swords.

"Well, I see the lost sixth has been found?" Jonathan said as he stepped forward. “Name?”

"Taselina, but I don't belong to any group," the girl snapped as she glared at Jonathan.

"You do now," Jonathan said, his eyebrows lowering dangerously. "And if you don't do as you're told, I'll throw you in here on your own for two hours straight," he said as he jerked his thumb at the swirling red portal.

Taselina's face paled, and her lips pursed into a tight line.

"Well?" Jonathan snapped.

"I'll do as you say," Taselina hissed.

Jonathan frowned, crossing his arms as he glared at her.

"You be okay with this one, Johno?" one of the guards said, sounding slightly amused.

"I'll be fine," Jonathan snapped back, turning his glare on the guard, who just grinned, waved at Taselina, and turned back around.

"Don't you think-" Taselina began.

Jonathan spun around and raised his hand, which glowed. Dozens of ropes appeared out of nowhere, binding Taselina up, one wrapping around her face, covering her mouth. Her eyes widened, bulging, and she fell forward with a thud.

As Jonathan walked forward, he turned away from the others, but Irwin caught the look on his face and shivered. Jonathan had licked his lips with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

The sorcerer bent forward and grabbed the bundled-up girl, and Irwin already knew what would happen before Jonathan dragged her to the portal. He wished he could just do nothing, as he wished he could do anything else than go in the portal, but it was more than obvious that Jonathan wasn't going to let them just leave. Besides, Bronwyn had always told him to help those he could, no matter how weak he was.

Dammit, he cursed as the memory of the pain in his arm flitted through his mind.

"Please don't," Greldo whispered from the side.

Irwin turned and looked at him until Greldo wilted under his stare and nodded reluctantly.

"Ah, fine. Now or in five minutes, what's the difference," his friend whispered.

They both got up just as Jonathan was about to toss Taselina through the portal.

"There's no need, Jonathan," Irwin said softly. "We need to work with her, and this won't help. Please unbind her, and we will go together."

Jonathan looked at him, and something dangerous flashed through his eyes. For a moment, Irwin feared he'd make a mistake, and then the sorcerer smiled.

"Alright, if that's what you want," he said. "Go in then, little hero."

Irwin sighed, not looking at the girl he didn't know or care about but instead at the portal.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, he thought as he jumped back in.

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