Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 81: Elderly sorcerer

Irwin stared through the round window, the outside blurry due to the thin crystal sheet set within. It reminded him of the layers of ice inside the water barrels in Malorin, and he wondered how they had made it. Was it a carded crafter? It had to be.

After a few moments, he focused on what lay beyond.

The small rows of buildings around the tower barely looked like a town, stuffed with even more people than Degonda had, while seemingly hastily built shacks blocked entire passages leaving only a few partially open for traversal. Only the main road to the tower's entrance remained uncluttered.

Even though it was much smaller than Degonda, the buildings seemed similar, and as he watched the walls, he wondered if, with time, this place could potentially grow to become as big as Degonda.

Probably not, he thought as he looked into the distance at the only tower that he could see from where he stood.

It was a ransacked ruin, burned down, and, though he couldn't see them, definitely crawling with demons.

If not for the immense numbers of guards, rangers, and other fighters he'd seen while moving through the tiny town surrounding Coulwater Tower, this place would have likely suffered a similar fate.

That, and because they have that powerful sorcerer, Irwin thought as he thought back to the birds and the figure on it, blasting the Frost Wyrms as if it was nothing.

He continued looking around, only turning when Daubutim spoke.

"How much longer?" his friend asked.

Irwin turned back to the others, who were sitting around a massive wooden table that dominated the spacious room. Looking around, he sighed contentedly. It was comfortably warm in what seemed to be Lord Indoutor's war room. The walls were covered with maps of the region and small renditions of other towers with numbers and information below them. Of the over a dozen towers, four had large crosses through them, likely marking them as fallen, while two had red markers.

"Uxin'tar should be here in a few moments," Indoutor answered Daubutim's question.

The rough-looking Tower Lord took another sip of his glass.

"He is always weary and winded after using his card. The downsides of forcing a rare card to do what few legendaries could manage, I presume. Not that I wouldn't want a card like that!" He laughed loudly, shaking his head to show it was evident that everyone would want one.

I still don't believe it, Irwin thought as he thought back to what he'd seen.

There was no way a rare card would be able to do that… but there was something he knew that might. A special card that somehow looked like a rare card, just like his own.

"How exactly did you confirm that Uxin'tar truly left the sorcerers?" Irwin asked as he moved back to his seat at the table. He had a reasonable idea of what was going on, but he wanted to see if his 'cousin' was willing to share it.

"Ah! Normally it's a secret, but as you have actually already seen it, it matters little, I suppose," Indoutor said with a shrug.

"Jondir is able to see if someone is lying. His card is one of the reasons that he became my right-hand man… Ah, such a story, that! Cousins, you wouldn't believe it, but when we first met me, he actually had the audacity to use it on me!"

Indoutor let out a booming laugh, while Daubutim chuckled, and Lamia let out a worried giggle.

Irwin didn't respond, instead sitting down beside Lamia. He wasn't at all surprised that Jondir had done so. The longer he spoke with Indoutor, the more he wondered what the other's act was all about. He behaved like a buffoon, loud and boisterous, but at the same time, there was something… fake and dangerous about him. A look to the side showed Lamia staring off into the distance, seemingly not paying much attention to what was happening.

"Why don't you just tell us a few of the things that happened," Daubutim said calmly. He'd calmed down since they had arrived here, but the way his shoulders were pulled tight and his hands gripping the edges of the table showed Irwin that his friend was all but fine.

"Ahh, Daubutim, I would love to, but it'd really be better if Uxin'tar is here for that!"

As if on cue, there was a loud knock on the door, followed a gritty voice that cracked on certain words.

"My lord, I have arrived."

"Enter Ux, enter!" Lord Indoutor said, and Irwin saw a tiny bit of relief on his face.

The door opened, and a gray-bearded, white-haired, elderly man entered. He moved slowly as if afraid to fall over, but when he looked up, Irwin saw a sharp gleam in his pale brown eyes and a tiny smile on his lips. His brown robes were almost identical to those some of the sorcerers Irwin had seen wore, but the tunic below was different. Old, and worn, the quality was still apparent even to Irwin, who had little knowledge about such things.

"So, it seems the Coulwater house is not yet doomed," the old sorcerer said in his cracked and gravelly voice. "Lord Daubutim Coulwater, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Uxin'tar," Daubutim said.

Irwin was still surprised at how easily his friend fell into a role if need be.

Uxin'tar continued to the table and sat down on an empty spot to the left of Indoutor.

"Now that we are all here, I can finally answer your questions, cousin," Indoutor said as he leaned forward on his elbows.

His eyes lost their merry nature, and the lines in his face deepened as he gave off a profound sense of sadness.

Is he acting or really like this? Irwin wondered.

"What you told me about Degonda matches what we have seen here. Portals are spawning left and right, and we struggle to close them. Worse, as you have seen-" and he motioned at the window, "some of the towers have fallen. Many of the soldiers from there have found their way here, bolstering our forces, but even then, we struggle more each day. The only reason you even managed to reach us is that the demons seem to be focusing on the Blackrobe Tower, the final sorcerer one that still stands. A few days ago, the surrounding hills were still swarming with demons."

Indoutor's distaste showed as he almost spat the final words.

Irwin nodded as he listened. Although he had no idea where the sorcerer's tower was, everything he had heard so far matched what he'd seen.

"Is there any information about the legendary portal below Esterdon?" Daubutim asked.

Indoutor shrugged as he motioned for Uxin'tar to take over.

"All the advance posts were overrun weeks ago," the elderly sorcerer grunted. Irwin saw him frown at Indoutor before he continued, seemingly annoyed that he was tasked to speak. "The last I heard from my pets was that a few portals spawned around it, and Galubs came pouring out."

His pets? Irwin thought, wondering if he meant things like those birds.

"Galubs," Daubutim said slowly. "We've encountered our fair share of those. Strangely enough, those horrible things, Frozir and Udugtaur, seem to make up most of the demons that have appeared. We have only seen a few others, but barely any Diflor."

Irwin looked at Daubutim in surprise. He'd not heard about any true Diflor's appearing. When had that happened?

"Yes, we have the same thing happen here," Indoutor said. "Why was that again? I recall asking you, but…" the lord trailed off, shrugging as if he didn't really know or care.

Uxin'tar narrowed his eyes before letting out a bone-weary sigh.

"You never pay attention," he grunted before focusing on Daubutim.

"It is not that unusual. The demons you mentioned come from portals that look like ours, though the Frozir will probably get into a lot of trouble when summer returns. Besides, ever since a hundred years ago, Diflor's surges have been fewer and fewer."

As Irwin watched him, he noticed the sorcerer kept glancing at him.

Daubutim seemed to think about it for a bit before turning to Indoutor.

"Alright, tell me everything that happened in Caldangen."

Indoutor sighed, and his bored look turned back to one of interest as he leaned back in his chair. "Well, you remember, just before you left over a year ago, that your father was angry with some of our uncles?"

Daubutim nodded while Irwin cocked his head in interest. He didn't know much about Daubutim's situation before leaving.

"Well, after he sent you and a couple of our cousins to the sorcerers, something must have happened because within a day later, he dispatched most of the others, including their families, to the corners of the peninsula. A good thing, too," Indoutor said as he shrugged. "Otherwise, even more of our family would have been killed."

The Tower Lord gazed at Daubutim as if he wanted him to add something, but when Daubutim merely frowned, Indoutor shrugged.

Irwin, however, couldn't help his eyebrows from rising as he thought about the implications. Had Daubutim's father known what was going to happen? It was more than a little suspicious that he had sent everyone away. Wait, why didn't he send Daubutim's brothers away? He barely managed to keep the question to himself, but as he heard Indoutor begin talking about family matters, his attention drifted away.

Perhaps the sorcerers told him? Or he knew something was going to happen before, and that's why he sent everyone away?

Irwin blinked as he looked at Daubutim. Wait… was that why Daubutim had been sent to the sorcerers? To be safe?

No, that makes no sense. The sorcerers sent us into portals to die... no, that doesn't make sense, what if-

Irwin rose from his seat in a single motion, his mind running rampant at the implications of his sudden thought. What if the sorcerers knew everything? About hub-worlds, shard-worlds? Could there be another reason for them to send young apprentices inside? Something to do with what they knew? But what?

"Orwin? Are you alright?" Indoutor asked, staring at him.

Irwin realized everyone had fallen quiet, staring at him with equal measures of surprise and curiosity. He licked his lips, his mind buzzing for a quick response, the idea that had taken root growing. As it did, he began connecting things, and slowly his eyebrows rose. Perhaps Daubutim's father knew more too? Not just that something was happening, but things he thought that only he knew? Lord Bron had told him that the nobles knew things... but perhaps even he didn't know everything.

Indoutor sniffed impatiently, and Irwin tried to come up with a reason for his behavior that didn't involve any of his current thoughts.

Seconds ticked by, and he felt his panic rise as he seemed nearly unable to stop the thoughts from continuing. Then one idea came, and he blinked as he realized it wasn't just some crazy idea. It might actually be true. It was logical!

"I… was wondering about something," he said slowly, turning to Uxin'tar, and noting that the old sorcerer's eyes were focused on him.

"Have you noticed that the time in the portals seems to be running the same as in our world recently?"

Uxin'tar didn't respond immediately, and Irwin ignored Indoutor's surprised grunt.

"I have heard rumors," Uxin'tar finally said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me about this?" Indoutor shouted.

"Because, my lord, I can't bother you with all the little rumors that float around."

"Ugh…" Indoutor said before suddenly jumping in glee. "No! Wait! That's fantastic! Perhaps it means that the parties we send out actually didn't get slaughtered! They might return and are just late!"

Uxin'tar didn't respond, and Irwin shivered at the intensity of the old man's gaze. He felt like he was being seen through to his bones.

"Perhaps, my lord," the elderly sorcerer finaly said, still staring at Irwin.

"Is this what had you so surprised, lordling Coulwater?" the sorcerer asked, a strong doubt audible to all.

Irwin shook his head, quickly continuing. "What if Daubutim's father is hiding inside the portal because the city is overrun?"

There was a stunned silence, then Indoutor laughed sadly.

"Unlikely. Even if time is running as it is here, the demons that came from there were all three-horned Galubs or worse. There was even a rumor of a five-horned one with a giant sword that tore through a building with a single attack. The chances of Lord Coulwater surviving in such a place?"

A five-horn with a sword? Irwin thought, thinking back to Doomblade Hardswing. He wouldn't be here now, would he?

He shoved the worrisome thought to the back of his mind as he looked at Daubutim and thought back to how long they had spent in a Galub shard-world.

"No, I think Orwin is onto something," Daubutim said slowly as his shoulders straightened and a little heat returned to his eyes. "Father has a card that could allow him to get himself and my brothers through unnoticed. For a time."

"Cousin, don't allow some misguided hope to take root," Indoutor said as he shook his head. "To close very-rare portals requires large, well-prepared groups. Just rushing into one like that… Ux, you've been in very-rare portals. Tell him it doesn't work like that!"

He has a very-rare card? Irwin thought as he stared at the sorcerer, finding the old man was still examining him, tapping the table with a gnarly finger.

"It is not impossible," the sorcerer finally said. "But, even if this is the case, what do you suggest we do?"

Indoutor coughed, his expression going from shocked incredulity to 'told you so.'

"Exactly! We don't have enough very-rare carded here to send all the way there! If the time in the portals is that long, we would potentially lose half of our very-rare carded warriors for weeks or months," he exclaimed.

Irwin leaned back, his hands on the table as he was suddenly worried about what he'd said. Although the longer they thought about it, the more likely it seemed, it still wasn't any more than a guess. They hadn't come here only to head to Caldangen and save Daubutim's family. Not that he didn't want to help, but… who was going to head to the hubworld and find the information they needed if they did that?

A soft sigh made him look up to find Daubutim staring at him before looking away. There was a slightly guilty look on his face, and Irwin felt his blood run cold. He wasn't actually thinking of trying to create very rare cards with Ambraz, was he? Besides, even the anvil had said that was impossible.

"What about the other towers?" Daubutim said as he looked at Indoutor, causing Irwin to sigh in relief.

"What about them? They are in the same or worse situation as we are. Barely enough warriors to hold back the attacks. Besides, the teleporters are having enormous trouble teleporting anywhere near the ruins… One vanished with a contingent of guards only a week ago!"

"You have traveled long and hard to get here and are probably tired," Uxin'tar suddenly stated, sounding tired. "And if you are not, I am. Let us all retreat, rest, eat, and then reconvene here at a later time. My Lord?"

"Right, yes!" Indoutor said as he nodded. "Cousin, I know you want to save your family, as do we all, but even if we would find enough people and go there, there is still the trouble of the entire city being overrun by more demons than I've ever seen."

Irwin felt sorry for Daubutim, but he agreed with them. He needed time to think and figure out if what he was thinking about the sorcerers was true. Perhaps Ambraz might know? Something about his feelings must have shown because Daubutim let out a weary sigh and rose.

"Alright. Cousin, could you show us to our rooms? It would be best if they were adjacent."

"Of course!" Indoutor said as he jumped up and ran to the door. Yanking it open, he looked at a guard that looked back completely calm, appearing used to his lord's antics.

"Lord Coulwater and his friends need a suitable place to stay! Bring them to the eastern guest wing. Also, send people to heat their baths and bring food!"

The guard nodded, saluted, and turned to Daubutim, who was standing behind his cousin.

"Please follow me, Lord Coulwater."

Irwin saw Daubutim's minute flinch before his friend followed the guard.

As Irwin moved to follow them, the old voice of Uxin'tar echoed after him.

"Lordling Orwin, would you be willing to escort this old man to his chambers? I'm still feeling rather weak and am also interested in asking you a few questions."

Daubutim turned back to look at him, and Irwin saw the same confused surprise in his eyes that he felt. He was about to say he was tired and needed sleep, turning to look at the sorcerer when he froze. The old man was staring at the pocket Ambraz was in before looking at Irwin and raising an eyebrow.

"Sure," Irwin blurted out, feeling his mouth go dry.

"That's great," Uxin'tar grunted as he slowly got to his feet and walked towards the door.

Indoutor was watching what was happening with a cocked head and a confused expression. Still, when Irwin turned to follow the sorcerer out of the door, he noticed a gleam in the Tower Lord's eyes.

This place is not normal, Irwin thought as he turned.

"I'll see you in a bit," he said to Lamia, who had been following everything quietly.

"Be careful," she whispered before taking a look at Indoutor, cracking her shoulders and following Daubutim.

Yeah, Irwin thought as he followed the old sorcerer.

Uxin'tar barely spoke as they moved through the tower, giving Irwin enough time to think and worry. Had it been his imagination? No, he was sure the sorcerer had been staring at where Ambraz was. What did that mean? Did he sense something? Or even worse, knew he had Ambraz?

His worry grew so much that he barely noticed when they had stopped.

"Orwin, snap out of it."

Irwin jolted as he saw the sorcerer's pale brown eyes, almost glowing as he stared at him.

"Follow me inside, and don't touch things," Uxin'tar said. "Also, don't do anything stupid, or I'll have to drag you along."

Irwin felt the hairs on his head stand up straight at the words spoken in an almost irritated tone.

Seeing Uxin'tar impatiently waiting for his response, he quickly nodded.

"I won't," he said.

"Good. Now follow me."

Uxin'tar turned to the door, placed his hand on it, and Irwin almost jumped as the back of his hand glowed with a bright burst of golden light. As Uxin'tar pulled open the door, there was a pale swirling portal, golden spots drifting away from it. Uxin'tar stepped through and vanished.

Irwin gaped at the portal. Perhaps he should run? Where was this even going? He wasn't being dragged back to the sorcerers, was he?

"In. Now. Or else."

The sorcerer's dull words drifted around him, and Irwin jumped forward and into the portal.

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