Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 93: Familiar faces

"You little brat… see if you can run away this time!"

Irwin felt his anger surge up as he stared at the sorcerer. The previously neat, luxurious robe was stained and torn in places while scratches and mud dotted his face. Still, the dark eyes glittered malevolently as they stared at him.

For a moment, Irwin thought about talking, then he triggered Eyes of Blaze in as narrow a beam as he could. The world turned red as two tight beams of roaring flame shot at Hult.

The sorcerer snorted, and his form dissipated into a dark shadowy form.

Irwin had been expecting it and readied himself to follow some form of dark cloud. But as he waited, there was nothing. A soft whistle was followed by sharp objects poking his face a few inches from his eyes before falling down.


Irwin looked around, just catching Hult on another balcony before he vanished in the shadows.

"Your skin is tough. I'll give you that. So here's my final warning."

Irwin jolted as Hult's voice came from right above and behind him. He turned around to find Hult there with a raised hand and a nasty grin.

"See if your skin can stop this," he said as his hand glowed as he activated one of his cards.

A strange coldness rippled around Irwin's skin, and suddenly he couldn't breathe. His eyes bulged as he tried to get air in his lungs. Feeling a slight bit of panic, he jumped back. Hult followed him, hand raised and a nasty smile on his face.

Whatever skill he had that was taking away Irwin's breath wasn't fading, and Irwin grabbed at his chest.

"You are going to do as I say, or I'm going to have to kill you and take that anvil from your dead body and find someone else that can use it," Hult growled. "Do you understand me?"

Irwin barely heard what he said, panic growing as his body screamed for air. Glaring at Hult, he triggered his Eyes Of Blaze, and for a moment, the world turned red. Then the fire was snuffed out before it even reached a foot from his face.

"Fire needs air, little brat," Hult said. "Just like you do!"

Irwin stepped forward to grab him and strangle him, but Hult took a step back, his smile widening.

Flee, Irwin thought, and he turned and began scrambling away. His chest was cramping, and he felt the irresistible urge to gasp for breath. He got three steps when something struck him in his back, and he stumbled two steps, barely catching himself on his hands.

Tiny black spots were starting to flicker across his vision, and Irwin knew he had to do something fast. His mind was becoming muddled by a combination of panic and a lack of oxygen, and he struggled to find a way out. He couldn't die here like this! His cards! He had to use his cards… But his fire didn't work, so what did that leave?

Hammer, his muddled mind, screamed.

He used his last strength to step forward, making a throwing gesture at Hult while summoning his hammer. As soon as it appeared, he let it go. It was a badly aimed throw, but Hult didn't expect it. His eyes widened, and he let out a startled shout. His body turned to a shadow just as the hammer reached him.

Irwin felt air rush around his face. He gasped for breath, turned around, and began to stumble toward the end of the narrow street. He had to get out of here before-

Hult stepped out of a shadow in front of him, an angry snarl on his face as he raised his hand. This time Irwin didn't hesitate, but he blasted his Eyes of Blaze as wide as he could while unsummoning, then resummoning his hammer in his hand and hurling it at Hult.

The sorcerer snarled and vanished, but not before throwing half a dozen steel straws straight at Irwin's face. Irwin raised his hand while closing his eyes just in time, but he kept running. Then he felt his breath stop as the cold sensation spread around his head again. Eyes blurring open, he saw the end of the corridor.

"If you leave, I'll find that friend of yours and finish what I started," Hult shouted.

Irwin slowed down, recalling Lamia's face when the sorcerer's metal straws had struck her. Would Hult really do that? Of course, he would. Who was he kidding? He continued until he was at the edge of the alleyway, then stopped before he reached the larger street where he knew there would be more people. Unable to breathe, he turned to look back and saw Hult looking at him with a smug face.

"Smart! Now, come back, brat. Or you will find I can do even more horrible things!"

Irwin gritted his teeth, then waved at his head. He couldn't speak.

"Don't even think about screaming for help," Hult said. "They won't be able to catch me, and I keep my word! I'll finish all those friends of yours!"

Furious and wishing he could tear the sorcerer to pieces, Irwin nodded.

With a finally derisive snort, Hult his hand, and Irwin gasped for breath again.

"Hand me that Anvil and tell me how it works," Hult snapped angrily.

Before Irwin could even speak, Ambraz flew out of his pocket and hovered before him. Hult's eyes widened in a startled shock before he stepped forward greedily. He seemed to lose any interest in Irwin, fully focused on Ambraz now.

"Piss off, you ant," Ambraz snapped. "You think I'd go with you even if the kid would say so?"

Irwin felt a tiny spark of gratitude, while at the same, he wondered why Ambraz hadn't appeared earlier!

Hult's eyes began sparkling as a hungry smile curled his lips up. "Why don't you just come with me?" he said hastily, seemingly ignoring what Ambraz had said. "I can give you whatever you want as long as you help me reforge my cards to legendary!"

"Fool! That's not how it works!" Ambraz said. "Besides, you couldn't give me anything useful!"

Irwin stood behind Ambraz, staring at Hult. There had to be some way he could get to him. He could flee, but if Hult just stepped out of the shadow behind Lamia or Daubutim… Would even his noble friend be able to stop the sorcerer's horrible abilities?

"I can do whatever you want," Hult snapped back, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "What can some random kid ever do that I can't? His best card is only uncommon!"

Irwin blinked, barely letting out a laugh at that. Hult was underestimating him, probably because he countered his abilities perfectly. He couldn't catch the sorcerer, while the other could simply suffocate him to death. He'd thought about finding a new card to fix this weakness of his, but after he'd gotten here, he'd only been focusing on his smithing.

A sudden waft of air came from above, and Irwin looked up, ready to dodge another of Hult's attacks.

Instead of the sorcerer, there was a blurry motion in the air, and a moment later, a massive owl appeared, perched on the top balcony. It was so large that its sides touched the sides of the walls.

"Dammit, you old bastard," Hult snarled.

Him too? What is wrong with these two? Irwin thought.

He kept a careful eye on the sorcerer when he heard a soft woosh. His head snapped back to Hult, just to see the sorcerer fade into a shadow and disappear. He was barely gone as a beam of ocher light speared the spot he'd been in, causing a dull crack as the stone ripped to pieces.

"I'll have that anvil, no matter what," Hult's voice whispered beside Irwin.

Irwin jolted and struck out with his hammer, but the sorcerer just snorted as he vanished again.

"I'll kill your friends, brat," came another whisper, now from the other side.

Irwin clenched his jaw tighter, staring murder at Hult as he vanished in the shadows again. If he could only get his hands on the scrawny man, he would wrangle his neck!

"Leave the kid alone, Hult," a creaky old voice muttered wearily.

Irwin focused on Uxin'tar, who stood before him while leaning on an ornate cane. His robes seemed no worse for wear, nor did he have any noticeable wounds.

How did he manage to get out of the holding area unharmed? he wondered in disbelief.

"Why? So you can get the prize? I might not be able to kill you, but I'd like to see you get me," Hult snapped as he appeared on a nearby balcony, only to disappear again.

"His friends are almost here, so beat it," the ancient sorcerer said.

"You aren't getting that anvil," Hult whispered, and Irwin saw him appear from another shadow. He seemed to be moving rapidly, probably afraid of being struck down by Uxin'tar.

"You can't even use it," Uxin'tar muttered before turning to Irwin.

"I wanted to talk to you, but it seems you are getting some help in a few moments. So, I'll keep it brief. I need your help to find Gelwin. I am unable to move around this place to investigate, but you can."

Irwin stared at the old man, slightly frustrated. Why couldn't these people just leave him alone? What did he even need Gelwin for? Still, a tiny voice deep inside was wondering if the legendary sorcerer could really be here.

"Don't worry about Hult and your friends. I'll keep an eye on them… just help me find Gelwin. The last time he was seen was when he went through the same portal as we did. If you help me find him, I'll take care of Hult for you."

And why should I believe you? Irwin thought. He hesitated, his mind spinning rapidly as he tried to come up with the proper response.

"Quick, boy!" Uxin'tar snapped, his eyes gleaming, causing Irwin to clench his teeth.

"Don't listen to him. He's been running around killing people in his ridiculous search for Gelwin. He won't help your friends," Hult suddenly said, appearing in the shadows on a nearby balcony. "Give me the anvil, and I'll leave you be!"

A beam of light burst from the bird, but Hult was already gone.

Uxin'tar sighed as he turned around and walked to the wall.

How is he going to get up, Irwin thought. Then his mouth fell open as Uxin looked up at the bird and slowly floated up. When he reached the bird, he sat down behind its head.

"Find Gelwin. I'll keep an eye on you. If you manage to find something, go and walk out in the open, then enter a narrow street like this."

Irwin got no time for a response as Uxin'tar's owl blinked, jumped up and out of the street, and disappeared with a single thunderous flap.

There wasn't a single sound after, and Irwin looked up, wondering why he didn't hear the bird's wings and if Hult was really gone.

Rapidly approaching footsteps snapped him out of it, and he turned just as Daubutim and Indoutor ran into the alleyway.

"You are alright," Daubutim said, stopping beside him with a relieved look.

Irwin saw his friend's gaze turn to confusion as it landed on his new braid, probably wondering what that was about. He'd explain it later. For now, he wanted to get out of here.

"I told you there was no reason to run," Indoubor snorted, then he froze as he gazed at Irwin. "You fought? Who was it?!"

Irwin ignored him and looked at Daubutim. "Uxin'tar and Hult managed to get here."

"Uxin'tar is here? Why didn't that old bastard come and see me yet," Indoutor grunted.

"Because he broke out of the confinement and is in the city illegally," Daubutim said calmly. "Let's head back. They won't risk coming to the crafting district."

Why not? Irwin thought, deciding that, too, would have to wait.

"Alright," he muttered, walking away from the alleyway. As he did, a soft whisper followed after them.

"One day, that's all I'll give you. Hand the Anvil to me tomorrow, or you know what will happen."

Irwin spun around, as did Daubutim and Indoutor, but there was no sight of Hult.

"I'm not going to be handed to anyone, you annoying little weakling," Ambraz snarled as he hung before the entrance.

There was no response, and Irwin hoped Hult had left now.

"I hate that one," Indoutor hissed, a massive sword in his hand, the tip almost touching the ground. "I should have chopped his head off when I had the chance."

Neither of the others responded as they backed up until they were in the middle of the larger street.

A calm voice startled them.

"No weapons allowed in public."

Turning around, they saw two guards with gleaming silver eyes standing behind them.

"We were told there was a disturbance here. You three are coming with us to The Central-" one of the two began in a cold and detached voice, to fall quiet when the second one nudged him.


The second guard, who had a sharp goatee and squinty eyes, pointed at Irwin with his beard.

"Topaz ranked smith," he hissed.

"What? No, he doesn't even have a beard," the other one responded as he gazed at Irwin.

Irwin quickly pulled his braid over his shoulder, showing his Smith rank plate.

The first guard's arrows widened, and his entire demeanor changed. "Honorable Smith, I'm sorry to disturb you. We were warned of an altercation occurring here, and we will have to ask you to come with us to the Central Registry."

By Gelwin's beard!

Irwin blinked as he realized how odd it was to curse with someone's name if they might actually be here. He sighed and stared at the two guards who were looking back, seeming content to wait for his answer. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea to head to The Central Registry and explain what was going on? There should be someone able to stop Hult, and if Uxin'del was really the one killing the Serfs…. He frowned. The ancient sorcerer hadn't denied it. Why would he be killing serfs?


He looked up to see Daubutim staring at him with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Sorry, I was thinking about… something," Irwin said lamely before turning back to the guards. He really didn't want to go with them without showing Tensor he had become a topaz rank. Besides, perhaps he could help with any potential problem.

"Can we go to the Smithy before we go with you?" he asked as he looked at the two guards. "I need to talk with Tensor about something important. After that, I'll go with you to answer your questions."

The two guards shared a look, and he saw that one of them seemed annoyed but held it back.

"Normally, this isn't the proper procedure, but we will make an exception as it's en route," the one who'd done most of the talking said.

Irwin sighed in relief and began walking. "Alright, let's head there then."

They were two streets further, moving through a busy street, when a dozen people ahead began parting with a yelp as a burly figure sprinted through their midst.

Balarn? Irwin barely managed when the smith reached him, barely out of breath.

"Irwin! You are alright, thank the Elders," Balarn said loudly. Then he saw Irwin's braid and spun him around. A wide grin came to his face as he saw the golden-plated ranking marker. "You did it! That's great! It means you…" he faltered as he finally seemed to notice the guards.

Irwin grinned as he saw Balarn's face turn from happy and excited to his usual calm look.

"What is going on?" he asked as he stared at the two guards before turning to Irwin.

"It's a long story," Irwin said. "But we have to go to The Central Registry because we were in the middle of something."

Balarn's face turned dark, and he looked at the two guards. Both took a step back from his intense look.

"No. Take the two serfs and have them answer questions. Irwin needs to come with me and see the charter head, Tensor, on official guild business."

Irwin saw the two guard's faces turn annoyed, and one of them glanced at him. Irwin grimaced. He had just promised he'd go with them, and now.

"Fine," one of the guards snapped. "We will send someone to have Smith Irwin answer some questions. Is that alright?"

Balarn waved him away as he turned to Irwin. "Let's go."

"Yeah… great. Just leave it to us, serfs," Indoutor grunted.

Irwin ignored him, turning to Daubutim. "Be careful and return as soon as you can!"

Daubutim nodded before turning to the guards.

"We are ready."

The squinty-eyed guard snorted, then motioned them ahead, following after them.

"Crafters and nobles- always the same," one of them whispered, barely loud enough for Irwin to hear.

"Ignore them," Balarn said.

Yeah… Irwin thought, feeling bad. It hadn't been that long ago that he'd been saying exactly the same thing about nobles. With a weary sigh, he followed Balarn. He'd really thought the day he'd become a topaz rank smith would have been a joyful one.


"Can this guy fly?" Lamia hissed as she rushed through the streets, trying to see where Balarn had gone.

She'd lost sight of him five minutes ago and was starting to regret going after him. It had been a spur-of-the-moment thing, but who was she kidding?

Jogging through the crows towards where she thought Gustho's should be.

"Careful!" a towering man with arm-long, curved horns and silver eyes shouted as she almost ran into him when he exited a small shop.

"Sorry," Lamia said as she hurriedly moved around him.

She kept walking, ignoring his angry shouts, stubbornly keeping forward. Part of her knew she was being foolish. What would she even do if she got there?

I think it was this one, she thought as she reached a narrow passage that led between two of the larger shopping streets.

Moving inside, she didn't see Balarn ahead.

"Why couldn't that guy just move a bit slower," she muttered, hugging her arm closer when she felt a painful jab from it.

Should have just stayed there and waited, she thought as she halfheartedly walked forward.

Even if her arm wasn't busted, she probably wouldn't have been able to keep up with the silver-eyed heart-carded.

As it was, her arm was a constant source of pain, keeping her up at night and hampering most of her movements. She had tried to keep it from the others. They were in enough trouble for her to add to the burdens. Besides, she was working hard on being allowed her pick from the quartz cards, and hopefully, she would find one that gave passive regenerations. They were incredibly rare, but it wasn't unheard of for a basic one to pop up now and again.

As she ran forward, she didn't notice a shadow moving, nor a nasty smirk on a face that still haunted her nightmares.


"You are not allowed to move out of the crafters district until we leave. Preferably you will stay within the smithy," Tensor said as he sat back in his chair. A book lay forgotten on his lap as he stared at Irwin sitting in the opposite seat.

He'd been barely surprised when Irwin reached him, and Irwin guessed he'd heard from some of the others. Instead, he'd been tense, sharing a look with Balarn, who had nodded, muttering something about getting everything ready before running back out. Irwin hadn't even been able to tell them what had happened with Hult and Uxin'tar.

"Did something happen?" Irwin asked, annoyed. With everything going on, what else could go wrong? He couldn't wait till he was in Scour. At least if something went wrong, he'd have some time to deal with it. Between rushing to topaz and the pressure of their entire world-shattering, he was beginning to stress out.

That's assuming it hasn't shattered yet.

He clamped down on the worries he felt growing.

Tensor frowned as he pulled his beard. "Another disturbance occurred in the holding area around the portal to your farming-world. The Grinwron Trade Federation isn't sharing what exactly happened, but from what I've heard, it was worse than when your serf came over."

That must have been when Hult came in, Irwin thought.

"They have now delegated a squadron of heartcarded soldiers from the Portal Gallery with a soulcarded to stand guard. They seem to have orders to kill anything that comes through."

Irwin leaned back on the soft couch as the blood drained from his face. Kill everyone? What if innocent people came through?

How would those even reach Esterdon?

"Now. Tell me what happened that made the guards come," Tensor said.

Irwin took a deep breath, hesitating for only a moment if he should hold anything back. Then he shoved the idea away. He was going to be away soon, and most of his friends were going to remain here. If there was a way to keep them safe, he'd take it.

"So, those two that escaped found me," he said slowly, and with Tensor's full attention, he told him what had happened. He even included what he knew of Gelwin and that Uxin'tar wanted him to help him find the legendary sorcerer. Tensor asked many questions, and soon Irwin felt his mouth dry from all the speaking.

When he finally satisfied Tensor, he had no idea how long he'd been here. The smith was quiet for a while, staring at his book before looking up.

"Alright, that settles it," Tensor said. "You are not allowed out of the smithy. Tomorrow I will bring you, Balarn, and the others to The Central Portal and see you to the ship that will bring you to the Scour portal."

A ship? So it's beyond the ocean? Irwin thought. Having to stay here didn't bother him that much. He was tired and wouldn't mind sleeping in a bed for once.

"Now, head back to your room and rest. You are to refrain from any more reforging and regain your energy," Tensor said.

Irwin pushed himself from the couch and headed to the door.

Let's hope nothing else goes wrong for now, he thought as he headed toward his room.

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