Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Given there hadn't been a reaction so far, it seemed I didn't need to worry about the Madness Gauge anymore, but I’d have to keep bickering with Deb for a bit.

Eventually, I threw the dagger into the riverbed and used my now free hand to toss Deb into the water.

While Deb, who seriously hated water, was screaming and flailing about, I managed to climb out of the river. My body was soaked.

“Urgh, it's cold.”

You think you're cold? I… wasn't cold, but I’d gotten completely drenched because of you.

Moreover, you started all of this, so just tough it out, cute little meat dumpling.

I glared at him while brushing back my wet hair. That rascal had splashed around so much water that my hair hung down like limp noodles.

My hair had already grown long enough to poke me in the eyes, and I couldn't let it block my sight, so I slicked it back.

Splash, splash.

Meanwhile, Deb, who’d climbed out of the water, removed his hood and wildly shook his body to dry himself. He then shook his hood and wrung his tail like wet laundry, which looked kind of funny.

“Seriously, Mister, you scared the life out of me…”

Was he still fussing over that? It was just a misunderstanding.

“…Please, don't do that ever again.”

Still, I couldn’t help but appreciate his concern for me. I turned my head away from the sulking meat dumpling.

Instead of getting angry, I just showed that I didn’t feel like talking to him. It was the mildest reaction I could show that still fit my character.

“And here. Take this.”

Deb held something out to me: a ring-shaped object, a seal.

“If you’re worried about going berserk again… then just use this.”

Ah. Seeing that White Wind had joined us earlier, it wasn’t too surprising that Deb had this with him.

I looked at the seal Deb cautiously held out before taking it.

‘If I put this on, won’t the Quest Window glitch again?’

Suddenly, that thought crossed my mind.

‘If I put this on…’

If I put on this seal…

Then, what if I don’t?

Will the broken System Windows work again?

The [Detection] alerts, the Quest Window—none of them had shown up since I removed the seal, either.

Still, if I tried opening the Quest Window or the World Map…

Would it work? Would those things that had stopped working be back to normal?

‘Let’s not put it on for now.’

If I don’t put it on, then maybe.


Would I be able to find peace?

“Is something wrong…?”

As if. How could that be possible?

I didn’t try opening the Quest Window or the World Map.

Finding out whether they were working properly or malfunctioning because of the seal was something I couldn’t bear to do. If I did, I felt I would be headed down a path of no return.

Honestly, just think about it. I was already skeptical due to my familiarity with all these clichés.

Knowing what the seal was made to block and tying that to the missing system features.

Who wouldn’t notice the connection?

“Get lost.”

Yet I chose to ignore it. I decided to cover up everything again.

No one wanted to be certain that the place they were treading was hell.

“Right now.”

Instead, I opened the part of the gauntlet that tightened it around my arm. Hesitating at first, Deb stomped his feet twice more before leaving.

It was a good decision.

Still feeling confused, I quickly applied the seal and put everything back on. Once the seal was in place, my Arcane Power decreased, but I felt a bit better.

Sure, my life motto was to always be open to all possibilities, but even I had my limits.

By doing this, I could temporarily avoid thinking about things beyond my control. I could endure for a little longer.

And that was enough. It was enough…

> [Wow. That's what people are making these days? That's quite remarkable.]

At that moment, a deep horn-like sound echoed through the area as a gigantic snake revealed its head. It was a bit surprising that something so enormous didn’t knock over any of the trees or make any sound while moving.

> [Something so small can suppress Demonic Energy?]

No… When I looked more closely at its body, it made sense why the trees hadn’t fallen. The snake, which I initially thought was simply emerging from between the trees, was actually passing right through them.

> [But, erm, why are you using that when you have something better at your disposal? It looks like it’ll break pretty easily.]

Well, a creature that size would need such abilities to live in this forest without causing significant destruction.

Wait, what?

“…What did you just say?”

> [Oh my! I angered you. My apologies. Me and my big mouth…]

“What do you mean by something better?”

There was something better than the seal?? I had something like that?? But why didn’t I know about that??

> [Huh… You didn’t know?]

“I won’t ask again.”

> [Uwah, okay…]

The snake raised its tail stiffly, almost like a person raising their hands in surrender, before scratching its head with it.

> [Y-You have it with you. The thing that gives off a strong smell of the sea.]

“…The sea?”

I quickly went through all the items I had. Sea related, sea related… The pearl from the Sea Dragon?

The items made from the dead sea dragon were with the two dumplings, so those were out. The only sea-related item I had left was the pearl the Sea Dragon had given me.

“…Are you talking about this?”

I took out the cracked pearl. The snake nodded its head.

> [Yes, yes. That’s it. Oh dear. No wonder its energy is leaking out; it’s broken.]

…This thing… had an effect similar to the seal’s?

> [Didn’t that one living in the sea tell you about this when they gave it to you?]

They hadn’t.

> [The reason you can even understand me is probably because of that thing. Hmm. Since you have that, you wouldn’t feel cold even if you jumped into water in the middle of winter, and you wouldn’t feel heat much, either. Didn’t you notice that?]

The snake scratched its head even more vigorously, perhaps because it vaguely understood my expression or was reading something from my silence.

Regarding its words, I didn’t really suspect anything.

I’d thought this was just how my game character was supposed to be, but it turned out to be due to an item?

Even my ability to understand it was because of this?

> [Erm, did you perhaps just take it before they even had a chance to explain…?]


> [Huh, then why didn’t they tell you?]

While I was completely confused by all this, the snake blinked its round eyes and slowly lowered its tail.

> [Anyway, that thing is kind of like, erm, condensed power? A blessing? Something like that. So, having it helps you in some ways… Basically, it can Purify Negative Energies.]

Its lowered tail pointed at the pearl I was holding.

> [Now that it’s broken, the Purification effect might be weaker… but the blessing was still working well, right? That’s due to the nature of this energy itself.]

…It did work well. Ever since getting this, I never suffered from the cold, even when I fell into water, and I was comfortable in the desert without ever suffering heat stroke or anything.

I looked down at the pearl with an indescribable expression. It was hard to believe that what I’d thought was a useless trinket had actually been contributing so much to my well-being.

“…Is there any way to fix this?”

I felt a strong desire to fix it. I mean, it was leaking energy, right? If left like this, it might lose all its power someday and become useless. I definitely couldn’t let that happen.

Besides… If it really had a Purification function, then in its normal state, it might help me better control [Rage] and the Madness Gauge.

Although, considering I went completely berserk last time, it might not have any effect. Besides, I wasn’t even sure when the thing broke.

> [That usually wouldn’t be possible, but since I’m here, it’s not entirely impossible. Give it to me. I’ll fix it for you.]

Fortunately, the snake knew how to fix it. It even offered to do so for free.

I didn’t know why the snake was so nice to me, but it was a good thing.

I placed the pearl on the snake’s tail, which skillfully wrapped around the pearl and took it away.

> [Since I’m already fixing it for you, I’ll also add a few blessings. It’s nothing special, just a bit more power to suppress Demonic Energy and help you grow plants. They won’t die and will thrive in your presence. ]

It even decided to add some new features. Though they were special, they seemed somewhat useless for me. I wished the real me, not this in-game character, could receive that blessing.

I’d even managed to let succulents die.

> [Also, if you ever get lost in a forest, you'll be able to find your way out. Mind you, it won’t take you to your desired destination, so be careful.]

After fiddling with the pearl for some time, the snake finally lowered its tail again. Now restored and more beautiful than ever, the pearl fell into my palm.

> [Ah, and just because it can purify Negative Energy doesn’t mean it has no limits. If exposed to excessive amounts of Demonic Energy, it’ll break like before, so keep that in mind.]

Ooh. It’s fixed.

As I rolled it around in my hand, I looked back up at the snake. After hearing its added explanation, I thought I knew why it broke.

It might have been when I went berserk. It wasn’t that it hadn’t worked; it had just broken at that time and lost its effect.


Well, it wasn’t that important. Even if I thought about it more, I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the exact reason anyway.

I just needed to be careful from now on.


More importantly, why was this snake being so nice to me?

Considering it mentioned how the forest could’ve been destroyed had something gone wrong, was it worried I might bring this place to ruin?

I wasn’t that kind of person… I mean, I did create a massive hole in the forest as an act of intimidation…

Ah, so that was it.

I lamented the unintentional misunderstandings I had accumulated today and opened my mouth to speak.

“Are you a Demon?”

> [Whaaat???]

Its answer was very clear, requiring no further explanation.

> [No, no, no. No way, that’s a big misunderstanding! Also, that’s offensive!?]

“Then what about your ability to consume Arcane Power?”

> [Ah, that. Erm, well. How should I put this? Erm… It’s a bit complicated to explain.]

Still, it would be best to clarify this. I would need a good excuse in case anyone asked me later why I left the snake alone.

The Archmage wanted me to avoid conflict with the Mountain Lord, but if I did nothing, he might become suspicious.

> [Well, it’s true that I was born from Arcane Power that turned into Demonic Energy, and I can both consume and hold Arcane Power as well as Demonic Energy… But I’m still a sentient being capable of thought, so would that make me a Demon?]

There it was… The Archmage had already mentioned how it could be possible to coexist, and with how polite and respectful the snake was acting, there was a 99% chance of this ending positively.

Talking wouldn’t harm anyone or lead to an incident. Rather than creating suspicions and discrepancies, it was better just to have a good chat.

> [Not everyone who gains strange abilities turns into a Demon. Really. Erm, like you, for example? You possess Demonic Energy but aren’t a Demon, right?]


…More importantly, I could see Deb’s ears and tail popping out of the bushes. If I didn't have a conversation here, it would definitely raise some suspicion. Absolutely.

* * *

* * *

He knew the Demon Knight disliked showing his arm to others. So, he wanted to avoid this place, but that didn’t really ease his anxiety.

Ultimately, Deathbringer decided to go back and check up on him secretly after giving the Demon Knight enough time to put the seal on. Seeing the snake everyone called the Mountain Lord heading in that direction gave him additional reasons to return.

He had to make sure this thing didn’t upset the Demon Knight.



Putting aside that the Demon Knight could somehow understand the Mountain Lord, the atmosphere around them seemed somewhat strange.

He could only hear one side of the conversation, and that side wasn’t particularly talkative, making it even harder for him to grasp what was happening. Meanwhile, the Demon Knight started muttering in a desolate tone.

“I’m not… a Demon.”


He opened and closed his mouth a few times, shadows falling over his eyes. They wavered between being focused and unfocused several times.

It was similar to when he sat on that rock just now, contemplating self-harm. He didn’t seem to be in the present.

There is no salvation at the end of revenge.

Deathbringer recalled these words.

Not a single word he’d said was wrong. He’d experienced it himself. Revenge didn’t bring any significant change.

The deeper the grudge, the more one was buried beneath it.

Seeing one’s enemy disappear for good was satisfying, but what came afterward? Did the grudge disappear just because one’s enemy was gone? Even after he’d gotten his revenge, that hatred and anger didn’t disappear at all.

The reason he became the executioner known as Deathbringer was rooted in that very experience.

He’d avenged his dead friend, but anger still boiled within him. With no more revenge to pursue, he felt lost.

But when he saw the countless people who couldn’t even seek revenge due to powerlessness or poverty, he found a reason to continue, becoming an agent of vengeance.

He took up the sword, assuming others’ never-ending grudges and using the world’s countless injustices as his new target.

Just as the Demon Knight had vowed eternal, unresolvable vengeance against Demons.

“Even if one holds Demonic Energy, that doesn’t make one a Demon…”

But then…


At that moment, Deathbringer’s heart inexplicably began pounding.

As the Demon Knight crumbled, strangely, so did the convictions he’d upheld.

“Then, what am I supposed to do…”

Why? Why did it have to be this way?

Feeling a sense of unease, Deathbringer clenched his fist and looked at the Demon Knight again.

“I vowed to lay the heads of all Demonic beings on your graves…”

Then, a vague realization crept over him.

Keep an eye on him, kid.


And think carefully about what you want to do from now on.

Skyley, what are you talking about…?

Watch him and judge with your own eyes whether you really won’t regret it, even if the rest of your life ends up resembling his.

That was his future.

What I’m saying is, think hard about whether running toward inevitable failure will really make you happy.

Just as the Demon Knight, while trying to kill all Demons, was facing despair due to these variables and exceptions.

Deathbringer, who sought to eliminate all evil, would similarly crumble someday due to these unforeseen variables, exceptions, and the limits of his abilities.


“I intended to offer you my blood as the final sacrifice…”

Deathbringer hated to see him despair, proving his failure.

“So, what do you want me to do…?”

However, he hoped, even now, that he would stop this self-torment.

There was no reason for someone like him to run toward the cliff’s edge like that.

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