Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 5: Chapter 29: The Golden-Haired, Perverted, Masked Man

Book 5: Chapter 29: The Golden-Haired, Perverted, Masked Man

“Humph!” After biting Chen Heng, Sirin flew to the side to check Bella’s wounds, leaving Chen Heng and Welt alone.

“So, Anti-Entropy’s leader, are you interested in a deal?” Chen Heng asked Welt in an extremely enticing tone.

“What deal?” Welt eyed Chen Heng warily, as Chen Heng did not fit the image he had in mind, more resembling a manipulator behind the scene.

“You…do you know what is behind the moon?”

“The back of the moon? What was behind the moon?” Welt could be said to know and not know the answer.

There was a place covered by Honkai Energy at the back of the moon. Both Schicksal and Anti-Entropy knew about this. However, they did not know what this Honkai-Energy-covered place hid.

“The back of the moon hides the legacy of a previous civilization. There is plenty of data for resisting the Honkai and…”

“And what?” If not for the Herrscher of the Void’s ghostly hands restraining his body, Welt would have slapped Chen Heng.

People who deliberately keep people in suspense are truly despicable!

“Then let me ask you a question. Do you have someone you want to bring back to life?” Now, Chen Heng’s tone made Welt feel the person before him was a devil tempting him.

To achieve his goal, Chen Heng even used a weak entrancing technique.

“What do you mean? Does the back of the moon have something to resurrect people?” Welt instantly became excited. He was not a sage, after all. Of course, he wanted something. The power to resurrect people was something practically everyone wanted.

The one that Welt wanted to resurrect the most was, of course, the first-generation Welt. The real Welt’s death was the pain of his entire life.

Not just Welt felt extremely excited. Otto, who had been hiding behind a burned tree after the battle, also felt extremely excited upon hearing this news. He had astonishing self-control, but even so, he felt flustered.

Of course, Otto did his best to control himself. He did not immediately rush up to the man who could stand in the sky with his own abilities to ask about it.

To Otto, this man was very strange. This man clearly did not have any Honkai Energy, and he showed no signs of using technology to achieve that feat, yet he stood in the sky with no help.

Chen Heng’s show of easily dealing with the atomic bomb left Otto terribly apprehensive.

For a smart person like Otto, anything not under his control made him feel unsettled.

“Of course that’s bogus. Nobody would believe there’s a way to bring people back to life at such an advanced age, right?”

Chen Heng guffawed, wantonly mocking Welt and Otto, who had become extremely excited at his earlier words.

Chen Heng had long discovered Otto’s presence, as he had already laid his attraction web over half of the Siberian snowfield. He had said the earlier words for Otto’s benefit.

“You…” Chen Heng did not know if Otto got provoked by this, but Welt got provoked. Welt struggled hard, wanting to punch Chen Heng.

“Just joking, just joking. Although the back of the moon has nothing that can resurrect people, I can. As long as that person’s soul is still around, I can resurrect that person. How about that? Tempted?”

“What exactly is a soul?” Welt asked the same question Otto wanted to ask.

What exactly is a soul?

Chen Heng found it hard to answer Welt’s question. To him, things like souls were common knowledge, something that needed no explanation.

This was the difference between worlds. In Chen Heng’s world, this was common knowledge, but in this world, it was something hard to explain. Furthermore, he also found the Honkai Beasts of this world hard to explain.

“If you ask me that, I have no way to answer. How about I let you have an out-of-body experience? Don’t resist.”

Chen Heng extended his hand and grabbed Welt’s head. Then he used the Soul Capture Technique to pull Welt’s soul out.

A technique like the Soul Capture Technique was extremely effective on ordinary people with no Spiritual Energy to protect their bodies. Although Welt was stronger than an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, he did not have Spiritual Energy.

Of course, this did not mean Welt’s soul was easy to pull out. In reality, his soul was extremely tough. Any other Nascent Soul Realm cultivator besides Chen Heng could not possibly have done this.

Chen Heng’s Will Energy was horrifyingly strong, which greatly boosted the effects of techniques that affected the soul, mind, or consciousness, like the Soul Capture Technique.

Furthermore, another big reason Chen Heng could easily pull out Welt’s soul was Welt’s cooperativeness.

“How do you feel?” Chen Heng asked Welt, whose soul was floating in the air.

“Incredible,” Welt marveled as he looked at his transparent soul body and the ghostly hands holding his physical body.

“Alright, alright. Experiencing it once is enough. Being out for too long can cause irreversible harm to the soul.” Chen Heng looked at the astonished Welt, then casually shoved Welt’s soul back into his body.

“Then—” (Is the first-generation Herrscher of Reason’s soul still around?) Welt wanted to ask when his soul returned to his body, but Chen Heng interrupted him.

“Stop, stop, stop! Don’t ask me where the first-generation Welt’s soul is. I don’t know the answer.”

“You—” (How did you know what I wanted to say?)

“Also, don’t ask me why I know what you want to say.”

“You—” (You…are you able to see the future?)

“How can that be? How can ordinary people believe in seeing the future? Do you believe in it? In any case, I don’t.”

“…” Welt shut up, indicating he had nothing to say. What could he say? Chen Heng had answered everything before he could ask what he wanted to ask.

Chen Heng’s finger gently swiped down. Then two spatial blades silently sliced off the ghostly hands holding the Herrscher of Reason, undoing his restraints. He even used his attraction ability to support Welt to prevent the significantly injured Welt from crashing to death from a great height.

“It is time for a certain golden-haired, perverted, masked man to show himself, right? You’ve been standing there for over three minutes already; aren’t you going to at least show your face? You should be very interested in the topic we just discussed, right?”

Chen Heng glanced at the tree Otto was hiding behind. Then he used his attraction ability to rip out the half-dead tree, exposing the golden-haired man wearing a white tailcoat.

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