Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 15:2: Kneel and Submit, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 15:2: Kneel and Submit, Part 2

Tohsaka Rin had never encountered someone so shameless. After threatening and manipulating me, he now wants to stay in my house. How thick-skinned is this man?

“Are you cursing me in your mind?” Chen Heng asked with a hostile look.

“No, of course not. I’m praising you,” Tohsaka Rin lied, hiding her true thoughts of contempt, knowing she couldn’t beat him.

She couldn’t even rely on her greatest trump card, the Re:Life Chat Group, for a sense of security.

Originally, she had two methods to deal with this Servant. The first was running away, taking her mother and younger sister to another world. Even if they were in the hands of this Servant, she felt confident in using the Re:Life Chat Group’s ability to travel between worlds.

Unfortunately, the presence of Luo Li, who had managed to defy the Re:Life Chat Group’s abilities, left Tohsaka Rin panicked.

Who knows how Luo Li ignored the Re:Life Chat Group’s functions? What if Luo Li could prevent her from traveling to another world? It would mean the end for the Tohsaka family.

The second method was to call on the Re:Life Chat Group for reinforcements. Tohsaka Rin had used this method earlier, and look at the results.

Tohsaka Rin really wanted to go back to the past and slap herself for choosing this method.

Not only had she failed to save herself from dire circumstances, but she had also pushed herself further into the abyss.

“Why are you praising me in your heart? What are you praising? I’m curious! Tell me.”

“…Mysterious?” Tohsaka Rin stammered, finally settling on that word.

She didn’t know what to praise about the man before her. Should she praise his thick skin, his shamelessness, or his dishonorable behavior?

“You’ve completely missed my greatest quality and only touched on the surface,” he chided.

…I’ve never seen anyone so shameless! Although Tohsaka Rin already thought that once, it bore repetition. This person before her was truly too shameless.

“I think you’re cursing me again. Don’t be so angry. Here, take this. After taking something from Elder Brother, stop being angry with me,” Chen Heng said, coaxing her like a child as he took out the sphere containing a Servant summoning slot from his spatial storage and proffered it to Tohsaka Rin.

“I don’t want it; I’m not a child,” Tohsaka Rin retorted, crossing her arms and turning her head, snubbing the sphere.

“Really? Are children these days so picky that they won’t even accept a Master slot?”

“Huh? A Master slot?” Tohsaka Rin’s face was filled with question marks. Can such a thing be given away so easily? Does he think the Holy Grail is his personal property?

“Yes, a Master slot certified by Root. It’s genuine, and I thought you’d want it after your re:life. I asked for it from my companions as compensation for travel and accommodation expenses, but if you don’t want it, I’ll take it back,” Chen Heng said, starting to retract his extended left hand.

“I want it! I want it!” Tohsaka Rin said, grabbing Chen Heng’s left hand to stop him from taking the sphere back.

“What do you want?”

“I want the sphere in your hand.”

“Why do you want it now when you said no earlier? Give me a perfect explanation.”

“…I had a brain cramp. Are you satisfied with that answer?” Tohsaka Rin said, turning off her livestream to prevent members of the Re:Life Chat Group from hearing.

“Little Li, poor Tohsaka Rin, so young and already experiencing brain cramps. Is it a side effect of her re:life?”

“Elder Brother, stop teasing her. Just give it to her; she’s about to cry.”

Chen Heng looked at Tohsaka Rin and indeed saw tears in her eyes. He stopped teasing her and tossed her the sphere. Everything went just as he had expected.


After successfully using the sphere as Chen Heng instructed, Tohsaka Rin smiled with satisfaction when three intricate tattoos appeared on her right arm. However, when she thought of the two people next to her, her smile faded.

“I don’t understand why you didn’t give me this earlier. I would have gladly let Luo Li come to this world. Why make things difficult just now?” Tohsaka Rin said, agreeing with Chen Heng’s observation. She would have happily agreed to Luo Li’s request to transmigrate if Chen Heng had offered such a valuable item.

“I’ve been bored lately. And it has nothing to do with the two gems you threw at me earlier. Absolutely not.”

“…” Tohsaka Rin mentally added petty to the labels of dishonorable, shameless, and thick-skinned that she had attached to Chen Heng.

“Now that Miss Tohsaka Rin has accepted travel and accommodation expenses, I will call in the other companions.”

“Are there more people?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. As a Servant, I must have a Master, right? You don’t think it’s just me and Luo Li, do you?”

Tohsaka Rin felt a headache coming on. If it were only Chen Heng and Luo Li, she could have used suggestive Magecraft to alter her sister’s and mother’s perceptions. But now, with several more people coming, that wouldn’t work well, mainly because Tohsaka Rin was very young, and even with the help of the Re:Life Chat Group, she didn’t have much mana to use.

“You don’t have to worry about our identities, Tohsaka Rin. We’ll take care of it,” Chen Heng said, dispelling her concerns, seeming to know what she was thinking.

“What are you planning? Don’t lay a hand on my mother and younger sister, and don’t use any Magecraft or Magic to control their souls,” Tohsaka Rin warned, warily eyeing Chen Heng.

“Don’t worry; I won’t use any of those things. We are allies now, after all. My methods are lawful. You must trust me.”

After Chen Heng and Tohsaka Rin discussed everything, he was ready to call in Sirin and Doctor Roman, who were waiting outside the house. However, Luo Li grabbed Chen Heng’s sleeve.

“Elder Brother Heng, do you want to see me kneel and submit?”

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