Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 31:1: The Prestigious Jixia Academy, Part 1

Book 6: Chapter 31:1: The Prestigious Jixia Academy, Part 1

Rita Rossweisse didn’t believe a word when Chen Heng downplayed his abilities and claimed to have only a superficial understanding.

After all, would anyone believe he trained under Fu Hua solely for knowledge and life experience?

Even if that were the case, Fu Hua was renowned for her exceptional martial arts and sword skills. Wouldn’t Chen Heng have learned some self-defense techniques from her?

In truth, Chen Heng hadn’t. He possessed some sword techniques but hadn’t had time to master them before forming his Will Energy swords. As for Fu Hua’s martial arts, he hadn’t touched them at all.

“So, what do you think about St. Freya Academy’s outer school?”

Instead of answering directly, Chen Heng posed a question of his own. “Which do you think is better, St. Freya Academy or Jixia Academy?”

[TL Note: Jixia Academy was a scholarly academy during the Warring States period in China. It was an extremely prestigious institute of learning at that time. Here is the Wikipedia entry on it:]

“…” Rita Rossweisse stayed silent. There was no comparison.

This was Jixia Academy! Jixia Academy stood unmatched. No school, whether for the general populace or the hidden world, could claim superiority over it.

It was an enigma to the average person, yet it was an institution every faction in the hidden world vied to enter. At nearly 2,000 years old, it was one of the most ancient schools in the hidden world.

At Jixia Academy, various disciplines thrived, and ideologies contended. They offered access to countless legacies and secret techniques; everything was possible there.

There was academic openness, intellectual freedom, and even the freedom to run wild. However, none of these mattered as much as the fact that this place was a haven for cultivators.

One could become a renowned figure in the hidden world simply by graduating from Jixia Academy.

Although the academy did not grant a conventional degree recognized in the mundane world, spending just a year there would open up opportunities in the hidden world, assuring a bright future even if one didn’t graduate; there wouldn’t be a need to return to the mundane world, as countless factions would vie over one.

For those who wished, a legitimate degree from any university in China could be easily obtained at a minimal cost.

Rita Rossweisse was well-acquainted with the academy, mostly due to her friend Durandal’s unsuccessful attempts to gain admission. Durandal’s failure was mainly because of a stringent policy of racism.

However, Durandal continued striving to gain entry, undeterred by previous rejections.

Jixia Academy was extremely exclusive, but in recent times, it had slightly relaxed its policy. Still, it admitted very few non-Chinese individuals.

To gain admission to Jixia Academy, there were three methods.

First, one had to possess an ancient heritage, such as the traditions of the Hundred Schools of Thought or other ancient lineages. Additionally, one had to pass certain tests; failure wasn’t an option.

[TL Note: Here is more information on the Hundred Schools of Thought:]

Second, one had to possess immense talent. Durandal indeed had this, but her foreigner status was a major detraction.

Third, possessing a unique ability, either martial or auxiliary, could also earn one a spot.

These were the three methods that Rita Rossweisse knew of. She wasn’t sure about any other methods, which were beyond what she could access.

She couldn’t figure out where Chen Heng found the confidence to believe he had a shot at entering Jixia Academy. However, since he had said so, she felt it wasn’t her place to probe further.

After hitting a roadblock with Chen Heng, she said no more. Instead, she had a brief chat with Fu Hua before leaving.

“I recall that one of the 10th Divine Keys is the Xuanyuan Sword, right? Where’s that sword now?” Chen Heng resumed the discussion on the 10th Divine Keys after Rita Rossweisse left.

“That 10th Divine Key is with Anti-Entropy. What do you plan to do?”

“I might take it by force. However, if a more peaceful method exists, I won’t object.”

“If you want to take it by force, you’ll need to get past Bronya, the current Herrscher of Reason, an Anti-Entropy member.” Seeing that her junior brother had a strong interest in the Xuanyuan Sword, Cheng Lixue, sitting beside him, explained the details.

“An Anti-Entropy member?”

“Also, it’s not called the Xuanyuan Sword anymore. After Anti-Entropy was forced to reveal its existence, they were confronted by the Xuanyuan Clan of China. Just one member nearly decimated Anti-Entropy and demanded they rename the sword. It’s now the Yu Sword,” explained Cheng Lixue, pausing at this point.

Cheng Lixue knew a little about the hidden world. The Valkyries and the other factions exposed to the mundane world had no way to compare to the hidden-world factions and clans.

“I remember when that person from the Xuanyuan Clan saw the Xuanyuan Sword, which is now the Yu Sword, he casually tossed it to the ground, showing disdain on his face. Then he left immediately. If I recall right, that person is called Xuanyuan Mian.”

“Erm…Ah Heng, if I’m not mistaken, the person your senior sister just mentioned is your maternal uncle, right?” Mo Qingtong, who sat close to Chen Heng, was interested in this matter—until she heard the name Xuanyuan Mian.

“Ahaha! If there is no other Xuanyuan Mian, they should be the same person.”

The Xuanyuan Clan that Chen Lixue spoke about was the current Ji Clan. To the mundane people, they were the Ji Clan. However, people of the hidden world saw them as the Xuanyuan Clan. Actually, they were the same.

After the nation was established, the Xuanyuan Clan changed its family name to Ji in the mundane world; hence, its members could be addressed as Xuanyuan or Ji.

[TL Note: The establishment of the nation likely refers to either the establishment of the Republic of China or the civil war that led to the People’s Republic of China (the China of today).]

The Xuanyuan Mian that Cheng Lixue spoke of was indeed Chen Heng’s maternal uncle—Ji Mian. Chen Heng was very familiar with this uncle. Back when his mother was alive, she frequently brought him to the Ji Clan to visit. However, his father never went with them.

Although on the surface, Chen Heng’s mother had left because she fell in love with his father, got married, and had a son, that was just the story told to outsiders.

Of course, it was true that the Ji Clan’s people did not like his father.

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