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Book 6: Chapter 33:2 The Biggest Rigging of the Holy Grail Carnival, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 33:2 The Biggest Rigging of the Holy Grail Carnival, Part 2

The penalty of eating the stargazy pie was the Blanket King’s—erm…King Arthur’s. At first, King Arthur looked eager, even salivating. However, when the pie was served, he hesitated, wondering if it was genuinely edible.

King Arthur trembled as he pointed at the food before him and asked his Master, “Is…is this really food?”

[TL Note: Stargazy pie sounds like it would be nice, and it probably is (I have not tried it). However, it can look very intimidating. It has fish heads—and sometimes fish tails—sticking out of the pie. Here is the Wikipedia entry on it:]

Emiya Kiritsugu remained silent for a while but eventually nodded. “Yes, and it’s a traditional British dish.”

[TL Note: Emiya Kiritsugu is the adoptive father of Emiya Shirou and is one of the original Masters in the Fourth Holy Grail War in Fate/Zero. He is also known as the Magus Killer. Here is more information on Emiya Kiritsugu: /wiki/Kiritsugu_Emiya.]

“…” King Arthur then realized why the challenge was ranked 944th. At first, he thought it was a mistake.

In a bid for the Holy Grail, he finally moved his spoon toward a deadpan fish head, which looked like it had died with lingering regrets.

In the end…he immediately transformed into his spiritual form and reappeared outside the board.

Hehe…I guess King Arthur won’t want to eat fish for the next few days.

The competition continued with intense battles. Unfortunately, Chen Heng’s English language exam started.

In the end, Ryougi Shiki emerged as the winner without facing a single penalty, leading the other Servants by half their progress. Chen Heng felt no surprise whatsoever.

Vengeance Witch: Rigged! It’s all rigged!

Efreet: Never got punished and always rolling a six? That’s cheating too obviously!

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Cheating? What’s cheating? I genuinely have no clue. Please don’t slander me.

Solomon: Never mind, enough of this. We’ll claim the final victory anyway. We’re currently at 0:2. Two more wins, and the Holy Grail is ours.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Oh! When we get the Holy Grail, remember to clear the All the World’s Evils.

He Who Knows Fate: How do we even clear it?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: How would I know? Aren’t there numerous ways? There are so many tools in the Dimension Administrators Association; just pick one. Or, you can simply spend 1,000 points and let the Dimension Administrators Association handle it. It’s guaranteed to be safe and eco-friendly.

Queen of Ice and Snow: Ah, the omnipotent Dimension Administrators Association shop.

Solomon: By the way, who needs the Holy Grail the most among us?

Herrscher of Pufferfish: The Holy Grail? I’m not that interested. It feels limited in granting wishes.

Time Witch: I don’t mind either way.

Vengeance Witch: Can you eat the Holy Grail?

He Who Knows Fate: Doctor Roman, do you need the Holy Grail? If not, I wish to use it to try to restore my memories from before the world reset by Luo Li. The Absolute Precognition showed me glimpses, but it’s not the same as experiencing it.

Solomon: I don’t particularly need it. Every Singularity yields a Holy Grail. So, He Who Knows Fate, it’s yours. I didn’t contribute much in this Holy Grail War anyway.

He Who Knows Fate: Yakumo Yukari, what about you?

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: I have no desire for the Holy Grail. What the Holy Grail can achieve, I can, too. Also, the Holy Grail can’t do what I can’t do. Furthermore, I didn’t partake in the Holy Grail War. Back then, I already said that the Holy Grail is yours; I’m here just for Merlin.

He Who Knows Fate: I didn’t participate in the Holy Grail War, either.

Solomon: But your younger sister did! All five of our Servants are from you. You should just accept it.

Solomon: I doubt the Holy Grail can grant your wish, though.

He Who Knows Fate: I’m just trying my luck. What if it works?

Time Witch: And what if it doesn’t, Elder Brother Heng?

He Who Knows Fate: If not, I’ll just spend 10,000 points on the Dimension Administrators Association’s expensive service to restore my memories. There’s no guarantee, just a chance, though.

Time Witch: …Elder Brother Heng, do you still have points? If not, I can cover it.

He Who Knows Fate: Huh? How can I use your points for my memories? And how do you have points? You just joined the Dimension Administrators Association two days ago!

Time Witch: I can exchange my system points for Dimension Administrators Association points at a 2:1 ratio. If you’re out of points…

He Who Knows Fate: Alright, alright. It’s just 10,000 points! I can afford it. It’s a bit painful on the pocket, but it’s nothing compared to my memories.

He Who Knows Fate: Plus, relying on you for everything will make me look like a sugar baby.

Time Witch: Don’t worry about it, Elder Brother. I currently have over 1,000,000 system points. Feel free to be my sugar baby as much as you want.

He Who Knows Fate: …

Coasting Through Life: So, you have over 500,000 association points? Where did you get so many?

Time Witch: I planned ahead. Before my re:life, I thought about what would come after. I had to ensure I could protect Elder Brother Heng. Isn’t saving up points the obvious choice?

Luo Li’s words touched Chen Heng.

Efreet: Oh! Luo Li, don’t forget your promise to teach Tokisaki Kurumi a lesson.

Time Witch: Don’t worry. Once the Holy Grail Carnival ends, I’ll handle it. I believe I’m unmatched when it comes to time.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: By the way, Chen Heng, your college entrance exams are nearly over, right? Come and pick up Ryougi Shiki around 5 or 6 in the evening. She should be awake by then.

He Who Knows Fate: She is about to wake up?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Yes. Ryougi Shiki has been resting for about half a month. I woke up briefly, which sped up her recovery. You can check the exact time with the Absolute Precognition and be there before she awakens. Be by her side when she opens her eyes.

He Who Knows Fate: Why?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Isn’t it obvious? To earn some extra affection! You two are siblings in name, after all.

He Who Knows Fate: Will Ryougi Shiki retain her memories from before the coma? I mean, memories from the original world.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: She’ll lose some memories, but I can’t say how much. That world got destroyed due to an unfortunate ripple in the dimensional sea; perhaps it was extremely unlucky. At that time, Ryougi Shiki was connected to the Root, which is me.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Her abrupt disconnection probably caused the memory loss. I’m not sure how much, but regardless, she’ll definitely lose some.

He Who Knows Fate: Erm…So, you, Root, took this chance to visit and slack off in this world?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: That’s not fair! I’m just on a brief vacation.

Queen of Ice and Snow: I recall you once mentioned that the Dimension Administrators Association account belonged to Ryougi Shiki. What’ll you do when she wakes up?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: What’s the big deal? I’ll create another account, or we can share. Sharing sounds fun, actually.

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