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Book 6: Chapter 44:2: Chen Heng: I Cower for a Reason, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 44:2: Chen Heng: I Cower for a Reason, Part 2

Speaking of which, if Chen Heng recalled correctly, the lightning tribulations were the manifestations of the heavenly dao’s consciousness. The heavenly dao the Chinese refer to should be the world consciousness, right?

Erm…We are all one family. Lightning tribulations or whatnot should not be too difficult, right?

While these thoughts raced through his mind, Chen Heng directed his ten Will Energy swords toward the advancing Giant Toads.

Using these Will Energy swords, which he formed with much difficulty out of high-grade sword conceptions, on mere Giant Toads might seem excessive, but he was eager to test their might.

These swords, which he’d spent sleepless nights forming with the help of special medicine, represented 1 percent of his progress toward mastering the Chiliad Sword Conception. Keep pushing forward; you’ve got this!

These ten Will Energy swords shot forward when Chen Heng mentally commanded them to. After that, they flew in different directions toward the horde of Giant Toads.

Putting aside the might of the Will Energy swords and just considering the feeling of control, the Will Energy swords felt as nimble as the fingers Chen Heng extended.

These Will Energy swords were extremely swift, so fast that Satou Kazuma and his party could not clearly see their trajectories.

Satou Kazuma only knew that the Will Energy swords shot out and returned to Chen Heng in less than two seconds.

He looked at the ten swords behind Chen Heng and noticed there was no blood on them.

Then he looked at the group of Giant Toads rushing over; they appeared utterly unscathed.

Did it fail? That can’t be right.

When Satou Kazuma looked at the horde of Giant Toads again, a chill filled his heart.

The Giant Toads leaped up and landed. When they tried to leap again, they found they could not. They tried to move their bodies and put some force into their hind legs, but their bodies crumbled into piles of one-centimeter-cube chunks of flesh. However, the bones were intact. The skeletons of the Giant Toads remained standing in place in perfect condition, looking quite scary.

The creatures had been sliced into multiple sections so rapidly that their biological instincts had carried over for a moment, right?

Chen Heng had already attacked and succeeded. However, the Will Energy swords were simply too sharp and fast. To Satou Kazuma and his party members, only two seconds had passed. However, someone with the attraction ability, like Chen Heng, could speed up or slow down time on a small scale. Two seconds were completely sufficient.

Spacetime was a combination of time, matter, and space. The root of attraction was spacetime, which is to say, attraction was a fundamental property of spacetime.

Attraction wasn’t just a product of spacetime curving. Attraction was a fundamental property of spacetime—spacetime itself generated attraction.

This was why everything that had a mass got affected by gravity, as attraction was an attribute of spacetime. No material object could deviate from the laws of spacetime. This was true from the vastness of galaxies to the quantum world of atoms and electrons.

After Chen Heng’s attraction ability underwent several awakenings, it had become potent and versatile.

Prior to this, it was not that Chen Heng could not think of such maneuvers but that his attraction ability was not strong enough to materialize such effects.

Surely you don’t think Chen Heng and Luo Li only spent their time cleaning Chen Heng’s ears and forming Will Energy swords the night they were alone, right? After Chen Heng realized how powerful Luo Li’s current time ability was, he started studying it.

Luo Li cooperated enthusiastically, practically begging him to do so.

Furthermore, time and space had a unique interconnection. Time could affect space, and space could affect time. After grasping his spatial ability, Chen Heng did not take too long to pick up time.

After some studying and familiarizing, while he could not reverse time or influence time on the same level as Luo Li, he could still speed up and slow down time to some degree.

Once Chen Heng mastered electromagnetic control, he found he could use his attraction ability to somewhat mimic electromagnetism. Every entity, from the most massive star to the tiniest atom and electron, exerts gravitational force.

It might be tempting to think that after gaining electromagnetic abilities, using attraction to mimic them was redundant. However, attraction was Chen Heng’s foundational ability, capable of infinite enhancement. On the other hand, his electromagnetic ability was something gained externally. Even now, he felt its potential was almost maxed out.

After all, as an acquired ability, his electromagnetic control couldn’t grow infinitely like his attraction ability.

“Alright, stop looking. Let’s go and continue killing monsters.” Chen Heng had the ten Will Energy swords hover around him. Then he turned away and headed in another direction, where his attraction web told him there were countless Giant Toads.

This time, Chen Heng’s group had taken a mission to kill 30 Giant Toads. Right now, they have not killed even half yet.

As Chen Heng killed monsters, he familiarized himself with the ten Will Energy swords. Normally, he would not use these Will Energy swords. Knowing that the waters ran deep in his world, he would not show any of his abilities.

Even though he now had his ancestor as a backer, he did not neglect his training. He had no intention of becoming a complacent heir riding on his family’s coattails.

His constant vigilance extended to his surroundings, especially after realizing he was under surveillance. This realization made him heighten his caution.

Chen Heng made sure he never drained over 60 percent of his Will Energy to allow himself to maintain an attraction web for monitoring activity within a kilometer around himself.

Every seasoned player in the hidden world had their trump cards, which they kept secret. Such trump cards were very important. This was especially so for people like Chen Heng.

He had amassed a slew of trump cards, ranging from lifesaving services from the Dimension Administrators Association store to small gifts from the Chen Clan ancestor and various abilities besides attraction.

Right now, Chen Heng just wanted to peacefully be a cultivator with the attraction ability in his world. When he entered Jixia Academy, he would just be an ability user with slightly better talent.

It would be best if he did not attract too much attention.

What if…what if there was a transcender on bad terms with his ancestor?

I cower for a reason!

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