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Book 6: Chapter 46:2: Kazuma: Steal? You Want to Learn It? I’ll Teach You! Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 46:2: Kazuma: Steal? You Want to Learn It? I’ll Teach You! Part 2

“Don’t worry, Kazuma. I’ve increased the gravity on this One-Punch Bear a hundredfold. It’s practically impossible for it to move freely,” reassured Chen Heng.

“But, Big Brother, its mouth moved earlier.”

“I did that to minimize harm to the One-Punch Bear. What if I accidentally killed it? I’d have to find another One-Punch Bear for you then.”

“However, if you don’t beat it to an inch of its death, I feel I cannot capture it.” Satou Kazuma had a point. The Dimension Administrators Association’s altered Poké Balls had a higher success rate when capturing injured enemies. The more injured, the higher the success rate.

“Come on, give it a try. It won’t cost you anything.”

With Chen Heng’s encouragement, Satou Kazuma hesitated but eventually took out his Poké Ball and aimed it at the One-Punch Bear. Then…as expected, the attempt failed.

Chen Heng observed the One-Punch Bear, which, even though lying on the ground, still resisted strongly. He then retrieved a spiritual sword from his spatial storage.

Grrh! Grrh…! Witnessing Chen Heng sharpening the sword, the One-Punch Bear grew more terrified. Although it was fierce, it didn’t want to die, but surrender was out of the question. Beasts never bow to humans, except maybe for… Well, no, I’m a One-Punch Bear, a high-level monster, and I’ll never yield!

It took Chen Heng five minutes to shave off all the fur on One-Punch Bear—everywhere.

In reality, it would have been faster if he had used a Will Energy sword. While the One-Punch Bear’s fur looked soft, ordinary weapons could not cut it at all. However, he could not bring himself to use the Will Energy swords he put in so much effort to make for shaving fur.

“Try again.”

Satou Kazuma tossed the Poké Ball once more, and, unsurprisingly, it failed again.

Satou Kazuma looked at Chen Heng, but Chen Heng looked at the One-Punch Bear, examining it for potential weaknesses.

Upon closer inspection, Chen Heng noticed something.

When the One-Punch Bear had lunged at him earlier, it had remained belly down when he increased the gravity. However, during the fur-shaving process, he had flipped it over, revealing that the One-Punch Bear was male.

“Hey, Kazuma, what’s the scariest thing for a man?” Chen Heng asked while eyeing the male bear’s distinctive parts.

“Being broke and impotent. Wait! Big Brother, why are you asking—” Satou Kazuma’s words were cut short as he followed Chen Heng’s gaze and understood.

This is intense! Truly intense! He truly lives up to being my—Kazuma the Brute’s—big brother!

Grrh! Grrh! Grrh! Grrh Grrh…! (What are you trying to do?) As a high-level monster, the One-Punch Bear could somewhat understand human language. Furthermore, these two humans’ attention on its family jewels terrified it extremely.

I can endure you shaving my fur. After all, it will eventually grow back. However, if you want to… That is absolutely unacceptable!

Furthermore, the One-Punch Bear had once heard from other monsters that some humans find certain monster parts to be good stuff. Many perverse nobles specifically targeted such parts. Apparently, they were used for making wine… Humans are terrifying.

[TL Note: Some Chinese wines are made using animal parts, and in some cases, even the whole animal, like snakes or scorpions. These parts are soaked in the wine during the fermentation process. The male organ of certain animals, like tigers, deer, and bears, is often used for its purported ability to boost sexual potency.]

When Chen Heng saw the One-Punch Bear’s intense reaction, he knew he had found its weak point.

Chen Heng shot Satou Kazuma a glance, then placed that spiritual sword near the organ in question.

Roar! The One-Punch Bear’s response intensified; it struggled desperately. Surprisingly, fear caused its massive body to rise slightly before Chen Heng increased the gravitational force, firmly pressing it down once more.

“One-Punch Bear, I know you can roughly understand me. Here’s the deal. I’ll not make things difficult for you. I swear by the mighty Goddess Aqua…” Satou Kazuma paused for a moment to frame his words carefully.

“If you work for me for three years, I’ll set you free, and after a while, I’ll even find a female One-Punch Bear to keep you company. How does that sound?” Satou Kazuma attempted to entice the One-Punch Bear, using a promise to the goddess and appealing to male pride and desire.

Contemplating under the weight of its pride and the temptation of a female bear, the One-Punch Bear nodded reluctantly.

Every day, it pitied itself. It was the only One-Punch Bear in this newbie village’s vicinity, and it had been ages since it had seen a female bear.

While the One-Punch Bear could tolerate dying at the hands of these two adventurers, it couldn’t bear the thought of its family jewels being used to make wine.

The One-Punch Bear didn’t doubt the credibility of the oath Satou Kazuma made earlier. As far as the One-Punch Bear knew, when humans swore in the name of a goddess, they rarely went back on their word.

Strange as it might be, that was the way things were.

As for this Goddess Aqua, the One-Punch Bear had heard about her from some humans, but not much. The main reason was that those who seemed like Aqua’s followers were a bunch of lunatics. They were quick to start conflicts, and their strength was laughably weak. Word had it that they were off somewhere opening a hot spring now.


“Thank you, Big Brother. You’re truly something else, coming up with a way to do the impossible. I hadn’t even thought of that,” Satou Kazuma said, looking at the Poké Ball in his hand, which now contained the One-Punch Bear. Finally, his team had a competent fighter.

Capable in both offense and defense, it was practically perfect.

As for releasing the One-Punch Bear in three years? Well, Aqua’s matter had nothing to do with Satou Kazuma.

After his encounter with the true face of Goddess Aqua, he had no respect left for her; in fact, he felt like laughing.

“Alright, now that we’ve captured the One-Punch Bear, let’s go grab some lunch. I’ll have you know, it’s your treat. I rushed here without even having breakfast; my stomach’s growling,” Chen Heng said, patting his belly in hunger.

Yesterday evening, he hadn’t eaten much, as he’d been busy feeding Ryougi Shiki. His master had woken him up before 6 a.m.; then he had trained with his sword for an hour and even skipped breakfast to help Satou Kazuma with the mobile fortress task.

This great me wants food, and no one can stop me!

Although as a late-stage Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, Chen Heng could technically go without food by using Spiritual Energy, he preferred to maintain the perspective of an ordinary person when it came to hunger.

“Don’t worry. It’s just lunch. I’ve got this,” Satou Kazuma assured him.

Despite Satou Kazuma’s current financial struggles in the Dimension Administrators Association, not possessing many points, he was still quite well-off in this world.

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