Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 50:2: The Vision of an Otherworldly Online Game, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 50:2: The Vision of an Otherworldly Online Game, Part 2

Upon seeing Chen Heng successfully learn the skill, Satou Kazuma felt relieved. He had been worried that Chen Hengs status as a visitor from another world might prevent him from acquiring skills.

Although they both came from different worlds from this one, Satou Kazumas otherworld travel and Chen Hengs otherworld travel were different.

Satou Kazumas previous world was ruled by the same world consciousness, just another world in the same universe, whereas Chen Heng came from a world ruled by a different world consciousness, another universe altogether. He was truly and utterly an otherworld visitor to the core.

With Chen Hengs success, Satou Kazuma relaxed, and his mind began to churn with an interesting idea.

There were many newcomers in the Dimension Administrators Association. Because the Dimension Administrators Association was relatively new, their newly awakened powers were relatively weak.

Satou Kazuma himself had awakened an abilitygood fortune.

His good fortune ability wasnt the ethereal kind of luck. He could leave it activated consistently, but the increase was not much. Of course, this was affected by the strength of his good fortune ability.

He could also sacrifice his good fortune temporarily, removing the buff for a while and then experiencing a burst of good fortune later.

Good fortune was different from luck; Dimension Administrators Association members could shield themselves from lucks influence, but good fortune was personal.

[TL Note: The implication of luck here is something like blessings from the world. Chen Hengs luck was reduced because of having a transcender ancestor who had overdrawn on his clans luck. Good fortune is similar but without the influence of the world, something intrinsic, unlike luck, which could be altered by certain actions.]

Satou Kazuma thought his ability was fantastic.

Satou Kazua considered that the newcomers might gain auxiliary abilities like his, so he planned to open up his world to Dimension Administrators Association members.

However, it wouldnt be opened to just anyone. Those who wanted to enter would need to sign a contract not to cause widespread harm in this world or make significant changes to its people or events.

Each time they entered or left, theyd pay their own way, and Satou Kazuma would collect 100 points from them.

Satou Kazuma believed his idea had merit. Even those with substantial strength might be interested in peculiar abilities, like Chen Hengs interest in the Steal skill.

Of course, it wasnt just about the Steal skill; there were many unique abilities in this world that could intrigue members of the Dimension Administrators Association. Satou Kazuma believed that those rich powerhouses would not mind spending 100 points to increase their versatility. He even considered offering power-leveling services for weaker members.

Satou Kazuma now had a high-level monster, a One-Punch Bear, so he could start a power-leveling service and help the newcomers gain substantial strength.

He shared this idea with Chen Heng, who seemed supportive.

Thats a great idea! Personally, I support it. Your worlds power system is comprehensive, and anyoneeven ordinary peoplecan quickly gain the ability to protect themselves through this adventurer system. Its like an online game. The cost of acquiring strength in your world is minimal.

So, you also think this is feasible, Big Brother? Satou Kazuma was excited by Chen Hengs endorsement.

In Satou Kazumas view, Chen Heng was fundamentally different from the others. First, and most importantly, Chen Heng held the unique position of being the first and only administrator of the Dimension Administrators Association, endowed with the authority to post announcements, although he hadnt yet exercised this power.

Uh-huhyour worlds power system is fascinating. Even ordinary folks can swiftly gain power through this adventurer system. These abilities are truly mystical and are beneficial even to those with mature power systems. Not everyone in our association possesses formidable abilities.

Chen Heng paused, then continued, In our association, we offer the first awakening of abilities. Those who can join the Dimension Administrators Association are typically highly talented with great potential. For instance, individuals like Umaru-chan, Hiratsuka Shizuka, and Kato Megumi, who were originally ordinary people with no special abilities, gained exceptionally strong powers after their ability first awakening.

However, the awakening of abilities in the Dimension Administrators Association is random and caters to the individuals nature. This leads to situations where some newcomers have immense potential but their abilities are auxiliary in nature. For example, Kato Megumi can control her presence, but this ability doesnt provide her with immediate offensive capabilities in the early stages.

Kato Megumi once complained that, although her ability is useful, it doesnt offer direct combat skills. It makes it difficult for her to confront non-human entities or heavily fortified mission targets.

Then, Big Brother, can you post an announcement in the Dimension Administrators Association? Since Chen Heng supported his idea, Satou Kazuma made his request.

Post an announcement? Come to think of it, I havent exercised that authority yet. Alright, Ill post an announcement in the Dimension Administrators Association later. But for now, theres something more important


Hand over the other skills to me. Ive amassed 15 skill points. I plan to use them all before leaving this world. Since youve been in this world for quite some time, Kazuma, you probably know of some very useful skills that require very few points. Can you advise me?

Very useful yet low-cost skills, huh? Hey! You three, any suggestions for skills that meet these criteria? Chen Hengs request was quite tricky, as generally, very useful skills required a significant number of skill points.

Natures Beauty.

Explosion magic.

Penetrating Gaze.

Huh? Darkness, is there really such a skill like Penetrating Gaze? Satou Kazuma keenly noticed something strange mixed with the suggestions.

No. Darkness shook her head.

Then why did you say that? Can you all suggest something practical? Big Brother has helped us greatly, Satou Kazuma exclaimed with a hint of disappointment, addressing not just Darkness but the others too.

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