Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 56: Customer Service, I’ll Remember This!

Book 6: Chapter 56: Customer Service, I’ll Remember This!

Now, it was time to choose abilities. Chen Heng didnt select attraction, spatial, or gravity abilities; instead, he chose his electromagnetic ability, bringing only this one ability with him.

He omitted attraction and spatial abilities due to their high cost, and the reason for not selecting gravity was simply that the electromagnetic ability was more suitable.

The electromagnetic control ability was not only highly versatile but also complemented Chen Hengs Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle.

As for the cultivators cultivation realm, Chen Heng didnt select any.

Now, the crucial part was Will Energy. After much contemplation, Chen Heng decided to give his alternate world avatar one-fifth of his original Will Energy.

Initially, he intended to go even lower, but the screen indicated that going below this threshold wouldnt activate the alchemist class.

Ability strength was directly linked to Will Energy strength. With Chen Hengs current Will Energy, even just one-fifth should be sufficient to bring his electromagnetic control ability to a level close to Lvl 5.

Chen Hengs Will Energy level far exceeded that of Level 5 ability users from the beginning. Combined with two subsequent Will Energy enhancements, a portion of his ancestors Will Energy, and the later Chiliad Mind Tempering Technique he practiced (the method used to refine the Will Energy swords when cultivating the Chiliad Sword Conception; he named it himself), Chen Heng wasnt even sure of his full power in all-out combat.

He wasnt worried about encountering overly powerful entities that might lead to his demise because the game had an emergency mechanism. If faced with a lethal attack, he could become invulnerable for one second and quickly project a portion of his strength. Of course, this came at the cost of points.

Skills like Snipe, Steal, firearm proficiency, high-tier cooking, and swordsmanship didnt require additional points for his avatar. These were knowledge-based skills or techniques executed by Chen Hengs physical body and would not increase the Dimension Administrators Associations operating costs.

As for items, Chen Heng chose to bring his already upgraded Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle +5. It had started to live up to its imposing namebut only started. Sniping stars were still beyond it, but meteorites were now within its capabilities.

Since Chen Heng had chosen to start as an alchemist with no initial combat prowess, he decided to bring a weapon that could be used without great strength. Within his spatial storage, the Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle was the best choice, especially considering he brought the electromagnetic ability to complement it.

Besides the Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle, Chen Heng also packed some everyday items into his three-meter-cube spatial storage, like cookware, utensils, and seasonings.

After some contemplation, he added a spiritual sword to the spatial storagethe sword he had used to shave the One-Punch Bear.

The One-Punch Bear was considered a high-level monster in Satou Kazumas world, and this spiritual sword could penetrate its fur defenses, making it quite valuable in this world.

As an alchemist with no initial combat capabilities, it made sense for Chen Heng to have a decent weapon on hand. He had the Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle, which had decent firepower, and to prevent enemies from getting in his face, he included a sword for close combat. All in all, there should not be any problems.

After Chen Heng selected all the items he wanted to bring, he closed the interface and bellowed in the vast, white space, Alright, Im done.

Just say youre done. Why shout so loudly? Now that youve made your choices, its time to enter the game. Three, two

Wait, is there no other procedure?

One! As Customer Service counted down, a massive, seemingly bottomless pit appeared abruptly beneath Chen Hengs feet.

I The gaping hole beneath Chen Heng caught him off-guard and swallowed him.


Hengwake up In a daze, Chen Heng thought he heard someone calling him.

He slowly opened his eyes, first seeing a head of silver hair and then a reasonably sized chest.

Uh, Jeanne dArc, whatsgoing on? Struggling to sit up from Jeanne dArcs embrace, Chen Heng found himself unable to, due to his groggy state. It felt like waking up from a deep sleep, with his body lacking strength.

Although he hadnt seen the face yet, the silver hair and the knowledge of his own name narrowed down the possibilities.

You might wonder why its not Luo Li. Well, considering Luo Lis bust size, while it might not cause heartache or tears

Lets not dwell on that; its a sensitive topic that would get one beaten up.

Ah Heng, youre awake. The surgery went well.

Huh? Having just woken up, Chen Heng was utterly perplexed to hear this. He froze.

If this were a normal situation, Chen Heng wouldnt take this seriously. But after being tricked by Customer Service, his mind was still in a daze.

Chen Heng was genuinely concerned now, wondering if Customer Service had pulled something on him.

Alright. Stop messing around. Another familiar voice came from the side. It was Luo Lis.

Alright, replied Jeanne dArc, who usually wasnt this easygoing. However, considering that her helmet was purchased by the rich Luo Li, Jeanne dArc had to defer to Luo Li. Jeanne dArc was no different from ordinary people in this situation.

After resting for a while and regaining his strength, Chen Heng finally sat up from Jeanne dArcs embrace. The first thing he did was touch his face, throat, and chest to confirm that Customer Service hadnt played a trick on him.

As for why he didnt immediately check the status of his little brotherwell, Luo Li and Jeanne dArc were still present, so he felt a bit awkward.

Elder Brother, dont worry. Everything is fine, Luo Li reassured Chen Heng when she noticed his nervousness. Although she didnt understand why her brother suddenly seemed a bit slow in the head, she believed it was her duty as his younger sister to alleviate his concernsand improve her favorability at the same time!

Phew, you scared me there, Jeanne dArc. Dont pull such pranks next time. After confirming that nothing was amiss, Chen Heng did some simple exercises to warm up his body.

With the weakness in his body gone, Chen Heng assessed his surroundings.

He noticed that besides himself, Jeanne dArc, and Luo Li, Sirin, Kato Megumi, Umaru-chan, and Saitama were also present.

They were under a large tree, surrounded by an endless grassland, with some Giant Toad corpses nearbyevidence of a recent battle.

Hey, Little Li, did you guys experience this when entering the game? Suddenly getting swallowed by a hole under your feet?

Well, Jeanne dArc, Sirin, and I were transported near Satou Kazumas residence via a teleportation ritual array. As for the others, Im not sure.

Oh, I also arrived through a teleportation ritual array. Saitama raised his hand.

Umaru-chan and I did, too.

Hmmdoes this give me reason to suspect Customer Service singled me out? No, I cant tolerate this. I need to ask Customer Service, Chen Heng pondered while rubbing his chin, feeling aggrieved by what he perceived as unfair treatment. Hence, he decided to question Customer Service.

Customer Service, come out. Why is my arrival method different from others? Did you intentionally single me out?

Dont get me wrong. I didnt intentionally single you out. Your arrival method is unorthodox becausewell, your class is different from the others. Special cases deserve special treatment, right?

Then werent you afraid I might suddenly appear in the wilderness and get mauled by some passing beast? Also, why didnt I appear near Satou Kazumas residence?

Because because your unique teleportation method could have disrupted the teleportation ritual array in Satou Kazumas residence, potentially damaging it, so I just sent you near your family instead.

So, youre saying you could have sent me to Satou Kazumas residence, but you chose the battlefield because you were afraid my unusual teleportation method might damage his teleportation ritual array?

Youre quite clever.

Chen Heng became increasingly irritated. Between me and the teleportation ritual array, you chose the ritual array? He abruptly terminated the chat interface.

Although Customer Services explanation seemed a bit dubious, at least she gave Chen Heng a reason. He would have to verify the credibility of this explanation himself.

Chen Heng couldnt believe he received special treatment just because of his unique class. After all, he had chosen a support class. Thus, he had reason to suspect that Customer Service had taken advantage of official duties to vent a personal grudge against him.

It did not matter if he could not find any evidence now. He did not believe that none of the many Dimension Administrators Association members would get a hidden class. After all, there were so many people in the Dimension Administrators Association.

If Chen Heng found evidence of Customer Service exacting a personal grudge during official duties, then

Chen Heng initially wanted to take his grudge list out and place Customer Service on it. However, he patted himself down for quite a while before recalling his notebook was on his true body, and this was just an avatar.

Ill remember this first and write it down after I return.

Umaru-chan, Sage Megumi, and Saitama, its great to meet you in person, Chen Heng greeted the concerned individuals nearby.

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