Is the Wizard Reborn?

Chapter 85

Chapter 84:

The snow leopard roared for no reason, especially with such a vicious face, the ominous premonition in Cen Zhen’s heart became more and more serious, he made a decisive decision and decided to immediately transfer the hiding place.

Right eye, throat and heart.

Cen Zhen turned around, but still didn’t see anyone nearby, as if these three knives that penetrated thick metal appeared out of thin air. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, because the knife aimed at his heart suddenly disappeared under his eyelids.

However, before Cen Zhen continued to observe, the second knife disappeared as suddenly as the first. At the same time, countless bullets poured out from his side and rear. There are many and dense, but for Cen Zhen, the speed is very slow. He dodged neatly, and did not forget to cast a look at Lian Yu who was deep in the center of the enemy army, indicating that he was okay.

Lian Yu also felt a little uneasy, his lion seemed to pay too much attention to Cen Zhen, vigilance and deterrence were evident on its face, the king of the forest roared lowly He stood back to back with the snow leopard, as if there were some very dangerous flood beasts lurking near Cen Zhen.

Thinking of this, Lian Yu decided to immediately retreat to Cen Zhen’s side. No matter what kind of situation he was in, he would never underestimate the enemy and ignore his strong premonition. It’s one of the big reasons why he lived so unrestrainedly in his last life. Although Lian Yu was far from enjoying himself, all of this was nothing compared to Cen Zhen’s safety.

Manyun immediately noticed Lian Yu’s retreat, and also found that Cen Zhen was still unscathed. He was surprised by the sharpness of the sentry and the guide, but he was also aware that now He took control of the situation.

“Stop him!” Man Yun ordered, and immediately a few younger brothers around him rushed to Lian Yu without fear under this order.

Pain, another dagger rubbed his waist, if he slowed down, I am afraid that a knife will be stabbed through the intestines.

Sticky, in the midst of his heart-piercing screams, Lian Yu threw the broken arm on Man Yun.

Manyun was protected in a solid circle of relatives, so naturally he would not be smashed, but the sticky and smelly blood still splashed on his face, although it did not cause any substantial damage, it was hard Sheng Sheng disgusted him half to death.

The injury did not make Cen Zhen panic and lose his footing. On the contrary, because of the pain, his mind became calmer. He felt as if he saw something at the moment when he was stabbed. The human-shaped frame of about is like the designer has edited and pasted the wrong layer, and abruptly tore off a graphic with a human shell from the background.

…is it a chameleon? After experiencing werewolves, mermen/murlocs, turtle shells and zerg, Cen Zhen was not surprised by the appearance of chameleons.

He initially suspected that there were people under Manyun who could control metals. Although this reasoning is a bit ridiculous, but the universe is full of wonders, maybe the more outrageous the inference is, the closer to the truth, but according to In the current situation, the enemy he has to face is nothing more than a transformation from Magneto to a shapeshifter.

Cen Zhen narrowed his eyes, although no matter how much he squinted, his eyes couldn’t turn into an infrared thermal imager.

The chameleon man is very good at hiding himself. Except for the human figure that seemed to be an illusion for a moment, Cen Zhen never caught any trace of him, but this does not mean that Cen Zhen can only be passive Being beaten, he covered his bleeding arm, made a simple run, and jumped out of the hole of justice guarding the river.

The group has no idea that the fools are dealing with it.

The sentinel’s cunning looks malicious at first glance, but it is impossible for Rao Shimanyun to immediately guess what he did. He only thought that Lian Yu had noticed that Cen Zhen had escaped, thinking that You can’t take them yourself.

Manyun’s goal has always been Cen Zhen. He used to covet beauty, but he didn’t have to get it, but now he is interested in his ability to defy the sky. to destroy.

He asked, “Sister Hong, how are you…?”

The woman whose face is smoking is also a fighting race of the same clan as their boss Manyun.

Out of the basement, Cen Zhen saw a huge hole in the artificial sky of Doudouchang at first glance. At first glance, he knew that it was the handwriting of Shouhe, and the virtual sun trembled on the edge of the hole. , like a light bulb with unstable current, crumbling.

The Slave Arena was completely emptied in less than half an hour, and there were only countless corpses left on the ground that were not yet cold. Cen Zhen didn’t stop, and kept running forward without looking back. Ten meters behind him, several star thieves were chasing after him. Kidney deficiency, but he is really good at running, constantly narrowing the distance between him and Cen Zhen.

Where did it come from? Did you not know that the slave chip has been disarmed?

Dude, you must not have seen a Zhongyang star who suddenly appeared before and smashed the sky with one punch, don’t ask me why I know he is a Zhongyang star, in fact, I don’t know, I Guess, everyone guessed the same, not Zhongyang Xingren, who can jump so high and have such great strength?

What are you running? I’ll take you out of the sky, I knew there must be someone who fell here, so I’ve been waiting…”

Cen Zhen has never seen such a birdman that can compare, of course, it is good to be able to fly out of the air, but the wings of this feather are too big, it is the best living target.

“Say something, buddy! Where are you going? I’ll take you on a ride.”

“Be careful.” Before Cen Zhen could finish his words, a series of bullets swept past his feet. Yuren screamed and fluttered his wings into the air. Those behind him couldn’t catch up. The star thief simply stood up and shot, and another row of bullets swept over, burning Yuren’s wings, making his feathers flutter in fright, and because there was nowhere to hide in the open air, he could only hold his head and squeak around. .

Cen Zhen ran a few more steps, and saw a feathered man with most of the black feathers ‘crash’ in front of him, he was forced to stop, that is, it was less than a minute After a second of hesitation, he was suddenly thrown to the ground by the kidney deficiency man. Cen Zhen immediately returned his hand and aimed an elbow at the kidney deficiency man’s chin, and then took advantage of the gap between his dodging to break free from the restraint, barely opening the distance.

Yuren touched his scorched wings aggrievedly, just as he was about to say something, he saw Cen Zhen suddenly jumped up from the spot, fighting wits against the air for a while, kicking and kicking again It was a kick, and then rolled on the spot, dodging to his side.

Suddenly, Yuren was too frightened to come out, and even regretted why he stayed to help others.

The kidney deficiency man asked in astonishment, “Can you see him?”

“I can’t see it.” Cen Zhen stepped back cautiously, “It was your eyes that exposed him.”

The man with kidney deficiency subconsciously looked at the direction of the chameleon man again when he heard this sentence. When he reacted, he saw that Cen Zhen’s eyes were full of narrowness, and he cursed angrily. , pulled out the high magnification around the waist.

Manyun’s order is to capture him alive, as long as he is guaranteed to be alive, that’s enough.

How could the non-violent and uncooperative woman be so active this time, but he didn’t take it to heart, thinking it was Sister Hong who finally figured it out and wanted to express herself in this mission.

So the kidney deficiency man did not expect it at all. This person seems to only advertise ‘Although I smoke, drink, and burn my head, but I am a good woman’, people will actually be in front of a group of star thieves face, pointed the gun at him.

“You—” The kidney deficiency man’s head was stunned, and then came the extremely fierce anger of being betrayed. His eyes moved, but Sister Hong reacted faster than him and shot him He was caught in the air on one side, and only heard a muffled hum in the air, and then the blood slowly overflowed from the air, and where it flowed, the form of a person oozes out.

The kidney deficiency man was even more angry, he gritted his teeth and said, “Damn bitch, you are tired of living!”

“Well, I’m tired of living.” Sister Hong said coldly, “I shouldn’t have listened to Xiaoyu from the very beginning. For this cheap life, I sold myself and laughed under Manyun’s hands.”

“I survived, but I lost the meaning of surviving.”

The author has something to say: I know you can’t remember, the man with kidney deficiency is the third child in the cloud, and Xiaoyu is the gentle and white woman.

To be honest, I forgot that I actually gave her a nickname, and almost got another one. 23333

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