Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 116

Operation BTS (Back To the Stone Age) wrapped up successfully with a bang!

All that’s left in the Forest of Elves are the collapsed building debris and blackened ashes.

What a glorious return to the Stone Age!

The elves witnessing this scene live were all in the same daze.

Did the Heavenly Demon Michael Jackson descend upon the Forest of Elves? Everyone was frothing at the mouth and passed out.

It was a dazzling stage, but as always, it must come to an end.

As the M16A1 said, the bell has rung; it’s time to end the ball.

We began moving busily to clean up.

“Elcia, it’s time for the final step!”

“Yes! Leave it to me!”

Elcia, smiling brightly, had a red number floating above her head.

It was a mark of success in escaping the World Tree’s terrible nightmare.

At the same time, it was a trace of a new future.

“Shinwoo, can’t we just call it a day here? I’m so tired.”

“Like every story must end, so must this one.”

No breaks allowed!

[Koitz and his www ongoing project once supported www]

“Shut up. Watching that made my mental break, and my hands trembled all day long.”

“Elcia Soldier, is this the right place you told me about?”

“Yes! That’s right!”

“Let’s hurry.”

It’s time to close the chapter of the Forest of Elves.


We quickly finished all preparations and activated the gate.

The elves, perhaps too moved, were still in a faint.

We input the coordinates to the Academy and waited for the gate to open.

Then suddenly, I remembered Jeong Ahyeon and asked.

“Jeong Ahyeon, how are you going to report to the Martial Artist Guild?”


Realizing the reality at last, her pupils started shaking like crazy.

She had decided to submit a special reason for not attending the Martial Artist Guild during the break.

“It’s a mess…”

Jeong Ahyeon sat down in despair, holding her head.

I patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

“Shinwoo Gongja…”

Jeong Ahyeon looked at me with teary eyes, deeply touched.

“I’ll say that this incident was all your doing.”

“Shut up!!!!!!!”

While Jeong Ahyeon grabbed my collar and shook me, the gate finally opened.

We let the animal mob in first and then began to move ourselves.

Then suddenly, I remembered something we missed and stopped in my tracks.

[Why are you stopping?]

“I forgot the loot.”

[What loot do you intend to collect from those ashes?]


I urgently stopped my party members from entering the gate.

Hyeji, being the first in line, paused and questioned me.

“Shinwoo, what’s wrong?”

“Gotta grab the loot!”

“What loot is there?”

I looked around at the elves still tied up by Elcia’s abilities.

“Let’s rob their pockets.”

“Sounds good!”

“Gongja, are you crazy?”

“You go ahead. But your share is gone.”

“……Split it 1/4.”

“Shinwoo, these guys have stuffed pockets!”

It’s the universal rule that visitors take home a souvenir.

Since we visited the Forest of Elves, it’s time to grab some goodies.

We started diligently looting the elves’ valuables one by one.

Earrings, rings, wallets, drinks, and so on.

By the time our bags were getting heavy.

It was finally Sharit and his son Demian and Fabian’s turn.

Fabian was skipped since he’d already been looted, and Demian had nothing.

Sharit, adorned with gold chains all over, swept up everything in sight.

While pondering what else to take, Elcia shouted urgently.

“Husband! The gate is going to close soon!”

[What will you do? Will you grab some loot?]

“I can’t even use it for a ritual; what loot?”

The only valuable heads for the ritual were the Chief’s and his son’s.

Anything else wouldn’t be that effective.

I quickly decided which loot to take.

“I chose you!”

– Whoooosh!!!!!!

I grabbed and yanked the hair of Sharit, Fabian, and Demian one by one.

Lucian’s hair also vanished; it’d be depressing if only he went bald alone.

In the spirit of family harmony, I made Lucian bald just like the rest.

[Just cut the hair instead!!!!]

“Ah, murder is off the table.”

[You’re doing something even more sinister than murder right now!!!]

It seemed Demian’s hair was tough due to being made of something like polymer alloy steel.

But who am I?

The Hair Slayer Kim Shinwoo.

I manifested my magical power tattoo’s gauntlet at 11 o’clock to struggle and yank out Demian’s hair.

Poor Piece was in despair.

[Four bald guys in the same clan…]

“Oh, four bald guys would spell big trouble.”


“When four of us gather like Puyo Puyo, we’ll burst!”

[My outfit is bursting, you fking punk!!!!]

Ignoring Piece’s screams, I dashed through the not-yet-closed gate.

It was finally time to return to the Academy.


After Kim Shinwoo and his party passed through the gate to the Academy.

After a while, the fainted elves began to regain consciousness one by one.

However, the moment they woke up and saw the devastation, most of them fainted again.

Sharit, who regained his senses, almost fainted but managed to withstand it with his superhuman mental strength.

He felt a refreshing coolness on his head, but brushed it off as a result of his long fainting spell.

Sharit frantically gave orders to the elves who were still awake.

“Quickly! Chase them down!!!”

However, the elves just stared in silence at Sharit.

Specifically, at Sharit’s head.

“B-but Sharit-nim…”

“Why aren’t you moving quickly!!!”

“Sharit-nim… your head… your head…”


At that moment, chills ran down Sharit’s spine.

A multitude of warnings echoed in his head that he must not touch his head.

With trembling hands, Sharit brought his hand to his head.


Nothing was there.

Not a single strand of golden hair remained.

In denial of reality, Sharit fainted right there again.


“Don’t touch! It might move!”


Though the command tower had collapsed, no one dared to reach out.

Because of the fear that it might shift.

Hair is indeed important.

Sharit’s sons, Fabian and Demian, were no different.

As proper Elf Warriors, they recognized immediately that their hair was gone and passed out instantly.

They too were neglected by the elves because of their baldness.


Awakening from his faint, Sharit staggered to his feet.

Eyes full of venom, lips chewed and murmuring:

“I’ll kill them, I’ll kill them, I’ll kill them, I’ll kill them.”

His chewed-up lip was bleeding, but he didn’t have time to care about that.

He must kill the fugitives without fail.

Instead, Sharit barked commands to the elves watching him.

“Quickly! Chase those fking bastards!”

“May I ask where they went?”

“Is your brain frozen? They’ve run off to the Academy!!!”

“Yes, sir! I’ll activate the gate right away!”

Without hair, he lacked his earlier commanding presence but the rage emanating from his body was incredible.

Overwhelmed by that fury, the elves promptly followed Sharit’s orders.

Soon, the elves attempted to input coordinates to the Academy into the gate.

However, perhaps owing to the usual use of inches and pounds, they struggled converting to metric.

“Faster! I said faster!”

“I-I’m on it!”

Perhaps because of Sharit’s urging, they finally completed the coordinates for the Academy.

In the Forest of Elves, there were numerous gates, and they all began to operate simultaneously.

Watching the moving gates, Sharit reviewed his concise and clear plan.

All elves move to the Academy through multiple gates.

And punish all the scoundrels.

“I have nothing left to lose! I’ll kill them all!”

There was no help from the South Korean government or the Academy.

He had already signed a vow.

Thus, this must be completed solely by the elves present in the Forest of Elves.

It was a deeply personal and petty revenge.

Gazing at the gates while simmering in hatred, Sharit looked almost majestic enough for anyone to mistake him for an Elf Warrior.

As the gates operated, an elf rushed up to Sharit in a panic.

“Sharit-nim! Look over there!”

“What is it!”

The elf pointed to a timer.

Connected to that timer was a myriad of explosives behind the gate.


It was a time bomb.

And the timer showed little time left until it hit 00:00.

“How dare they!!!”

“And there was a note left for Sharit-nim.”

“Hand it over!”

Sharit snatched the note from the elf harshly.

The note had a short message.

It was addressed to ‘To. The Baldy.’

“Fk this!!”

Sharit cursed and crumpled up the note, throwing it to the ground.

At that moment, he noticed something was written on the back of the note.

Shaking with anger, he unfolded the note to read more.

– Bye bye, my pretty gate.

As he finished reading, the timer on the time bomb attached to the gate hit 00:00.

Sharit then realized what order he should have given.

But it was too late.

The bomb attached to the gate began to explode right on time.

Not just the gate in front of him, but all the other gates exploded simultaneously as well.

In the end, every gate in the Forest of Elves was smashed to pieces.

“Inferior species, you fking bastards!!!!!!!!!”

In front of the wrecked gate, only Sharit’s empty scream remained.

Sharit screamed and then, coughing up blood, collapsed right where he stood.

It was ruins.

Both the Forest of Elves and Sharit’s head.

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