Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 502

Chapter 495 – I Thought It Was Over.

As soon as I returned to my party, the first to welcome me was Hyeji’s greeting.



Next were Kyoukyou and Elcia’s questions.

“But Shinwoo-chan, were you surprised by that guy at the end www?”

“……Yeah, something like that.”

“Did he show you my coin graph or something!”

“That would be surprising in a different way…”

And finally, there were Ayeon and Caressy’s slightly chilly gazes.

“Is this not a potential case for Keijime?”

“I feel like Shinwoonyan would have a hard time going to heaven even if he died…”

Unlike the others, the two roughly knew what I had done, so their reactions were fitting.

Well, I decided not to respond to that.

Bringing it up might end up causing trouble for those who don’t know.

“Anyway, since I don’t have a mobile phone, give me one, Carresy.”

“Ha… Please don’t do anything weird this time…”

I just received a new mobile phone from Caressy.

Regardless, I let out a big sigh of relief, thinking that my fight had ended well.

Even though the conclusion of the fight was far from normal.

“Hey Shinwoo, did that bastard change my data?”

“Seems like it.”

Anyway, the fact that I had won remained unchanged.

“Thank goodness. Now I’m a proud member of Club A.”

“Asphalt starts with A too, so, whatever.”

“You dog!”

Thanks to that, I had won way more money than what I had lost at the casino.

“By the way, did you not have anything special with the AI Ninja? Did you exchange numbers at the end or something?”

“I just got a phone for a nice farewell and received a call switch. I hope to meet again later.”

And I even made the AI Ninja a Nihonjin Slayer.

“Thank goodness. I would have considered killing myself if my girlfriend increased anymore here.”

“……That won’t happen.”

[Not knowing that I enjoy double peace hard ahegao NTR pure love… it’s beyond pathetic and starting to get sad.]

‘How is that pure love, you bastard.’

[This is, after all, beautiful pure love. Just a bit hard. That’s why it’s hard ahegao, isn’t it?]

‘……Crazy bitch.’

I thought there couldn’t be better news than this.

“Shinwoo-chan, was the AI Ninja really Itachi?”

“Yeah. I was worried it would get disposed of, so I ran away first.”

“That’s a waste www”


Because this was the best revenge I could have against the Japanese right now.

“I wish you had wiped out all the Greater Japan Empire Hunters while you were at it www”

“……You will really pull that off…”

“Then that would be a relief www”

In a corner of my mind, I was slightly looking forward to what the AI Ninja would do next.

For now, it would be busy repairing its body, but afterwards, it would bring death to the Japanese.

That would be a spiritual death that couldn’t be resisted with Yamato spirit or Banzai spirit.

I expected that in no time, an apocalypse would descendent on Japan as the AI wished.

“What a pity! I was planning to secretly sell it off if it was getting disposed of!”

“I was thinking of transforming it and making it work for the weird sexual desires, so that’s a bit disappointing.”

“Now that I look at it, these fuckin’ cats are definitely not going to heaven.”

To be precise, it was an apocalypse referred to as HAL-pocalypse.

[Wouldn’t that lead to grandma’s demon appearing as well?]

‘Chainsaw Man will take care of it.’

Anyway, I was done here, so there was no reason to stay any longer.

In fact, the will to stay longer had disappeared long ago.

Sticking around would likely lead to worse outcomes than enjoying the festivities.

“Kyoukyou, by the way, where do we need to go to get our money now?”

“You need to go outside the academy www”

“Then let’s hurry up.”

Meanwhile, Ayeon chose to take a different path instead of coming with us.

“Hyeji-soja, please use this until I return.”

“Uh? Is that okay? Where are you going?”

As I passed Hyeji the translation device she was using.

“I’m just going to check the store, so I don’t think it’ll be necessary.”

“Okay, I’ll make good use of it.”

It seemed she was planning to check the store briefly and come back.

“Hey, what’s that awful smell? Did something stink here?”

“……Never happened.”

“Sucks. That’s weird. Anyway, see you later.”

Right now, the grandly promoted fight had also come to an end.

“I’ll contact you when I move.”

“No need for that.”


It was obvious that everyone would return to enjoying the festival.

Naturally, Ayeon’s store fell into that category as well.

“I’ve already planted it in you, you see.”

“Fucking bitch.”

Anyway, it seemed Ayeon would join us later.

“Hey, fuck cat! I have a question about the Bible!”

“What is it, you ear cat?”

“The Bible prohibits homosexuality, right?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

We were walking toward the exit of the arena, engaging in relatively peaceful conversation.

“So, does a person transformed into a woman have to corrupt as a female according to the Bible? Is it yuri corruption?”

“Ear cat, wouldn’t neither be pleasing in the sight of God?”

“Honestly, as long as it tastes good, anything’s fine www”

“……Because of these fucking bastards, I really can’t become a saint.”

But we had to stop almost immediately.

[Post-female-corruption birth is the most masculine act a man can do, so wouldn’t you agree?]

‘These days, it’s trendy for girls to have babies with each other, you know.’

[Ah, fuck, this is complicated.]

That said, the exit of the arena had already become a state of no exit.

“Get lost.”


Blocked by numerous Japanese people, who were physically standing in our way.

They hadn’t made any objections when Ayeon was moving a moment ago.

But as soon as they noticed us moving, they somehow blocked our path.

To say it plainly, they were probably targeting me.

“What now?”

“Do it again! You fucking Chosunjing!!!”

In the meantime, unable to let go of the chance to hit the jackpot.

“This time, I’m going to honor my parents!”

“Killing yourself is honoring your parents, you bastard.”

“……No way!”

Were the Japanese trying to prove the saying that they can be quite ominous and persistent?

Or maybe after seeing the fight earlier, they thought fighting me might be worth it?

Or perhaps it was because the target of their ire, AI Ninja, disappeared before their anger could dissipate.

They were all spewing insults at me, demanding to fight again.

“I’ll take you on this time, I’m the top of the academy, you bug!”

“I won’t let you pass until you give me a rematch, you dog!!!”

“I’ll take down the neck of a Chosunjing!”

Of course, I had no intention of rematching anyone.

I didn’t want to waste time redoing the already won result.

And besides, my physical condition wasn’t good enough to face them leisurely.

However, before I could even speak, Hyeji acted faster.

“I’ll give you a rematch.”

“Uh? Hyeji?”

At her words, the people blocking our path grinned maniacally.

But their crazy smiles quickly transferred to Hyeji.

“I’ll take you on, you fuckers.”

Thanks to that, they all lost their smiles and maintained a deep silence.

What just moments ago was utter chaos now felt completely false.

“I’ll definitely give a rematch if you step out now, you know?”

At those words, people began to take small steps back one by one.

They parted to create a wide path for us to pass.

It was a scene resembling the Red Sea being parted by humans.

As soon as the Japanese realized they had no chance, they tucked their tails between their legs.

With that, Hyeji flashed a fierce smile and gave a thumbs-up as she bid them farewell.

“Death to you.”

Meanwhile, perhaps trusting in Hyeji’s protection entirely.

Kyoukyou boldly took the lead of our group.

Ignoring the gazes of the Japanese fixing deadly stares at Kyoukyou.

“Hyeji-unnie! That bastard stared at Kyoukyou!”

“Hyejimong! Help me!”

“Come here, you bastard.”

“Ah, no!”

Well, it wouldn’t change anything even if they did stare.

“Open your eyes as you did before.”

“I-I was originally blind!”

They were just desperately trying to avoid Hyeji’s attention.


“AAAH!!! Why are you poking my eyes!”

“If you’re blind, why are you hurting, huh? You can’t pretend to be a fake blind person.”

“I’ll become a real blind person!!!”

The saying goes that strong people are weak against the weak, and the weak are strong against the strong.

That saying holds true in Korea, and it seems it’s not too different in Japan either.

No, perhaps it’s even worse than in Korea in that they completely don’t resist.

Anyway, since there were no more people trying to provoke us.

“Then you all should follow me www”

“Did everyone hear Kyoukyou? Let’s hurry.”

Finally, just as we started walking down that path.


With a thunderous voice, someone landed with a crash from the air.

Like a hero suddenly and confidently appearing in front of the villains.

“You definitely said!”

Suddenly appearing before us was a woman with a rather plain appearance.

“Anyone who steps up must immediately get a rematch!”

However, in her eyes, flames of intense desire burned strong enough to ignore her appearance.

It was a flame smoldering with thoroughly personal desires.

“Then I shall face you!!!”

Though she had never directly faced or talked with us.

It wasn’t hard to say that she wasn’t a stranger.

That face was already clearly lodged in my memory.

“Uh? Who are you?”

“You seem to know who I am even in Korea? Indeed, being famous is something you can’t avoid!”

This woman was none other than the drunken woman who had caused a commotion at the commission site.

“You’re the dumbass who failed to get into art school.”


That too, having failed art school due to lack of skill.

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