Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 509

Chapter 502 – Demon Fuehrer…

It was contradictory.

It was indiscriminate.

Yet, it was incredibly selective.

Right at Hyeji’s end.

Hyeji had precisely pinpointed the Academy and destroyed it.

As a result, the Academy transformed into nothingness.

The only place that still retained any form was the arena we were in.

Here, the barrier Hyeji established was a perfect bulwark against the shock of the explosion.

Thanks to that, while people might have fainted from the shock or the unbelievable sight.

At least, there were no casualties, a strangely eerie yet miraculous scene.

[……Someone’s bleeding after being hit by a rock…?]

‘That’s a Hunter getting hurt, not a “person.”‘

Moreover, the surprise didn’t end there.

The external facilities surrounding the Academy were barely damaged at all.

They were just slightly dusted off, like a new blanket lightly spread over everything.

The extreme contrast made it feel like two worlds existed at the Academy’s boundary, it was so stark.

A small apocalypse manifested under Hyeji’s meticulous calculations and concerns.

At that moment, Haruka, who had shaken hands with Hyeji, carefully released her grip.

With a face full of a very relieved smile.

“Good job.”

“I’m glad.”

At that moment, a loud notification rang out on Haruka’s mobile phone.

She immediately focused her eyes on the phone screen, drawing a faint smile.

However, it was a smile that felt vastly different from the one she showed during her fight with Hyeji.

It was a mix of self-deprecation, lament, frustration, and anger—a smile that didn’t fit her current tone at all.

Perhaps because of that, as Haruka quietly chewed her lips and rounded up her emotions.

“Oh, right. Hey.”


Out of the blue, Hyeji called out to Haruka.

At that, Haruka momentarily directed her gaze towards Hyeji.

Displaying a perfect expression without revealing even a fragment of her earlier emotions.

It seemed that being a publicly active Magical Girl wasn’t a lie after all.

“Suddenly thought of something.”

“What is it?”

However, the moment Hyeji spoke her next words.

“I happened to make some money.”


This time, Haruka completely failed at maintaining her composure.

“With that money, I’m going to sponsor you for art classes.”


No wonder, Hyeji’s statement was shockingly un-Hyeji-like.

“Didn’t you hear?”

“……Why…? Are you really going to sponsor my art…?”

“Yeah, just say what you need.”

Seeing this, anyone would inevitably have questions.

Why is she helping after all that fuss at the start?

Shouldn’t it be customary in web novels to ruin everything instead?

Why on earth would she help a Magical Girl Hitler with a sinister mustache, of all people?

Moreover, Hyeji’s follow-up words only raised more questions, not fewer.

“……Why…? I’m not that good at drawing…”

“I’m just helping because I feel sorry for you. If you’re going to do it, give it your all before quitting.”


Hyeji spoke as if bestowing an act of kindness out of pity.

“If you don’t want it, just say so.”

“Oh, no! Thank you! No, thank you very much!”

To be honest, it didn’t seem like a very Hyeji-like choice.

Hyeji had been quite far from words like pity or compassion.

In fact, Haruka had been teasing Hyeji at the start, poking her nerves gently.

Now Hyeji was not only saving her but also offering help.

[It looks like it’s time for Hyeji too.]

‘Maybe her magical power has exhausted her intelligence.’

Forcing down the confusion caused by Hyeji’s sudden behavior, I quickly approached her.



I was too worried.

“Are you sick? You don’t seem to have a hurting heart.”

“You do.”

After getting hit hard by Hyeji’s dazzling fist.

I rubbed my stomach and coughed while questioning the situation.

Kehek… Anyway, is there a reason for your help?”

Then Hyeji gave a response I could never have anticipated.

It was a sound, wholly rational answer lacking any emotion.

In a sense, it was very much like Hyeji.

“That way, I can use it when I need it.”

“Ah, I see.”

Hyeji’s choice was indeed remarkably well thought out.

No matter how much she said it was a natural disaster, Hyeji only had one body.

It was best for her to step up in every situation, but that wasn’t always feasible.

Using this opportunity, Hyeji had secured a tactical weapon.

[Tactical HarukaSS.]

‘Dont refer to it in a vengeful way, you bastard.’

Even throwing it out casually whenever needed wouldn’t be a problem.

“You made a tactical nuke too, huh? Nice.”

“……You too…? What do you mean?”

“……It’s nothing much.”

It meant a handy means of evasion in case something happened.

“What do you mean by that, you dog?”

“I was talking about the AI Ninja. It’s true.”

“Ugh. Doesn’t seem like it…”

To be honest, Haruka was relatively not that much flawed either.

Of course, she had many issues visually.

Yet, considering her pure hope to merely go to art school without any ulterior motives, she was quite commendable.

After all, the villains up until now had all been despicable human beings.

“Hey, in return, come help me out when I need it.”

“Of course!”

And it was a choice Haruka had no reason to refuse either.

Usually, art education puts a considerable financial burden.

Not only was she now completely free from such pressure.

It was an excellent opportunity to enhance her very limited skills.

[So this is what an original Magical Girl looks like.]

‘……Does the term original sound a bit off…?’

Thanks to that, Haruka was now zealously devoted to Hyeji.

“Don’t duck out; see it through to the end. It’s fine even if you don’t succeed.”

“All hail Hyeji!!!!”

Now she was even saluting Hyeji in that familiar posture from past Germany.

“Don’t do that. It’ll get you killed.”


Just when I thought this would settle things to some extent.

“Uh… excuse me, Hyeji.”


Suddenly, Haruka quietly called out to Hyeji in a very passive manner.

Unlike earlier, unable to make eye contact, wringing her hands slightly.

As if she had something weighing on her or wanted something else.

Finally, Haruka’s lips began to cautiously open, as if about to say something.

What came out was a slightly unsettling statement for someone in her position.

“Is it okay to go to Germany to study art?”


‘Oh no…’

Of course, this was received very differently by me and Piece.


“Actually… I think it’ll be difficult for me to stay in Japan now.”

But Haruka’s statement was surprisingly normal, not unsettling at all.

“Did you get some kind of ‘kazeeme’ for losing to me just once?”


“What the f*ck kind of kazeeme?”

Simultaneously, the Japanese’s already not-so-great image plunged deeper.

“I got my Magical Girl license revoked for causing trouble in Japan…”

“……Whoa… that’s a bit harsh.”

I was now starting to feel a genuine sense of pity for Haruka.

“They’re usually slow and lazy, making excuses for processes…”

“Isn’t it common sense to lose a fight to me?”

“If they had common sense, they wouldn’t have attacked Pearl Harbor.”


Only then did I understand why Haruka had smirked with self-deprecation while looking at her phone earlier.

Objectively speaking, the only crime Haruka committed was fighting Hyeji as her opponent.

But the blind Japanese people had swiftly dealt a severe blow to her trust.

Given how they’d laid all the blame on her, it looked like they’d even taken some revenge.

If things carried on like this, staying in Japan would mean she wouldn’t get any art education at all.

Not to mention that she would be left on her own, or worse, suffer through a witch hunt.

“So you’re thinking of going abroad now… Can I study art abroad…?”

Having already started with a rather extreme approach of revoking her Magical Girl license.

An insidious Japanese person wouldn’t just be satisfied with that.

At this, Hyeji spoke to Haruka as if to scold her senseless question.

“Where you learn doesn’t matter.”

“……Really? I thought that this was something I shouldn’t even mention…”

Thus, Haruka was much more surprised than before.

It seemed she had half-expected rejection while saying that.

Well, it was indeed a rather shameless remark.

“Don’t worry about the cost, just learn as much as you want.”

“How… how should I repay this kindness…?”

Of course, Hyeji accepted this gladly.

Soon after, Hyeji turned her back to Haruka and casually said a word.

That was an unconditional farewell and an answer to the question she had asked.


And Hyeji began to head towards the group with her arms crossed.

Leaving Haruka mumbling dangerously behind, lost in thought.

“Demon Fuehrer…”

As Hyeji and I walked away from Haruka for a considerable distance.

Suddenly, Hyeji slightly nodded towards Haruka’s direction and grinned fiercely.

“Shinwoo, I just made her my little heavenly being with a measly amount of money.”

Carefully, I opened my mouth to Hyeji following that shocking comment.

This time, it was a line that was very much like Hyeji yet also not like her at all.

“That’s a line from the villain in ‘The Glory’, isn’t it…”

“I’m a ‘loli,’ so it doesn’t matter.”


Of course, the next reply was undoubtedly classic Hyeji.

[Shouldn’t it be ‘The Gluck’?]

‘……I don’t know, f*ck… my head hurts…’

Unexpectedly, it was a warm ending unlike this novel’s usual tone.

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