Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 512

Chapter 505 – What is True Pure Love?


A typhoon.

A powerful tropical depression, or a type of natural disaster caused by the movement of low-pressure systems.

It brings strong winds that can uproot trees along with heavy rain.

Today, there were two of them just in South Korea.

One was a gigantic typhoon dancing across the grand stage of Korea.

It was surely just a natural disaster, devoid of will.

But somehow, it felt like it was saying this:

The previous rain and wind were merely a joke.

Now, the real calamity begins.

The true end times are upon us!

However, the other one was a bit different from the aforementioned typhoon.

In terms of its impressive impact, it appeared to be the same.

But the biggest difference lay in its scale and where it originated.

That much was clear.

…It hurts…

[I hurt too.]

Shut up…

That typhoon had swept through our guild.

While it wasn’t strong enough to uproot trees, my precious one was nearly pulled out instead.

At the same time, a torrential downpour flooded our guild, matching the typhoon’s intensity.

Just, the viscosity of the water was slightly thicker than the rain falling outside.

[So it’s a ‘heavy rain’ after all.]

…The consonants got swapped…

[As long as the meaning gets across, that’s all that matters.]

Do you know the saying about the aesthetics of concealment?

It’s more provocative to hint at something rather than exposing it all.

The wet clothes I had been wearing earlier seemed to embody that perfectly.

If it weren’t for that, the heroines wouldn’t be in such a completely dazed state as they were now.

After the fierce typhoon had swept mercilessly through the guild, a slight calm followed.

As I sent them a painful, pleading gaze, they shyly averted their eyes.

It seemed even they felt guilty, thinking this time was a bit much.

“……I didn’t do anything wrong… this is all Shinwoo’s fault…”

“W-Well, you could’ve just worn your clothes properly!”

“Nyaa! Nyaa! I didn’t do anything wrong either! Why did you make me so riled up?!”

“……damn girls…”

Of course, they probably didn’t have the conscience to articulate that much.

Suddenly, I noticed Ayeon, who was still maintaining her silence.

She didn’t even have an expression of guilt like the other heroines.

Her face seemed to show a mix of relief and enlightenment.

[Looks like she had a moment of clarity for going too far.]

No, why would Ayeon be having an existential crisis…

Honestly, I was a bit choked up, but also curious.

After all, I was the one who was genuinely having an existential crisis.

Seeing Ayeon, the one being squeezed so hard, wearing such an enlightened look was odd.

I calmed my emotions and approached Ayeon.

“Ayeon, what’s wrong?”

“Ah, thanks to you, I’ve learned a new fact about pure love.”

“What is it?”

Ayeon, suddenly possessing a new realization.

Could it be that she finally attained the realm of martial arts due to the martial artist concept?

Or was she attempting to show a side of herself that was slightly different from usual?

Quietly anticipating her answer, I waited.

“Someone with such an erotic body as yours can’t possibly understand pure love.”

“……I was wrong to talk to you, f*ck…”

I was the idiot who had expectations.

Ayeon was already quite beyond the martial artist persona since she used magic.

Looking back, it was even laughable that she’d try to act like a martial artist now.

I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.

[Looks like she reached the pinnacle after the climax.]

Don’t insult martial arts…

[Nobelpia-style martial arts are a thing.]


Anyway, a typhoon so intense it could rival those outside had swept through here.

However, there was one significant difference.

The external typhoon kept dancing without pause.

Of course, it hadn’t been a full day yet, so that wasn’t too strange.

Typhoons typically last longer than a summer shower.

Still, I thought it was excessive for the storm to intensify this much.

After all, there were no signs to forecast it, and weather reports had no idea it was coming.

No one had invited it, yet this stranger intruder had forced its way in.

Not sensing the situation, it merely seemed to be spreading out more.

Only then did Hyeji and Ayeon seem to start worrying about the outside situation.

They hurriedly put on their clothes, each expressing slight concern.

Given how serious the situation was, that reaction seemed only natural.

“If this keeps up, something really bad might happen!”

“If things stay like this, there won’t be many people visiting my business.”

Of course, even in such a situation, Caressy and Elcia remained unchanged.

Caressy offered a sharp retort to tease Elcia.

In contrast, Elcia, who was always in her own world, voiced her opinions in her usual way.

Well, they really were consistent heroines.

“You know, Ear Goblin, you’re not considering suicide even in this downturn, so the Han River came directly to you.”

“Looks like God is more of a water type! I mean, look at all this flooding!”

Clearly, Elcia won that round perfectly.

“You’re seriously going to get divine punishment, you f*cking cat!!!!!!”

“But it’s not as intense as Noah’s Ark! I guess you can’t beat the likes of Noah’s Ark!”

Overwhelmed with emotion, Caressy stopped mocking Elcia and bared her teeth at her.

[So did the olive branch newly sprout during Noah’s flood…?]

I hope you get divine punishment, you dog!

Caressy aimed for her saintly traits, mercilessly pouncing on Elcia’s vulnerabilities.

“It hurts! Stop hitting me!”

“God is the Father, you know!”

“Can a man really pull off this level of water control…? Are you perhaps a hermaphrodite?”

“Just die already!”

Of course, the subsequent relentless physical assaults from Caressy were something Elcia couldn’t do anything about.

For Elcia, getting hit bare-handed without divine power was probably a blessing in disguise.

While Hyeji and Ayeon watched this amusing scene unfold…

“That Ear Goblin has become quite spicy with her words.”

“Definitely an incredibly one-sided battle.”

As I gazed out the window, I caught sight of a couple on the adjacent building’s rooftop, seeming to argue heatedly.

Noting the tense situation, I quietly opened the window to listen in on their conversation.

For good reason, the woman looked like she might jump off the ledge at any moment.

“Get out now!”

“Listen to me first!”

“What does it matter to you if I want to commit suicide?!”

Conversely, the man seemed to be frantically trying to stop her.

[Looks like that woman is hoping to commit suicide.]

Even Elcia wouldn’t do that, how pathetic…

Even though it wasn’t really my business to interfere in someone else’s personal matters, I couldn’t help but be curious.

What was driving that woman to consider suicide in such terrible weather?

What kind of conversation was happening between them that was so agitated?

And what was the man trying to persuade her with?

Judging by the fragmented information I was seeing.

“It matters! Because I like you!”

“Enough! No matter what you say, it’s too late! I really am going to kill myself!”

The man was likely trying to stop the woman because he had feelings for her.

“Then just let me have one last word before you go.”

“F*ck off, you crazy bastard!”

His feelings were somewhat correct, but it was less about pure love and more about personal desire.

[That’s definitely a type of pure love.]

By what standard?

Of course, Peace dismissed that as pure love.

[If they progress to physical intimacy now, wouldn’t they learn pure love again?]

So it’s a Nobelpia-style ‘suicidal despair love’ then.

Considering Peace’s words had some merit, I decided to just watch.

Typically, people in such extreme situations are infinitely dangerous.

But on the flip side, if they meet someone supportive in that situation, it could blossoming into love.

Whether the person truly looks supportive is a different story.

“Are you really going to jump off and leave me behind?”

“Pfft! Life is just too f*cking miserable for me to keep living!”

At that moment, the man suddenly shifted his gaze downward, instead of continuing to plead.

Just moments ago he’d been focused on the woman precariously hanging over the ledge.

Now, he looked at the building below, where water was rushing wildly, without any guardrails.

“What’s going on…?”


The woman expressed confusion at his unexpected behavior.

But he was merely fixated on the sight of the water flowing below.

Then, he dashed toward the rooftop door.

“That’ll do.”

“Hey! Where are you going?!”

Perhaps the woman had expected him to continue dissuading her.

Feeling utterly flustered, she called after him as he closed the door with a cheerful smile.

“If you jump off, your body will probably flow around here.”


The words didn’t match the cheerfulness of his smile at all.


[Time pure love (尸奸純愛)!]

Thanks to him, the woman left alone on the rooftop gave up on suicide and quietly went back inside the building.

When just looking at the outcome, it was fortunate someone’s suicide was prevented.

Except for the odd process that led up to it.

Should this sort of willingness to care for someone, regardless of their mortality, be treated as a type of pure love?

Or should it be seen as nothing more than a scum bag relieving his own vulgar desires?

Or was it a genuine act of saving a person, even at the cost of degrading oneself?

Honestly, I had no clue what pure love even was anymore.

[This is the true power of pure love.]

‘……I see…’

And while my mind was tangled in confusion, the typhoon only grew more intense.

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