Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 544

Chapter 538 – Reuniting with Them Was the Worst.

Finally, I reunited with them.

Everyone was crying with swollen eyes once again.

At the same time, they were holding me tight, as if they would never let go.

They must have thought I was dead and were suffering deeply.

Honestly, I find it hard to believe myself, so how much more would they?



In that moment, Hyeji quietly spoke to me.

Amidst all this, perhaps worried that I might disappear,

she buried her face deep into my chest, squeezing tighter.

“Who is that woman who came with you…?”

A hint of faint yet clear wariness laced Hyeji’s voice.

It was only natural since they were seeing Peace for the first time, including Hyeji.

Since we were on the topic, it was a good opportunity to introduce Peace.

“Do you remember that Peace was sent by the god?”

“Yeah…. Huh? Could it be?”

“That’s right, let me introduce her officially this time.”

It was a chance to finally share the stories I had put off.

Everyone peeked their heads out to send four pairs of eyes toward Peace.

I also slightly turned my head to add my gaze to theirs.

It was an extra touch when I nodded lightly as if to encourage Peace to speak.

[It’s nice to see everyone.]

Taking that as a sign, Peace slowly approached everyone and smiled.

The heroines’ faint wariness began to soften even more as they opened their mouths.

Still hugging me, they all smiled happily.

“Her voice is definitely the same as the one we heard before!”

[Indeed. However, this is the first time meeting in person.]

Perhaps because they had received help before, they appeared more amicable than expected.

“It definitely feels like she is a god. She feels similar to the Lord.”

[At that time, I lacked power, but now I can say I’m a complete god.]

Then Ayeon looked at Peace with a wink and slightly bowed her head.

“Thank you so much for helping the lord and us.”

[It’s nothing. I’m just glad everyone is safe.]

In response, the other heroines bowed their heads to express their gratitude as well.

“Thanks to you, I’m alive.”

“Really, thank you!”

“Truly a peaceful god, just like your name.”

In that moment, Peace smiled in response to their gratitude and suddenly said something unexpected.

[Actually, the name Peace was given by Shinwoo.]

“Huh? Really?”

The fact that I named Peace.

“Isn’t she a god of peace?”

[That’s not wrong.]

But then, she added something a bit strange.

Saying she was a god who loved peace was a lie I fabricated.

And the name Peace was simply derived from the concept of a shard I had mentioned.

At this rate, misunderstandings would multiply among them.

Lying to them continuously was no longer an option.

Now that everything was over, I could explain one by one.

“Why did you name her Peace?”

I wanted to explain everything, but before I could,

Peace jumped in first.

[Because I’m Juwin’s double Peace ahegao!!]

Eyes rolled back.

Tongue sticking out.

Both hands making a Peace sign.

It was truly a perfect double Peace ahegao.

A deep silence fell between us.

At that moment, Elcia quietly spoke to me.


Like the others, she was still holding me tight, not letting go.

But unlike before, there was no joy in her grip now.

Only a need for explanation and a hint of anger remained.

“It’s nothing like what you’re thinking.”

“Didn’t you just say Juwin? Isn’t it that kind of play?”

“I swear it’s not.”

I shook my head vigorously in denial.

That damn Peace just complicated the misunderstanding even more.

If she was going to do this, she might as well say One Piece or something.

Did she think it was better to be a double Peace than a single one, that damn dog?

Even when I silently communicated in my mind, she didn’t respond.

At that moment, she truly felt like a frustrating piece of trash.

And that wasn’t even the end of it.

[Even if you deny it like that, didn’t you get intimately involved with me before Hyeji?]

“Wait a minute.”

At that, Hyeji tightened her grip on my hand.

Her arm burrowed into my body like a vine.

Her fingers dug in like sharp hooks.

At the same time, Hyeji’s expression, devoid of any joy, stared fiercely at me.

“You said I was your first, you dog.”

“I swear, it’s really true…”

[You had such an intense experience from the first day that you almost lost your mind.]

Then Caressy smirked and mocked me.

“Did you screw around as soon as you met?”


My eyes were far from smiling.

“Then tell me about it.”


In that moment, it clicked.

When I first encountered Peace, I was so angry that I unknowingly showed her something on my phone.

None other than my grandma.

“Why can’t you say anything?”


“You really did it until you almost lost your mind!”

Thanks to that, Caressy’s voice got even louder.

Before I knew it, she was pressing down on my instep with her foot.

With that, my already difficult escape had moved into the realm of the impossible.

Then I heard Peace casually saying something.

[It was so intense that my memories temporarily flew away.]

“Wait, what the hell?”


The pressure on my instep grew stronger than before.

What if my foot got crushed and disappeared?

It was scary.

The hands that were wrapping around me.

The feet pressing hard on my instep.

The laughter that was sharper than a knife.

The piercing gazes that felt like they would penetrate me.

Yet, perhaps feeling sorry for the situation, Peace waved her hands to calm them down.

[Don’t go too far.]

“Stay out of this. Let’s talk about it slowly later.”

Of course, Ayeon didn’t seem to have that intention and curtly interrupted Peace.

Moreover, she didn’t seem satisfied with just that.

Ayeon was the first to loosen her grip and reach for me.

To grab my collar.

[What will you do if you affect the baby in my belly?]


Before I knew it, I had tightly grabbed Peace’s collar instead of mine.

[Ah, it was a secret between us that I forgot about.]

“What do you mean by that?!”

Of course, Peace just let me grab her collar as if it were nothing.

Gingerly caressing her slender abdomen,

sending unabashed affectionate looks that dripped with love.

At that moment, Hyeji began to grip my collar tightly on behalf of Ayeon.

The pressure I felt was unbelievable, coming from such small hands.

No, it wasn’t just the pressure from Hyeji’s hands.

It was the heavy and dark emptiness of Hyeji’s gaze that was more oppressive than the abyss.


Now Hyeji didn’t even call me by name.

I was so scared that I almost sat down on the spot.

Of course, they wouldn’t allow even that.

With arms tightening around me from all sides.

My joints were screaming for mercy.

It was truly a most unexpected crisis.

“I swear I didn’t do it! Hey! I was joking!”

“Really, Husband?”

“I swear on my mom!!!”

Desperate measures to survive.

At those words, the heroines stopped pressing me for answers.

Their fierce glares didn’t retreat easily, but thankfully it didn’t escalate further.


“Ah, damn it.”

If only Peace hadn’t suddenly gagged.

In that moment, the world I was seeing flipped upside down.

And that world began to be covered instantly.

By the heavy fists and kicks of the heroines.

“Kim Shinwoo, you bastard! Damn it! Die!”

“We’ve been suffering, and you were enjoying yourself!”

“The main heroine has warned time and again! Adultery is not pure love!”

“It’s already laid out—all that’s left is to hold a funeral!”

It hurt.

It hurt so damn much.

I couldn’t even speak because of the pain.

Have I ever hurt like this before?

This fake funeral was about to become a real one.

In that moment, Peace moved closer to the ones beating me.

The ones who were hitting me, with death in their eyes, sent silent glares at Peace.

Wondering if what she had said was true.

Peace met those murderous gazes head-on.

Softly patting her abdomen a few times, she smiled brightly.

[Of course, it’s a lie, you bitches.]

Soon after, another corpse added to my side.

No, let me correct that a bit.

An about-to-be corpse Peace was added.

[Ah, it hurts! It really fucking hurts!]

“Stop! I can’t take it anymore!”

How many times have Peace and I been beaten like that?

Feeling the coldness of the ground in a completely tattered state,

I couldn’t help but internally voice my unfairness.

There wouldn’t be any answer anyway, but to soothe my feelings, even just a bit.

‘What the hell…?’

[You said you wanted to leave a strong first impression, so I tried to help a little…]

This time, Peace was the first to respond to my complaint.

Originally, she was never sane, but to do such a thing even at that moment…

I couldn’t help but admit it was a very Peace-like behavior.

Of course, what I was uttering was nothing but cursed sighs mixed with frustration.

‘Damn bitch…’

[I might have gone a bit too far… ]

The reunion with the heroines was the worst.

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