Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 62

Academy, first year, first semester.

At this time, the Academy teaches the basic adaptation processes for combat.

After all, hunters mainly make a living through brawls.

And then, in the second semester of first year.

From this point on, the curriculum takes a serious turn to train hunters.

The main goal of the class is to get students familiar with dungeons and gates.

Those who have stacked up their ranks since enrollment won’t have any issues.

In fact, some might even consider it unnecessary.

They’ve already been through it.

But where exactly am I right now?

Right in the Adak class.

A place where no one truly knows about dungeons or gates.

[You know absolutely nothing, do you?]

‘I know how to beat others up. I’m well-versed in how to take down Lord Piece too.’

[You demon spawn.]

Today, for the practical training, our instructor on gates and dungeons is Professor Marina.

As mentioned earlier, this is the Adak class.

A place where detailed explanations are absolutely essential.

It’s clear that Professor Marina is not hiding her annoyance.

But what can she do?

She’s getting paid, so she has to work.

“Everyone. Among you, there might be those who are not familiar with gates and dungeons.

A gate is simply a door. A dungeon is a room where monsters exist.

And the gate connected to a dungeon is generally called a monster gate.”

Suddenly, Professor Marina starts drinking water.

It seems her throat is getting dry since she’s not used to using it.

“The reason monster gates are dangerous is simple. If we leave a dungeon unattended, monsters will come through the gate.

Of course, the gates and dungeons you’ll experience today are significantly reduced versions. Even if you get hurt, you will recover.

They’re designed to ensure entering alone isn’t problematic, so there’s no need to worry.

Ultimately, first year will wrap up with an indirect experience of the occupation of a hunter.”

With a brief round of applause, Professor Marina’s explanation comes to an end.

Finally, I and the other students felt like we’re having a class worthy of the Hunter Academy.

Even though it’s information that everyone presumably knows, I started asking Jeong Ahyeon, who was listening intently, some questions.

“Hey, Jeong Ahyeon. Since you’re a Sildak, you must have experienced this a lot, right?”

“Yes, Gongja. Do you have any questions?”

“In dungeons, there’s always a boss monster, right?”


How beautiful of a resonance it has.

Then, naturally, there should be a boss.

“Not necessarily. However, the presence of a leader greatly enhances the hostility of the monsters.”

“So, if we just take down the boss, does that end it?”

“Similar, but not exactly. Usually, the monster group without their leader tends to weaken. However…”


“Although it’s rare, they can go on a rampage.”

[It’s like a rage system from Tekken!]

‘Sigh. That Bungkwon hurts like hell.’

Then a question suddenly popped into my mind.

“But originally, people don’t really go into dungeons alone. Who have you been with all this time?”

“Well… I’ve gone with my mother.”

“Your mother is also a hunter?”

“Not exactly… but she has her reasons.”

Jeong Ahyeon suddenly cuts off my words.

Even when trying to pry further, there was no sign of her answering.

So as I backed off from Jeong Ahyeon, Hyeji filled the gap.

“Shinwoo. Regardless of dungeons or whatever, just burn and blow it all up.”

“…Sometimes, I seriously wonder how I should nerf you.”

“No way. Monster materials are precious resources, so we should try to minimize damage.”

“Does that actually help?”

Hyeji displayed strong skepticism.

As if questioning whether it was necessary when gunpowder and lead would suffice.

“Bodily fluids, skin, armor. Surprisingly, many people are in need of those materials.”

“Who on earth buys that junk?”

“Some use it for recovery potion materials, and strangely wealthy people purchase bizarre materials at auctions.”

[Seems like a collection hobby to me.]

‘How much money do you have to be spending that kind of dough in reality?’

[You might be hitting the ceiling with data scraps too.]

‘Stop it. It hurts my heart.’

Barely had Jeong Ahyeon’s words ended when a gate suddenly opened.

As students buzzed with half tension and half excitement.

Suddenly, Professor Marina pointed at me.

“Then let Shinwoo go first.”


“Yes, since it’s the first time, you should set a good example.”

“But there are experienced people here, why me?”

“Because I trust you.”

It felt icy.

The moment the professor says she trusts me is the most dangerous time.

“Really? This isn’t just bait, right?”

“….Of course not.”

“This is generated by the Academy, so it’s safe, right?”


Professor Marina evaded answering my question and instead swung the whip she held, leaving a mark beside me.

“Hurry up and go!”

“F*ck you.”

[So I’m a scout probe and a guinea pig, huh?]

’50 minerals are precious, you bastards.’

Professor Marina kept trying to push me out.

And the students sent their eyes towards me, urging me on.

Unable to endure it any longer, I half-gave up and stood up.

After all, it’s my first time experiencing this.

In case of any emergencies, I grabbed a spear instead of my usual longsword.

[What’s with the sudden change of weapon to a spear?]

‘A certain general said that the spear is the most defensive weapon.’

[…Where did the charge-in reckless fellow from a second ago go?]

‘I know the Academy is full of idiots. Do you really expect me to trust that?’

[……Good point.]

After gathering some minor gear.

I slowly walked into the gate.

Passing through the gate felt like a bizarre experience.

Right before entering, it felt like passing through an open front door.

But the moment I crossed the threshold, with a slight nausea, the air completely changed.

Just before entering, I had seen not even a scrap of the ruins.

But as soon as I crossed the boundary of the gate, that scene unfolded before my eyes.

Before my brain could even process that sight…

A shabby blade slashed my neck from below.


As I twisted my neck to avoid the blade and caught sight of the one swinging it at me, a sigh involuntarily escaped me.

And who could blame me?

It was just another monotonous monster I’d seen in countless media.

Green skin, a large nose, yellow eyes.

A perfectly stereotypical goblin’s appearance.

One goblin, barely wearing a tattered rag around its waist, was retrieving the blade I dodged.

Fortunately, it appeared to be a monster created by the Academy’s simulator, as there were no numbers above its head.

[Almost got cut at the entrance, huh?]

‘The club’s entrance cut is not as harsh as this.’

Anyway, having attacked means I’m prepared to be attacked.

I directly kicked the goblin that hadn’t yet retrieved its weapon.

Was that goblin flying away a signal?

Only then did I start to notice several goblins slowly revealing themselves here and there.

They wore shabby clothing, indistinguishable from the previously encountered goblin.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d stepped into a mob dungeon.

[Are you going to kill them right away?]

‘Wait a sec.’

Still, I thought I might as well try to communicate with them, wondering if they could understand me.

After all, you never know.

A noble knight might emerge from this.

“Hey, you guys—”


This time, a weak arrow cut off my words.

Indeed, no noble goblin knight was present here.

What I needed now was a goblin slayer.

‘Alright, I’ve made my decision. You all get purged. Let’s go, Gulag!’

[There’s a lot of room even at Aoji.]

An arrow flew past me and embedded itself in a tree.

Then, the goblins began rushing towards me.

I straightened the spear and prioritized taking down the goblin in front of me.

The point of my spear sank into the green flesh.

Immediately, I twisted my wrist, pulling the spear back toward me, sending the goblin’s body flying with a kick.

“Get lost, you little sh*t.”

The green hunk of meat flew away and started tangling up with other goblins.

They appeared utterly flustered as if they hadn’t expected this at all.

Totally confirmed they were mob monsters.

Regardless, killing them or not was all the same.

I quickly aimed my spear at another goblin.

“Hurry up. If you arrive first, I’ll stab you once. If I come, it’ll be two stabs.”

A rather provocative offer.

You wouldn’t see this kind of deal even during a department store sale.

Maybe moved by my offer, the goblins surged forward with wild cheers.

“Line up, you dog sh*ts.”

From the two goblins overlapping on my line of sight.

I aimed and thrust my spear with all my might.


Piercing two goblins and still having the tip stick out.

With that last bit, I nimbly stabbed another one.

I then swung my spear horizontally with a wide sweep.

The centrifugal force caused the green chunks of flesh to cascade off the spear.

Time to refill the stick now that it’s emptied.

As I prepared to stab again, I heard the loud cries of a goblin charging from behind.

For a surprise attack, it was rather noisy.

I sidestepped to avoid their blow and immediately spun, striking the goblin with my left elbow.


With a loud sound, the goblin burst apart.

Its body was indeed quite fragile, not just the clothes or weapon.

[Look, there’s one trying to shoot a bow over there.]

‘I saw it.’

Turning toward the direction I elbowed, I thrust the spear.

The goblin, who was drawing back its bowstring, met its end at the huge arrow flying toward it.

At that moment, a goblin leaped at me with a howl.

Right from the front.

“Shut up!”

I immediately swung my fist to thump its head.

Naturally, the goblin’s skull sank in.

As I brushed it aside, I continued facing another goblin.

Gradually, doubts began to creep in.

‘Wait… this is a bit much, right?’

[Wasn’t this supposed to be a solo dungeon?]

In the beginning, there weren’t this many.

But now it was different.

Goblin numbers skyrocketed like crazy.

My strength might be superior.

But that brutality in numbers demanded a toll from me.

For every ten killed, a scratch.

For twenty, a shallow cut.

For forty, a deep wound.

The number of goblins kept increasing.

With it, the injuries on my body stacked up.

And as always, an end is inevitable.

But this time, my body hit a limit.

In that brief moment of immobility due to numerous wounds, a green wave engulfed me.

‘F*ck. There are too many.’

[When minions are plentiful, even trading blows isn’t how it’s done.]

‘I don’t have a bloodsucking item…’

This wave was somewhat different from normal waves.

It didn’t just sweep past; it didn’t stop at wrapping around me.

Torso. Legs. Arms. Neck. Head. Each and every finger.

Every part of my body was held by the goblin’s teeth holding the wave.

In that moment, one goblin that had been hiding at the back jumped out proudly.

Despite sharing the same expression with other goblins, it felt as if it was mocking me.

As the goblin approached, it struck down with a blade aimed at my head.


Naturally, the blade shattered.

The ridiculous sight momentarily startled the goblin.

I made sure to show that foolish creature the cruel truth.

“This is a bulletproof head, you bastard!”

Realizing the reality, the goblin pulled out another blade.

This time, it thrust toward my neck.

That’s how the training ended.

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