Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 70

The Chief was a crazy monster freak.

In this world, there are countless bizarre sexual desires.

However, this is not always acceptable.

Let’s look at the publicly known Pokémon.

That work has numerous humanoid and beast-type monsters.

Occasionally, there are those who lust after monsters, but there are various classifications of those freaks.

Let’s take a simple example.

It’s in Gardevoir

It’s in Garde

Isn’t the feeling already different from the start?

The former might still leave room for debate.

Indeed, you can’t help but have feelings for a Gardevoir.

However, most would see the latter as insane.

And the Chief…

“It was all just beast-type monsters.”

[Can’t believe there’s not a single humanoid here.]

Belongs to the latter.

The mysterious space created by the Chief.

In that place, the Chief was forcing monster and freak role-play.

I started to miss the monster rights activists.

[What are you going to do?]

‘Right now, I can’t do anything.’

I secretly asked a Lizard Beastman to install high-performance cameras.

I wanted to go, but looking at the monsters’ desperate eyes, I wouldn’t be able to move.

Breaking the Academy.

Securing evidence against the Chief.

This will be the beginning of that grand plan.


Right now, I lack power.

To fill that power, what does the protagonist need?

That’s right.

A signature move.

Normally, protagonists have one or two signature moves.

Spirit Bomb, Higanbana, Gear 4, etc.

[Hey! Where do you think you’re hopping on in front of such masterpieces?]

‘Ah, catching a bus is skill too.’

And currently…

Right in front of me is Professor Marina.

“So, the reason you called me is to create a technique with strong power?”

“Yes, please help me make a signature move.”


As soon as class ended, I blocked Marina’s escape route, sensing a bad feeling.

Before she could ask her business, I asked for help with learning techniques.

I had already informed the cafeteria that I wouldn’t be working for a day.

Claiming I was too despaired over the weekend.

‘But… I keep hearing that Gaaah moan.’

[Shut up. I might miss it too.]

It wasn’t that I pushed Professor Marina recklessly.

What era are we in now?

It’s a time when pushing recklessly will be condemned.

So, naturally, I presented options.

“‘Choose between ‘Yes.’ and ‘Okay.’ — what kind of choice is that?!”

“Should I give three options instead? Including ‘Sure.'”


[Don’t exams have five choices? You should have added ‘Of course.’ and ‘Sure.’ too.]

‘Ah, my thinking was short.’

Marina, moved by the perfect choice, expressed her joy by whipping the whip around.

I really do have an eye for people.

Once the joy lessened, Marina looked at me with tired eyes.

“So, do you have a technique in mind?”

“I’m trying to use what I learned from the Cheonma, but it’s tough.”

“Are you talking about gathering magical power in your hand?”

“Yeah, I want to use a Death Beam too.”

“……Well, coming to find me was the right choice.”

Marina wrapped the whip around her waist and raised a single finger of her right hand.

Shortly after, a blue haze began to flicker at her fingertip.

“We usually call this magical condensation.”

“That means concentrating it in one place?”

“Yes, think of it as circulating magical power to condense the fluid flowing throughout your body into a solid at your fingertips.”

Just then, Professor Marina suddenly pointed her finger at me.



Feeling something off from the start, I instinctively dodged to the side.

The blue haze that bloomed from Professor Marina’s fingertip.

From there, a thin blue line extended, piercing exactly the spot I had just occupied.

“What a shame.”

“You crazy b*tch.”

Marina spoke casually about the missed opportunity.

“Anyway, that’s how you use it.”

“……It’s not important; I almost died just now, you silly b*tch.”

Marina blew at her fingertip like it was a weapon.

And now, she finally began to activate the sparring ground system.

‘How dare a Yankee attempt to kill an Asian? A racist piece of trash.’

[Show them the power of the Yellow Monkey!]

‘No, you can’t do that either, you f&cker.’

Hatred becomes a good motivator.

And it was no lie that with that hatred, a translucent haze began to rise from the tips of my fingers.

All ten of my fingers, in fact.

Professor Marina, seeing the magical power condensed at the tips of each finger, expressed her admiration.

“That’s it!”


If I received praise, it’s only right to return the favor.

I immediately pointed my fingertips at Professor Marina.

“Die!!! You old maid!!!”

“That’s a prohibited word!! You dog turd!!!”

The translucent beams extending from my fingertips began to fill the sparring ground.


Confidently, I emitted translucent beams from my fingertips.

Each beam held tremendous power, literally smashing parts of the sparring ground to bits.

Up till now, so good.


“No, Shinwoo student! Are you an idiot? Why can’t you aim at the person right in front of you!!!”

“My aim is weird!”

That’s right.

I’ve said it many times.

My aim is seriously sh*t.

Thanks to that, the beams released from my fingertips mostly veered off at extreme angles.

Right in front of Professor Marina, yet one managed to head towards her, but it was so slow she could dodge it easily.

Some of the beams even flew back toward me, hitting my own body.

I was definitely not made for ranged attacks.

[You are indeed a top-notch idiot. You don’t use ranged attacks do you?]

‘This is bullsh*t. Still, Topbane does not recognize you as a top liner.’

[What are you saying? There are Top Lucian, Top Queen, and Top Akshan too.]

‘No!!!!!!!! I won’t accept such people as top liners!!!!!!!’

After several failed attempts yielding no improvement, Professor Marina made another suggestion.

“Shinwoo student. Since you’re not hitting anything, just use it close range.”

“You mean gather magical power in my fist to do a Cheonma Punch?”

Marina’s expression slightly hardened.

As if to say, “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“……What method do you think maximizes surface area when using your limbs?”

“If I knew that, we wouldn’t have started this arc.”

“AAAAAAAH!! F*ck for real!!!!”

Once again, in her high spirits, Professor Marina couldn’t contain her joy and expressed it wildly.

She certainly didn’t look like a teacher appropriate for the class, but whatever.

“The area of the hand with the largest surface is the palm!!! It’s the palm!!!”

“Oh, is that so?”

“‘Oh, is that so?’ No! It means concentrate the magical power in your palm and release it!!!”

“You’re making it sound easy.”

“F*ck! You total imbecile!!!”

Professor Marina was so happy that she started tearing her hair out.

That was my opportunity.

I quickly dashed towards her.

As I charged forward, I circulated magical power in my right arm, condensing it in my palm.

Only then did Marina notice my approach and began to get flustered.

“Shinwoo student! Wait a moment!”

“Eat this! Spiraling Round!!”

[That technique already has copyright!]

‘Almost dodged that.’

[…Haven’t you already said enough?]

To avoid being reported, I quickly modified the technique’s name.


Since I learned it from the Cheonma, it should have his name in it.

Here we go.

[Cheonma Repulsor]

I stepped forward with my left leg.

With my hips engaged, I extended my right hand forward.

The moment my outstretched hand reached Marina’s abdomen…

I detonated all the magical power I had condensed in my palm.


The translucent haze rising from my palm exploded with a bang, launching Marina far away.

Her scream was high-pitched, unbefitting of her age.

As background noise to that, Marina soared through the air for quite a distance, then tumbled embarrassingly on the ground.

‘My signature move is already complete!’

[…Where is your arm, dear?]


Did I mismanage the magical power, as there was a gruesome wound below my right shoulder instead of my arm.

My right arm, as a payment for that, had become chunks scattered around Marina.

‘Great, it’s disposable now.’

[Now that your right arm is gone, let’s challenge to become an alchemist surpassing the Elric brothers.]

Fortunately, as the sparring ground system shut down, my arm returned to its original state.

At the same time, all the injuries on Marina healed completely.

As soon as all wounds were healed, Marina began to run towards me like a madwoman.

“You double-crossing bastard!!!! Who uses a technique immediately like that!!”

“But Professor! Thanks to you, I made a signature move!”

Sigh… So, what do you think of it?”

“You should lose some belly fat.”

Thinking further conversation pointless, Marina began to whip at me.

While dodging the snake-like whip, a brilliant thought struck me.

What if I overflow the magical power into the weapon I’m holding to create an aura?


What a beautiful resonance that is.

A technique that every webtoon protagonist should be able to use.

Dodging the sharply flying whip, I grabbed a steel sword from the nearby weapons cabinet.

Suddenly, Marina began to grow wary as I drew the weapon.

“Are you really trying to tackle me?”

There was no need to answer.

I just needed to show results.

I immediately began infusing magical power into the steel sword.

Professor Marina, realizing what I was about to do, yelled urgently.

“Shinwoo student!! Please stop that!!”


Jealous of my growth, huh?

People want to do what they’re told not to.

Naturally, seeing Marina becoming anxious made my competitive spirit rise.

In proportion to that, my magical power flowed even more.

Soon after, the steel sword started shining brighter from within.

I raised the glowing steel sword high.

“Behold this light! Gondor calls for aid!”

“Stop it!”

The light emanating from the steel sword grew brighter and brighter until…




With a massive flash, the steel sword exploded.

As a consequence, fragments of the blade embedded themselves in my eyes.

I stared blankly at the hilt of the steel sword, which now was only a handle.

“What went wrong? It was a perfect plan.”

Turning my head to look at Professor Marina, she too wore a bewildered expression.

Then she plopped back down on the ground.

‘Wow, Professor. At least you cared about me.’

[Still, there’s still a proper professor at the Academy.]

“Less than a year has passed… and now I have to write another letter of explanation?”

Professor Marina left no room for any sentiment.

‘Just expect something, damn it.’

[Sorry. Such a professor never existed.]

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