Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 85

As my vision returned, I saw myself charging at a male student and delivering a strike to his face with my right knee.


As soon as the impact hit his face, I grabbed his head with my left hand and slammed my right elbow down onto the crown of the male student’s head.


Before he could fall, I used his head as an axis to spin my body and wrapped a wire around his neck.


To finish it off, I stepped on the fallen student’s body and launched myself at the last remaining student.


However, I felt something a bit strange.

[Doesn’t it feel like something has subtly elongated?]

“Is that so?”

Previously, just looking for about 5 seconds would send danger signals flashing red around me.

But this time, it felt like I could see about 8 seconds into the future.


It must be because of the change in my left eye.

“Only 3 seconds longer, huh?”

[3 seconds can make a big difference in jungle maneuvers. Not knowing that just proves you’re still a low tier.]


When I returned to reality, the student had already ducked down before I could reach him.

It seemed like he was trying to avoid my flying kick from the future.

So instead of hitting him with my right knee, I did a front flip and slammed my heel down on the student’s back.


“You didn’t see this coming!”


As I landed a direct hit in the center of his back, the student let out a short gasp and began to fall to the ground.

The red number above my head went up by one, which was just a bonus.

After stepping on the fallen student’s back, I charged at the last remaining student.

He immediately swung the axe he was holding at me without hesitation.


Just then, the first student who was caught in the wire couldn’t hold on any longer and fell.

Thanks to that, the tension in the wire loosened.

Using that opportunity, I dispelled the wire and dodged under the axe.

At the same time, I kicked the male student right in the genitals.


I felt a gruesome sensation as something burst at my toes.

The male student let out an adorably cute scream and fainted.

It felt like he had already undergone a transformation.

Meanwhile, the seven male students caught by Elcia were sprawled on the ground, tied up like butterflies.

“Shinwoo, what are you going to do with them?”

“For now, we need to start with a conversation.”

First, I disarmed all the students and tossed their weapons away.

Then, by concentrating magical power on the 10 o’clock position of my magical power tattoo on my right hand, I created a new wire.

I began to tie up the students’ hands one by one.

Fortunately, the length of the wire was ample enough to bind all the students together like a holiday feast of flatfish.

“Get up, you little punks.”

I woke up all the unconscious students and made them line up in front of the lake.

Once they were all lined up, I started questioning the first student.

“What were you animal enthusiasts trying to do here?”

“Don’t use such filthy words! We are animal lovers!”

They appeared to be in a daze.

Can’t help it.

Kyoka mama, give me even greater power than before.


I kicked the first student hard and sent him flying into the lake.

Since all the students were tied up with the wire, they naturally got dragged into the water as well.

It was a beautifully orchestrated scene of shared responsibility.

[…Isn’t this just a single-class technique like before?]

“This is a 6-star UB. It’s on a different level than the 5-star UB.”

The students floundered in the water, possibly stunned by the new technique.

But they were all bound and physically entangled with each other.

In the end, they had no choice but to sink peacefully beneath the lake.

As the bubbles rising from the lake decreased, I pulled the students back out.

On the way up, I inadvertently grabbed one student’s hair, and a bunch of strands came out all at once.

‘Is this the kind of result you get from a one-hit knockout?’

[…Are you actually human?]

I stood the students up again.

Given the look of terror in their eyes, they seemed ready to answer.

I started questioning again.

“You guys. What’s your relationship with the pig lying here?”

“That person is the vice president of our animal… group.”

“I saw that guy earlier; he’s not even a student here, so why was he here?”


When I checked the Chief’s son’s wallet earlier, he was definitely 8 years older than me.

So, it was too old to be a student at the academy.

Thus, I dismissed the possibility of him being an academy student.

However, the male student hesitated, unwilling to answer.

That was my mistake.

I lacked the proper leverage.

I shouldn’t have allowed them to regain their composure.

As I prepared to raise my foot again, another student quickly replied.

“Uh, we decided to have a meeting here today!”

“Is your meeting about capturing an animal for sexual assault?”


Once again, silence descended.

As I lifted my foot again and began chanting a spell.


“Yes! It’s all true! So please spare us!”

The answers came flying out quickly.

Indeed, our ancestors knew what they were talking about.

As they said, the water holds the answers.

At that moment, Elcia called for me urgently.

“Master! Look at this!”

“How much money did you find?”

“A lot! No, that’s not the point!”

When I went over, what I found was a smaller, but equally wrapped package of drugs compared to what the Chief’s son had.

I held it up in front of the student who had been answering just now.

“What’s this?”

“Um, I can’t say that!”

The student turned pale, even more than when he was submerged in water.

When I asked the others, they all seemed reluctant to answer.

Now was the time to call on the power of a magical girl.

Magical girl Momo, please.


“Wait, stop!!”

“No dodging since it’s magic☆!!!!!”

I drop-kicked the student hard in the back, sending him into the lake.

Naturally, all the remaining students followed him right into the water.

After several repetitions, we finally got the answers we wanted from them.


“…That’s everything that has happened so far.”

“Ha… Is that so?”

Currently, we were telling the lizard beastman by the lake about the situation so far.

Since my wire had expired, Elcia’s butterflies were restraining all the students.

Just in case, Hyeji had created a rifle and was keeping a watchful eye on the students.

The lizard beastman seemed troubled, shaking his head with his hand on his head.

“The Chief’s son entered the academy illegally, using the authority of his father.”

“Moreover, as Shinwoo mentioned, there’s a druggie involved with these bastards.”

“If Master hadn’t intervened, it would have been a kingdom of animal enthusiasts!”

“The main girl recorded all the events. You should check it out.”

“Alright, just a moment.”

The lizard beastman began reviewing Jeong Ahyeon’s recording.

After some time passed, he opened his mouth with a somewhat pale expression.

“…Most of it is just editing material.”

“…Let’s skip that part.”

“So what do you all want to do?”

The lizard beastman began to ask our opinions.

Since everyone was looking at me, I answered as their representative.

“I want to wreck them all, but… that’s not feasible right now. For now, just make sure to deal with those guys.”

Just to be safe, I woke up the Chief’s son and tried to converse through the water, but this time, even the water didn’t seem to know the answer.

In a way, it was wise.

After all, I had just handed drugs to a horn-dog idiot.

“Yes, understood. Is there anything else you need?”

“The animal enthusiast group. And if possible, could you check on the movements of the druggies as well?”

“Yes, understood.”

Since the two groups were intertwined, if one faced a major issue, the other couldn’t help but be affected as well.

Most of the time, a problem on one side would wrap up with a cut-off from the other side.


[Now that the Chief’s son is involved, I’d say the cut-off will be delayed.]

“If both want to survive, they’ll likely stick together even against their will.”

If one side could wield their blade and inflict severe damage, issues would be resolved one way or another.

In a desperate scenario, one might not know what the other side was capable of, and, in the worst case, they could both perish together.

Of course, the relationship would become awkward, and they’d just be ready to stab each other in the back.

Asking if we could expect help from the authorities with the drug involvement, I got a reply.

“I don’t think that will be possible.”


“The Chief will likely do everything in his power to stop it. By any means necessary.”

The Chief was the problem.

‘Even a hedgehog protects its offspring,’ they say.

If he’s willing to pay money to get his son back, it means he has plenty of affection for him, and such actions came as no surprise.

If his son were in danger, he’d use all means at his disposal to protect him.

Hence, this incident would probably see the Chief’s son slipping away while the rest of the crew faced the punishment, almost guaranteed.

And as for the drug charges, it would all be buried.

We escorted the students down from the mountain.

On the way, Piece cautiously approached me.

[You don’t seem to be in a good mood.]

“It’s just that things didn’t end perfectly, so I’m not feeling that great.”

Things left unresolved tied back to the Chief.

Sex slave monsters. Animal enthusiasts and druggies.


I vow.

I’ll dedicate my spirit and flesh to destroy this academy.

[Don’t go quoting someone else’s famous lines!!]

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