Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 94

I’m pretty sure I don’t get along well with the professors.

I couldn’t care less whether the professors live or die.


In fact, I’d probably welcome it with both hands.

I’d bask in the joy that the Academy is cleaned up and indulge in sex (chicken and beer).

[It’s unfortunate that even after chapter 90, sex is still just chicken and beer.]

“F*cking bitch.”

However, while I may have a bad relationship with almost all the professors, it’s not like I’m on bad terms with every single one of them.

There is at least one professor with whom I have a friendly relationship, and I felt a bit guilty about that.

After all, the Kim Shinwoo Law strangles a professor’s lifeline.

So right now,

I was sitting in the Academy’s café waiting for Professor Kim Ji-sun.

Before long, Professor Kim Ji-sun entered the café and spotted me.

As usual, she was wearing a tight outfit that accentuated her curves.

“Shinwoo, I’m running late, am I?”

“No, you came just in time.”

When Professor Kim Ji-sun arrived, we ordered drinks.

“Professor, my account is locked, so could you cover mine too…”

“……You asked me to come here while your account is locked?”

“There’s really no other place…”

“And why did you order the most expensive one?”

[This time, you’re quite the disgrace.]


Professor Kim Ji-sun looked at me with a slightly pitying gaze.

Despite that, she generously paid for my drink too.

We received our drinks and sat down to chat.

“So, Shinwoo, what did you want to say?”

“I wanted to apologize because I feel like I’ve caused you some trouble.”

I said it with a slightly gloomy expression, but Professor Kim Ji-sun waved her hand dismissively.

“Oh, the Kim Shinwoo Law? I don’t mind at all.”


“I don’t use research students anyway. If I really need someone, I’d hire a part-timer.”

[Can a professor really be like this?!]

‘This can’t be true…’

I expressed my disbelief at the situation.


“Yep. It’s not even research level enough to use a research student.”


This is what a real professor looks like.

Everything I’ve seen until now has been trash masquerading as professors.

[You won’t let any innocent bystanders get hurt in your plans, right?]

‘Oh, right. I can’t let innocent victims happen.’

But, contrary to my worries, Professor Kim Ji-sun’s next words were shocking.

“Still, it’s nice that I can leave this place by next year!”

“You’re only doing this professorship until next year?”

“Yeah, more precisely, until the first semester of next year.”

“That’s a relief. Congratulations!”

“Right? This annoying place is finally coming to an end. Thank you!”

It’s definitely something to celebrate.

I would never have to experience losing a job.

“Actually, I want to thank you one more time.”

“Oh, by the way, did you get all the money from Ryu Kang-hyuk?”

“Yeah, thanks to you.”

Professor Kim Ji-sun started to show the happiest expression I’ve seen all day.

She must have been under a lot of stress all this time.

Then she suddenly looked thoughtful and opened her mouth.

“Oh, right. Do you remember I mentioned I’d book a restaurant for you?”

“The one you mentioned to Hyeji?”

“Yes, booking it was quite a hassle. I probably won’t be able to visit until next year.”

“Didn’t I burden you too much?”

“It’s okay. What I got back in interest doesn’t even compare.”

Professor Kim Ji-sun waved her hand as if it were no big deal.

To her, that amount seemed trivial.

“…How much did you lend?”

“…Don’t ask.”

Our conversation ended with an unfortunate silence.


One morning.

There was a package left at the door.

I wanted to know who it was from, so I checked the sender— it was from the Korean Hunter Association.

When I opened the package, inside was a certification in the shape of a necklace decorated with a bronze border.

That’s right.

The bronze-level certification I obtained through my recent promotion.

It finally arrived.

‘Now I’m a Bronze too!’

[What’s there to be excited about being just Bronze?]

‘That’s why high tiers don’t get it. They just don’t know this desperation.’

Other tiers might scorn bronze, but it naturally deflates around bronze levels.

At least Bronze gets treated better than Iron.

In the Hunter ecosystem, Iron rankers are seen as below a person, while Bronze is considered the lowest of the low.

After all, Iron and Bronze ranks are everywhere in the Hunter ecosystem, so there’s nothing to brag about.

But where am I now?

I’m in a Bronze classroom.

Bronze and Iron.

Though they overlook each other, it’s a wall that’s not easy to cross.

Do you think Iron rankers go out of their way to insult Bronze rankers?

Of course, it’s out of jealousy.

Those who used to bash Bronze will genuinely trash Iron once they reach Bronze themselves.

– At least being Bronze can carry its weight. Iron? Are they even human?

– Honestly, if you’re not even Bronze, you lose your voice.

– If you’re still not Bronze at your age, just kill yourself and be reborn to rank higher.

– Honestly, I’d wager a Korean beef calf would rank higher than Iron.

At that moment, I suddenly thought of my mom, who was mercilessly mocking me 1:1.

‘Mom… I might not have earned the Bronze you wished for, but I’m now Bronze!’

[…So you’re a bigger idiot at playing than your mother.]

‘It’s actually a good thing.’

If Mom plays better than me in League, that becomes my greatest strength.

I’d be immune to the insults like ‘even a Jungle f*cker’s mom would play better than you.’

It’s true.

[So, have you ever tried playing ranked with your mother?]

‘I did, but every time we play, she’d say, ‘F*ck, the difference between you and me?’ So, we don’t anymore.’

I put the certificate in my pocket and moved to class.

As soon as I entered the classroom, I purposely made a loud noise and pretended to stumble forward.


I felt everyone’s gazes on me and let the Bronze certification drop from my pocket onto the ground.

Then Hyeji gasped dramatically from noticing my actions.

“Shinwoo, are you okay? Huh? What’s that?”

“Oh, this? It’s nothing special, just my Bronze certification.”

As expected of Hyeji.

There’s no better response than this clean callback.

“You already got your Bronze? That’s amazing!”

“I just took the exam for fun, but being Bronze is kind of embarrassing.”

“In less than a year, you’re already Bronze! That’s impressive!”

“Honestly, isn’t it normal to have Bronze within a year? Am I the only one who thinks that?”

I began to hear murmurs from other students.

At that moment, Hyeji got excited and dropped her own certification onto the classroom floor.

Now it was my turn to help.

“Oh? Hyeji, you got promoted too! Congratulations!”

“I don’t really need this, but they insisted on giving it to me. Sigh.”

[With Hyeji’s level, it actually looks like she doesn’t need it at all.]

‘…Now that you mention it.’

Hyeji sighed with a nonchalant expression, brushing the dust off her certificate and carefully putting it in her pocket.

“Of course, Hyeji! Congratulations on your Bronze promotion!”

“Getting congratulated for this mere Bronze decoration feels a bit excessive.”

“Oh, really? But you still got promoted from an Iron to Bronze in this classroom; that deserves congratulations.”

“Hmm… is that so?”

“Some can’t even rank up after years, yet you did it in under a year! That’s incredible!”

“It should’ve been enough to rank up within a year. Ugh, it’s too embarrassing to wear this around my neck.”

At this point, most of the students were grinding their teeth in frustration.

Some couldn’t hold back their anger and started to curse in low voices.

“Fck, those Bronze fckers are going insane.”

“F*cking bastards acting like they’ve achieved something while taking the bus.”

“Those dogs are seriously doing sh*t from morning.”

“Where’s that squad leader? How did those f*ckers not get blocked?”

“Please just leave the café, you sh*tty bastards.”

The students’ curses were getting harsher, but I felt no impact whatsoever.

No, actually, I was happier.

Why tease?

While I do show off what I’ve achieved, mainly it’s for that fury and inferiority complex.

That’s why those f*cking Bronze rankers swallow insults while posting, “I accidentally hit a one-hit knockout and got an SSR. Sigh, do I even need this?”

While watching Hyeji and me, Jeong Ahyeon cleared her throat a few times before suddenly standing up.

Soon, she awkwardly dropped her Silver certification for all to see.

“Ahem! Ahem! I accidentally dropped my certification, Master, would you mind picking it up?”


Still wanting to give the minimum response, I spoke as if reading from a textbook.

“Wow. Really. Amazing.”

“Really? I don’t understand why I should have this if I don’t even need it.”

‘Is that so?’

[What about you then?]

I picked up Jeong Ahyeon’s certification and quickly made my way to the window, opening it wide.

Just as Jeong Ahyeon realized my actions and rushed out,

It was already too late.

Right before Jeong Ahyeon arrived,

I swung her certification out of the window dramatically.


Jeong Ahyeon screamed as she dropped to the floor.

Then, getting up, she roughly grabbed my collar.

“Why on earth did you throw it?!”

“You said you didn’t need it.”

“Just because I don’t need it doesn’t mean I should throw it away!!”

“I figured maybe if the certification disappears, you’d realize why you needed it.”


[…You did the same thing, so why are you punishing her?]

‘Oh, because when I do it, it’s bragging. When others do it, they’re f*cking losers.’

Jeong Ahyeon ripped at her hair and bolted out of the classroom, even though class was about to start.

After she left, Hyeji looked worried as she asked me.

“Shinwoo, come on, that was a bit too harsh to throw it.”

“Hmm? I didn’t throw it.”

I responded while showing Hyeji Jeong Ahyeon’s certification.

From the beginning, I had simply swung the hand holding the certification.

It was just that Jeong Ahyeon misunderstood and dashed out.

A little later, Jeong Ahyeon returned with a gloomy expression.

In that brief moment, she had run down five floors and back up again.

Seeing Jeong Ahyeon’s sulky face, I shook her ID in front of her.

“Jeong Ahyeon, I really didn’t throw it. Were you scared?”

Instead of answering, she delivered a powerful and clean kick to my chin.

For the first time, Jeong Ahyeon looked like a true martial artist.

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