Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 97

Kim Yuna was feeling a sense of happiness after a long time in her academy life.

As soon as she entered the exam room, when Professor Park Mi-ran called her quietly, she thought she must have done something wrong.

However, when she realized the reason was to gossip while supervising the exam from afar, she felt relieved.

“Yuna, you’ve been through a lot, getting caught up with that idiot.”

“You must be struggling because of Kim Shinwoo too, Professor.”

“Don’t even mention it. It’s driving me insane.”

Fortunately, Kim Yuna and Professor Park Mi-ran shared a common enemy in Kim Shinwoo, so their conversation flowed without any issues.

In fact, they could talk forever.

While they were chatting away, not too far away, Jeong Ahyeon was seen falling over while grabbing the ankles of Kim Shinwoo and Hyeji.

Seeing them tussle like that made her so happy.

Suddenly, Kim Shinwoo made eye contact with her.

‘What are you gonna do, idiot?’

Just in case, she decided to experience a brief stint of her future.

That future involved the three of them tussling until a gigantic cockroach came and ate them all in one bite.

The moment she regressed, that sight was so ridiculous that she unintentionally snorted with laughter.

Upon hearing Kim Yuna laugh, Professor Park Mi-ran looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“Yuna? What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Just look over there.”

“Oh, that?”

snort “How ridiculous! Just like idiots.”

Kim Yuna and Professor Park Mi-ran burst into laughter once more.

However, this time, the situation changed.

Suddenly, the three of them started laughing ominously and ran towards her.

And behind them, a gigantic cockroach was chasing them.

In an instant, she was startled but quickly regained her composure.

If push came to shove, she could use her whip to swing herself to another building and escape.

As she considered where to run, Kim Yuna placed her hand on her waist.

‘For now, let’s go that way first, and then—’

But she couldn’t finish that thought.

Because there was nothing where her whip was supposed to be.

“What the hell! Where did it go?”

She definitely didn’t remember dropping or putting it down anywhere.

As she pondered where she might have dropped the whip, Kim Shinwoo and his group had gotten quite close.

In that moment, Kim Shinwoo reached behind his back and pulled something out.

It was an object very familiar to her.

Of course, it was.

It was none other than Kim Yuna’s whip.

“When did that bastard steal it?!”

“Yuna! Don’t panic! Just get down from the window frame first!”

However, Professor Park Mi-ran’s words didn’t reach Kim Yuna at that moment.

As the situation escalated, she remembered when Kim Shinwoo had bumped her shoulder just before entering the gate.

‘So that was when! That little shit!’

At the moment she thought she needed to get down from the window frame, Kim Shinwoo swung the whip in his hand.

It was a sound she was familiar with.

Yet today, the sound of the whip slicing through the air felt ominous.


Right before entering the gate, she swung her whip with all her might, having sneaked it back from Kim Shinwoo.

The whip cut through the air with a swish, landing perfectly on its target.

Her target was Professor Park Mi-ran’s ankle.

“Shinwoo! What are you doing?!”

“You said it didn’t matter what means I used!”

Then she swung the whip with force toward the giant cockroach chasing them.

While dragging Professor Park Mi-ran at the end.


“It’s snack time!”


As the cockroach opened its mouth wide upon seeing Professor Park Mi-ran fly through the air, it swallowed her whole in one bite.

After recovering her whip, Kim Yuna quickly wrapped it around her own ankle.

Then they charged at the cockroach that had just consumed Professor Park Mi-ran.


“Get lost!”

As the cockroach patted its belly, savoring its snack, that was their chance.

Hyeji and Jeong Ahyeon swiftly moved to each side of its legs and tore them off.

Hyeji jumped high to slam down with the sledgehammer, while Jeong Ahyeon summoned her beasts to bite down as hard as they could.

Since it was still standing on its hind legs, the cockroach lost its balance and fell forward.

Seizing that moment, she dashed towards its head.

Of course, dragging Kim Yuna along.

“Why am I being dragged along, you little shit!”

“Come on, we’re in the same group! You can’t bail out!”

As she reached the cockroach’s head, she condensed her magical power in her left palm and placed it on the head of the cockroach, which was still screaming in pain.

She detonated the Cheonma Repulsor.

“Are you crazy?!”

The cockroach merely shook its head in agony, showing no significant damage.

Just to be safe, she tried stabbing it with her longsword, but it just bounced off.

It was so solid that her hand stung a bit.

At that moment, the cockroach opened its mouth wide, trying to bite her.

[It’s dangerous!]

“Not a chance! Swap skill!”


She quickly pulled the whip back and threw Kim Yuna into the cockroach’s mouth in her place.

The moment their eyes met, the red number above Kim Yuna’s head went up by one.

She flashed a bright smile, gave a middle finger, and ran away quickly.

In the end, Kim Yuna and Professor Park Mi-ran were snugly rolling around in the belly of the cockroach.

So far, so good.

“Shinwoo! What’s the next plan?”

“Master! Are you okay since your skills aren’t effective?”

“For now, Jeong Ahyeon, cut off all those cockroach legs!”


“Shinwoo, what about me?”

“You hide for a bit. I’ll let you know when it’s your turn.”

Jeong Ahyeon had adapted her abilities quite well.

Maybe it was due to the crisis or her anger, but either way, she could now summon beasts without closing her eyes or touching the ground.

Meanwhile, the cockroach, now agitated by her presence, began attacking her aggressively.

Headbutts, bites, swings of its forelegs, and more.

With multiple attacks coming from different angles, it was genuinely life-threatening.

‘The pattern sucks, damn it.’

[It’s coming from above!]

I got tricked during midterms, but if I fall for it again now, I’m an idiot.

But this time, it was real.

The left foreleg of the cockroach was about to smash down on her head.

Desperately, she swung her sword sideways to deflect the attack but ended up breaking the sword completely.

[Why don’t you trust what I say!!!]

‘Damn, I heard a broken clock is right twice a day.’

Still, it was worth the effort of dodging.

When the cockroach lifted its right foreleg to impale her, Jeong Ahyeon had cut it off just in time.

“Master! It’s done!”

“Good job! If that thing tries to fly, bite its wings!”

“Got it.”

“Hyeji! Follow me!”


Ducking from the cockroach’s head, she joined Hyeji and dashed forward.

They arrived at the side of the cockroach’s abdomen.

The writhing abdomen brought forth a disgusting sense of revulsion.

She pointed to the weakest-looking spot there and said, “Make a dent here.”

“Got it! Shinwoo, get back!”

Hyeji thrust the dagger into the cockroach’s side.

It didn’t sink in too deep, but that was all it needed.

Then, like pounding a nail, she swung the sledgehammer with all her might, aiming for the handle of the dagger.



As the knife sliced through its innards, the cockroach screamed in agony.

But without legs, it could only flail about in place.

As the cockroach tried to spread its wings, Jeong Ahyeon, already ready, began to bite at its wings with her summoned beasts.

In the end, the cockroach was unable to fly, only able to scream.

On the other hand, there was a small hole made by Hyeji in the cockroach’s side.

From there, a repulsive liquid was oozing out, disgusting to look at.

She thrust her right arm deep into that hole.

‘Damn, this feels weird.’

[male:miniguy or what?!]

‘Don’t tag me with that shit.’

Feeling something writhing around her arm made her want to puke.

But she couldn’t stop now.

Suppressing the rising nausea, she forced her palm open and condensed her magical power.

After all, the surrounding intestines were pressing down on her arm, which provided enough support.

Finally, she slammed in all her magic to explode the Cheonma Repulsor in one go.

<<Cheonma Repulsor - Full Burst.>>

The cockroach’s abdomen inflated greatly, then exploded from within with a loud bang.

Her arm pulled from the cockroach’s abdomen was unharmed this time, unlike when she used it previously.

It was probably thanks to the magical tattoo she had etched before.

Before she knew it, Jeong Ahyeon and Hyeji were by her side.

At the same time, the corpse of the cockroach began to disintegrate.

It was the moment the final exam ended.

In the spot where the cockroach’s belly was presumed to be, two figures appeared.

Professor Park Mi-ran and Kim Yuna.

They were both unconscious, covered in an unknown liquid, cuddling each other.

‘Whoa. That’s some thick snail goo over there.’

[How about barging in there?]

‘No way!!! Even the Second Hokage forbade it!’

They smiled at the sight, and I opened my mouth.

“See? Simple, right? —It’s a world where nobody gets hurt.”

“—Ah, so true.”

“Absolutely beautiful.”

Hachiman, you were right.

This is the world you spoke of, where no one gets hurt, right?

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