Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 204 Cornering The Dullahan

With his now much more powerful physical body Beast quickly arrives at the Dullahan and unleashes a barrage of attacks. His powerful claws produce sparks with each hit as the monster's armor manages to defend him against the fierce attacks, still, the ferocity and the high number of attacks were able to deform the force field a bit, still not enough to easily damage the weak points of the armor but after Reign and Shadow joined the fight the Dullahan became vary as he tried to get away from them by using his horse.

That however didn't work as well as the boss thought it would, Reign's incredible speed, Beast's power that allowed him to unleash an explosive burst of power and propel himself over a great distance with one step, and Shadow's teleportation allowed them to follow the boss and attack him without any breaks.

Seeing that their teammates were fighting so ferociously Wolf, Tank and Laura try their best to follow before quickly realizing that wouldn't work, their speed was higher than theirs so they needed to somehow intercept them.

Wolf quickly finds a way after observing the Dullahan for a bit, because the three were ganging up on him the boss would always use the one direction that was free to escape, if the three could somehow work together to manipulate him to come to a specific place then he and the others could ambush the boss.

The plan was good but there was a problem, a big problem. Since they were moving so fast the three were already far away, even if Wolf was to shout there was a chance that they wouldn't hear him because of their fighting, thus, his plan was almost impossible to start.

"Don't worry," Tank suddenly pats Wolf's shoulder from the back as he grins, "I haven't used this in a while so I almost forgot that I had this skill, you three get ready, I'll be the one to draw the bastard's attention!"

After hearing Tank's words, Wolf looks at him weirdly before widening his eyes, it was just like Tank had said, there was a skill that would allow them to draw the enemy to them, it was just that it had been over a month since Tank had used it as they didn't have the need for it, smiling widely he runs towards the boss with Tank and the others, they only needed to get close enough for Tank's skill to work, some 15 meters from the boss should suffice.

Of course that was easier said than done, they needed to hurry as Reign and Shadow are currently using a huge amount of mana in order to keep up with the boss and fight against him while Beast's fusion skill won't last for much longer.

The damage done to the Dullahan was now visible, the monster's armor already had scratches and a couple of dents on it from all the attacks. The horse was visibly angry as there were many wounds now adorning its powerful and proud body, black blood was coming out from the wounds before falling on the ground and corroding it.

Even though one could say that they were at a stalemate right now, the truth was that Reign and the others were the ones with the disadvantage, they had been fighting non-stop and the mana expenditure was incredibly high, Beast was soon going to lose his fusion and he would no longer be able to help them out in close range.

The Dullahan looked to be in a bad situation with his armor in such a shape and his horse wounded, but they knew that that was nothing to the monster. The horse had wounds but none of them were serious so far, at worst they would slow it down by a little bit, the Dullahan's armor was scratched and bent, but it was still useful and managed to defend him against all attacks.

The party continued fighting the boss before noticing something from the side. There were two figures that were flying over to them with incredible speed, upon closer look Reign and the others were able to see that it was actually Tank and Laura. Tank uses his shield to help them land and immediately gets up before releasing a war cry that echoes throughout the grasslands.

Knight's Roar!

The boss suddenly stops for a moment before attacking Tank, Laura had already retreated and was using her skills to summon demonic weapons that could be used to attack the boss. Tank uses everything he had to block the attacks from the boss, he had already taken them before so he knew exactly how powerful the boss was.

He and Laura were sent here by Wolf and Greenie, as the two were the ones with the highest strength in the party they had come up with a plan since they couldn't follow after the Dullahan and the others on foot then they should simply fly right?

Well that was the plan that Wolf came up with, by using his sword and Greenie with his hammer, they were able to send Tank and Laura flying through the sky towards the Dullahan, since Laura was quite a lot lighter compared to Tank she was, of course, flying faster, it wasn't until they had come closer than she spread out her clothes in order to lower her speed, it did work, not quite like she had imagined but it did work and Tank and she were able to land at the same time.

Seeing that the boss was suddenly attacking their friend whilst forgetting about them, Reign and the other 2 quickly attack it from behind, they remembered Tank's skill, he had used it once in the black forest back when they were fighting against the shadows, since then he had rarely ever used it and they all slowly forgot about the skill.

Beast suddenly glows as his body grows larger, stopping only after achieving a height of 2.5 meters. With great vigor, he swings his arm which gets coated in a golden light, and attacks the boss.

King's Might

Strength of the King

The combination of the two skills was the strongest physical attack that Beast could currently achieve.  The Dullahan tries to turn around to block the attack but Shadow and Reign immediately show up on both of his sides and stop him. With his back turned to Beast the Dullahan was forced to take the attack head-on.


A powerful shockwave blows from the impact as the Dullahan and his horse get blown away by a couple of meters, the horse was already kneeling down on the ground as the power behind the blow was too much for it to simply endure.

Before the Dullahan's horse could get up the boss swiftly puts his sword up as the night sky brightened a bit because of the person that was falling down on it.


Melting Slash

The two swords collide as Wolf smiles ferociously at the boss before the attack was finished however another figure falls down and strikes the sword with incredible power, the Dullahan's horse neighs as it was pushed even further down after the impact. The Dullahan's sword could be seen developing a small crack after the attack while its arm was shaking violently.

Shattering Stomp

Greenie had sent Wolf over by using his hammer before commanding Groll to do the same to him, even though the goblin chieftain was below them when it comes to all-around power it still had a solid amount of strength, it seemed that skills that allowed you to summon someone actually become a bit stronger when you level up?

Groll was still useless for most things, but he could at least do this much, Greenie was sent flying towards the Dullahan right after Wolf and he decided to use the skill that would do the highest amount of damage, the stomp.

He was right, the power behind the skill this time was incredible as the Dullahan was barely able to defend itself against it, the drawback however was that Greenie's right leg felt like it was going to break after the slightest touch. The power behind the attack was more powerful than he had anticipated and even he himself managed to get hurt.

Nonetheless, Greenie simply grits his teeth before using his hammer to attack, now that everyone was here it was time to end this. The Dullahan had two very annoying things, his great mobility, and speed whilst on the horse that allowed for him to escape being ganged up on, and his soul flame that could attack the very soul or become solid to defend the wielder.

Unfortunately for the Dullahan the party that was fighting against him managed to make both of his strengths almost useless. His speed and maneuverability were now zero as his horse was panting hard on the ground whilst kneeling, his flames were being countered by Wolf and Reign who used their own abilities to deal with the soul flame whilst others attacked the Dullahan, slowly the monster was getting into a very dangerous situation.

That was until it suddenly unleashed a terrifying roar that made them all fly back for a couple of meters. Before they could continue attacking the boss however it stood up from the horse as its soul flame sets it ablaze. The horse closes its eyes before its body freezes, at the same time Beast's body gets enveloped with a bright light as he goes back to normal, the fusion time had run out.

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