Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 214 Reign's Fury And Lightning Fists

Description: Antoid, a special class of ants created by the fusion of human and ant DNA. The ants can be merciless hunters and upon evolving thanks to mana they will strive to hunt and gather samples of other beings in order to create stronger versions of themselves, and an Antoid is exactly that. After using the bodies of 10 humans together with an egg of an ant, the ant will change its genetic structure and become more human-like, after its birth the ant queen will immediately become aware of the new being and she will be able to create more of them without using more humans, of course, the ants will strive to capture more since that way they will be able to create better and stronger Antoids.

How could Reign not be furious?

The birth of this creature in front of him was only possible because the ants sacrificed 10 humans in order to create it. He also felt a chill after being aware of the monster's birth, even this one was powerful and hard to deal with, if the ants continued hunting humans and creating more of them, what kind of creature would be created in the end?

Even though Reign was constantly trying to make the people in his territory stronger, there were still some safe zones left in the town and the people there were still hesitant to join them, they had gotten used to their lives and felt safe. Even though Reign and the others could easily march in and show them that the safety they felt was nothing but an illusion they decided against it, forcing people to join was not something they wished to do, if those people died, even though they will feel a bit sad they will move on, they had given them a chance after all.



Each of Reign's punches was coated in his lightning and the power behind them was enough to completely destroy the fleshy wall behind the Antoid, even the walls of the cave were trembling and cracking with each hit. As Reign continued punching the Antoid, his punches were becoming faster and faster, until his hands were a blur as over 10 punches would land on the Antoids face.

Reign jumped back suddenly as the Antoid used its legs and arms to push him away, the strong chitin of the Antoid was cracked as it couldn't defend it against such an onslaught of attacks. Yellow blood was flowing out from the cracks as the ant suddenly screeched at Reign, even though its face didn't have any facial features, one would easily find out that the monster was incredibly angry.

With great fury, the Antoid launched itself at Reign with much greater speed than before and the two started their battle again. Reign had to dodge most of the attacks as the sharp limbs of the Antoid presented a danger to him, even though he had armor on and his Tunic was able to create a shield to block the attacks, he didn't want to waste it.

Wolf and the others were only able to see a blur as the two fought, the only one capable of following the battle was Shadow as his speed was close to Reign's. Of course, the others could follow their movement if they focused or used mana to strengthen their vision, but they were currently in a battle and couldn't afford to do so.

The Major Ants proved to be tougher than they previously expected as none were dead so far, of course, the 10 ants were not in good shape and it was only a matter of time before their attacks would penetrate their defense and kill them. Wolf even tried attacking their legs only, if he could cut off all of their legs then even if they were alive they wouldn't be a problem anymore, but unfortunately, the legs of the Major Ants were also tough and they were hard to hit as one needed to hit the joints in order to easily sever them.

The flesh covering the cave was getting blasted apart by the fierce blows that came from both Reign and the Antoid. Reign was without a doubt the one with an advantage, the cracked chitin of the Antoid was the biggest giveaway for that. Reign wasn't unharmed either, bruises and cuts could be seen on his body, the Antoid's power was enough to leave some serious injury as well but luckily for Reign, his tunic managed to protect him.

It happened just after the Antoid became enraged, Reign, in his anger, failed to try and defend himself well, he only wished to attack and destroy his opponent and the Antoid managed to get a great chance because of that.

The monster was aware that a body of a human was not as tough as its own so it decided to trade strikes with Reign, during one exchange Reign was using his lightning-coated fist to hit the Antoid straight at the temple. Such an attack could deal incredible damage, and it did, the problem was that Reign had to jump away after landing the hit as he was shocked after the tunic flashed with golden light and blocked the Antoid's forearm that was aimed straight towards his neck.

Whether or not he would have been able to dodge or block the attack without the tunic was something that even Reign wasn't certain of. The attack was fast and ruthless, the Antoid was able to fully take advantage of Reign's mindset at that moment and almost kill him, of course, whether the Antoid did it on purpose or not was debatable.

Since then Reign had been fighting a bit more reserved, he could feel that the tunic had 3 more charges for its ability and it could save him 3 more times. Knowing that made him feel a bit more relaxed as he didn't know how many charges it had previously.

While the fight was ongoing, something interesting suddenly took place. The Antoid dodged an attack from Reign and it seemed as if it was going for a head kick, but once it tried to do so it found that it couldn't move its legs and almost fell forward. Reign of course realized what was happening and quickly attacked the Antoid before moving a bit back.

The same thing happened multiple times as the Antoid would be stopped by a mysterious power after which Reign had the freedom to attack him in any way he wanted. The Antoid tried to get move as quickly as possible and it would rip out the black shadows that covered its legs.

Yes, the culprit that stopped the Antoid so many times was of course Shadow. So far he and the party managed to take down 3 of the Major Ants and they would soon be finished, still, the death of three of the ants made it possible for them to focus a bit on Reign's battle as well their own.

Upon seeing the way Reign and the Antoid were fighting however they decided that joining the battle was not necessary, Shadow would simply use his shadow skills to help Reign out a bit while the others completely focus on killing the Major Ants.

Reign of course immediately figured out what was happening, with a flicker he disappears before showing up above the Antoid's head, before the Antoid could respond to the attack, Reign's fist was already in front of its eyes. With incredible speed and ferocity Reign managed to throw over 20 punches while being above the Antoid, the others could hear loud sounds of the fists as each one was able to create a loud clapping sound that reverberated through the air before hitting the head of the Antoid.

[ Skill successfully created, Lightning Fists ]

[ Lightning Fists ] – Rank B

Description: After coating the hands with mana and lightning, the user can attack the opponent with incredible speed and power, the attacks are entirely up to the user and he can stop any time he wants to, the skill only needs some mana for the first punch as the next ones will cost less and less.

The power behind this skill was the fact that it didn't need a lot of mana, power-wise it wasn't really that great, but the mana Reign would need to attack someone 50 times with this skill was the same that he would use for one attack with his [Compact Punch].

Reign gets down on the ground and immediately gives a signal to Shadow who uses his full power to immobilize the Antoid. The monster tries its best to get rid of the many shadows that were constricting its movements but fails to do so.

[Lightning Fists]

Reign activates the skill as he suddenly unleashes a barrage of attacks towards the Antoid, in a mere 5 seconds over 100 attacks had managed to hit the monster as its body was now filled with cracks, the once brown chitin was now charred black as Reign's lightning proved to be powerful enough to deal damage to it.

Right at the end Reign suddenly stops his barrage and punches the forehead of the monster. The punch wasn't really fast, nor did it look powerful, but at the moment it connected with the Antoid's forehead a huge gust of wind blew through the cave as the Antoid was sent flying towards the wall. With a bang, it hits the wall before slowly sliding down, the upper half of its head was gone and it seemed to have died.

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