Character Gallery

Since Book 1 is wrapped up, I thought I'd do a gallery of images I've generated with the AI Model "Niji Journey", alongside minor descriptions. Keep in mind, the representations here are not 100% accurate to how they are described in the story.

Since these obviously give away characters and when they appear, I have hidden them behind Spoilers. The chapters below are when they show up, but they might spoil things about the characters that happens later. This is meant as a refresher for those who have already read about the characters, or those who'd like to understand things about characters or who might have missed certain things.

If you think a character is missing, please leave a comment and I may add them.


Temaru Ryūta (Main Character, Exorcist):

He starts off very naive and with no knowledge, but through perseverance and good luck in companions / familiars, he becomes a respectable Exorcist over time.

Æmos (Lundia's Librarian-Genius):

The resident Genius at the Lundia Adventurers' Guild. He has a kind streak and often helps out newcomers to the world, by guiding them and answering their questions.


Harleigh (Paladin-Crusader):

A Crusader with a complicated past, but who, despite it all, tries his best to help people, even Exorcists. Many people look up to him in the Principality of Arley.


Owl (Master Exorcist, Mentor):

A complicated character who is hated and renowned in equal measure. He always tries to mentor new Exorcists, but he also has a hidden agenda.


Rana Thorn (Vanguard, Mercenary):

A powerful Vanguard who is infamous for her skill in the Arena, where she was undefeated. Despite her tough exterior, she has a fragile heart and the loss of people she used to know hangs heavy on her.


Armen (Guardian Wraith, Familiar, Former Priest-Crusader):

Insofar as familiars go, Armen is just about the best kind an invoker to hope to obtain. He is loyal, wise, and a former Otherworlder. Most other Guardian Wraiths do not retain their personalities, but Armen's spirit is so strong that he still retains sentience. Without his guidance, it seems all but certain that Ryūta would've been led down a sinister path as an Exorcist.


Lukas (Native, Rogue):

Lukas is energetic and cheerful, and seems to have some prominent parents as he somehow has a strong enough aura to become an Adventurer. However, he never knew his parents because he grew up in an orphanage. He is strangely-astute when it comes to gossiping and aristocracy intrigue.


Holm (Paladin, Member of the Church):

A well-respected Paladin, who often is in charge of other Paladins when their services are needed on behalf of the Church. He is serious but can be easy-going when he gets to know people. However, he has a lot of hidden self-doubt that he often keeps bottled-up.

Frode (Paladin, Member of the Church):

In many ways, he is the opposite of Holm in terms of personality, which is perhaps why they are such good friends. He is the type who can make friends anywhere. A former Viking, he now enjoys the powers of his Otherworlder Role.


Myrabelle Gyldenrose (Native, Bastard Princess):

A woman who never once in her life had control of things. She ends up embroiled in a plot to overthrow his half-brother Torvalder Gyldenrose, the Prince of Arley. Her father was the former King of Lacksmey and Arley, while her mother was an aristocrat. She is mean and haughty, and believes she is destined for something greater.


Leopold Schuber (Summoner, Servant of the Keening):

A Summoner who, after forming a Soul-Pact with a Visitor entity, has gone completely insane. He was once the companion of a sinister Demonologist with plans to upend the world order, but now serves the Old God known as the Keening. He is sadistic, narcissistic, and scrupulous, but also fiendishly-intelligent and talented in how he commands his many familiars.


Seramosa (Condemned Ifrit, Familiar, Former Native Half-Elfin):

Burnt to death by Witch Hunters for the crime of being deemed a heretic, due to her Cursebreaker powers, she has a vendetta against all Witch Hunters and in her flame-shrouded form her main goal is to destroy the Witch Hunter order through whoever is foolish enough to summon her. She is a Half-Human Half-Elfin and feels very protective of all Elfin as she knows their plight well.


Lyssalynne (Siren):

Sirens are cunning, intelligent, and possess mind-controlling power through their song. Lyssalynne is all of these things, but she is also stranded far from the sea she calls home. Despite being a creature that would normally feast on humans, she allies herself with Ryūta on the condition that he finds a way to release her back to her home.


Elye (Elfin Native, Aspiring Scout):

Easily-distracted, energetic, enthusiastic, Elye is unusual, even compared to her already-unusual Elfin kindred. She dreams of leaving her Enclave and exploring the world. She is also very talented with her bow and loves to hunt.


Charlatan Charles (Hunter-Tracker, Mercenary):

A man who takes things slow and doesn't put himself into reckless situations. He makes a living as someone who, using his Hunter and Tracker powers can find anyone, whether they are kidnapped Adventurers or runaway brides. He is a bit strange, but such is the norm for those who can speak to animals or apparitions.


Renji aka. "Skrald" (Brawler, MC's Best Friend):

Despite being transmigrated to Mondus after Ryūta, he ended up landing in the world more than 2 years ahead of him. He is Ryūta's best friend and an avid nerd, who possesses an amazing physique, even though all he wants to do is play games. He takes his duty as an Adventurer very seriously and is one of the fastest-advancing Otherworlders the Adventurers' Guild has ever seen, as, after only about 2½ years, he is close to being able to have an Advanced Role specialisation, a feat that normally takes most people a decade.


Oliver Smile (Paladin-Witch Hunter, Member of the Witch Hunter's Order):

A stern and imposing Witch Hunter who is high-ranked in his Order. He makes a living hunting down Seditionists to the Crown's rule as well as heretical Exorcists and Summoners. He once came to Mondus, searching for someone, but after more than a decade, he has abandoned his search. He often fights using Possessed Weapons and believes that the end justifies the means.


Armour-Bound Armen (Guardian Wraith, Familiar, Former Priest-Crusader):

Bound to a suit of armour by Ryūta, he has become a type of Exorcist 'tool' called an Armour-Bound, which allows him to be permanently manifested into reality and utilise all his abilities. Through the ritual to bind him to the armour, Ryūta learns that his true name is 'Theodor Grey'.


Hamel (Priest-Illusionist, The Flayed Lord's Servant):

Once a meek Priest, he somehow advanced to the specialisation of Illusionist through mysterious means. He sows chaos on behalf of the Demonologist and uses his illusion magic to hide his true appearance.


Mortl (Summoner-Necromancer, Guild Master of the Necromancy Guild):

A functionally-immortal Necromancer, who has been alive for more than two centuries. She was cursed by an Old God, but has put her immortality to good use, establishing her own Guild and uniting the many other Guilds, becoming a sort of figurehead. She carries a lantern that allows her to control an army of undead and her powers are second to none. If not for her subservience to the Crown, she would easily have been considered too dangerous to let live.


The Flayed Noble (Formerly Myrabelle Gyldenrose, Servant of the Flayed Lord):

Through an unspeakable ritual, the Bastard Princess Myrabelle Gyldenrose was transformed into this monstrosity. Its very blood can turn humans into zombie-like monsters known as 'Flayed Ones'.


Mortimer (One of The Mother's Thousand Spawn, Bound Familiar, Helmstatter Necromancy Guild Chaplain):

Created by the Exorcist Ludwig Pawn, Mortimer is a cheerful sub-type of a Demon who is the caretaker of the Helmstatter Branch of Mortl's Necromancy Guild. He has siblings in every branch of the Guild who perform the same duties as him.


Emily Smile (Air Affinity Spellhand, Wayward Otherworlder):

An Otherworlder from Oblus, who did not land in Lundia, but instead ended up in a random village north of the Arley border, within Lacksmey. She is taken under Ryūta and Renji's wings, and is trained to become a Spellhand. Her Affinity is air and she has a unique ability known as 'Tome Warden's Erudition' that enables her to see things most others cannot, like spirits and entities from the In-Between.

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