Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic

Chapter 16 – Gnoll’s Journey

In the previous chapter…


“Our Fortress has been fighting Rempart for decades. As our sovereign grew in power, he invested his resources in higher rank pawns. The number of gnoll pawns serving the citizens dwindled until gnoll-borns were treated like replacements. I could not allow it, so we fled with stolen pawns after years of preparation,” Metiva said.

Recollection of an exodus


“Our tribe wasn’t native from the marshlands. We dreamt about returning to the southern plains for so long. So, I led the willing gnolls in a perilous journey to find our roots. On the way, we lost many comrades to Rempart’s and Tower’s forces...” Metiva said.

running through rain of arrows


“We crossed the mountains, but more battles awaited us. And we were bound to give up without morale nor symbol to rally the tribe. That’s why we found hope in our ancestors’ tales, mentioning artifacts left behind.”

tired gnolls

“Eventually, we found the Warrior’s Tomb. I let my tired comrades rest, while I ventured inside the tomb with my trusted friends. However, the beholders caught us...” Her voice trailed off.


“They contacted the gnolls outside, demanding sacrifices for my safety. If they voiced their disagreement, the beholders would torture me in front of my people. Even so, my friends kept trying to rescue me even if that meant they were sacrificed first...” She said, her tears flowing out.

Even though she cried, her eyes kept staring at Shaki with determination. As long as she lived, she had the duty to fight for her tribe.

“So you’re saying that, your subordinates won’t harm us if I keep your life under my thumb?” Shaki asked.

“Yes! I beg you, let me help you. Poke your spear against my neck, I don’t care! I will save my tribe and take revenge on those evil creatures, even if it’s the last thing I do!” Metiva shouted.

Shaki’s gut feeling resonated with Metiva’s unyielding spirit.

They were both seen as the weakest. While Shaki succumbed to insecurity, Metiva stood firm for the sake of her tribe.

“Did you hear that Milia?” Shaki stood up.

“Yeah, so?”

“I’m a troglodyte myself, so I think...” Shaki said.

“That’s fine! Let’s help each other, then!” Milia shrugged.

“Thank... you…” Metiva closed her tearful eyes in relief, choking on her words.

Shaki sighed. She lacked the strength to act out her heart, yet Milia did it so easily.

She removed Metiva’s ropes with her claws.

“Listen, you owe me your life,” Shaki said.

“Of course. I know the exits of the mine and healing magic. Let me just retrieve my spell book and my staff, and I will heal everyone. I-”

Metiva groaned in pain.

“I-I don’t think I can use magic. My tendons are severed. Can you heal me?” she asked.

“Of course.” Shaki brought the puppy-slime, and lifted Metiva’s skirt.

“Wait, what are you doing?!” she shouted.

“The puppy will heal you in exchange for your mana, which is exchanged through sex. Slime, do your job,” Shaki said.

“Actually, I can heal someone without draining mana, but…” Slade said, as he reverted into his slime form.

“Eek?!” The scared gnoll yelped when the living jelly touched her wounds.

After a few minutes of treatment, Slade wobbled away.

“Oh, I feel better. Thank you!” Metiva said, as she stood up.

[The gnolls have joined you for greater glory.]

“Thank you,” a gnoll said after Shaki untied him.

The gnoll’s belongings were lying in a corner of the big palace hall. She tenderly pressed her spell book and wooden staff against her chest. A torn green flag hung from its tip, testimony of their former allegiance to a Fortress sovereign.


Shaki: “A sacred warbanner, huh?”

Milia: “What is it? Weren’t we supposed to have one?”

Shaki: “We have only one at home, and Violet keeps it for emergency. It’s for army commanders in the rear line.”

Milia: “Isn’t it like begging the enemies to target you?”

Shaki: “It’s worth it. You know how pawns are much weaker than their natural counterparts?”

Milia: “Uh... maybe?”

Shaki: “Right, there were pawns amongst the gnolls. They were sluggish, clumsy, predictable and mindless. But a warbanner let them tap into the commander’s expertise and mind.”

Milia: “Wow, you researched a lot before the summoning. We’ve been shut inside the cave for months since the start, so I had no idea.”

Shaki: “You would know if you had read the manual, but I know that’s impossible for you.”

Milia: “Ugh, of course! I don’t wanna spoil myself.”

She scanned the group of gnolls. Half of them were gnoll pawns.

Metiva overheard and raised the warbanner.

“The staff also helps me and my fellow witches to spread our spell further to reach the army. Like so,” she said.

The spell book floated and flipped open. She drew sigils in the air with her index.

After finishing, a glowing mist wrapped the wounded gnoll witches, healing them. Metiva held her staff with her two hands, channeling the spell until the targeted gnolls were cured.

“Thank you, matriarch! I’m fired up!” a gnoll cheered as he equipped his lamellar armor, flail and shield.

“Don’t push yourself! We will relay you with the cure spell,” a witch said as she reached for the warbanner.

“Matriarch, those are the artifacts we came to retrieve!” a witch brought the items to her leader.

“These are… The Gnoll King’s Buckler and Flail,” Metiva said, her voice shaking.

Tears of joy trickled as her hands reached out to the weapons.

“Everyone… I am sorry, but let’s lend our treasures to our saviors. I believe the minotaur might be able to use it…”

She gasped when she lifted her head.

Her fellow tribesmen were equally happy to recover their ancestor’s treasure, but their soft eyes didn’t blame her for the decision.

“Matriarch, we respect your decision. Please lead the tribe to Glory!” a young warrior said.

“I finally see the light, after those months of darkness. Maybe we could borrow the Dungeon’s strength after we escape this place?” a witch gnoll said.

After Metiva had finished dealing with her subordinates, she returned to the Dungeon rooks.

update 08-20-21

the so-called saviors

She had expected Shaki to press a spear against her neck at all times, but she ended up guarding her partner, Milia.

“No means no. Disappear, trash,” Shaki said.

“I’m gonna die~~” Slade moaned.

“Aren’t you overreacting, Shaki?” Milia asked.

“No, I won’t let you screw Milia anymore,” Shaki said.

“Why me? What about the pawns?” Slade cried.

“Those things are my substitute bodies. Pawns are like my own limbs,” she said.

“Ooooh, makes sens-Ugh,” Slade yelped.

The troglodyte rook was stepping on the poor puppy, while her pawn and the minotaur were panicking.

“What’s going on?” Metiva asked.

“This slime cannot naturally recover mana. He drains mana by having sex or else he dies. But that pervert chose that fate himself,” Shaki said.

“Wwong! I was fowcefully summoned in this wowwd!” Slade said.

“Granny had a lot of imagination when she created that,” Milia smirked.

“He’s going to die?...” Metiva asked.

“I have fouw houw left to live!” Slade cried.

Shaki let go of Slade when Metiva approached. The matriarch kneeled in front of him.

“I will never forget your help, little puppy. You have defended my pack, so let me take care of you,” she said.

“I don’t want... pity sex,” Slade muttered.

“Pfffft,” Milia repressed her laughter.

“Keep the excuses for yourself. I’ve dealt with men like you who were only after Milia’s ass.,” Shaki growled.

She could only reject Slade’s obstination as targeting Milia specifically because she was easy.

Well… She wasn’t completely wrong.

“I can’t let our savior die in such a sad way. It’s my duty as matriarch to repay your kindness. But before...” Metiva said, standing up.

She approached the Dungeon rooks, presenting the Gnoll King’s artifacts.

“Those are the treasures you mentioned…” Shaki said.

“That’s right, the Gnoll King’s Flail and Buckler. We’re lending you our most valuable artifacts, the reason we risked our lives. Let it be the symbol of our honest alliance,” Metiva said.

Milia’s eyes shone. Her face wore an obscene smile.

“Thank you! I lost my greataxe during a tunnel collapse. I will humbly accept your token of trust,” the minotaur said.

Her hand trembled as they reached for the weapons. She couldn’t wait to use them.

“Now if you would excuse me… I will attend to the puppy,” Metiva said.

“A-are you sure?” Slade asked, feeling terrible about it.

“Yes, let’s keep it a secret from my pack. They might get mad if they learn about it,” she said to the rooks.

“Fine, have fun,” Shaki said as they scattered.

Metiva walked deeper into the palace with the puppy in her arms.

“Don’t feel bad about it. What is your name?” she asked.

“I’m Slade, nice to meet you Ma-” he said.

“Alright, let’s test the Gnoll King’s Flail!” Milia shouted with excitement.

“What?!” Shaki and Metiva stopped in their tracks.

Milia was facing the Pillar of Eyes, the tree of flesh birthed beholders. The spiked metal ball was already rotating at great speed in her hands.


She slammed the flail into the tree, tearing a huge chunk of flesh. A fountain of blood sprung forth.


The pillar’s eyes shot wide open, and its mouths screamed.

Everyone flinched, covering their ears with their hands.



Honk honk, dear protagonists!

Gnoll mommy acquired!

Finally some blood ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )


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Special thanks to our subscribers: Xedex, Puck and Eternal_Havoc for generously funding our degeneracy (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ).

See you Saturday for battle!



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