Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 02 Picking powers

That’s where I come in. One day I’m laying in bed then the next I get isekai’d into the new Marvel/DC universe. I’ll skip meeting the god that sent me here and maybe include it as a bonus chapter later. Same goes with the sad backstory part where all kinds of bad things happen in my life and just get to the fun parts.


I was given a menu like list of my stats with options to choose super powers from and given five points to pick from.


Above average strength

Above average dexterity

Above average endurance

Above average intelligence

Below average charm


As I looked through the list I realized it would take me a while to even look through all of the options. Next to each stat is a plus and minus sign which I click on the plus next to strength and see it reach peak human and my total points drop from 5 to 4. I click the minus and bring it back down to above average to make sure I could still remove points once I put them in. After verifying I raise my strength as high as it can possibly go.


The ranking goes from above average to peak human, low superhuman, mid superhuman, high superhuman and finally low deity/cosmic. After checking I lowered my dexterity to the lowest point possible with it going to average, below average and finally slow. I finish raising my strength and it maxes out at peak deity/cosmic.


Being a one trick pony never really suited my playstyle in any game I ever played. I would often choose a weaker class just because they brought more than the best tanking/damage/healing. I lowered all the stats to the lowest possible just to see what I could get out of them if I ignored crippling myself.


Weak, slow, feeble, stupid, ugly human is what I’m left with and 18 points to spend to prove I’m not those things. I take a quick look at the items option and rule out everything as an item could be taken away from me. Spending a point on a lightsaber for it to be stolen and reverse engineered by Tony Stark would be a high possibility.


After an hour of selecting powers and readjusting my stats I’m just about to finish my choices when I come across self biomatter control. I could place three points in most powers and this was one of them.


By putting three points in I would upgrade it to biomatter control and finally biomatter manipulation. The first point would allow me to adjust myself, consuming my own biomass to make changes. This alone would allow me to drop strength, dexterity, endurance and charm down to the bottom because I could alter my body afterwards and push myself to peak human in all of them.


The second point would allow me to do the same for other people and finally the final point would allow me to do so at a distance and use/fix biomass from multiple people at once as well as corpses. I would always be able to draw biomass from myself to help another person but using someone else's would require their permission or it would be significantly more difficult.


Selecting the powers gave you innate knowledge on them allowing you to know what was and wasn’t possible. I instinctively knew my plan would work out the way I wanted to barring any unforeseen circumstances. After almost missing a huge game changer of a power like that I decide to go through the entire list before making my mind.


After a few hours I come across another huge power I would rely on to stretch out every one of my points to its max potential. That power is Growth. The first rank would double the speed I learned and quadruple that speed if it was system granted knowledge or power. The second rank would allow me to break stat thresholds by training and finally it would allow me to break power ranks by training.


For three points I could eventually save two from any of the three point powers I would purchase solely through training. I would have to start with the lower power but eventually it would be strengthened to the peak of that power. Finally I looked at the higher cost talents now that I had more points to spend. The power bundles seemed good at first only costing five but it would lock you out of purchasing other powers. They were also focused on being good at one particular thing.


While they cost five points they’d give about ten points worth of power so anyone who hadn’t picked the powers I had this would be the best option for them. It would make them a one trick pony. Looking at the strength bundle it increased all physical stats to low super human, gained a power that boosted them further for a short duration, low superhuman regeneration and environment adaptability which would let them acclimatize to new environments rapidly.


The stronger a power the more points it needed, flight was two points while teleportation was four. I racked my brain trying to think of the best way to maximize my growth power that would give me similar if not better results. Flight was two points but telekinesis was only one. Selecting it I knew I could only control things within five feet around myself and I would only be able to lift a few pounds but it would eventually grow to where I could lift multiple people while also making myself fly.


The more expensive powers could be saddled with negative effects to reduce the cost like a duration for flight or increasing the cost but adding extra effects like multiperson teleportation for six points. I was looking at one power but it was just too expensive. Power syphon was a ten point power. If someone who didn’t care about harming people like Rogue got her powers they would be a cosmic level threat.


Selecting only stealing the weakest version of the power dropped it by three points. Another two were shaved off when I had to kill them while touching them to gain the power. Another point was saved by only being able to siphon men. The final point saved was by restricting the minimum age to twenty to siphon powers. I didn’t plan on going Anikan Skywalker to get stronger.

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