Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 103 A good Ironfist

The man sat around a bar with a drink in his hand. He waved for another as he downed his shot and looked over at old-fashioned wanted poster board in this Wild West-style bar. A man had a hundred million price tag put on his head. The man didn’t remember how long it had been since he had seen one that high. He knew one thing though. Jonah Hex wanted that reward.




A flood of assassins, bounty hunters, and people who were desperate for money. Some noticed the name and backed out but others came specifically to take their shot. A flood of the worst of humanity headed towards New York. Many of the smarter heroes started to make their way as well to stop any of the villains who would try to lure him out with hostages. Only the truly stupid bounty hunters would try that though. Everyone knew Danny Storm didn’t give a fuck about anyone he wasn’t fucking.




Raven looked at the wanted poster with a frown on her face. He hadn’t called and asked for help, she knew how strong he was but it still left a bad taste in her mouth. He was her man, at the very least she should try to call and see if he needed help. One of her younger teammates looked at the paper she was holding.


“Woah, who’s the stud?” The shorter Atlantean peaking around her. Practically a miniature clone of Raven. Shorter, with shorter hair she tried her best to pull off the goth look but was too cheery. She drew the attention of the other members. The boy on the team walked over and looked at him before muttering. “Yeah, I guess he’s good-looking but I bet I’m stronger.”


Raven couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at that. It shocked everyone in the room and they knew she had a connection of some kind with him. The other two girls came running over to look. “Mmm- I wouldn’t mind him burying his bone in my backyard.” The witch girl said. 


The girl dressed like a pop star but was actually the most apathetic spoke. “Gross. Why do you always make it about anal sex? I mean… I think I just felt my heart move looking at his picture.” That was as surprising as Raven’s laugh. Even now he was pulling in people who didn’t even know him. Raven decided to tease her team a bit.


“That’s my boyfriend so I know you’re not stronger than him Swordsman.” He was the only one who hadn’t given his real name yet. Raven knew it but most definitely didn’t want to out his secret identity. He was one of the few who wasn’t outed yet so he could live a life of peace if he quit.


If Danny was here he would recognize the names but not the people. All three were reworked heroes/villains and Swordsman was made into a punk kid with a giant magic sword. The witch girl was Linda Littletrees but looks like Clarion's twin except for a female. Instead of hellfire, she used witch magic.


The portal maker was called Sidestep and her character was completely redesigned from the ground up to fit on the team. Colorful clothing, her ability was close to something like the portals from Portal. Visible teleportation range practically unlimited uses with more than one portal. The final one was a blue-skinned Atlantean called Deep Blue. She was the half-sister to Aquaman and due to her upbringing, she behaved more like a child than a thirty-year-old woman.


Deep Blue had a tell when she had emotions and her hair had switched from blue to red looking at the man in the picture. She had the same fish-out-of-water problems Starfire and Miss Martian had with not understanding human behavior. She read the numbers at the bottom. “One… hundred… thousand… million! He’s worth one hundred million dollars!?” Raven could only chuckle again. “At that price range, it still doesn’t put him very far into harm's way. They’d have to pay at least ten times that price to bring in a hitter heavy enough to take him down.”


Raven didn’t realize that her group was now looking at her with even more shock. They thought she might have said they needed to help him but she made it clear it would be unnecessary. She only wanted to see if he needed protection so she could be close to him.




And that’s the sixth circle. Looks like- huh? These two shouldn’t be here. I came in and knocked everyone down right away so I didn’t notice that two of them were heroes. I asked. “Umm… What’s up with these two heroes here?” One of the stronger fighters I had to struggle to put down spoke. “We will never tell you!”


I walked over and put my hand on her head. I didn’t mind reading minds if it cut through the bullshit. So… I could tell right away there was something wrong with her memories. She just had too many of them. She was like an immortal… She was one of the Iron Fists. Which one though? She was Wu Ao-Shi, the one who could use a chi bow to fire arrows!


I said without thinking. “How the hell are you alive!?” Without much thought, I checked her chi space, and my breath caught in my throat. What the actual fuck! How does a human have fourth-stage chi in their system? Where the fuck is her core at? How did this happen? With so many questions, I decided to delve deeper into her past.


I read her comic. It was good but much was left to the imagination. The fisherman husband was an absolute doofus. ‘Oh no my wife is too competent.’ What a fucking loser. That did bring me to her memories of the dragon. It started to make more sense. The people who fought against the eternal dragon actually thought they beat him but that makes less than zero sense. It was the dragon fucking with them the entire time. He was fighting with people and if he liked them he’d knock them out implant fake memories of them winning and then give them some of his power.


That was insane! Dragons can blow up mountains and fight near the same level as gods and he managed to trick like sixty people into thinking they beat him. The chi plasma flowing in her body lengthened her lifespan to over a thousand years. That still left her with a gigantic problem… At least it would have if I wasn’t so fucking great at controlling chi.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 140+ 

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Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 40

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

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