Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 112 Doing the right thing sucks

I had put off something I wanted to do for too long. It was a thing I was working on called Project Good Guy. This was something I wanted to test and had been playing with for Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker. I was living a very comfortable life but it made the difference between actual heroes clear. I just wanted the people I like to be happy and those two were very difficult to change.


Peter was stubborn beyond a normal person. His Aunt May was now the CEO of a nonprofit but also very rich herself. Even still Peter refused to quit his job and rely on his Aunt. If I were to be one hundred percent honest… Peter was kind of a loser. He could be a rich philanthropist if he made a business but for some reason, he thought being the ‘friendly neighborhood Spiderman’ would make more of a difference than donating millions of dollars.


Bruce was in a similar but equally different position. He had the money but thought fighting crime was a better use of his time. He could have any woman he wanted but the only child he had was to a homicidal maniac. He was wound tighter than a yoyo and needed a woman to make him a bit softer. Peter needed a relationship too.


Both worked better when they were in relationships but the writers refused to let either of them be happy. Peter would date someone, and then they’d break up with him for no reason or die. If that didn’t happen then fucking Mephisto the contract demon would take his relationship from him to revive his Aunt May. It was frustrating to see both of them be unhappy because the writers wanted them unhappy for some reason.


Gwen Stacy was Ghostspider in this universe but she was also dating Miles now. I refused to pair him with Mary Jane because she’s the worst or Felicia Hardy because I wanted her. People who think Mary Jane and Peter should end up together are the same morons who thought Ross and Rachel should have ended up together. Mary Jane was bad for Peter that really only left one girl for him and I had Emma Frost working on hiring her right now.


For Batman it only made sense for him to end up with Catwoman. Which… Sucked for me but I didn’t need to end up with every girl. It was her or Talia Al Ghul and that was its own can of worms. She was too evil for them to be truly happy together. She was also kind of, just a smidge, insane. That’s why she was going to end up with the guy who can fix her, hopefully me.


Selina was still missing in action. There must be a big heist going down because many of the fem thieves have been missing from the city since before the 100 showed up. I could tell Harley knew something about it but she was surprisingly hush-hush about the entire thing. That left me to push another situation through that I wanted to try and make happen. Two girls I’d have liked for myself but were destined for something else needed to be set on the right path.




Barbara Gordon had gotten back into the saddle and begun working as Batgirl again. It had taken some time to get used to her ability to walk again but she was mostly back up to full strength. Just like normal she shot her grappling hook and swung two buildings over before looking at her phone. Batman still hadn’t gotten back from space so it left a big gap in patrols that they were all struggling to fill.


She scrolled through her messages before freezing when she saw she had one from ‘her savior’. It read ‘Hey, can we meet up somewhere?’ As she thought about what to do a portal opened up on the roof. He summoned a table and two chairs out of nowhere before sitting at one and gesturing towards the other. As she sat he teleported a cup of tea and some cookies as well. She took a sip and was pleasantly surprised because it was her favorite.


The cookies were delicious as well and she was half distracted by just filling her empty stomach with the food. He spoke as Barbara finished her third. “I think you should make motions to date both Dick and Kori.” She sat back as far as she could blown away by the suggestion. She loved Dick and was good friends with Kori, it made being around the two as they were affectionate that much harder.


The man somehow saw through it all as he explained. “Kori doesn’t view relationships like humans do. She would be happy if you joined their relationship and I don’t think I need to tell you what Dick would think about it.” She coughed up the cookies as the sudden relationship talks with a person she barely knew wasn’t something she expected that day. She asked. “Why do you care?”


The man made a pained noise. “Because… I’m trying to be the good guy. You and Dick might end up together or you might not but whether you do or don’t, someone gets hurt. Kori gets left behind or you can only look in at their happy relationship. I’m telling you right now that you, Dick, and Kori will be happier if the three of you are together.” The man looked upset even suggesting it.


Barbara thought about it and wasn’t completely against the idea but why did the man care? He looked visibly sick even bringing it up. She… She had thoughts a normal person wouldn’t have… She… Wanted exactly what the man was saying with the two people he was talking about. It was only the social stigma against polygamy that stopped her from suggesting it… That, and the embarrassment if she was rejected.


She gulped as she asked. “So, h-how would I go about… Even suggesting what you said.” The man stood up and asked. “Do you have to use the bathroom?”




I teleported into the center of Titans Tower and watched as the Titans were having a movie night. Dick and Kori were on one couch. I walked over to them before saying. “Hey, can you look after her for a bit for me? She’ll probably want to talk to you two in private after she wakes up.” Barbara’s body shook and spasmed as I injected her with the U.S.S., and before they could ask any questions I teleported away.


I felt sick giving away a woman I had set my eyes on but the only time I touched her she had zero lust for me, the person who fixed her legs and only had eyes for Dick. I could wait for her to move on, I could wait for Starfire to be abandoned… Or I could do the right thing and let the three of them be happy together with each other… It sucked, it really sucked to lose both of them but I don’t think they’d be as happy with me as they would be with Dick.


I still felt physical pain as I did so. Both were two I really, REALLY liked. Both often ended up with Dick but one was always the loser. Starfire was pansexual and Barbara was bi… It made no sense for them to not come to the conclusion of both dating Dick but social norms stopped Barbara from ever suggesting it. I took a deep breath before I flipped through my phone looking for who would be up for an orgy.


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