Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 115 Drugs are bad mkay

“Holy fucking shit!” I exclaimed from shock at Damien Wayne’s terrible chi core. “Ahh meant… Holy freaking shucks…” He stated. “I don’t care that you swore. It just shows the terrible upbringing you’ve had.” I chuckled as I said. “Eat shit kid. Alright so, the person who made your chi core did you a huge disservice. You’re about as strong as an adult while you’re still a child but the falloff will be tremendous when you grow.”


I took in a deep breath before he asked for clarification. “Explain.” I continued. “So, you’re much stronger now but as you get older you’re body will naturally deform because of how easy everything is to lift. You’d have to spend twelve hours a day weight lifting to not be stick thin. Plus the core is overclocking your biology. If you were to live until your thirties I’d be surprised.”


His neutral expression finally broke and I could only smile as I explained. “Thank god I caught it before it started causing problems in a few years. I’m going to break the core and turn it into… Two magic circles for you then we’ll talk about what you want to do in the future.” This would make him weaker, bringing him back down to a normal eleven-year-old in strength, possibly even lower because he hasn’t been stressing his muscles as much as a normal eleven-year-old would.


I smiled as I had a solution for it. I could enhance his muscles with biomatter manipulation and bring him up to fighting strength but he’d still only be slightly stronger than a normal eleven-year-old. Well, the super drug I made did need a child test subject if I was going to give it to my children. I’d have to word it correctly to get him to agree. “So… Right now you’re much weaker than you were.”


I gave him a hand up as he was sitting in the lotus position which is how he was trained to gather chi. I portaled us to the training area in the Wayne manor and said. “Go ahead and test yourself real quick before I give you two options.” He was still skilled but the difference in his strength was causing him visible irritation. That was good for me. I said.


“So two options, one safe one not so safe. The safe option. I can enhance your muscles up to peak eleven-year-old. You’ll be weaker than you were with the core but stronger than you are now, or I can inject you with the super drug I’ve been creating. It works on adults but I haven’t tested it on children for ob-.” Damien cuts me off. “The drugs obviously.” I looked around like I was about to do something bad before saying.


“Well, I think we should ask your father first… But since he’s in space, let’s ask your mother instead.” I portaled us to the entrance to the League of Assassins base that Talia Al Ghul was in. As we walked in several ninjas popped out but I just lifted them up slamming them together or off the ceiling or bringing them down on their heads.


Talia was in the middle of torturing some guy for information. She looked up surprised at us as I asked. “Hey, can I give your son some drugs?”




Talia Al Ghul was a psychopath. She was deranged and would kill her son if it suited her goals fairly easily. So after I sent her son back to the mansion after injecting him I had her bent over a pile of ninja corpses fucking the crazy out of her I finally felt satisfied. She was another crush as a child. I didn’t really like what they were doing with her in recent comics but that was most comics to be fair. 


The best Talia Al Ghul was when she was working against her father but is been a long time since we got any of those stories. When she was an actual love interest to Batman, not a one-time fling or predator who drugged him to have his child. Thank god they didn’t use that storyline this time around and it was only a one-night stand.


I could tell what was wrong with her and by inference conclude what would be wrong with Ra’s. Something(the Lazarus pit) was corroding their souls. It wasn’t the shave off a piece of soul method either, it only weakened not strengthened. Her chi core was perfect and very close to solid. Another fifty orgasms will get her the chi she needs. I’d rather crush her core and make her magic circles instead though.


I pulled my dick out just before the tip left before plunging back in and slamming her into her hard enough for her to bounce to the edge of my cock again. *Whap whap whap whap whap*. Mostly silent but as she came she would moan like a frustrated ghost. I brought her to another orgasm but I didn’t have all day to fuck her. I sped up jackhammering into her.


Slowly I got faster and faster hammering into her three pumps a second to four to five to ten. That was six hundred pumps a minute, the average for most sex is forty-eight. That was as fast as I could fuck her. If I was fucking Raven I could hammer into her so fast that it would look like I wasn’t moving. Even with her superior body, I started to feel friction as she came her brains out so I portaled in a bottle of lube and started pouring the entire thing out between us.


At ten seconds it broke her and she froze climaxing the hardest she ever had in her life. Ten seconds after that and the whimpering moans she had during other orgasms were gone. She just loudly moaned in between heaving for breaths. After three minutes she passed out from the sex. If you fuck someone hard and fast enough it shuts their brain off making them pass out.


Her unconscious body was laying on top of the dead ninjas. She was heavily snoring which meant she was choking on her tongue so I adjusted her so she wouldn’t die in her sleep. I needed to resolve her and her father's problem before I could let her go. Her father might torture her or some dumb shit because of how corroded his soul was.


Ra’s Al Ghul was another I knew I couldn’t kill. Some dumb bullshit would stop me or if I did kill him he’d be a clone or body double or it was all an illusion planted in everyone's mind or he faked his death even though I beheaded him and hung his head on my wall. The only thing that would kill him is plot and it would only kill him for long enough for people to miss him. So the best way to get him out of my hair was to fix him.


I teleported her to one of my reserved hotel rooms in the same country she was in and I teleported to the entrance of Ra’s ‘secret’ layer. I worked my way through his ninjas. Even now they still didn’t learn. Brainwashed as these were they at least had an excuse. The hand had no fucking excuse for being so stupid. It made me want to spank Alexandra and Madam Gao for being such bad girls… Well, enough thinking about future plans, I had to cure an old fuck of his demon cancer.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 160+ 

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 49

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Farming is OP Chapter 12

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